1. What changes did the National Security Act of 1947 make to the way the
United States organized its military and gathered information? (7 points)


Answer 1


The National Security Act of 1947 changed the way the United States organized its military and gathered information by establishing better coordination and communication among the types of branches, as well as among the leaders.

Related Questions

Why did the U.S. dispatch warships to the waters off Panama?

•. to annex the land needed to build the Panama Canal

•. to aid a Panamanian rebellion against Colombia

•. to prevent Panama from giving control of the Canal Zone to Britain

•. to ensure that Panamanian debts to American bankers were repaid



to aid a Panamanian rebellion against Colombia hope that helps you out



B.  to aid a Panamanian rebellion against Colombia


I just got it right on the quiz.

Question 5 of 10
What was the biggest effect the Columbian Exchange had on Europe?
A. Diseases from the New World killed millions of Europeans.
B. African slaves were brought to Europe to work the land.
C. New types of food helped many Europeans live better lives.
D. Europeans sold m-bay animals to Native American tribes.


C - New types of food helped many Europeans live better lives
is the answer.

why is it better to live as an Ancient Chinese farmer than a merchant



Many ancient Chinese were peasant farmers, but they were respected for the food they provided for the rest of the Chinese people. Although they lived a hard and difficult life they worked in a small family farm.

On the other hand, Merchants didn't earn alot of respect due to not providing anything, but rather to trade goods made by others. Although they weren't respected, they lived a very wealthy life than the ancient Chinese framers.

This was one reason why life was better as an ancient Chinese framer.

Short answer:

It's better to live as an Ancient Chinese framer than a Merchant because Ancient Chinese farmers were respected and Mercahnts weren't respected, due to what they did for a living.

What was the primary objective of Alexander the Great?

A) educate and free the slaves

B) conquer the world

C) spread culture throughout the world

D) provide equality to all of the city-states



(b) conquer the world.


Provide equality to all of the city - states. Conquer the world. Spread culture throughout the world. Educate and free the slaves.

A) giáo dục và giải phóng nô lệ

The Nubian system of writing ___________.
was similar to Egypt's
was based on Chinese
used an alphabet
was the earliest writing ever



Used an alphabet


i did this before this is  the correct answer, hope i helped

Used an alphabet. :)

how would an anti-federalist most likely have responded to Hamilton's assertion





Why were European traders from centuries ago attracted to India?


European traders were attracted towards India because of the spices grown in tropical climates - pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, dried ginger etc. These spices had become an important part of European cooking. Also, they found the cotton cloth very attractive.

Egg come first in this world or hen come first​



first man came

good morning

Eggs come from chickens and chickens come from eggs: that’s the basis of this ancient riddle. But eggs – which are just female sex cells – evolved more than a billion years ago, whereas chickens have been around for just 10,000 years. So the riddle is easily solved…or is it?

Taken at face value, there is no doubt that the egg came before the chicken. We tend to think of eggs as the shelled orbs laid by birds from which their chicks hatch – unless we eat them first. But all sexually reproducing species make eggs (the specialised female sex cells). That’s 99.99 per cent of all eukaryotic life – meaning organisms that have cells with a nucleus, so all animals and plants, and everything but the simplest life forms.

We don’t know for sure when sex evolved but it could have been as much as 2 billion years ago, and certainly more than 1 billion. Even the specialised sort of eggs laid by birds, with their tough outer membrane, evolved more than 300 million years ago.

As for chickens, they came into being much later. They are domesticated animals, so evolved as the result of humans purposefully selecting the least aggressive wild birds and letting them breed. This seems to have happened in several places independently, starting around 10,000 years ago.

The wild ancestor of chickens is generally agreed to be a tropical bird still living in the forests of Southeast Asia called the red junglefowl –  with other junglefowl species possibly adding to the genetic mix. From these origins, humans have carried chickens around the world over the past two millennia or more.

So, eggs dramatically predate chickens. But to be fair to the spirit of the riddle, we should also consider whether a chicken’s egg predates a chicken. As humans consistently chose the tamest red junglefowls and bred them together, the genetic makeup of the resulting birds will have shifted. At some stage during this domestication process the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) evolved into a new subspecies, Gallus gallus domesticus, AKA the chicken.

In practice, it is impossible to pinpoint the moment when this happened. But in theory, at some point two junglefowl bred and their offspring was genetically different enough from the species of its parents to be classified as a chicken. This chicken would have developed within a junglefowl egg and only produced the very first chicken’s egg on reaching maturity. Looked at this way, the chicken came first.....

In the nineteenth century, various sections of the United States had conflicting desires for how the national economy should develop. For example, westerners wanted land prices in the West because they wanted to .


Answer: low; encourage farmers to settle there


For example, westerners wanted land prices in the West low because they wanted to encourage farmers to settle there.

In the Nineteenth century, the western portion of the United States was not yet populated and vast areas of land were unoccupied especially after the Native Indian occupants had been cleared out.

Those in the west therefore wanted land prices to be low in the west so that people would be attracted to settle there and occupy the area.

Which problems emerged after the end of First World War



Four empires collapsed due to the war, old countries were abolished, new ones were formed, boundaries were redrawn, international organizations were established, and many new and old ideologies took a firm hold in people's minds.

what was the largest Empire in history​



The Mongol Empire



the mongol empire


The Mongol Empire existed during the 13th and 14th centuries and it is recognized as being the largest contiguous land empire in history.

i hope this helps <33

braniliest pleaseee

heres a dog to make you have  a better day :) i <3 you

Which of these was a political goal for farmers?
• A. Lower prices for cotton

B. Lower prices for gold
• C. Fair prices for shipping
• D. Fair wages for day laborers



I think it's C) Fair prices for shipping !



Fair prices for shipping were a political goal for farmers. The correct option is C.

What was the action of farmers alliances?

Many Farmers' Alliance chapters established cooperative mills and storehouses to aid in lowering the costs for farmers to bring goods to market, as well as cooperative stores that offered goods at lower prices than retail establishments.

Farmers need these facilities in order to protect their grain harvests from pests, insects, and microorganism damage. Therefore, a lower price for grain storage facilities is the political objective of farmers. In 1875, an organized agrarian economic movement known as the Farmers Alliance was born among American farmers. Putting an end to the negative effects the crop-lien system had on farmers in the years after the American Civil War was one of the organization's objectives.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about Farmers here:



Explain the economic factors affecting birth​



Due to lack of employment, they stay idle at their home and force to women to give birth to more children. So, unemployment is one of the major factors which affect birth. ... The family with poor economic may have more children compared to rich people.

Why is kristallnacht important when studying the Holocaust?


when German Nazis attacked Jewish persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms. The violence continued during the day of November 10, and in some places acts of violence continued for several more days. Knowing this helps us better understand the start and beginning of Hitler's goal to eradicate the Jewish people.



By 1935, Hitler’s efforts to rebuild the German military forces (which had begun in 1933 in violation of the Treaty of Versailles) became public, and Germany began taking steps toward expanding the Third Reich across all of Europe. The first steps included annexing Austria (an act known as the Anschluss) and the part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland, territories inhabited by so-called “true Germans” who Hitler believed ought to be part of the Reich. Fearful of igniting a new world war, the leaders of other countries were unwilling to oppose with military force Hitler’s demands for these territories. As a result, Germany expanded into Austria and Czechoslovakia without firing a shot. (The Nazis’ plans to expand Germany’s “living space” are explored in more detail in the next lesson.)

Which Greek philosophers passed on legacies of knowledge and inquiry that shaped future political, ethical, and social ideas? Select all that apply.

A. Euripides
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. Thucydides
E. Hippocrates
F. Plato



Socrates because we use a bunch of his methods for example of most commonly known one is called the Socratic method

or the
to the
1) According to this passage, the GREATEST motivation for English
exploration should be
A) economic might.
B) political power
C) spreading religion.


i think that the answer would be A. economics was a big factor in those times

What were male citizens of ancient Athens expected to do?



They were expected to actively take part in the Assembly. to pay a small fee to vote in the Assembly, to join the army for three years and to serve on a jury for members of the same class.

Hope this helps.

If a state has 18 representatives, how many total electoral votes will that state get? If a state has 32 electoral votes, how many representatives does that state have?



If a state has 18 representatives, then the state will have 20 votes.

If a state has 32 electoral votes, then the state has 30 representatives.


The amount of votes that a state is given is defined by the amount of seats they are given in the House of Representatives (which is defined by the % of population the area holds in comparison with the whole country), as well as the Senate, in which each state is given 2 votes each regardless of population.


Support staff in the executive office of the president include what





The President is that the chief administrator of the centralized government. He's accountable for all federal departments, together with cabinet departments, like the State Department, and other agencies.

The EOP supports the work of the President. They can be the members of White House Office, National Security Council or Office of Management and Budget. Some of them report directly to the president and some indirectly.




Read the excerpts from “Take the Tortillas Out of Your Poetry” and “Speaking Arabic.”

My friend had concluded that if he took his language and culture out of his poetry, he stood a better chance of receiving a fellowship. He took out his native language, the poetic patois of our reality, the rich mixture of Spanish, English, pachuco and street talk which we know so well. In other words, he took the tortillas out of his poetry, which is to say he took the soul out of his poetry.

At a neighborhood fair in Texas, somewhere between the German Oom-pah Sausage Stand and the Mexican Gorditas booth, I overheard a young man say to his friend, “I wish I had a heritage. Sometimes I feel—so lonely for one.” And the tall American trees were dangling their thick branches right down over his head.

Which best states how the structures of the excerpts are similar?
Each presents factual evidence to appeal to the reader’s logic.
Each documents career credentials to appeal to the reader’s ethics.
Each discusses a friend to appeal to the reader’s sense of community.
Each relates an anecdote to appeal to the reader’s emotions.



Each relates an anecdote to appeal to the reader's emotions.

what is the nature of the problem that yields less than desirable results for all parties? undercover economist



Explanation:The nature of these alternatives depends on the kind of choice problem that is being studied. In the theory of elections, the alternatives are people who might stand as candidates in an election. In welfare economics .....

I think the answer is that this and that

How did the Battle of the Coral Sea impact Japan’s war strategy?

The warring ships were so far apart that they never saw each other.

It prevented Japan from attacking Australia.

Japan’s uninterrupted string of victories was broken.



It is B

and the next question is also B


edge 2022

Answer: B and for 2 question B



Why did some Paleolithic peoples abandon earlier, more nomadic ways to begin to live a more settled life?



Because a global warming allowed more animals and plants to survive that the people did not have to go looking for their food. It came to them

Critics claimed that Wilson used __________, and not moral diplomacy to extend the United States influence to other countries.

A. dollar diplomacy
B. imperialism
C. war


A. Dollar diplomacy

Answer: B Imperialism


Ai là vua đầu tiên của vn






Select ALL the correct answers

Which two factors led to Latin Arnerican revolutions?

the successful French Revolution

the inwasion of Spain by the French

the invasion of North America by England

the successful Spanish Revolution



The successful French Revolution and the successful Spanish Revolution.

I Hope its right if not so advance sorry :)

What happened in the Soviet Union after the Cuban Missile Crisis?



d just did it



Khrushchev was driven from power.


Because the Cuban Missile Crisis seemed in public like a Soviet defeat, Khrushchev was removed from office just a couple years later.

What does Armstrong mean when he says "one small step for a man , one giant leap for mankind"?



one small step for a man , one giant leap for mankind"

he said this statement because he want other to do more than this . This is a small step for men . A men can do more than this . This is A giant leap for mankind ...

The most prominent of the nineteenth-century socialists were the German theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. They argued that human history has been a struggle between social classes, and that the future lay with the working class because capitalism would grind to a halt. True False



This is true. Hope this helps.

Which of the following characteristics is MOST LIKELY to be true of agribusiness?

A. The percentage of the workforce involved in agricultural activities is higher than the percentage of the workforce involved in other economic industries.
B. Farmers rely on high levels of mechanization, such as harvesters and plows, to care for their crops.
C. The average farm size is small in relation to the high amounts of agricultural products grown on the land.
D. Farmers do not often produce agricultural surpluses, and their yields mainly benefit the local populations.
E. Farmer's markets are the largest contributor to the economic growth of agribusiness.



i think the answer is Farmers rely on high levels of mechanization, such as harvesters and plows, to care for their crops.



Answer:- Option C is correct
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