1. What is Preservation?
2.Why does refrigerator and freezing help preserve food for a longer time? ​


Answer 1


q.1 ans

Preservation—The protection of cultural property through activities that minimize chemical and physical deterioration and damage and that prevent loss of informational content. The primary goal of preservation is to prolong the existence of cultural property.


q.2 ans

Cold temperatures help food stay fresh longer. The basic idea behind refrigeration is to slow down the activity of bacteria (which all food contains) so that it takes longer for the bacteria to spoil the food. ... Refrigeration and freezing are two of the most common forms of food preservation used today.

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Explain the process in which hormones secreted by the pancreas function with respect to increased glucose levels in the blood



Gastrin: This hormone aids digestion by stimulating certain cells in the stomach to produce acid. Glucagon: Glucagon helps insulin maintain normal blood glucose by working in the opposite way of insulin. It stimulates your cells to release glucose, and this raises your blood glucose levels.


Which of these choices allows people to pass down survival techniques from
one generation to the next?
A. Communication
B. Foraging
C. Domestication
D. Clothing


Answer: Communication


A. communication of course


How is pH measured?
A. It is based on a scale of o to 14.
B. It is a percentage between 1 and 100.
C. It is a level between 1 and 4.
D. It is a decimal between 0 and 1.


A. it is based on a scale of 0 to 14

what is the meaning of respiration​



in physiology respiration is the movement of oxygen from the outside environment to the cells with tissues and the removal of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction .. in contrast exhalation is usually a passive process

hope it's helpful


The process of breathing.


The lungs and respiratory system allow us to breathe. They bring oxygen into our bodies (called inspiration, or inhalation) and send carbon dioxide out (called expiration, or exhalation). This exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is called respiration.

**Physiological respiration and cellular respiration are not the same. People sometimes use the word "respiration" to refer to the process of cellular respiration, which is a cellular process in which carbohydrates are converted into energy. The two are related processes, but they are not the same.

The difference between the bats in the United States with the Pd fungus and bats found in Europe and China with the Pd fungus was that A. the bats in the United States were immune to the fungus. B. the bats in the United States had a more deadly form of the fungus. C. the bats in Europe and China were dying at a faster rate. D. the bats in Europe and China were healthy.



The correct answer is - D. the bats in Europe and China were healthy.


The white-nose disease of bats is caused by the Pseudogymnoascus destructans or Pd fungus that found in cold mines and caves of the bat. It is a fatal disease that leads to the destruction of the bat population in the United States, in north Calorina the population was dropped up to 99 percent. The bats found in Europe and China with the Pd fungus were healthy and do not cause any fatal disease in the population.

with reference to enzymes, what does "denatured" mean?​



Enzymes work consistently until they are dissolved, or become denatured. When enzymes denature, they are no longer active and cannot function. Extreme temperature and the wrong levels of pH -- a measure of a substance's acidity or alkalinity -- can cause enzymes to become denatured.

Resources that humans have thanks to biodiversity are:

B. Wood products
C. Compounds used in medicines
D. all of the above.



D. tất cả các ý trên


DNA is composed of peating structural units
is the five-carbon sugar found in




if u mean repeating structural units of the DNA they are nucelotides or nucleotide bases.

and Yes, there is a five-carbon sugar in the DNA. It's called deoxyribose.

Yea dna is composed of pearling structure units called carbon sugar

At a chemical synapse, the intensity of the stimulus is coded by _______. At a chemical synapse, the intensity of the stimulus is coded by _______. the amount of calcium that enters the axon terminal the amount of neurotransmitter released and the amount of calcium that enters the axon terminal the amount of neurotransmitter released the size of the action potential the size of the action potential and the amount of neurotransmitter released



The correct answer is - the amount of neurotransmitter released and the amount of calcium that enters the axon terminal.


The intensity of the signals or stimulus depends on the amount of the neurotransmitter such as acetylcholine, dopamine and the amount of calcium that enters the axon terminal.

A neurotransmitter is a chemical that carries, boost or balance a signal and send stimulus or signals throughout the body. When an action potential reaches the nerve terminal calcium channels open and enters.

It is often difficult to save individual species


this is true, but where is the problem? or do i just not see it?

1. The first person to observe cells was?



robert hooke


The answer is Robert Hooke.

In a haplodiploid mating system, how can the coefficient of relatedness between two sisters be 0.75 (75%)? Females are haploid, and they pass on 100% of their genes, whereas males are diploid and pass on 50% of their genes, meaning that the coefficient of relatedness is 0.75. Females can reproduce asexually, meaning they produce clones, and those clones share on average 75% of the genes of their sisters. If a queen mates with a single drone, then all the resulting females have all of the same genetic contribution from the male, since males are haploid and contribute 100% of their genes. Male and female bees are both diploid. The males contribute 100% of their genes to their offspring, and females contribute 50%. Therefore, each female offspring shares 75% of her genes with her sister siblings on average.



If a queen mates with a single drone, then all the resulting females have all of the same genetic contribution from the male, since males are haploid and contribute 100% of their genes


Haplodiploidy is a type of sex-determination system where males are haploid (i.e., they contain only a set of chromosomes 'n') and develop from unfertilized eggs, whereas females are diploid (i.e., they contain two complete sets of chromosomes '2n') and develop from fertilized eggs. The bees show this haplodiploid system of sex determination, which is quite common to many hymenopterans. In bees, workers and queens are diploid (2n) females and contain 32 chromosomes, a set of 16 chromosomes is contributed by the queen's egg, and another set of 16 chromosomes is contributed by the drone sperm (16 + 16 = 32 chromosomes). On the other hand, drones are haploid (n) males and contain only one set of 16 chromosomes, which is exclusively contributed by the queen's egg.

What are wildfires? (With detail)



A wildfire is an unplanned fire that burns in a natural area such as a forest, grassland, or prairie. Wildfires are often caused by human activity or a natural phenomenon such as lightning, and they can happen at any time or anywhere. In 50% of wildfires recorded, it is not known how they started.


sự kiện lửa phát sinh trong một khu rừng, tác động hoặc làm tiêu hủy một số hoặc toàn bộ các thành phần của khu rừng đó.


What is the relationship between climate change and greenhouse gases?



Greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere, trapping warmth in.

A sponge actually feeds by
a. acting as a net in a current that sweeps food particles through it.
b. squeezing the spongocoel cavity and sucking debris in and out through the osculum.
c. the beating of the flagella of collar cells, forming a current; food is absorbed by collar cells.
d. the beating collar cells form a current from osculum to pores; the food is engulfed by amoebocytes in the central cavity of the sponge.
e. water the moves gently through the sponge and the amoebocytes that engulf passing food.



c. the beating of the flagella of collar cells, forming a current; food is absorbed by collar cells.


Sponges contains the unique feeding system that should be with the animals. Rather of mouths they have the tiny pores that we called as the ostia displayed on the outer walls via water is drawn. Here cells in the sponge walls strainer the food from the water because the water is pumped via the body and the little mouth

So as per the given options, the option c is correct as the collar cells would create the current and the food should be absorbed by the collar cells

In the _________________________were the absorption of nutrients takes place, the enzyme ___________________hydrolyses ___________________ into _________________________

A. small intestine -lipase-lipid-fatty acid and glycerol

B. mouth-salivary amylase-lipid-amino acid

C. small intestine-lipase-protein-amino acid





In the small intestine where the Absorption of nutrients takes place, the enzyme lipase hydrolyses lipid into fatty acid and glycerol

The rocky material left behind by a retreating glacier forms what is called a moraine. When primary succession occurs on a moraine, which life-forms will help create the soil by breaking down bare rock?
A Insects
B Lichens
C Grasses
D Deciduous trees



The correct answer is - B. Lichens.


Lichens are one of the pioneer species that can grow on bare rock such as moraine and help make soil for further ecological succession and making ground for other species.

Breaking the bare rocks to convert into the soil is part of the primary succession. Lichens are colonized over these rocks and they contain acid which leads to the breakdown of the moraine and other rocks.

Molecule 1 on the diagram has the nitrogenous base sequence TCAAGT.

Which set of bases in Molecule 2 can bond to this sequence in a
complementary way?









because because you need the same explanation as you take in picture

True or false
Linkage and crossing over are inversely related.


The answer is true :))))))))

Cellulose is found throughout the cell wall of plant cells so cellulose make cells walls Ridgid which indicates that Cellulose is a


Cellulose makes cell walls rigid, so that would indicate that cellulose is a carbohydrate.

Sample Food Chain
Leaf------> Caterpillar--------> Chameleon---------> Snake-----------> Mongoose

Looking at the above picture, what is true?

A) The Mongoose is the tertiary consumer
B) The chameleon eats the snake
C) The chameleon is an autotroph
D) If Mongoose is removed, snake population would increase.



D) if mongoose removed snake population would increase

what is the menstrual cycle


the process of ovulation and menstruation in women and other female primates

How does ocean expansion occur?



Sea level rise


which African country is famous for chocolate​



Ivory Coast is famous for chocolate .

hope it is helpful to you


Congo is famous for their high quality "Lowua pin cilla" chocolata that's made from organic cocoa beans that were raised using the water from the rivers that are highly infused with natural nutrients.

in which terrestrial biome can you find tress that produce cones instead of flowers and needles instead of leaves?



I think coniferous forest is the answer


Coniferous forest and Lower

How do white blood cells protect the body against infections



White blood cells, which are also called leukocytes or white corpuscles, are a cellular blood component that does not include hemoglobin, have a nucleus, are motile, and protect the body from infections and diseases through ingestion of foreign materials and cellular debris, destruction of infectious agents and cancer cells or production of antimicrobials.


There are 4,500 to 11,000 cells in the white blood of a healthy adult person per cubic mm of blood. During the day, fluctuations in the number of white cells take place; lower values during rest and higher during exercise are attained. The quantity of white cells increases abnormally, while the number decreases abnormally, Leukopenia.

Intensive physical activity, seizures, extreme emotional response, pain, pregnancy, labor, and specific conditions such as infections and intoxications may increase the counting of white cells. In reaction to some types of infections or medication, or in conjunction with certain illnesses such as chronic anemia, malnutrition, or allergy, the number may drop.

Flat discs inside chloroplasts that are arranged in stacks are called (2) ______________________ (3) ______________________ are light-absorbing substances that are inside chloroplasts. They absorb light of different (4) ______________________. The green pigment in plants that is essential for photosynthesis is (5) ______________________. Light energy absorbed by this pigment excites (6) ______________________. They are transferred to a(n) (7) ______________________ ______________________. Then they move down an electron transport chain.



Flat discs inside chloroplasts that are arranged in stacks are called (2) __thylakoids_. (3) __Pigments__ are light-absorbing substances that are inside chloroplasts. They absorb light of different (4) __wavelenghs__. The green pigment in plants that is essential for photosynthesis is (5) __Chlorophyll __. Light energy absorbed by this pigment excites (6) ____electrons___. They are transferred to a(n) (7) _Electron Carrier_. Then they move down an electron transport chain.


The chloroplasts are limited by an outer membrane and an inner one.  In the middle of the two membranes, there is a space left called intermembrane space. In the interior of the inner membrane, there is another space known as the stroma. Within the stroma, there is the third system of membranes, known as thylakoids. They are disk-shaped structures, limited by a membrane, and in their interior, there is a space named thylakoid space.

Thylakoids are arranged as piles, receiving the name of grana. Grana connect to each other by a longer thylakoid membrane. The photosynthetic pigments are placed in the thylakoids, where it occurs light-dependent reactions. These molecules are in charge of light absorption. The most common pigment is chlorophyll, which provides the typical green color of plants. When sunlight reaches the pigments, electrons get excited and move along the electron transport chain, places in the thylakoid membrane.  This process occurs during photosynthesis, while new electrons provided by water molecules replace the excited ones. The final products are oxygen, ATP, and NADPH.  

In the stroma, it takes a place the Calvin cycle.

.5km/sec north by northwest is an example of



The answer is Distance.

40 in 2000 US Caucasian newborns have Tay Sachs Disease. T for normal is dominant over t for Tay sachs Disease.
a.) What percent of the above population have Tay Sachs Disease (tt or q2)?
b.) Calculate the allelic frequencies of p and q for this example
c.) Now, calculate the genotypic frequencies for the population





because its the only responsible answer and I dint understand how to do this

help me.............​




The first two pictures show an ovum and a sperm so it is 1 for both boxes. The third picture shows embedding into the uterus wall and that is 6.




1st pic is an egg so its 1

2nd pic is a sperm so its also 1

3rd pic is attaching 2 uterus wall so its 6

hope u dont mind me double-dipping :)

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