1. Last night I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet. At last they killed (together/ each other/ themselves/ them)
2. (What/ Do/ Would/ Will) you like to come? – I’d love to.
3. We must be there (at/ before/ between/ after) 7.30 and 8.15.
4. When my grandmother was young, she used (sing/ to sing/ sang/ sung) very well.
5. Don’t go (outside/ inside/ into/ away). It’s too cold.
6. Our team played well (too/ that/ so/ enough) to win the gold medal.
7. Don’t let your child (play/ to play/ playing/ plays) with matches.
8. How long will he (must/ should/ have to/ has to) stay there?
9. Our team won the game because we played very (good/ well).
10. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me (perfect/ perfectly).
11. He had an accident because he was driving too (fast/ fastly).
12. Tom is a driver (careful/ carefully). He is driving along the narrow road. (careful/ carefully)
13. Do you usually feel (nervous/ nervously) before examination?
14. She speaks English (fluent/fluently).
15. He hurt himself (bad/badly).
16. He looked me when I interrupted him. (angry/ angrily)
17. I always feel when the sun is shining. (happy/ happily)
18. Lan worked very for the exam. (hard/ hardly)
19. I am not at Math. (good/ well)
20. My aunt speaks English very (good/ well/ goodly/ best).
21. We have math on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; it means we have math (once/ twice/ three times/ four times) a week.


Answer 1


1. Last night I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet. At last they killed themselves together.

2. Would you like to come?- I'd love to.

3. We must be there between 7:30 and 8:15

4.When my grandmother was young, she used to sing very well.

5. Don't go outside. It's too cold

6. Our team played well enough to win the gold medal.

7. Don't let your child play with matches.

8.How long should he stay there?

9. Our team won the game because we played very well.

10. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me perfectly.

11. He had an accident because he was driving too fast.

12. Tom is a careful driver. He is driving along the narrow road carefully.

13. Do you usually feel nervous before an examination?

14. She speaks English fluently.

15. He hurt himself badly.

16. He looked angrily at me when I interrupted him.

17. I always feel happy when the sun is shining.

18. Lan worked very hard for the exam.

19. I am not good at math.

20. My aunt speaks very good english.

21. We have math three times a week on Teusday, Thursday and Friday.


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hope it helps you sfwfjehkru



Explain the comparison that Churchill makes in the last sentence of the passage.
How is the content of the passage similar to a bookkeeper's balance sheet, which is
a summary of what a company owns and owes as well as how much people have
invested in the company? Then analyze how the comparison helps Churchill fulfill
his purpose of persuading the British people to stand firm despite recent setbacks.
Support your ideas with specific details from the passage.


The comparison, which Churchill makes about the bookkeeper's balance sheet in the last sentence of the passage, is that the capabilities of the British people to wage the war against the German Nazis are equally balanced by the inevitable dangers she faces and the resilience of the people.

Prime Minister Churchill declared war against Germany during the second world war, which lasted from 1938 to 1945.

In financial accounting, the financial position of an entity at a given time is captured by the balance sheet.  It lists the assets (resources or capabilities) that the entity has and the sources (including equity and liabilities) which finance the assets. The similarities of the passage to a bookkeeper's balance sheet are:

the British war capabilities are like her assetsthe dangers are like her liabilities, and the resilience of the people is like the equity.

Similarly, Churchill listed the capabilities of the British Forces to include

Improved defense methodTrained British pilotsCapable aircraft.

He balanced these capabilities partly with her equity:

the eternal vigilance and resilience of the peoplethe intense exertion of efforts in the war.

He did not overlook the liabilities, which included:

the dangers posed by the German Air forceinvasion devices that the enemy could conceive and  the inability of France to provide some protection.

Thus, he actually balanced the assets (what Britain owns) with the liabilities and equity (what Britain owes), thereby presenting a balanced perspective of the British position during the second world war, like a balance sheet of a business entity. By so doing, he was able to persuade the British people to not only fight on courageously, but to win the war over Nazi Germany.

Read more about Churchill and the bookkeeper's balance sheet here: https://brainly.com/question/24207646




1. sign into

2. scroll down

3. back up

4. zoom out

5. click on

6. shut down

7. turn on

8. zoom in

9. sign out

10. scroll up


hope this help :)

my sister lives in London........ .
a. so is mine b. so does mine c. so do I d. so is i ​



so do I................

In tag question this sentence,
1)I am doing my mock examination



I am doing my mock examination - aren't I


aren't I

have a great day

Most cultures have specific values that they believe in. What is this an example of?
-universal values
-personal values
-group-specific values
-world values
is it C?
This is life skills



C.) Group-specific values


I don't think it is a, because "universal" fits everything. That said, their own values don't fit everyone's "universal values.

I don't think it's b either, because "personal" values would just apply to one person within a culture. This is talking about most cultures, which include not just one person.

Similar to D,  "world values" fit everything. That said, their own values don't fit everyone else's values.

It is C., because this is targeting one specific group, which in this case is a certain culture.


Write a recipe to cook momos using different adverbs in a paragraph. ​


go any fry the momos kema adverb

Im literally so st upid





Diction is about which words the author chooses to get their point across, so D would be the correct answer here.

Which answer has an independent clause but no dependent clause?

A) Stopping by woods on a snowy evening, watching for Frosty.

B) Despite Keaton’s stone-faced expression, we laughed till we cried.

C) The apparent leader of the loudest group suddenly called for quiet.



I think b might be the answer

The Finch family is discriminated against by people in their town because Atticus chose to defend an African American man.







they are talked about




.Write a letter to your principal,highlighting the teacher's poor attitude to work and how to check it​



School name

Principal name

address of school


Dear _____,

I'm writing to complain about a teacher's behavior in our class. Teachers have a significant impact on our lives. Teachers assist students in thriving in their learning by teaching them new or more complex academic curricula, as well as teaching and reinforcing desired behavior. Adolescents are adults in training who look to their teachers for guidance in becoming civil members of society. However, as a result of the impact of bad teachers, many diverse communities are feeling the impact of bad teacher behavior, with rising classroom incivility. This letter, however, is not intended to belittle or diminish teachers' integrity; rather, it is a letter that illustrates the effects teachers have on adolescents using a variety of scholarly sources.


Can you guys give me some shorts poem about living life seriously



Ser feliz es reconocer que vale la pena vivir vida,

a pesar de todos los desafíos, incomprensiones y periodos de crisis.

Ser feliz no es una fatalidad del destino, sino una conquista para quien sabe viajar para adentro de su propio ser. Ser feliz es dejar de ser víctima de los problemas y volverse actor de la propia historia.


Which sentence best describes a major theme of the story? A People can only rely on themselves in times of trouble. B Smart and resourceful people accomplish more than cowards. O C True friends do not abandon each other in hard times. OD Being betrayed by a friend is worse than being betrayed by an enemy.





What are the ones that apply


A b and D
Because it just is
A andB and D And good luck

Which of the following most closely describes the logical fallacy demonstrated by the author's comparison of the use of cellphones in cars to the use of cellphones in airplanes?:
Select one:
O a. Ad hominem argument
O b. Non-sequitur
O c. False analogy
O d. Erroneous cause


The answer to the given question is:

d. Erroneous Cause

There are more fallacies which are sometimes not real. These fallacies can be logical also. The use of cellphone in airplane or during driving is prohibited due to these fallacies. This is also in favor of the humans that sometimes while attending a call on cell phone there can be loose in concentration of a driver and he may meet an accident.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24366043

It was unprofessional _____ her to wear casual clothes to the international conference.

A. of B. to C. for D. as


It was unprofessional__for__ her

The answer is C. For

Read the sentences: Maya likes to swim. She prefers the ocean more than a pool. Select the sentence that correctly joins the two sentences with a prepositional phrase. Maya likes the ocean more than a pool when swimming. Maya likes to swim and prefers the ocean more than a pool. Maya likes to swim in the ocean more than in a pool. Maya likes swimming when she visits the ocean or a pool.


Maya likes to swim in the ocean rather than swimming inside the pool

Rearrange the Jumbled sentences:
The Dog Went With Them.
pls rearrange the jumbled sentences for this question guys.



The dog went with the!I


I hope it helps choose me the brainest

1. use/ scissors/ tool are/ for/ sharp/ very young children
2. wrong/ consider/ they/ smoke/ it/ in public places
3. let/ I/ stay/ think/ them/ should/ the weekend/ until/ we
4. climb/ the first/ oxygen/ who/ Everest/ without/ person/ was?
5. noticed/ run/ him/ from/ away/ she/ home
6. made/ the film/ laugh/ right from/ them/ the first few
7. I'll/ look at/ the plumber/ have/ the central heating boiler
8. the answer/ you/ it/ work out/ clever/ of/ was
9. the tourists/ back/ when/ be/ the guide/ didn't/ tell/ at the
10. hear/ enough/ the guide/ clearly/ everyone/ didn't/ loudly/ for/
speak _________________________________________________



2. They consider n smoking in public places is wrong.

5. she noticed him run away from home

6. right from the first few minutes of the film mad them laugh


sorry  i only got 3 of them i dont know if its right or not but i did my best

hope it kinda helps

Select the correct answer for 5 & 6



(5) The food at the football banquet was delicious because it was pizza.

(6) The nervous speaker gave the final lecture.

Hope this helps.

Mention any two possible ways humans can get infected by the avian influenza?



Infected birds shed avian influenza virus in their saliva, mucous and feces. Human infections with bird flu viruses can happen when enough virus gets into a person's eyes, nose or mouth, or is inhaled.

Which of these pieces of information would fit in a career plan’s career definition section?

Check all that apply.

I will complete an apprenticeship.
I will earn a college degree.
I will work for a newspaper.
I will spend at least half of my time working outdoors.
I will participate in a certification program.
I will earn at least $20 per hour.



I will work for a newspaper.

I will spend at least half of my time working outdoors.

I will earn at least $20 per hour.

Hope this helps!


Who came first in the cross-country race ?​


The race ended with a tie in cross-country

Why are soliloquies so important for us an audience to develop our understanding of the character of Macbeth



Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have three soliloquies between them before the murder of Duncan. The dramatic purpose of these is twofold: first, it lets the audience know the main characters' thoughts in the pivotal and suspenseful time before the murder of a monarch.

which state has identified the central idea of the text?​



A central idea is a main point that the author is making (also called a main idea or a key idea).


What message about courage does Louise
Erdrich express in the "The Leape?



She showed courage by working in a dangerous job while seven months pregnant. Moreover, when lightning struck the tent she was performing in, she had the courage to grip onto a wire, which burned her hands, but protected the life of her unborn child.

Which is the right answer
Adverbial Clauses Of Concession



B. I always get what I want


Read the following excerpt from the story, "The Royal House of Thebes".

Oedipus of course resigned the throne. Polyneices, the elder son, did the same. The Thebans felt that this was wise because of the terrible position of the family, and they accepted Creon, Jocasta's brother, as the regent. For many years they treated Oedipus with kindness, but at last they decided to expel him from the city. What induced them to do this is not known, but Creon urged it and Oedipus' sons consented to it. The only friends Oedipus had were his daughters. Through all his misfortunes they were faithful to him. When he was driven out of the city Antigone went with him to guide him in his blindness and care for him, and Ismene stayed in Thebes to look out for his interests and keep him informed of whatever happened that touched him.

After he had gone his two sons asserted their right to the throne, and each tried to be made king. Eteocles succeeded although he was the younger, and he expelled his brother from Thebes. Polyneices took refuge in Argos and did all he could to arouse enmity against Thebes. His intention was to collect an army to march against the city.

What is the definition of the underlined term as it is used in the passage?









xhhjxgknv. fvucxxhvhjk. vgjtfxjkbcdc ctc fridcdh

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