1. What are the characteristics of British people?
2. How do you understand the constitutional mornachy?
3. How would you describe the United States of America in terms of geography?
4. What are the 6 basic traditional American values?


Answer 1


1. likes to drink tea,

quite funny,

most sports fans are football,

very polite greetings and greetings,

always in time,

Comfortable dressing is key


Related Questions

There is no difference between a drama and a novel, each of tell a story



I think that's truth hope this will be correct answer

Compare and contrast Mr. Tushman and Mrs. Alban’s main ideas in their emails.





Which of the following sentences shows an adverb modifying a verb?
A. The extremely fast criminal escaped the police.
B. The daily newspaper arrived.
C. The movie was interesting
D. Bobby should be arriving soon.



I think number D.

is the write answer


and thanks for asking question

The sentence that shows an adverb that modifying a verb is that the Bobby should be arriving soon. Option D is correct.

What is adverb?

An adverb is defined as a word that changes or describes some other word, such as a procedural, a verb, or even a whole sentence. Example, I had brought a pen.

Some examples are:

   He makes well.    He eats very fast    Rama plays harmonium    He ran slowly.    Sunita spoke softly.    James coughed slowly to not attract her attention.    He plays the guitar attractively.

Noun the words “early,” “slowly,” “home,” and “hard” are all adverbs in the phrases “runs slowly,” “arrived early,” “stayed home,” and “works hard.” The sentence that “Bobby should be arriving soon” is also fall under this category, and this sentence fulfills the rules of the adverb.

Therefore, option D is correct that the Bobby should be arriving soon.

Learn more about the adverb, refer to:



Would you like to live in your hometown or somewhere else?


That depends. If you get homesick easily, I would suggest to live in your hometown. If you don't, and like to travel then I would say, "Go for it" for living in another place. I personally would like to live in another country.




because I have learned many things from my hometown such as respect senior love junior,to be self discipline, helping others at needs etc.

write a letter to your friend describing how you were helped by a stranger when you were in need​



Dear, Lizzy (using a random name lol) Today something strange happened to me. i was going to The store to buy some food supplies for my kids as i walk towards the store I was in a rush and wasnt thinking straight the time passed and i finally got my stuff as i was about to check out i noticed An old lady struggling to get something. I didnt really think and i happidly helped her. she thanked me after which i felt  slight relieved after sometime it was finally my time to check out then i suddently noticed i left my wallet it was very frustarating and i tried explaining the cashier about my situation.. when suddenly the old woman i helped earlier said "I will pay". That made me so shocked. the woman had Paid for my supplies.. it was so Confsuing and rare and i thanked her so much she finally said "You did me a favor and im returning it". All i could do was smile and since then I Feel grateful about this and i think that if it happens again i wont hesitate on helping. Becuase next time i could be in bad luck but there might be a miracle to help me. And You should do the same lizzy!

Sincerly, Your friend (randome name) Jessica


Why ......you always.....over spilt? I am tired of what you say A are_ crying. B.do_drink



Can't answer need more text.


I'd love to help you give me more context in the comments and I will answer this for you.

Do they help anybody? Into affirmative



They would help anybody.

What is the verbs and adverbs in this passage please help



the adverbs are he,I,


adverbs are used in place of nouns

kindly correct me if I am wrong

After my laborious conquest, I’ve distanced myself a little from the situation but you mustn’t think my love has cooled. Peter’s a sweetheart, but I’ve slammed the door to my inner self



cool, very epic, much awesome!!!

First Conditional : "I will go if they go."

Second conditional : He said he _____ if they ______ ​


Answer:He said he would go if they went.


Mark me as brainlies t

The answer is:

He said he “would go” if they “went”

me ayudan porfavor:3​



1. cooked - to cook something - past tense

2. wrote - using a pencil or pen to mark down letters or words onto a piece of paper - past tense

2. apologize - to say sorry - future tense

3. brought - take something to a place - past tense

4. told - to tell someone about something - past tense

4. visit - go to see something or spend time with people - future tense

5. left - to leave behind - past tense

6. called - to yell to someone, say their name, or ring them on the phone - past tense



I wrote down what I think are the answers


I hope I helped

Which theme do these lines support?



making snap jugdement is unwise


Making snap judgments is unwise.


answer C

This chart shows four atoms, labeled W, X, Y, and Z.
These atoms can combine with each other to form
Which combination of atoms will form a molecule, but
not a compound?
O W and X
O X and Y
O W and Z
O Y and Z



W and Z



the person above is correct. W and Z


How many syllables in the word "rights"






There are 1 syllables in the word "rights"

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

How to find a major news incident of an ongoing issue and compare the coverage of the incident by the different media over a period of time.



i don't know you can ask other


by contributing the country

by helping to needy and poor people

by giving education to others

In the raisin in the sun why does Momma entrust Walter with the money



Lena gives Walter the $6500 that is left after she puts a $3500 payment down on her house because she wants him to know that she trusts him and will empower him.

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest

how will you have a successfull conversation



Here are some tips to help you when you are having a conversation. They can

help you communicate better.

1. Be aware of how you use eye contact. Looking at a person’s face from time to

time can be an important way to show respect and to show that you are listening.

2. Be aware of your body language. You may be sending a subtle message that

you may not mean to send.

3. Be aware of personal space. Are you making someone feel uncomfortable

by sitting too close or far from them? Each person has a different idea of

personal space.

4. Be a good listener in conversation. This can be just as important as speaking

in a conversation.

5. Notice your voice when you are speaking. Notice how fast you are talking and

how loud you are. Listen to your tone, pitch and intensity. People will notice

changes in your voice and may see them as signs of anger, frustration or fear.

6. Remember to take turns in the conversation. Other ways to have a good

conversation are:

• keep a topic going or change topics at the right time

• ask and answer questions










15. They
the institute five years ago.
(A) have entered
(B) entered
(C) had entered
16. Does the professor _ a lot of experience?
(A) has
(B) have
(C) had



15.(C) and 16.(A) I think these are the correct answer hope it helps

15. C // 16. B ; number 15 is in past tense while number 16 is in present tense

what is the subject in the sentence "It is a steel cylinder a hundred feet long"



cylinder is the subject


Subject is whatever that is being talked about or discussed in a sentence. In the sentence you posted, we are talking about a “steel cylinder”, right? Steel is the adjective for the subject, cylinder. Steel is the adjective and cylinder is the subject.

Cylinder is the subject

what are the signs and symptoms of coved - 19 ?​


Symptoms: fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea

How can dementia residents be a problem in society? What should be my main point in my analysis essay regarding dementia residents in long term care?



what is go a long walk for heathy


for fitness and


I like to draw pictures
Can someone change the above sentence into Negative Form ​



I don't like to draw picture.

I don’t like to draw pictures

It 's really raining outside right now.I_____forget my umbrella or I'll get wet!​





It's really raining outside right now. I had better not forget my umbrella or I'll get wet!

I hope I helped you^_^

Aryan sets his alaram for 5:30 pm change into passive voice​



Aryan's alarm is set for 5:30 pm.


where did the writer long for the holidays​


I think this is of the English book chapter going home if so the write longed for the holidays so that he could visit his family and celebrate dashain with them.

Classroom layout

1. Where will your desk be?
2.How many students desks do you need?
3.What seating arrangement of the desks will you use?
4.Will you have any classroom computers?where will you put the classroom computer table?
5.Will you have a carpeted area,away from the students desks,where you can all come together for classroom meetings,etc?​



1. My desk will be at the front and center of the classroom, giving easy visual access to all students. Also, as that is at least my goal, I can keep an eye on the entire room.

2. I'll have 45 desks because I expect up to 35 students in my class, and I'll write their names on their desks. This will make it much easier to remember a huge number of names!

3. My kids' desks should be arranged into groups of four. Students face each other, which allows for plenty of teamwork and collaboration. To stimulate students’ participation and discussions, two desks face another two desks.

4. Yes, there will be numerous computers, and the workstation will be close to my desk to prevent kids from visiting off-topic websites. Computers are a crucial part of education, as well as the use of workstations to allow students to work in groups or alone.

5. Definitely a red carpet area where we can do stories with the class while having a good time.


she said to me," my brother wants to meet you." into indirect ​


In Indirect Speech:

➺ She told me that her brother wanted to meet me.


➺ Change to indirect Speech by :-

Changing the narration from 1st person to 3rd person.Changing from present tense to past tense.

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1. Which of the following is not part of the plot of The Birch Tree's Gift?
a. Olarin chops down the birch tree.
b. Everyone has a gift
c. The maid gives Olarin five of her hairs
d. The forest thanks the birch tree for its beautiful music​



Every one has a gift


I hope it helps choose me the brainest

Other Questions
15. My new job will mean . all over the world. (travel) Move the numbers to the lines to order them from least to greatest.leastgreatest67.9868.668.11Please answer ASAP discuss the assertion that non formal institution have no role to play at the processing stage of the system thery is an empty rhetoric? find the length of the arc . round your answers to the nearest tenth 2. A parallel-plate capacitor has a capacitance of C. If the area of the plates is doubled andthe distance between the plates is doubled, what is the new capacitance?A) C/4B) C/2C)CD) 4C completar el cuadro correspondiente con las palabras antnimas por diferencia de grado: segun grado de intensidad los antonimos pueden ser absolutos o relativos: Palabra_antonimo_relativo Destruir_conservar______ptimo_________psimoCaliente_fro__________Senil_joven___________Dulce_cido__________Amor_indiferencia______Siempre________Nunca_______pobre_mseroIgnorante________erudito________limpio_sucio during the 1800s what industry hired women as switched operators Tom bought 750 shares of a companys stock for $11.06/share. He pays a broker a commission of $12 to buy and sell stock. After one year, Tom sold all his shares, when they were worth $10.24/share. How much did it cost Tom to buy the stock? Show your work. What was Toms net gain or loss? Show your work. What was Toms annual rate of return? Show your work. find the measure of a Joe travels at a constant speed of 80 miles per hour for ten hours. How many miles will he travel in tenhours? How many kilometers will he travel in ten hours? (1 mi= 1.6 km) When Asia was young, her father marked her height on the door frame every month. He noticed that between the ages of one and three, he could predict her height (in inches) by taking her age in months, adding 75 inches, and multiplying the result by one-third.Create an equation linking her predicted height, h, with her age in months, m, and solve to find when her height will be 30 inches. When we say that a firm is a price taker, we are indicating that the Group of answer choices firm takes the price established in the market then tries to increase that price through advertising. firm can change output levels without having any significant effect on price. demand curve faced by the firm is perfectly inelastic. firm will have to take a lower price if it wants to increase the number of units that it sells. My primary goal is to go to college. There are nickles and quarters worth $2.20 in total. If there are 28 coins, how many nickels are there? what are the 3 megacities? Ton cu ha c nh hng g n th gii Use the equation d=z9 to find the value of d when z=10.d= can my sister enroll me in school without custody in Florida? What is the overall purpose of Article V ofthe Constitution?A. It sets up the relationships of states to one another and thefederal government.B. It outlines the amendment proposal process.C. It deals with the ratification of the constitution. given the series 1+2+3+4+5+6+...+5000. Write the series in sigma notation if all the powers of 4 are removed from the series.