1. Urban sprawl has happed (fast) ____________ than ever


Answer 1

Urban sprawl has happened (fast) faster than ever

Thanks , Please mark me brainliest


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which statement best describes the similarity between these excerpts​



which experts


complete your question

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menus.
Read the excerpt. Then choose the correct way to complete the sentence.

Stone’s attitude toward her audience changes from to .


Answer: Stones attituded changes from happy to sad


simple sad

Stone's attitude towards her audience has changed from amused to disappointed. The correct answer is A. amused and C. Disappointed.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought, idea, or proposition. It typically consists of a subject, which is the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about, and a predicate, which includes the verb and any objects or complements that follow it. A sentence can be simple, consisting of just one independent clause, or it can be complex, with multiple clauses and phrases. In written English, sentences are typically punctuated with a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark at the end.

Here in the Question,

The play's creator is dissatisfied in the audience's response and believes that they were uninterested in the play.

He finds the response amusing and disappointing at the same time.

Therefore, Due to the audience's lack of interest in the plot and the small number of people that waited for the finale, Stone's attitude toward her audience changed from amused to disappointed.

To learn about Context clue click:



none but our english teacher can read this.(affirmative statement )



* How to answer, “How would you explain yourself?”

I am passionate about my work. ...

I am ambitious and driven. ...

I am highly organised. ...

I'm a people person. ...

I'm a natural leader. ...

I am results oriented. ...

I am an excellent communicator.

* Here are a few strategies for answering questions in a helpful way!

If they're not asking clearly, help them clarify. ...

Figure out what they know already. ...

Point them to the documentation. ...

Point them to a useful search. ...

Write new documentation. ...

Explain what you did. ...

Solve the underlying problem.


identify words with positive and negative connotation

(please help me )​


Gossip is the most negative

Trevor shared the gossip that he had heard from his friend.

What is a blog?

Thanks if you help :)



A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject

A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Thanks , Please mark me brainliest


- Complete the following past simple and continuous events. Choose the correct alternative

7. I _______________ a novel while my mother ___________.

a) was read / was cooking
b) read / cooked
c) was reading / was cooking
d) was reading / cooks

8. I ___________ out of the window when the accident happened.

a) was looked
b) looked
c) looking
d) was looking

9. You ___________ while I ____________.

a) played / study
b) were playing / studying
c) were playing / was studying
d) were played / was studying

10. He _____________his homework when his father came home.

a) were doing
b) was doing
c) did
d) did do


Here’s the answer


7. I (C) WAS READING a novel while my mother WAS COOKING

8. (D) WAS LOOKING out of the window when the accident happened.


10. He (B) WAS DOING his homework when his father came home.

Select the correct answer.

Which of the following is a feature of the IdeaStorm website launched by Dell?

tracks a competitor's marketing campaign
promotes newly launched products
suggests new products for development
informs investors about the company's goals



option. c



Do you think the use of technology helps in the classroom?​





Technology can help teachers form a better relationship with their students and their colleagues. For example, 84% of teachers report using the internet at least weekly to find content that will engage students. Using technology in your classroom also encourages critical thinking skills.

You may be able to infer the meanings of unknown words through____?
Select all that apply.

context clues

probable parts of speech

the number of vowels




context clues


i really hope this helps

p.s. mark me brainly



Integrate the information in "Lear: Setting the Scene" and the video "The Pilgrim Fathers" to answer the question.
What motivated the Pilgrims to cross the Atlantic in search of a new life?
Select the two correct answers.
A. They wanted to move away from formal worship and the traditional church.
B. They hoped to start a community in which all religious viewpoints were welcomed.
C. They knew they could escape the disease and natural disasters that plagued their homeland.
D. They rejected the idea that the sovereignty of God needed the support of government.​


The correct answer is B. The Pilgrim Fathers hoped to start a community in which all religious viewpoints were welcomed.

The Pilgrim Fathers were the first settlers to come to North America after the establishment of the Jamestown Colony. Their main motivation for emigrating to these lands was the religious persecution they suffered in England, where the Anglican Church prohibited alternative expressions such as Puritanism that they defended. Thus, they sought to create a society where religious tolerance and freedom of expression were fundamental pillars of it.

Learn more in https://brainly.com/question/12028073


the answers for your question would

D.They rejected the idea that the sovereignty of God needed the support of government.


A.They wanted to move away from formal worship and the traditional church.


Both explainations for the answers can be found in this transcript of " The pilgrims Fathers". Which describes the attitudes they felt. They're located on number 00:05:16.00

Also Those were the correct answers for my test.

Here's proof

Hope this helps

Arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence a. weather the this cuckoo is the likes.​



This is the weather the cuckoo likes.


what is the reason for being the whole world like a house.​



It provides current data on horse prices as well as metrics used to assess valuation in housing chart of credit growth around the world.......

Read the paragraph and identify the adjectives used in it and write in a separate table

Scolars are worshiped everywhere. No one likes a fool. An educated person can accomplish any task in any situation. People who don't read, don't care about others, don't know what to do and don't know how to do anything, suffer a lot in life. Anyone who likes patriarchal, prudent, helpful and obedient people. People who don't do their part are thugs. People with bad tempers are always disgusted. Not only hundreds, thousands, millions of crores but billions of people living on this earth have different tendencies. Man's conduct must be very good. Students should pay attention in time to associate with their friends as they get older. There is a big difference between being big and being good. In this world, anyone who does what is right will receive the same reward. People learn a lot from the people they have met, the places they have visited, the books they have read, and so on. So people should first take care of my habits and only care about the behavior of others. Students can learn a lot from peers who are older than them and who are first, second and third. Just as your parents have good manners and good manners, so must you have good manners.​






4. helpful












I think I have done so many mistakes please don't take it seriously that I had answered wrong...

Please help me from number 1 to 22



1. F

2. S

3. F

4. F

5. S


Complete sentences have a subject and verb. A subject tends to be a noun or pronoun. A couple examples of a noun or pronoun: "dog" or "Billy." Always look for these two characteristics when analyzing these problems. If one is missing, it is a fragment. I will answer the first few with some explanation.


"Lay" is the subject of the sentence. There is no verb. Therefore this is not a complete sentence, but instead a sentence fragment.


"Tree" is the subject while the verb and helping verb is "was struck." Since this problem meets both requirements, this is a complete sentence.


"Sound" is the subject, but there is no verb.


"I" is the subject and "fell" can be considered a verb, but this is actually not a complete sentence. This is because the sentence starts with "just as" which begins a clause. This one is a bit trickier to explain, but I hope my explanation makes a little sense.


"Jud" is the subject and "crawled" is the verb.

I hope these examples/explanations help!

19. F
20. F
21 F

The players as well as the coach ______ (want/wants) to win.



The players as well as the coach_wants___ (want/wants) to win.




if you're choosing between want and wants, want would be the better option. Wants would be used if you were talking about a singular person (ex. "the coach wants to win" - coach is a singular person. "the players want to win" - the players are a group. "the players as well was the coach want to win" - the players and coach are a group). This will not work in all cases, but it should in most!

Why does the jeweller keep the duchess waiting for ten minutes?
to hide the jewels
c. to appear punctual
b. to tidy up the office
d. because it brings him pleasure



Because the duchess needs money to pay her gambling debts


In Virginia Woolf's short story "The Duchess and the Jeweler," the jeweler keeps the duchess waiting for ten minutes because he wants to create an impression of busyness and importance. Hence, option c is correct.

What was the purpose duchess in Virginia?

In Virginia Woolf's short story "The Duchess and the Jeweler," the purpose of the duchess is to sell a pearl necklace to the jeweler.

The duchess is a wealthy and aristocratic woman who wants to sell her family's heirloom, a pearl necklace, for a large sum of money. She believes that the jeweler, who is known for his expertise and wealth, is the best person to buy the necklace from her.

The jeweler is aware that the duchess is a wealthy and influential client, and he wants to give her the impression that his business is in high demand and he is a busy man. By keeping her waiting, he is attempting to create an image of himself as a successful and sought-after jeweler. Hence, option C is correct.

Find more on Virginia wolf: The Duchess and the jewelers:



Things we can manage in our working environment beside of salary​​​


Answer: didn't understand question


IV. Complete the passage below using the correct forms of the words in brackets.
People are becoming more security conscious these days. Crimes like burglary and
are definitely on the increase. One of the most (2. PAIN)
experiences a home (3. OWN)
can have is to arrive home and find that his or her (4.
have disappeared, because a window had (5. ACCIDENT)
left open. What can we do to protect ourselves?
The most important piece of (6. ADVISORY)
is to make sure that your (7.
coverage is up to date. Another (8. SENSE)
thing to do is to go
along to your local police station, where they will be more than willing to make (9. SUGGEST)
on (10. RELY)
ways of safeguarding your property.












1. Explain the difference between Plot and Theme?

2. Define Protagonist and Antagonist?

3. Clear Sentence Structure.

Define the following vocabulary words




1. A key difference is that themes are often short and can be said in one sentence, whereas the plot of a story can be lengthy.

2.protagonist-the leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, novel
Antagonist-one that contends with or opposes another example: a villain


Precise: exactly or sharply defined or stated
Concise: giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words

Please describe yoursellf in a tweet." Remember a tweet has a maximum of 280 characters, so you need to communicate as effectively as you can. Tell the class what makes you who you are. You can talk about anything that is important to you, or what interests and hobbies you have. You could talk about your favorite fods, actor/actress, singer, song, games, places, things to do, etc. You could talk about your family or personal relationships. You could describe your personality. You coulduse a quote you really like. Say anything yoOu like, as long as you keep it school appropriate:)



Type your search here


Giving you more characters to express yourself

By Aliza Rosen and Ikuhiro Ihara

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Trying to cram your thoughts into a Tweet – we’ve all been there, and it’s a pain.

Interestingly, this isn't a problem everywhere people Tweet. For example, when I (Aliza) Tweet in English, I quickly run into the 140 character limit and have to edit my Tweet down so it fits. Sometimes, I have to remove a word that conveys an important meaning or emotion, or I don’t send my Tweet at all. But when Iku Tweets in Japanese, he doesn’t have the same problem. He finishes sharing his thought and still has room to spare. This is because in languages like Japanese, Korean, and Chinese you can convey about double the amount of information in one character as you can in many other languages, like English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.

We want every person around the world to easily express themselves on Twitter, so we're doing something new: we're going to try out a longer limit, 280 characters, in languages impacted by cramming (which is all except Japanese, Chinese, and Korean).

Although this is only available to a small group right now, we want to be transparent about why we are excited to try this. Here are some of our findings

have you ever studied abroad?



Yaaaa.......you ask question personally or study point of view.......




What does the excerpt imply about Rome's relationship with France?



The excerpt implies that the Roman's controlled France (Gaul)


The excerpt implies that the Romans controlled France (Gaul). When Caesar lost most of his fleet, he returned to Gaul to regroup and resume his journey. He had ordered the people there to build him a large fleet. After defeating Cassibellaun, he returned to France.



Read the sentence and answer the question.

My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday and I stay home to practice the violin.

Which correctly shows where a comma is needed in the sentence?

A. My mother, and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday and I stay home to practice the violin.

B. My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday, and I stay home to practice the violin.

C. My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday and I stay home, to practice the violin.

D. My mother and father practice the viola, with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday and I stay home to practice the violin.



The correct answer is: My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday, and I stay home to practice the violin.


The person above is correct. B.


The comma would go before the and. So the answer is B.

please help!

“California is the best place to live” is an example of ____.

a: actuation
b: policy
c: fact
d: emotion
e: value




If it's not then it's probably a


(california isn't that good anymore tho unfortuantly)

format of writing of novel



Set the margins for your document at 3cm on all four sides.

Align to the left hand side only; the right hand side should remain jagged.

Use twelve point Times New Roman in black type only. Courier and Arial fonts may also be acceptable.

Lines should be double spaced with no extra spaces between paragraphs.

Single space between sentences after periods.

Indent new paragraphs and each new section of dialogue, with the exception of the opening paragraph of a chapter or scene break. Don’t do this by hitting the tab key. Instead, set indentation to 1.25cm in Word through Format->Paragraph->Section.

Indicate scene breaks by inserting a blank line and centering the hash sign (#) in the center of the line.

Insert a key word from the title in the top right header with the page number and your last name. E.g., Smith - Manuscript - page 1

Begin chapters on new pages. Center the chapter title, even if it’s only Chapter One (or Chapter 1), about one-third of the way down the page. Skip a couple of spaces and begin the text of the chapter.

Center a hash sign (#) one double-spaced blank line down at the end of the manuscript. Or, simply write The End. This will reassure agents and editors that pages aren’t accidentally missing.

Use italics for italicized words. Never underline in novel manuscripts.

Your title page should include:

The name of the work.

Your approximate word count, to the nearest hundred.

Your contact details formatted in the same font and size as the manuscript font.

Copyright details.

Your agent’s details, if you have an agent.

Remember to keep a copy of your manuscript for yourself.


have this glass of coconut juice into passive​



this glass have coconut juice

What Is It Like Being a Teenager in Britain?


British teenagers spend most of their time at school. Students in Britain can leave school at sixteen (grade 11). This is also the age when most students take their first important exams, the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). Most teens take between 5-10 subjects, which means a lot of studying. They are spending more time on homework than teenagers ever before. Forget watching TV, teenagers in Britain now spend 2-3 hours on homework after school.

School uniform

Visit almost any school in Britain and the first thing you’ll notice is the school uniform. Although school uniform has its advantages, when they are 15 or 16 most teenagers are tired of wearing it. When there is more than one school in a town, school uniforms can highlight differences between schools. In London there are many cases of bullying and fighting between pupils from different schools.

Clothes and looks

In Britain, some teens judge you by the shirt or trainers you are wearing. 40% of British teenagers believe it’s important to wear designer labels. If you want to follow the crowd, you need to wear trendy labels. Teenage feet in Britain wear fashionable trainers and the more expensive, the better.
1. Most students in Britain take the GCSE when ____________.

A. They are 11 years old

B. They are 16 years old

C. They finish grade 10

D. They begin grade 11

2. What is the first thing you’ll notice when you visit almost any school in Britain?

A. The school logo

B. The school gate

C. The school playground

D. The school uniform

3. What do most teenagers in Britain prefer to wear?

A. Trendy labels

B. Expensive uniforms

C. Fashionable hats

D. Economical trainers

4. The word ‘highlight’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________ .

A. Confuse

B. Remark

C. Emphasise

D. Decrease

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Students in Britain can take 8 subjects at the GCSE.

B. Most British teenagers spend 2-3 hours watching TV after school.

C. Most 16-year-old students in Britain don’t like school uniforms.

D. Many British teenagers judge their friends by their shirts or trainers.


1. (A) 16 years old.

2. (D) The school uniform.

3. (A) Trendy labels.

4. (C) Emphasize.

5. (C) Most British teenagers spend 2-3 hours watching TV after school.

It should be noted that most students in Britain take the GCSE when B. They are 16 years old.

The first thing that you’ll notice when an individual visits almost any school in Britain is the school uniform.

Most teenagers in Britain prefer to wear trendy labels.

The word ‘highlight’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to emphasize.

Lastly, from the passage, the untrue statement is that most British teenagers spend 2-3 hours watching TV after school.

Learn more about passages on:


Maya with her sister ..........going to cinema. (is ,are,am)​








Complete the sentences to identify the types of research sources Sofia should use.



Is there more to the question?


Draft a defense or a challenge with at least two reasons for your opinion. Make sure you have a main idea sentence for your opinion. Writing a draft first, then revising and editing, will help you to better organize your thoughts. Then, edit for capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.

Defense or Challenge: People over 21 may legally carry concealed handguns, but do you think they should be allowed to bring them into a college? Write your opinion with a main idea sentence, two valid reasons, and a concluding sentence (minimum 4 sentences).


My opinion is no because sometimes when somebody ill-treats you like ragging or making fun of you and if you’re a short tempered person then you may harm that person. It’s not only you. It can be anyone.
I’m sorry if I had said anything wrong
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