1. hectare

2.5 acres

2. land degradation

the pressing of soil particles closer together, reducing the amount of air between particles

3. mangrove

small tropical tree

4. salinization

higher than normal salt content in the soil

5. junta

group that controls the government

6. Iberian

of Spain and Portugal

7. compaction

reduced ability of the soil to support life


Answer 1


pain and Portugal

7. compaction

reduced ability of the soil to support life

Related Questions

what is the capital of the following countries: Fiji,Australia,New zealand,Pakistan,Canada,Germany, Vanuatu,Samoa,Tonga,New caledonia,Tuvalu,American samoa ,China,Japan,Turkey,Korea​



Wellington : new zealand


Suva,Canberra,Wellington,Islamabad,Ottawa,Berlin,Port Vila,Apia,Nuku'alofa,Noumea,FunaFuti,Pago pago,Beijing,Tokyo,Ankara,Seoul

What earthquake allowed researchers to develop the elastic rebound theory?


The answer is: the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

From an examination of the displacement of the ground surface which accompanied the 1906 earthquake, Henry Fielding Reid, Professor of Geology at Johns Hopkins University, concluded that the earthquake must have involved an "elastic rebound" of previously stored elastic stress.

The elastic rebound theory is an explanation for how energy is spread during earthquakes. As rocks on opposite sides of a fault are subjected to force and shift, they accumulate energy and slowly deform until their internal strength is exceeded.

(Q017) The age of oceanic crust a. is the same throughout the world's oceans. b. is greatest at the mid-ocean ridge and least farthest from the ridge. c. has been determined by radiometric dating. d. indicates that the oldest oceanic crust is approximately 600 million years old.



c. has been determined by radiometric dating


Radiometric dating is a method that is used to determined by the age of rocks as per the age of the oceanic crust the plates near the mid oceanic ridges are the most recent or new. The plates that are located farther away form there ridges are oldest and hence the age of the oceanic crust is not the same in all the places of the world oceans.

Help plssss nowww pls pls pls



Planetary orbits around our Sun are not perfect circles.  They're ellipses--a loose term to use is oval or ovoid.  At some point Earth gets to its closest point along its orbital path to the Sun .  6 months later it will be at its farthest away.  The distance from the Sun is not what causes the seasons.  The amount of direct sunlight hitting a certain hemisphere of Earth is what causes the seasons.  So, when the Earth's axis is tilted so that the Northern Hemisphere is titled toward the Sun, it's summer time in the Northern Hemisphere. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away, it's winter.  So, even though we are closer in distance during January through March, we in the Northern hemisphere are tilted away and it is winter for us.  Yes, that means it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

Answer From Gauth Math

Write THREE significance of atmosphere​



The atmosphere protects the Earth from solar radiation.

It traps heat, making Earth a comfortable temperature.

The oxygen within our atmosphere is essential for life.

The importance of the atmosphere is as follows:
1) The atmosphere protects the Earth from the solar radiation.
2) It filters the harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun.
3)The atmosphere traps the required heat of the Sun and allows the rest to escape into space, thus maintaining a moderate temperature on the Earth.

Can someone please help me with these problems!

Question 1
How does the GDP of Ireland compare to the GDP of the United Kingdom based on this map of European countries color coded based on GDP?

A : The GDP of the United Kingdom is essentially the same as the GDP of Ireland.
B : The GDP of the United Kingdom is substantially lower than the GDP of Ireland.
C : The GPD of the United Kingdom is substantially higher than the GDP of Ireland.

Question 2
Compare the photos below. Which photo is most likely a photo of Siberian Tundra.

A : Photo A
B : Photo B
C : Photo C
D : None of the above



Question 1: C.

Question 2: Photo C

which planet is known as the red planet​



Mars is known as the red planet.

Why would General Billy Mitchell describe Alaska in the 1930's as the
"center" of the world? How could Alaska be both the "center" of the
world and relatively isolated at the same time?



The location of Alaska is in the North, meaning that it will not be as populated because of the climate there. It is also the center because on the globe you can see that Alaska is in the middle of Asia and North America.

Chang knows one side of a triangle is 13 cm.
Which set of two sides iS possible for the lengths of the other two sides
of this triangle?
• 5 cm and 8 cm
• 6 cm and 7 cm 7
• 7 cm and 2 cm
•8 cm and 9 cm




Explanation :

The other 2 sides added have to be greater than 13

Option A: 5 + 8 = 13. 13 is not greater than 13 so it's not the answer.

B: 6 + 7 = 13. Same thing as option A

C: 7 + 2 = 9. 9 is less than 13 so not the answer.

D: 8 + 8 = 16. 16 is greater than 13 so D is the correct answer.

hope this helps!

The two other possible length of a triangle with one side as 13 cm are 8 cm and 9cm.

What are triangles?

Triangles are plane figure with three straight sides and three angles. The sum of angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.

The triangle inequality theorem states that the sum of any 2 sides of a triangle must be greater than the measure of the third side.

Therefore, a triangle with sides x, y and z  follows the following rule;

x + y > zy + z > xx + z > y

Since Chang know one side of the triangle, the two other possible length are as follows;

8 cm and 9cm


8 + 9 > 139 + 13 > 88 + 13 > 9

learn more on triangle here: https://brainly.com/question/17118777

i need answers now n fast



Im not 100%sure but I think the order that is in is correct. Hey bro im doing appex junk to and I feel ya haha


The demographic transition is a process of change that ultimately leads to
a low total fertility rate and a high crude death rate.
zero population growth and a high crude death rate.
a low rate of natural increase and a declining population.
a low rate of natural increase and a larger total population.
zero population growth and an increasing total fertility rate.



A low rate of natural increase and a larger total population.


Demographic transition is a social phenomenon which consists in increase of total population with a considerable decline in fertility rates. 20th Century Western Europe and current Spanish American countries are examples of territories with demographic transition.

Hence, correct answer is: "A low rate of natural increase and a larger total population"

About what percent of the
atmosphere of Mars
consists of carbon dioxide?






Mars' atmosphere however is 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and it has traces of oxygen, carbon monoxide, water, methane, and other gases, along with a lot of dust.

Briefly describe any two ways in which time affects soil formation​


Scientists attribute soil formation to the following factors: Parent material, climate, biota (organisms), topography and time. ... The physical, chemical and biological properties of the different soils can have a big effect on how to best manage them.

Which of the following statements best characterizes how developed and developing countries and
A Neither developed nor developing countries have had a significant impact on the endomer
In the past century.
B. Developed countries have tended to improve the environment, while developing countries
have tended to damage it.
C. Developed countries have damaged the erwironment, while developing countries have had
little impact.
D. Both developed and developing countries have had significant negative impacts on the


Your answer is letter d


yea your answer she be letter d


hope you have a great night

12. You encounter a bottle of liquid. This bottle contains substances that separate upon standing, What category of matter is this bottle of liquid?
A. Element
B. Homogenous mixture
C. Compound
D. Heterogeneous mixture





please mark brainliest if it helps

Which letter in this diagram represents evaporation?



Answer: The Answer is A

Explanation: Because that cycle shows the process of evaporation .

The salt Intrusion is being condensed to water vapour through heat from the sun.


Evaporation is the process that allows a liquid to change of phase to a gas phase or vapor.

We will see that the correct option is A.

In the image we can see the cycle of water, we know that roughly it works as:

Water liquid.Water evaporates and goes to the clouds.Rain makes the water come down to the Earth.Finally, that water comes again to the larger masses of water.

So looking at the image, we can see that the point that represents the evaporation of water is point A, where we have arrows that show the direction that water takes, meaning that it goes from the liquid to the clouds (goes from liquid to gas)

If you want to learn more, you can read:


2 List five different environments you know​



Forests, grasslands, deserts, tundra, freshwater, and marine.



Five different environments are the forest, desert, grasslands, freshwater, and mountains.


A forest environment is a complex ecosystem consisting mainly of trees that buffer the earth and support a myriad of life forms. The trees help create a special environment which, in turn, affects the kinds of animals and plants that can exist in the forest. Plants provide habitat to different types of organisms.Desert environments are extremely dry environments that are home to well-adapted plants and animals. The main types of deserts include hot and dry deserts, semi-arid deserts, coastal deserts, and cold deserts.Grassland environments are areas in which the vegetation is dominated by a nearly continuous cover of grasses. Grasslands occur in environments conducive to the growth of this plant cover but not to that of taller plants, particularly trees and shrubs. Freshwater environments are defined as having a low salt concentration — usually less than 1%. Plants and animals in freshwater regions are adjusted to the low salt content and would not be able to survive in areas of high salt concentration (i.e., ocean). There are different types of freshwater regions, such as ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands.Mountain environments are made up of complex living organisms in mountainous areas. Mountain lands provide a scattered but diverse array of habitats in which a large range of plants and animals can be found. At higher altitudes harsh environmental conditions generally prevail, and a treeless alpine vegetation is supported. Lower slopes commonly are covered by montane forests. At even lower levels mountain lands grade into other types of landform and vegetation—e.g., tropical or temperate forest, savanna, scrubland, or tundra.

Based on the graph, describe two other effects you would expect


It’s 100% correct yeah yeah

How did Britain's policy of salutary neglect contribute to the Revolutionary War?
Because the colonies had de facto independence, they revolted when Britain enforced taxes and regulations on them.
O B. Because the colonies did not have de facto independence, they revolted when Britain withdrew military and other aid.
OC. Because the colonies had de facto independence, they revolted when Britain granted other colonies true independence.
OD. Because the colonies felt de facto neglected by Britain, they revolted when it stopped contributing to their economy.



A. Because the colonies had de facto independence, they revolted when Britain enforced taxes and regulations on them.


The American Revolutionary War was a war of independence of the United States of America that was fought between the 19th of April, 1775 and 3rd of September, 1783. The war started when the delegates from the thirteen (13) American colonies in Congress (First continental congress) revolted against the Great Britain over their lack of representation in the colonies and refusal to give consent to parliament's taxation such as Stamp Act and Townshend Acts.

Hence, Britain's policy of salutary neglect contributed to the Revolutionary War because the colonies had de facto independence, they revolted when Britain enforced taxes and regulations on them.

Which statement is TRUE
about Mercury?
A. It is the largest planet in our solar
B. It is a gas giant.
C. It is the closest planet to the Sun.
D. It has three moons.



C. It is the closest planet to the Sun.


PLease help
Members of group as the Ku Klux klan and the white league believed that :


Answer:         b



whites were superior to African Americans.


Which part of Africa was most affected by the slave trade?​



West Central Africa


The majority of all people enslaved in the New World came from West Central Africa.

the process of the natural environment you already know​



Natural processes are interactions among plants, animals, and the environment. These interactions, which include photosynthesis , pollination, decomposition , and others, help create and shape natural communities .

Decide whether each statement describes the Patricia class or the plebeian class and then drag it to the correct space?



Patricians :

Controlled the senatecame form noble familiesIncluded the wealthiest citizens

plebeian :

Had little wealthIncluded merchants and laborer'sDemand for 12 tables.


The Patricia class were upper class peole and owned most valuable lands.

Which statement is true about point f



F is the midpoint of EG because AA bisects EG.

Which of the following statements is false?
Improved materials allow an industrialized economy to grow and change.
Changes in technology come through innovations and inventions.
Industrialization began with a flood of invention in the automotive industry.
The development of machines led to the beginning of the factory system.


The answer is D. “The development….”

(choose the correct answer) the name of one kind of tectonic movement is​



Three types of tectonic plate movements are as follows

(i) Converging    

(ii) Diverging

(iii) Transformational


Converging is the movement in which plates move into one another, Diverging is where plates move apart from one another and transformational movement is where plates move sideways are all three are the types of tectonic plates movement.

Earth quack is the result of plate tectonic movements. San Andreas fault is an example of a transform type of movement.

how seasons occur? how many seasons are there in a year?​



Seasons occur due to the revolution of earth . There are 4 seasons in a year.


Seasons occur because of the tilting of earths axis toward or away from the earth.

There are 4 seasons every year.


15.Which of the following is NOT true about lunar eclipse?
a. It occurs twice a year.
b. It lasts for an hour.
c. It can be witnessed in a few places
d. It occurs during night time​





Sometimes it doesnt even occur once

What is the name of the tribe above?



its javanese tribe living in areas of java .....


my name is sam hi


its javonese tribe living in areas java

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