1) Define Mechanical Advantage?
2) What factor affect the mechanical advantage of a machine?
3) Define ideal machine?
4) What are output work and input work?
5) What is moment?​


Answer 1


1) ans: The ratio of load to effort in a simple machine is called Mechanical Advantage.

2) ans: Frictuon produced in Simple machine affect the mechanical advantage of a machine.

3) ans: The machine whose efficiency is 100% is called ideal machine.

4) ans: The work done by the machine is called output work.

ans: The work done in the machine is called input work.

5) ans: The turning effect of force is called moment.

Related Questions

If the average time it takes for the cart from point 1 to point 2 is 0.2 s, calculate the angle θ from the horizontal of the track. Assume the track is frictionless. Hint: use the definitions of acceleration and Newton’s second law.





I dont know because I am a noob ant study

Cho điện cực dưới điện cực trên . Hàm thế biến thiên theo qui luật:
Xác định sự phân bố điện tích khối và .



Quantum theory gives the concept of

Consult Multiple-Concept Example 11 for background material relating to this problem. A small rubber wheel on the shaft of a bicycle generator presses against the bike tire and turns the coil of the generator at an angular speed that is 40 times as great as the angular speed of the tire itself. Each tire has a radius of 0.330 m. The coil consists of 163 turns, has an area of 3.23 x 10-3 m2, and rotates in a 0.0948-T magnetic field. The bicycle starts from rest and has an acceleration of 0.601 m/s2. What is the peak emf produced by the generator at the end of 6.72 s





From the question we are told that:

Angular speed [tex]\omega=40*\omega'[/tex]

Radius [tex]r=0.33m[/tex]

No. Turns [tex]N=163[/tex]

Area [tex]A= 3.23 * 10^{-3} m^2[/tex]

Magnetic field. [tex]B=0.0948T[/tex]

Acceleration [tex]a=0.60m/s^2[/tex]

Time [tex]t=6.72s[/tex]

Generally the equation for momentum is mathematically given by








Generally the equation for Peak emf is mathematically given by

[tex]Emf=NBA \omega[/tex]

[tex]Emf=163*0.0948* 3.23 * 10^{-3} m^2*488.7rads/s[/tex]


Canopus, which is in the constellation of Carina and Argo Navis, is 310 ly away. You plan a sight-seeing vacation for Canopus and book a flight on the fastest spaceship in the universe, which travels at the speed of light. How many meters will you traverse to reach your vacation destination





From the question we are told that:

Distance [tex]D=310ly[/tex]



Generally the equation for  meters will you traverse to reach your vacation destination is mathematically given by




Explain how the gravitational force between the earth and the sun changes as the earth moves from position A to B as shown in the figure. Sun Earth at position B Earth at position A​



The distance between sun & Earth at position A is less than the earth at position B. The gravitational force of two bodies is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. So At position A gravitational force is more & it decreases as it rotate towards position B.

A 2.0-kg block sliding on a rough horizontal surface is attached to one end of a horizontal spring (k = 250 N/m) which has its other end fixed. The block passes through the equilibrium position with a speed of 2.6 m/s and first comes to rest at a displacement of 0.20 m from equilibrium. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the horizontal surface?


Suppose the spring begins in a compressed state, so that the block speeds up from rest to 2.6 m/s as it passes through the equilibrium point, and so that when it first comes to a stop, the spring is stretched 0.20 m.

There are two forces performing work on the block: the restoring force of the spring and kinetic friction.

By the work-energy theorem, the total work done on the block between the equilbrium point and the 0.20 m mark is equal to the block's change in kinetic energy:

[tex]W_{\rm total}=\Delta K[/tex]


[tex]W_{\rm friction}+W_{\rm spring}=0-K=-K[/tex]

where K is the block's kinetic energy at the equilibrium point,

[tex]K=\dfrac12\left(2.0\,\mathrm{kg}\right)\left(2.6\dfrac{\rm m}{\rm s}\right)^2=6.76\,\mathrm J[/tex]

Both the work done by the spring and by friction are negative because these forces point in the direction opposite the block's displacement. The work done by the spring on the block as it reaches the 0.20 m mark is

[tex]W_{\rm spring}=-\dfrac12\left(250\dfrac{\rm N}{\rm m}\right)(0.20\,\mathrm m)^2=-5.00\,\mathrm J[/tex]

Compute the work performed by friction:

[tex]W_{\rm friction}-5.00\,\mathrm J=-6.76\,\mathrm J \implies W_{\rm friction}=-1.76\,\mathrm J[/tex]

By Newton's second law, the net vertical force on the block is

F = n - mg = 0   ==>   n = mg

where n is the magnitude of the normal force from the surface pushing up on the block. Then if f is the magnitude of kinetic friction, we have f = µmg, where µ is the coefficient of kinetic friction.

So we have

[tex]W_{\rm friction}=-f(0.20\,\mathrm m)[/tex]

[tex]\implies -1.76\,\mathrm J=-\mu\left(2.0\,\mathrm{kg}\right)\left(9.8\dfrac{\rm m}{\mathrm s^2}\right)(0.20\,\mathrm m)[/tex]

[tex]\implies \boxed{\mu\approx0.45}[/tex]

The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the horizontal surface [tex]\mu =0.45[/tex]

What is coefficient of friction?

Coefficient of friction, ratio of the frictional force resisting the motion of two surfaces in contact to the normal force pressing the two surfaces together. It is usually symbolized by the Greek letter mu (μ). Mathematically, μ = F/N, where F is the frictional force and N is the normal force.

Suppose the spring begins in a compressed state, so that the block speeds up from rest to 2.6 m/s as it passes through the equilibrium point, and so that when it first comes to a stop, the spring is stretched 0.20 m.

There are two forces performing work on the block: the restoring force of the spring and kinetic friction.

By the work-energy theorem, the total work done on the block between the equilbrium point and the 0.20 m mark is equal to the block's change in kinetic energy:

[tex]W_{total}=\Delta K[/tex]



where K is the block's kinetic energy at the equilibrium point,

[tex]K=\dfrac{1}{2}(2)(2.6)^2=6.76 \ J[/tex]

Both the work done by the spring and by friction are negative because these forces point in the direction opposite the block's displacement. The work done by the spring on the block as it reaches the 0.20 m mark is

[tex]W_{spring}=-\dfrac{1}{2}(250)(0.20)=-5\ J[/tex]

Compute the work performed by friction:

[tex]W_{friction}-5 =-6.76\ J=-1.76\ J[/tex]

By Newton's second law, the net vertical force on the block is

∑ F = n - mg = 0   ==>   n = mg

where n is the magnitude of the normal force from the surface pushing up on the block. Then if f is the magnitude of kinetic friction, we have f = µmg, where µ is the coefficient of kinetic friction.

So we have


[tex]-1.76=\mu (2)(9.8)(0.2)[/tex]

[tex]\mu =0.45[/tex]

Thus the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the horizontal surface [tex]\mu =0.45[/tex]

To know more about Coefficient of friction follow


how do I learn French fast for an examination​



It isn't possible to learn an entire language fast. For an examination, memorise some of the easy words. Practice mew minutes speaking French and keep speaking it till you know it.

Which statement below is correct about this planet?

Everything on the planet will fall twice faster than on Earth.

Everything on the planet will fall twice slower than on Earth.

Everything on the planet will move twice faster than on Earth.

Everything on the planet will move twice slower than on Earth.



Everything on the planet will move twice faster than on Earth.


Uranus has a mass of about 8.681 × 10^25 kg. That is its larger than earth and is also has a faster rotation peroid of 17 hours. Its has a gravitational potential less than earth.

3. If you change the resistance of the resistor:
a. How does the current through the circuit change? (answer, explain, evidence)
b. How does the voltage of the battery change? (answer, explain, evidence)




Changing the resistance of a resistor means the resistance is either increased or decreased.

a. When the resistance of the resistor is increased, the value of current flowing through the circuit decreases.

Example: given voltage of 6V, and a resistance of 30 Ohm's. The value of current flowing in the circuit is;

V = IR

6 = I x 30

I = 0.2 A

If the resistance is changed to 50 Ohm's, then:

I = 0.12 A

(ii) When the resistance of the resistor is decreased, the value of the current flowing through the circuit increases.

In the previous example, if the resistance is changed to 5 Ohm's, then:

V = IR

6 = I x 5

I = 1.2 A

(b) The voltage of the battery does not change since it is directly proportional to the current flowing through the circuit. Consider the examples stated above.

explain why an equation may be homogenous with respect to its unit but still be incorrect​


When both sides of an equation give the same units, same numerical values, and same concept we refer to the equation as being correct. ... Removing constants from correct equations make them homogeneous but incorrect.

In the Homogenous equation with respect to its unit if the constants has been removed, then the equation is still homogenous but it is incorrect.

What is Homogenous equation?

         Homogenous equation is one of the type of the differential equations. These equation have zero on the right hand side of the equality sign. If the equation has the independent variable on the right side of equal sign then it is said to be non - homogenous equation. The homogenous and non - homogenous equations are the two types of linear equations.

An example of Homogenous equation is,

The formula for kinetic energy can be represented as,

K. E = 1/2 (mv²)

Here, 1/2 can be removed as it was a constant.

K. E = mv².

This equation can be homogenous but still it is incorrect.

Learn more about homogenous equation,



3) A fahrenheit thermometer shaded from the sun on a hot day reads 101⁰ what is the temperature on the centigrade scale?






180/100 = (F-32)/C............. Equation 1

Where F = Temperature of the hot day in fehrenheit, C = Temperature of the hot day in centigrade.

make C the subject of the equation

C = 100(F-32)/180.............. Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F = 101°F

Substitute into equation 2

C = 100(101-32)/180

C = 38.33°C

b. The stream of water flowing through a hole at depth h = 10 cm in a tank holding water to height H = 40 cm. . 3 At what distance x does the stream strike the floor?​



34.64 cm


Given that:

The depth of the hole h = 10 cm

height of the water holding in the tank H = 40 cm

For a stream of flowing water, the distance (x) at which the stream strikes the floor can be  computed by using the formula;

[tex]x = 2 \sqrt{h(H-h)}[/tex]

[tex]x = 2 \sqrt{10(40-10)}[/tex]

[tex]x = 2 \sqrt{10(30)}[/tex]

[tex]x = 2 \sqrt{300}[/tex]

[tex]x = 2 \times 17.32[/tex]

x = 34.64 cm

Explain how solar radiation is converted into thermal energy



See the explanation below


Explain how solar radiation is converted into thermal energy

From the concept of the particulate nature of matter, when the gases(air) receives a sufficient amount of radiation from the sun they tend to move in a constant rapid random motion as they move they hit one another and hence heat in form of thermal energy

The thermal efficiency (in %) of a system that undergoes a power cycle while receiving 1000 kJ of energy by heat transfer from a hot reservoir at 1000 K and discharging 500 kJ of energy by heat transfer to a cold reservoir at 400 K is:



η = 0.5 = 50%


The efficiency of the power cycle is given by the following formula:

[tex]\eta = \frac{W}{Q_1}\\\\\eta = \frac{Q_1-Q_2}{Q_1}[/tex]



η = efficiency = ?

Q₁ = heat received from hot reservoir = 1000 KJ

Q₂ = heat discharged to cold reservoir = 500 KJ


[tex]\eta = \frac{1000\ KJ-500\ KJ}{1000\ KJ}[/tex]

η = 0.5 = 50%

The mass is released from the top of the incline and slides down the incline. The maximum velocity (taken the instant before the mass reaches the bottom of the incline) is 1.06 m/s. What is the kinetic energy at that time



0.28 J


Let the mass of the object is 0.5 kg

The maximum velocity of the object is 1.06 m/s.

We need to find the kinetic energy at that time. It is given by :

[tex]K=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\=\dfrac{1}{2}\times 0.5\times (1.06)^2\\\\K=0.28\ J[/tex]

So, the required kinetic energy is equal to 0.28 J.

5. A big wheel has a diameter of 5 m and a mass of 1500 kg when fully laden with people. a) Work out the moment of inertia of the big wheel. (Hint: which shape from the ones given on p114 would be most suitable? b) When the wheel is rotating at full speed, a person has a linear velocity of 3 m/s. What is the angular velocity of this person? c) What is the rotational kinetic energy at this speed? d) A motor takes 10 seconds to accelerate the wheel from rest to a linear velocity on the circumference of 3 m/s. What is the power of the motor?​



a)  I = 3.75 10⁴  kg  m², b)  w = 0.6 rad / s, c)  K = 6.75 10³ J, d) P = 6.75 10² W


This is a rotations exercise

a) the proper shape for a wheel is that of a rim where most of the weight is in the circumference plus the point weights of the people sitting on its periphery.

We are going to approximate the reda with a thin ring

           I = M r²

           I = 1500 5²

           I = 3.75 10⁴  kg  m²

b) angular and linear velocity are related

         v = w r

         w = v / r

         w = 3/5

         w = 0.6 rad / s

c) the expression for kinetic energy is

         K = ½ I w²

         K = ½ 3.75 10⁴   0.6²

         K = 6.75 10³ J

d) the power is

         P = W / t


to find the work we use the relationship between work and the variation of kinetic energy

         W = ΔK = K_f - K₀

the system part of rest wo = 0

         W = K_f

         W = 6.75 10³ J

we calculate

         P = 6.75 10³/10

         P = 6.75 10² W

Place each description under the correct theory
Gravity is an attractive force.
Universal Law of Gravitation
General Theory of Relativity
Mass and distance affect force.
Time and space are absolute,
Time and space are relative.
Gravity is due to space-time curving.
Mass affects space-time curving.



1) Law of Universal Gravitation     Gravity is an attractive force

5) General relativity               Gravity is due to the curvature of spacetime


In this exercise you are asked to relate the correct theory and its explanation

Theory Explanation

1) Law of Universal Gravitation              Gravity is an attractive force

2) Law of universal gravitation              Mass and distance affect force

3) Classical mechanics                           time and space are absolute

4) Special relativity                                 Time and space are relative

5) General relativity                                Gravity is due to the curvature of


6) General relativity                                 Mass affects the curvature of space - time




Type the correct answer in the box. Use numerals instead of words.
Anne has a sample of a substance. Its volume is 20 cm and its mass is 100 grams. What is the sample's density?
The sample's density is








5. For the speaker in this circuit, the voltage across it is always proportional to the current through it. Find the maximum amount of power that the circuit can deliver to the speaker.














- circuit




Sorry but you have no picture shown

An empty parallel plate capacitor is connected between the terminals of a 18.8-V battery and charges up. The capacitor is then disconnected from the battery, and the spacing between the capacitor plates is doubled. As a result of this change, what is the new voltage between the plates of the capacitor



[tex]p.d' = 37.6 V[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Potential difference [tex]p.d=18.8V[/tex]

New Capacitor [tex]C_1=C_2/2[/tex]

Generally the equation for Capacitor capacitance is mathematically given by


Generally the equation for New p.d' is mathematically given by


  [tex]p.d' = 2V[/tex]

 [tex]p.d'= 2 * 18.8[/tex]

 [tex]p.d' = 37.6 V[/tex]

The human eye can readily detect wavelengths from about 400 nm to 700 nm. Part A If white light illuminates a diffraction grating having 910 lines/mm , over what range of angles does the visible m



The correct answer is "[tex]21.344^{\circ}[/tex]" and "[tex]39.56^{\circ}[/tex]".


According to the question,

Slit width,

[tex]d=\frac{1}{910 \ lines/mm}[/tex]

  [tex]=\frac{1}{910\times 10^3}[/tex]

  [tex]=1.099\times 10^{-6} \ m[/tex]

The condition far first order maxima will be:

⇒ [tex]d Sin \theta = 1 \lambda[/tex]


⇒ [tex]\Theta_{min} = Sin^{-1} (\frac{\lambda}{d} )[/tex]

             [tex]=Sin^{-1} (\frac{400\times 10^{-9}}{1.099\times 10^{-6}} )[/tex]


⇒ [tex]\Theta_{max} = Sin^{-1} (\frac{\lambda}{d} )[/tex]

             [tex]=Sin^{-1} (\frac{700\times 10^{-9}}{1.099\times 10^{-6}} )[/tex]


El punto de ebullición de azufre es de 444.5°C.
c cual es la temperatura Correspondiente en la escala


°F = 1.8°C + 32°

444.5°C  = 832.1°F

What is the net force on the side of the container The initial height of the water in a sealed container of diameter 100.0 cm is 5.00 m. The air pressure inside the container is 0.850 ATM. A faucet with an opening 1.0 inch diameter is located at the bottom of the container.



26467.21 N


Initial height of water ( h1 )  = 5 m

diameter of container ( d1 )= 100 cm

pressure inside the container ( p1 )= 0.850 atm

Diameter of faucet ( d2 )= 1 inch

Calculate the value of the net force on the side of container

lets assume ; pressure outside the container ( p2 ) = 1 atm

Fnet = ( P1A1  + mg ) - ( P2A2 )

       = [ ( 0.85 * 101325 ) ( π(1/2)^2 ) + mg ) - [ ( 101325 )( π )(0.0127)^2 ]

       = [ 16902.2766 + pvg ] - [ 51.3161 ]

where ; pvg = pAhg = 1000 * π ( 1/2 )^2 * 5 * 9.8 = 9616.25

       = [ 16902.2766 + 9616.25 ] - [ 51.3161 ]   = 26467.21 N ( downwards )

write physical quantities and its unit​


length= metre

mass= kg

time= second

temperature = kelvin

current= ampere

luminous intensity= candela

Amount of substance = mole


I hope this will help you

stay safe

A ball rolled along a horizontal surface comes to rest in a distance of 72m in 6s. Its initial velocity
and deceleration are



1. Initial velocity = 24 m/s

2. Deceleration = –4 m/s²


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Distance travelled (s) = 72 m

Time (t) = 6 s

Final velocity (v) = 0 m/s

1. Determination of the initial velocity.

Distance travelled (s) = 72 m

Time (t) = 6 s

Final velocity (v) = 0 m/s

Initial velocity (u) =?

s = (u + v)t / 2

72 = (u + 0) × 6 / 2

72 = u × 3

Divide both side by 3

u = 72 / 3

u = 24 m/s

2. Determination of the deceleration.

Time (t) = 6 s

Final velocity (v) = 0 m/s

Initial velocity (u) = 24 m/s

Deceleration (a) =?

v = u + at

0 = 24 + (a × 6)

0 = 24 + 6a

Collect like terms

0 – 24 = 6a

–24 = 6a

Divide both side by 6

a = –24 / 6

a = –4 m/s²

What distance do I cover if I travel 10 m E, then 6 mW, then 12 m E?
A. 16 m
B. 28 m
C. 16 m E
D. 28 m E



C. 16 m E



The law of addition of vector: Vector in the same direction are added while vector in opposite direction are substracted

From the question above,

Step 1: Total distance covered towards east = 10+12 = 22 m E

Step2: Total distance covered towards west = 6 m W

Therefore, the resultant distance traveled = 22-6 = 16 m E

Hence the right option is C. 16 m E

uniform electric field of magnitude 365 N/C pointing in the positive x-direction acts on an electron, which is initially at rest. The electron has moved 3.00 cm. (a) What is the work done by the field on the electron? 1.753e-18 J (b) What is the change in potential energy associated with the electron? J



a)   W = - 1.752 10⁻¹⁸ J,  b)    U = + 1.752 10⁻¹⁸ J


a) work is defined by

         W = F . x

the bold letters indicate vectors, in this case the force is electric

         F = q E

we substitute

         F = q E x

the charge of the electron is

         q = - e

         F = - e E x

let's calculate

         W = - 1.6 10⁻¹⁹  365  3 10⁻²

         W = - 1.752 10⁻¹⁸ J

b) the change in potential energy is

          U = q ΔV

the potential difference is

          ΔV = - E. Δs


we substitute

         U = - q E Δs

the charge of the electron is

           q = - e

          U = e E Δs

we calculate

           U = 1.6 10⁻¹⁹ 365  3 10⁻²

           U = + 1.752 10⁻¹⁸ J

A person pushes horizontally on a heavy box and slides it across the level floor at constant velocity. The person pushes with a 60.0 N force for the first 16.4 m at which time he begins to tire. The force he exerts then starts to decrease linearly from 60.0 N to 0.00 N across the remaining 6.88 m. How much total work did the person do on the box


Over the first 16.4 m, the person performs

W = (60.0 N) (16.4 m) = 984 J

of work.

Over the remaining 6.88 m, they perform a varying amount of work according to

F(x) ≈ 60.0 N + (-8.72 N/m) x

where x is in meters. (-8.72 is the slope of the line segment connecting the points (0, 60.0) and (6.88, 0).) The work done over this interval can be obtained by integrating F(x) over the interval [0, 6.88 m] :

W = ∫₀⁶˙⁸⁸ F(x) dx ≈ 206.4 J

(Alternatively, you can plot F(x) and see that it's a triangle with base 6.88 m and height 60.0 N, so the work done is the same, 1/2 (6.88 m) (60.0 N) = 206.4 J.)

So the total work performed by the person on the box is

984 J + 206.4 J = 1190.4 J ≈ 1190 J

A spinning electron produces a(n)
a. element.
b. magnetic field.
c. proton.
d. piece of iron.



A spinning electron produces a magnetic field.

Explains the fine structure of Hydrogen lines.

A covalent bond is formet by of electrons..?​



The covalent bond is formed by pairs of electrons that are shared between two atom


The covalent bond is formed by pairs of electrons that are shared between two atoms, in general the electrons must have opposite spins to have a lower energy state.

In this bond, the electrons are between the two atoms and are shared between them in such a way that there is a configuration of eight electrons in the orbit.

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