1. Which of the following expressions are equivalent to? Select all that apply. A. 31 . 36 B. 31 . 35 C. 3-2 . 3-4 D. 32 . 3-8 E. 3 • 3-6 F.3-1 . 3-5 ​


Answer 1

Answer: A and C

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

calculate the area of shaded​ region


Answer:528cm squared
please mark brainliest


528 cm squared

Step-by-step explanation:

A parallelogram (slanted shape at the bottom) is essentially the same area as a rectangle.

Therefore, both shapes have the same measurements.

Multiply the length and height of the rectangle to get its area: 22cm×12cm =264cm squared

Since the area of the rectangle corresponds geometrically to the area of the parallelogram, just multiply the area of the rectangle (264cm squared), by 2.

So 264×2, = 528cm squared

Ta da...

1. 6/5 x 3/4
2. 2/3 x 8/5
3. 5/2 x 4/3



hope this might help you


1. 9/10

2. 16/15 or 1 1/15

3. 20/6 or 3 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply one fraction’s numerator by the other fractions numerator over multiplying one fraction’s denominator by the other fraction’s denominator.

A recipe for eight flapjacks needs 2oz of butter, 3oz of sugar, and 4 oz of rolled oats. How many flapjacks can I make if I have 14 oz of butter, 15 oz of sugar, and 16 oz of rolled oats?



Step-by-step explanation:

Eight flapjacks

2oz of butter

3oz of sugar

4 oz of rolled oats.

Each flapjack

Butter = 2/8 = 1/4 oz

Sugar = 3/8 oz

Rolled oats = 4/8 = 1/2 oz

How many flapjacks can I make if I have

14 oz of butter,

15 oz of sugar, and

16 oz of rolled oats?


= 14 oz ÷ 1/8 oz

= 14 × 8/1

= 112 flapjack


= 15 oz ÷ 3/8 oz

= 15 × 8/3

= 120/3

= 40 flapjacks

Rolled oats

16 oz ÷ 1/2 oz

= 16 × 2/1

= 32 flapjack


Considering the quantity of rolled oats available, the number of flapjacks that could be made is 32

Find the probability of “landing” in the shaded region of the figures below.





Step-by-step explanation:

The probability is the ratio of the areas of the 2 circles:

[tex]p=\dfrac{\pi*8^2}{\pi*25^2} =\dfrac{64}{625} =0.1024[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

Probability = area of small circle / area of the large one

= 8^2 / 25^2

= 64/625

 Which correlation best describes the data below.

no correlation

weak positive

strong positive

strong negative



strong positive

Step-by-step explanation:

both variables are moving in the same direction and is nearly a line

As x increases, y increases.  This has a strong positive correlation

Simplify 2m^2 – 2m + 3m^2




Step-by-step explanation:

2m^2-2m + 3m^2



5m² - 2m

Step-by-step explanation:


2m² - 2m + 3m² ← collect like terms

= (2m² + 3m²) - 2m

= 5m² - 2m

a grocery store buys boxes of cereal for $ 2.00 each and sells them for 50% more. what does the grocery store charge its customers for each box of cereal?




Step-by-step explanation:

First find the markup

2.00 * 50%

2 * .5


Add this to the original price

2+1 =3

The store sells the cereal for $3.00



Step-by-step explanation:

The grocery store pays $2.00 for each box of cereal bought.

First, find 50% of the cost of each box:

2.00 x 0.50 = 1.00

Next, add the additional amount to the starting price:

2.00 + 1.00 = $3.00

$3.00 is your answer.


Select two choices that are true about the function f(x)=23x+14/x



There is an asymptote at x = 0

There is an asymptote at y = 23

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the function:


Vertical asymptote is gotten by equating the denominator to zero

Since the denominator is x, hence the vertical asymptote is at x = 0. This shows that there is an asymptote at x = 0

Also for the horizontal asymptote, we will take the ratio of the coefficient of the variables in the numerator and denominator

Coefficient of  x at the numerator = 23

Coefficient of x at the denominator = 1

Ratio = 23/1 = 23

This means that there is an asymptote at y = 23

Identify the glide reflection rule in the given figure.

Question 8 options:

Translation: (x,y) → (x – 5,y); Reflection across y-axis

Translation: (x,y) → (x,y – 5); Reflection across y-axis

Translation: (x,y) → (x,y + 5); Reflection across y-axis

Translation: (x,y) → (x,y + 5); Reflection across x-axis




Step-by-step explanation:

The shape clearly is reflected across y axis and the x coordinates remain the same. We can see a change in the y coordinates and the shape has shifted 5 units down. Hence (x, y) -> (x, y-5) and then reflection across y axis is the answer



Step-by-step explanation:

I’m having a lot of trouble, can someone guide me, step by step?



Hi hopefully this helps you!

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the area of a circle you can use the formula A = πr^2

The radius of a circle is just the diameter divided by 2. In this case we know the diameter is 3, so the radius is 1.5

A = π(1.5)^2

   = 7.07

Because this is a semicircle, divide this area by 2

   = 3.53429 in^2

Add up the area of this semi circle with the area of the rectangle

A = (3.53429) + (3x4)

   = 15.53429 in^2

To find the circumference/ perimeter of a circle use this formula C = 2πR

C = 2π(1.5)

   = 9.42478 inches

Again because this is a semicircle, divide by 2

   = 9.42478 / 2

   = 4.71239 inches

To find the perimeter of this entire shape add up the circumference of the semicircle and the rectangle's sides and bottom

P = 4.71239 + 4 + 4 + 3

  = 15.71239 inches

So the final answer would be

A = 15.53 squared inches

P = 15.71 inches

Hope this helps! Best of luck in your studies <3

help me with this math question please


The answer is 245.
44+56+60+85= 245 Which is the least needed to cover the expenses.


$44.00 + $85.00 = $129.00

Step-by-step explanation:

The least amount that she needs is $129.00 because we're summing the amount for food and House Rent.

Movies and Shopping are less important.

Why is it useful to have different forms of linear equations?


It is also useful because we can read the slope and y-intercept from the equation. Often, when we are given equations in other forms, we can rewrite it in slope-intercept form to get the slope and y-intercept.

Linear equation is the equation of a straight line.

Forms of a linear equation

The forms of a linear equation are:

Slope intercept form - [tex]\mathbf{y = mx + b}[/tex].Point slope form - [tex]\mathbf{y - y_1 = m (x - x_1)}[/tex].Standard form - [tex]\mathbf{Ax +Bx = C}[/tex].

Slope intercept form

From the slope intercept form, one can easily deduce the slope and the y-intercept of the linear equation

Point slope form

From the point-slope form, one can easily deduce the slope and the points of the graph of the linear equation

Standard form

From the standard form, the values of x and y can be easily calculated.

Hence, the usefulness of having different forms of linear equation is that they all serve different purposes, even through they represent the same graph.

Read more about linear equations at:


Help me please and thank you




Step-by-step explanation:

The domain tells you if there are any restrictions on the x's

The -5 in the function tells us that it has moved 5 units RIGHT from the original parent function. Because of this, any x coordinates have to be bigger or equal to 5!

So, the domain of this function is x >/ 5

Hope this helps!

simplify (5^0+4^-0•5)^2​



anything raised to the power of zero= 1


(1 + 1/2)²




solve the following: If 7a – 4b = 3, then b =



D (7a-3)/4

Step-by-step explanation:

7a – 4b = 3

Subtract 7a from each side

7a-7a – 4b = 3-7a

-4b = 3 -7a

Divide by -4

-4b/-4 = (3-7a)/-4

b = (7a-3)/4


b = (7a - 3)/4

Step-by-step explanation:

7a - 4b = 3

=> -4b = 3 - 7a

=> b = (3 - 7a)/(-4)

=> b = -(3 - 7a)/4

=> b = (-3 + 7a)/4

=> b = (7a - 3)/4

Hello, who can help me solve this problem?Please see the picture below and take a look


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

It's about making up a rule that gets from one figure to the next. Here's the rule I used:

The bottom left segment is rotated 1/8 turn CW from one figure to the next.

The top middle segment is rotated 1/4 turn CW from one figure to the next.

After steps, the top middle segment will be back in the same place. The lower left segment will be in the opposite corner. This corresponds to figure C.

Which graph shows a system with one solution?
Graph A
Graph B
+2y = 4x – 2
O A. Graph A
B. Graph B
O C. Graph C


Believe it is graph C

A new site offers a subscription that costs 28.50 for 6 months.what is unit rate price per month? show ur work



The answer is 4.75

Step-by-step explanation:

Since six months is 28.50 then 1 month is equal to x

       28.50: 6 months

           x     : 1 month

 After this  you cross multiple so u divide by 6 both side to get 4.75

   6x/6: 28.50/6


There are 35 times as many students at Wow University as teachers. When all the students and teachers are seated in the 8544 seat auditorium, 12 seats are empty. How many students attend Wow University.

A. 237

B. 249

C. 8295

D. 8124



C. 8296

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

8544-12 = 8532

8532-237 =8295

The midpoint of a sègment is (6,-4) and one endpoint is (13,-2). Find the coordinates of the other endpoint.


let other one be (x,y)

We know midpoint formula

[tex]\boxed{\sf (x,y)=\left(\dfrac{x_1+x_2}{2},\dfrac{y_1+y_2}{2}\right)}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (6,-4)=\left(\dfrac{13+x}{2},\dfrac{-2+y}{2}\right)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{13+x}{2}=6[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 13+x=12[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=12-13[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=-1[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{-2+y}{2}=-4[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -2+y=-8[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto y=-8+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto y=-6[/tex]


(- 1, - 6 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Given endpoints (x₁, y₁ ) and (x₂, y₂ ) then the midpoint is

( [tex]\frac{x_{1}+x_{2} }{2}[/tex] , [tex]\frac{y_{1}+y_{2} }{2}[/tex] ) ← midpoint formula

Use this formula on the endpoints and equate to the coordinates of the midpoint.

let the other endpoint = (x, y) , then

[tex]\frac{13+x}{2}[/tex] = 6 ( multiply both sides by 2 )

13 + x = 12 ( subtract 13 from both sides )

x = - 1

[tex]\frac{-2+y}{2}[/tex] = - 4 ( multiply both sides by 2 )

- 2 + y = - 8 ( add 2 to both sides )

y = - 6

The coordinates of the other endpoint are (- 1, - 6 )

An arc length is a fractional part of the
circumference of a circle. The area of a
sector is a fractional part of the area of a

The stained glass circle- head
the window has a 2 -inch wide
frame. The grills divide the
semicircular glass plane into
four congruent regions

Using detailed steps, describe your
solution to the problems below

Your steps should be clear enough so that
any geometry student can complete
A. Find the area of the blue region
B. Find the perimeter of the outer window



Each of the 4 sectors have an area:

πR²/8 - πr²/8, whereR = 28/2 - 2 = 12 inr = 6/2 = 3 in

Find the area:

A = π/8(12² - 3² ≈ 53 in²

Outer perimeter of the frame:

P = d + πd/2 =28( 1 + π/2) ≈ 72 in

2+ (-3)^2 - (-1)

please explain! :3




Step-by-step explanation:


First of all you have to understand the order of operations.


Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication/Divison, Addition, Subtraction.

From this you can see that we first have to deal with the exponent, then multiplication, then the addition.

So we get 2+9-(-1)

The 9 is from -3^2




Hope this helps!


Find an equation in standard form for the ellipse with the vertical major axis of length 16 and minor axis of length 10.


Refer the attached image for the answer


[tex]integrate \: ln(x) [/tex]



ln(x) = 1/x... It's a basic rule of Calculus.

A rectangle with an area of 3990 cm2 is x centimeters wide and (x+4) centimeters long. To the nearest tenth of a centimeter, the width and length are


Answer: width:60.2 cm

Length: 64.2 cm

Step-by-step explanation:


The area of the rectangle is [tex]3990\ cm^2[/tex]

Width of the rectangle is [tex]x\ cm[/tex]

Length of the rectangle is [tex]x+4\ cm[/tex]

Area of the rectangle is the product of length and width

[tex]\therefore 3990=(x+4)x\\\Rightarrow 3990=x^2+4x\\\Rightarrow x^2+4x-3990=0\\\Rightarrow x=60.198\ or\ -65.198\ cm\\\text{Neglecting negative term}\\\Rightarrow x=60.198\approx 60.2\ cm[/tex]

Width of the rectangle is [tex]60.2\ cm[/tex]

Length of the rectangle is [tex]60.2+4=64.2\ cm[/tex]

The measures of two angles of a triangle are 36 degree and 75 degree . The length of the shortest side of a triangle is 10 cm . The length of longest side of the triangle is:?


Hope it’s helps
You can text me if you don’t understand anything

How much money will be in a bank account after 3 years if $9 is deposited at an interest rate of 5% compounded annually? Round to the nearest tenth.



Step-by-step explanation:


 Chocolate bars come in packs of 8 and graham crackers come in packs of 12.  What is the smallest number of chocolate bars and graham crackers we would need to buy so we don't have any left over?  ​



3 chocolate bars, and 2 graham crackers

Someone forgot the marshmallows...... :P

Step-by-step explanation:

Chocolate bars = 8 pack

Graham Crackers = 12pack

To have no crackers or chocolate left over, we need to find LCM

Factors of 8:

8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 72....

Factors of 12:

12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72

The smallest LCM is 24

Chocolate bars:

24/8 = 3

Graham Crackers:

24/12 = 2

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K


3 packs of chocolate and 2 packs of crackers

Step-by-step explanation:

the lowest common multiple of 8 and 12 is 24. We can determine this by prime factorization:

Prime factors of 8: 2 x 2 x 2

Prime factors of 12: 2 x 2 x 3

multipyling the bottom rungs of our factor tree we get: 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 24.

If you need me to draw the factor tree, just ask.

Today, 6 friends went out for lunch. Their total bill was $27.60, including tax and gratuity. They decided to split the bill equally and each paid with a $10 bill. How much money will each person get back?


Step-by-step explanation:

Right, okay, so this is a bit of a weird one. Let's go step by step.

"Today, 6 friends went out for lunch." = The number 6 is gonna be in our equation somewhere.

"Their total bill was $27.60" = so is the number 27.6

"They decided to split the bill equally" = 27.6 "split equally" (aka divided by) 6 friends is 4.6

"each paid with a $10 bill" = This is where it gets a lil weird. So, if they divided the bill among them, none of their amounts are gonna be anywhere near ten dollars. This is one of those questions that wouldn't really happen in real life. People would probably use fives instead, but whatever. So a number we'll be using for something is 10.

"How much money will each person get back?" = So we have to find the amount they all paid (10) minus the amount each one had to pay (4.6).

To put it all into a full equation...

10 - ( 27.6 / 6 )


10 - 4.6



Put back into money form.



Each person will get back $5.40.


if each paid a $10 bill, in total they paid $60 (cuz 10 x 6)

60 - 27.60 = 32.4

32.4/6 = 5.4 (divide the change between 6 people)

Each person will get $5.40 back.

hope it helps :)

Jesse travels 3.0 meters east and then turns and travels 4.0 meters north. The trip requires 35 seconds. What is his velocity?


Using Pythagorean triplet

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto AB^2=AC^2-BC^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto AB^2=4^2-3^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto AB^2=16-9[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto AB^2=7[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto AB=\sqrt{7}[/tex]

Now time=35

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity=\dfrac{Displacement}{Time}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity=\dfrac{\sqrt{7}}{35}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity=\dfrac{2.6}{35}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity=0.07m/s[/tex]

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