1. Juan es un estudiante joven que hace poco se mudó a su propio departamento. Realiza actividad física desde siempre pero últimamente nota que se cansa más rápido, tiene poca fuerza y ha perdido algo de peso. No entiende la causa porque sigue comiendo en forma abundante. Visita a su médico, quien le informa que tiene pérdida de masa muscular y le pregunta si está alimentándose correctamente. ¿Por qué le hace esta pregunta? ¿Qué tiene que ver la comida con el músculo?


Answer 1


Es posible que Juan sospeche que no está alimentándose correctamente (comer en grandes cantidades no significa estar bien alimentado)


Las proteínas representan un macronutriente esencial que debe ser consumido a través de la dieta para crecer en masa muscular y también para mantener la masa de los músculos. Las proteínas están compuestas por muchos tipos diferentes de aminoácidos (los bloques de construcción de las proteínas), pero solamente 20 aminoácidos conforman las proteínas que se encuentran en el cuerpo humano. Los aminoácidos esenciales son aquellos que el cuerpo no puede sintetizar por sí solo. Estos aminoácidos esenciales son: histidina, fenilalanina, treonina, lisina, metionina, triptófano, valina, isoleucina y leucina. El consumo diario recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) de proteínas en un hombre adulto es 0,8 a 1 gramo por kilogramo de peso corporal. Además, es posible que el cansancio que experimenta Juan se deba a alguna deficiencia en micronutrientes esenciales, es decir, debido a la falta de vitaminas y minerales, los cuales también deben ser consumidos a través de la dieta. Por ejemplo, la fatiga puede deberse a la falta de hierro, un mineral fundamental cuya deficiencia lleva a cuadros severos de anemia. Similarmente, la deficiencia en vitamina D puede también causar agotamiento o fatiga crónica, entre otros síntomas (por ej., abruptos cambios en el estado de ánimo, debilidad ósea en los huesos, daño en el estómago, etc). Por otra parte, es importante remarcar que no se debe descartar la posibilidad de que el cansancio experimentado por Juan se deba a un cuadro de estrés y/o algún otro tipo de problema de salud, siendo por lo tanto necesario una descripción más detallada del cuadro clínico para obtener una conclusión más precisa de su situación.

Related Questions

Mendel determined from his pea plant experiments that some copies of genes are dominant while others are recessive. Explain how two tall plants could produce a short plant.


Yes ma’am yes sir I love it I will send it again I will never get back in my bed lol lol I’m gonna get it back to me when I’m bored and

identity two excretory products produced by plants​



Carbon dioxide, excess water produced during respiration and nitrogenous compounds produced during protein metabolism are the major excretory products in plants. Plants produce two gaseous waste products i.e. oxygen during photosynthesis and carbon dioxide during respiration.

1. Digestion helps to break down the food into simple, _______ form.
2. Name the process by which absorbed nutrients are utilized by the body?
3. Where does initial digestion of protein take place?
4. Where is the water absorbed from undigested food in the digestive system? 5. Name one animal that lives on liquid food only.
6. The process of taking in food into the human body is called ingestion. (True/False)
7. The alimentary canal stretches from _____ to _____.
8. What is rumen?
9. Which animals are called ruminant?
10.What is holozoic nutrition?​



1. Digestion helps to break down the food into simple, soluble form.

2. Name the process by which absorbed nutrients are utilized by the body?

Ans. Assimilation is the process by which absorbed nutrients are utilized by the body.

3. Where does initial digestion of protein take place?

Ans. Mechanical digestion of protein begins in the mouth and continues in the stomach and small intestine. Chemical digestion of protein begins in the stomach and ends in the small intestine. The body recycles amino acids to make more proteins.

4. Where is the water absorbed from undigested food in the digestive system?

Ans. Water from the undigested food is absorbed mainly in the large intestine.

5. Name one animal that lives on liquid food only.

Ans. Mosquito lives on liquid food only. They rely on human blood for their food.

6. The process of taking in food into the human body is called ingestion.

Ans. True.

7. The alimentary canal stretches from mouth to anus.

8. What is rumen?

Ans. Rumen is the largest compartment of the stomach of a ruminant in which cellulose is broken down by the action of symbiotic microorganisms. The primary function of the rumen is as a storage compartment to facilitate microbial (bacterial and protozoal) fermentation of ingesta.

9. Which animals are called ruminant?

Ans. Ruminants include cattle, sheep, goats, buffalo, deer, elk, giraffes and camels. These animals all have a digestive system that is uniquely different from our own. Instead of one compartment to the stomach, they have four. Of the four compartments, the rumen is the largest section and the main digestive centre.

10.What is holozoic nutrition?​

Ans. Holozoic nutrition is a method of nutrition that involves the ingestion of some complex organic substances that may be in the solid or the liquid state.

- Describe how chromosomes are formed from DNA.



In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure. DNA and histone proteins are packaged into structures called chromosomes.


Hope this helps

Which of these is an example of a chemical change?
A. Breaking a tree branch
B. Burning a piece of wood
C. Melting ice
D. Dissolving salt in water


D is the correct answer
It’s B i believe. All the other answers are physical changes and B is a irreversible change because it forms into a new substance like ash.

how did adaptive radiation affect plants after they first moved to land



it gradually stops seed growth and sprouting depending on how much radiation is released.If there is too much evaporation due to intense radiation,the stomata closes to reserve water and if the stomata is unable to open for a long period of time the growth of the plant is stunted.

help mee guy to complete this please please please please please​


gastric juice helps to convert food into simpler substances

the main function of the teeth is the chewing of food, breaking down food into very small pieces

the two components of digestive system is pepsinogen and mucous

oesophagus is the food pipe. by this the food passes from mouth to stomach through regular contraction and expansion

because the bread (starch) converts into carbohydrate by the enzyme salivary amylase

chapati is the instant source of carbohydrate

in mouth


salivary gland

in liver


by taste buds




Question doesn't see clearly than how to help

Which of the following is NOT true of a base?

A.) A base has a pH greater than 7.
B.) A base is alkaline.
C.) A base has a few hydrogen ions.
D.) A base has a few hydroxide ions.

***Please send legitimate answers ONLY.***



Hey there!

Your answer is option B.


Base are the substance that produces hydroxyl ion dissolving in water.

Option A(true): The pH value of base is always greater than 7.

Option B (false): A base is considered as alkaline if it dissolves in water only otherwise they are not alkaline.

Option C (true): A base always has few hydrogen ions in it.

Option D(true) : A base has also few hydroxide ions.

Hope it helps!

Acell membrane is very specific about what it allows across. How does this help the cell?

A. Transport proteins allow only enzymes to pass through the membrane.
B. It is better for the cell if most molecules are prevented from entering
C. The cell works better when it contains fewer proteins.
D. It helps the cell absorb as many different molecules as possible.​



It helps the cell absorb as many different molecules as possible.

Which shows the levels of organizational hierarchy listed from least complex to most complex?
O population, community, ecosystem
O ecosystem, population, community
O community, population, ecosystem
O community, ecosystem, population



I think the answer to this question is O population, community, ecosystem.

Population, community, and ecosystem show the levels of organizational hierarchy from least complex to most complex. Therefore, the correct statement is option A.

What is the community consisting of?

A community is made up of all the populations of different species that live in the same area and interact with one another. A population is a group of people from the same species who live there.

A biological system remembers every one of the living organic entities for a local area, as well as the actual climate in which they live and connect. In this order, the population is the most un-complex level, as it alludes to a gathering of people of similar species.

Community is more complicated because it involves interactions between multiple species populations. Because it encompasses all living and nonliving components of an area as well as their interactions, the ecosystem level is the most complex.

Therefore, population, community, and ecosystem show the levels of organizational hierarchy from least complex to most complex.

Learn more about the community here:



Help me thanks!!!!!!!!


The answer is this: In 2005, 27.99 males out of every 100,000 were diagnosed with melanoma. I did the quiz on Edge.

Which set of ecological organization levels is most likely to contain the largest variety of species?
multiple biomes in a biosphere
multiple ecosystems in a biome
multiple individuals in a population
multiple populations in a community


I believe the answer is 2: multiple ecosystems in a biome

The set of ecological organization levels that is most likely to contain the largest variety of species is: multiple biomes in a biosphere.


Ecology refers to the study of plants and animals (biotic) in relation to their environment. The level of organization in an ecological setup involves an hierarchical build up.

The level of organization in ecology from the least to the highest is as follows: individual species → population → community → ecosystem → biomebiosphere.

As the level increases, the more the species contained. This means that a community will contain more species than a population.

Therefore, the largest variety of species is most likely to be found in the highest level of organization, which is multiple biomes in a biosphere.

Learn more at: https://brainly.com/question/18536684?referrer=searchResults

Which is an example of why the process of photosynthesis is important to life on Earth?- - Grass uses photosynthesis to produce glucose, which is used within the grass for growth.
- Fungi use photosynthesis to decompose dead and decaying plant matter.
- Ectothermic animals use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy for cell functions.
- Green plants use photosynthesis to remove oxygen gas from the atmosphere and replenish the earth’s carbon dioxide.



The correct answer is: A) Grass uses photosynthesis to produce glucose, which is used within the grass for growth.


Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants, which include algae, take in the energy from the sun and combines it with carbon dioxide (and water) to form benificial sugars.

Photosynthesis refers to the process by which the green plants, as well as algae, utilize the energy from the sun in combination with the carbon dioxide as well as water to form simple sugars. This is how the harmful gas carbion dioxide can be destroyed and elimanated.


The answer is A



The cells were kept in a dilute salt solution. They were then transferred to distilled
Explain what will happen to each of these two cells when they are placed into distilled water.


When plant cells are placed in salt solution their appearance is different to when they are placed in distilled water. ... Therefore, water moves out of the cell across the partially permeable membrane by osmosis and the cell becomes flaccid as the cell membrane peels away from the cell wall

When cells are put in a dilute salt solution, water move out of the cell and into the salt solution by osmosis. This happens because the solution is more concentrated than the cell (meaning the solution has less water molecules than the cell) and by definition, osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a region of high concentration (of water molecules) to a region of lower concentration (of water molecules). When the cells lose water, the become flaccid or plasmolysed.

When these cells are placed in distilled water (pure water with no dissolved salts in it), water molecules from the distilled water move into the cell by osmosis. This can lead to cell lysis.

John doe and jane doe want to have children and are thinking about how their children's hands might look. What would their children look like if they're both heterozygous for straight pinky and hitchhikers thumb?



The correct answer would be -

Straight pinky, hitchhikers thumb - 9

Straight pinky, straight thumb - 3

bent pinky, hitchhikers thumb - 3

bent pinky, straight thumb - 1


Straight pinky H, hitchhikers thumb P are the dominant traits over the bent pinky h, straight thumb p. It is given that the parent's genotype is heterozygous for both then

Cross: HhPp cross with HhPp

Gametes: HP, Hp, hP, hp for both parents


                HP       Hp         hP      hp

HP        HHPP    HHPp   HhPP   HhPp

Hp         HHPp   HHpp    HhPp   Hhpp

hP          HhPP   HhPp    hhPP    hhPp

hp          HhPp    Hhpp    hhPp    hhpp

Thus, the correct answer would be:

Straight pinky, hitchhikers thumb - 9

Straight pinky, straight thumb - 3

bent pinky, hitchhikers thumb - 3

bent pinky, straight thumb - 1

Identify the structure shown below, describe it in detail. Make sure to include following points.

1. Name of the structure.

2. Nitrogen base pairing.

3. Its role in an organisms body.



1. DNA double helix

2. adenine and thymine cytosine and guanine

3. To contain genetic materials

Question 3 of 10
The surface area of a sphere can be approximated as follows:
Surface area = 411/2;
where ris the radius of the sphere;
Ti is a constant that is roughly equal to 3.
Using the simple approximation above, calculate the surface area of a sphere
with a radius of 5 meters.
A. 500 m2
B. 900 m2
C. 3,600 m2
D. 300 m2



D. 300 m²


A sphere is a three dimensional object with a surface which as like that of a ball. A sphere is a set of points that are all at the same distance r from a given point in a three-dimensional space.

The surface area of a sphere is:

Surface area = 4πr²

where r is the radius of the sphere, π is a constant = 3

Given that r = 5 meters, hence substituting into the area equation:

Surface area = 4π(5)² = 4(3)(5)² = 300 m²

What are some of the limits of science?



Empirical limits in science

[tex] \huge \blue{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \sf{ \pink{hi}}}}}[/tex]

My Answer

Must deal with observable measurable phenomenon.Science can describe not explain.No experiment can be completely controlled.Observations may faulty.A mans belief effects his judgment.Science must deal with repeatable results.Science cannot deal with values or morals.


Brainliest please

hi so i just received a death threat from +592 6034153,can someone pls help me find the identity of this person and pls put a pic of the person.​





you can report this to the cops or a older authority. Posting a picture is a form of doxxing and can be illegal or a form of witchhunting.

What makes up the "head" region of a phospholipid? __________Is it hydrophobic or hydrophilic?_________



Phospholipids consist of a glycerol molecule, two fatty acids, and a phosphate group that is modified by an alcohol. The phosphate group is the negatively-charged polar head, which is hydrophilic. The fatty acid chains are the uncharged, nonpolar tails, which are hydrophobic.

2.01 Properties of Water Lab Report


If you were to be conducting an experiment on how temperature change affect surface tension what would be the Objective of the experiment, the hypothesis, the variables (Like Independent Variable, Dependent, Variable, Controlled Variable) The materials needed to conduct it, the data and observations collected during the experiment, and the conclusion to your experiment. Also, what would be some real world applications to the importance of the properties of water?

Please make sure to answer all of the questions within this one, for any clarification needed it is basically a lab report on how surface tension is effected by the temperature of water. Please answer and Thank you!


Answer: The main properties of water are its polarity, cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, high specific heat, and evaporative cooling.

Water has the unique ability to dissolve many polar and ionic substances. This is important to all living things because, as water travels through the water cycle, it takes many valuable nutrients along with it! Water has high heat capacity.

The Objective of the experiment, the hypothesis, the variables Like Independent Variable, Dependent, Variable, Controlled Variable


Containers of ice cream are sold by volume, not by weight. Some ice cream manufacturers pump air into the ice cream before packaging it. Why does this practice make the ice cream more expensive to the consumer?


So that the ice cream doesnt melt

According to the author, how has the almond tree

monoculture affected honeybees in Central Valley,

California? What evidence is provided to support the




Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try and help as best I can.

The only way you can answer this question is by reading the text. During this reading, you will notice that there is an element in monoculture that is harming bees, making them have a very difficult life or even die. This element is what is affecting the bees. The author will show why this element is harmful to bees through sentences that prove the effect that this element promotes and how it only exists in monocultures. These sentences will be the text evidence.

It is likely that the author shows how monoculture requires a large use of pesticides, which ends up harming the life of bees. He can also show that monoculture decreases the availability of food for bees, since all monoculture plants only flower once a year and leave the bees without food for the rest of the year, as there is no plant diversity in the monoculture.


sample response


Because of the growth of the almond trees, many honeybees have died. Honeybees do not naturally live near the trees so they are transported to the area in order to pollinate the trees. However, the bees are exposed to pesticides that are used on the trees. Many also likely die because the almond trees only bloom in February, so the bees do not have enough food for the rest of the year.

Draining wetlands for housing is a form of stewardship.
- True
- False


Answer: True

Explanation: stewardship is the act to maintain or manage something. Draining wetlands is an act of maintaining.

Organelles are structures within the cell that perform important functions. Which of the following correctly matches
organelle with its relationship to the whole cell?
mitochondria - provides the instructions for making proteins
B nucleus - provides protection to the outside of the cell
chloroplasts - trap light energy and change it into food for the cell
cell membrane - changes the energy the cell gets from food into a form the cell can use lo



Chloroplasts trap light energy and chnage it into food for the cell


In the chloroplasts is where photosynthesis occurs. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food by using carbon dioxide water and sunlight. The chlorplast traps the energy from the sunlight and then the reaction between the carbon dioxide and water can occur

The principle that the geologic processes that we see today have occurred throughout earths history is called


the bible jot jehova witness that’s the only i was taught

what havoc would be caused if a horse was suddenly at the top of the food chain


that would be.... immensely chaotic

describe how alleles and genes are created



Look at explanation


An allele is one of two or more versions of a gene. An individual inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent. If the two alleles are the same, the individual is homo-zygous for that gene. If the alleles are different, the individual is hetero-zygous.

Hope this helps!

How many alleles are in the gene pool?



40 b alleles


Only 40 b alleles are present in the gene pool, so genetic diversity is lower. The use of gene pools allows population geneticists to see variation and the influence of natural selection in detail. A single gene may show significantly less genetic variation than the variation within the whole genome of a population




Please help, correct answers only, will give brainliest.



B option


Hope this helps

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