1. Which passage from The Metamorphosis best illustrates the novella’s message about the pain of alienation?
A)If Gregor had only been able to speak to his sister and thank her for everything that she had to do for him, he would have tolerated her service more easily. As it was, he suffered under it.

B)Now, Gregor could do without the chest of drawers if need be, but the writing desk really had to stay. And scarcely had the women left the room with the chest of drawers, groaning as they pushed it, when Gregor stuck his head out from under the sofa to take a look how he could intervene cautiously and with as much consideration as possible.

C)"Now," said Gregor, well aware that he was the only one who had kept his composure. "I'll get dressed right away, pack up the collection of samples, and set off. You see, Mr. Manager, I am not pig-headed, and I am happy to work."

D)Already he was starting to suffer from a shortage of breath, just as in his earlier days when his lungs had been quite unreliable. . . . at that moment something or other thrown casually flew down close by and rolled in front of him. It was an apple. Immediately a second one flew after it. Gregor stood still in fright.


Answer 1


A) If Gregor had only been able to speak to his sister and thank her for everything that she had to do for him, he would have tolerated her service more easily. As it was, he suffered under it.


The keywords in the question are "pain" and "alienation". Answer choices B and C do not have to do with pain, and have a generally neutral connotation. Answer choice D is negative, but it's speaking about apples thrown at Gregor, and is not related to alienation.

Excellent. Answer choice A must be the correct option. This is supported by the phrase "If Gregor had only been able to speak to his sister" which references alienation, and the word "suffered" which links to pain.

Hope this helps!

Answer 2


A) If Gregor had only been able to speak to his sister and thank her for everything that she had to do for him, he would have tolerated her service more easily. As it was, he suffered under it.


The first passage best expresses Gregor’s inability to communicate with or connect with the people he cares about. The second and third passages show his pitiful attempts to be considerate of others despite having been turned into an insect. The fourth passage focuses on the horror of being attacked by his own father.

Also, I took the quiz.

Related Questions

write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the experience of reading "Thank You, Ma'am," by Langston Hughes


Answer: Your really not explaining much that's why


Non-word signals are used to emphasize important ideas or information.

True or False?


the answer is false!!!!!

Non-word signals do not emphasize important information or ideas. So, the given statement here is a false statement.

What are non-word signals?

The non-word signals include:

An exclamation point (!) Underline ItalicsBold typeSubheads, etc.

Therefore, as per the given statement, the "Signal words" provide you with suggestions or information about what's going to happen next in the story you're reading.

As a result, "false" is the correct answer.

Check out the link below to learn more about non-word signals;



One day
(name 1) and
(name 2)
decided to
(verb) while they were on their summer
(name 1) grabbed a
(noun) and
hit the road!
(name 1) thought they should
(verb) which
(name 2) thought was very wild.. "It's the
summer holidays! We have to
(name 2) exclaimed. While on their journey
(name 1) saw
(animal) climbing a
(noun) and that
(name 1). Later, it was time for a snack so
(name 2) suggested they eat
(type of food)
(type of fruit) juice. Summertime is all about
(adjective) experiences, and
(name 1) and
(name 2) wanted to make the most of it. After a quick
(verb) in the
(body of water), it was time to
(verb). It had been another
summer day!




One day

(Jane) and


decided to

(swim) while they were on their summer


(Jane) grabbed a

(book) and

hit the road!

(Jane thought they should

(ski) which

(David) thought was very wild.. "It's the

summer holidays! We have to


(David) exclaimed. While on their journey

(Jane) saw

a/an (chameleon) climbing a

(tree) and that


(Jane). Later, it was time for a snack so

(David) suggested they eat a

(homecooked meal)


(apple) juice. Summertime is all about

(new) experiences, and

(Jane)) and

(David) wanted to make the most of it. After a quick

(swim) in the

(lake), it was time to

(dry off). It had been another


summer day!

what is the tag question of Let me open the door, ...?​


My hands were cut off by my friends toe nail clippers

It matters little whether we win or lose.(Change it into negative)​



It doesn't matter whether we win or lose

think about the topics in the story, including coming off age and knowledge. what messages is the author conveying about these two topics? in a well-structured paragraph, explain how two themes are connected within the text (please not the sample response and the story is “By the Waters of Babylon”)



In "By the Waters of Babylon," coming of age and acquiring knowledge go hand in hand in the main character's journey. John is the son of a priest. He already has knowledge that others are not allowed to have. For instance, he and his father are allowed to go to the forbidden places and to touch metal, since it cannot kill them. Others fear metal and do not leave their own tribes. However, as John gets older, he chooses to leave his people in the pursuit of knowledge. He travels to a forbidden place, which turns out to be New York, and there he comes to an immense realization: the beings that once existed, the ones his people think were gods, were people just like them. They created machines that destroyed their cities, which is why people still fear metal. John's coming of age, his reaching maturity, is deeply connected to his journey. It is the driving force that starts it, and it is completed by the epiphany he has in New York.


"By the Waters of Babylon" is a short story by Stephen Vincent Benét (1898-1943), an American writer born in Pennsylvania. The story was first published in 1937 and the main character, John, is a priest who lives in a dystopian reality. Technology has led to humanity's demise, and the new societies that have emerged have gone back to religion and superstition, fearing metal and the abandoned cities. John belongs to the Hill People. He leaves his father and people behind and goes away on a journey in the search for knowledge.

speech on every individual is unique



Everything in this world has a purpose. It might seem worthless, but the fact is that everyone plays a vital role in this Earth. People should appreciate what they have and always be grateful. As human beings, we are different in many ways. We are all created by the same God, but we do have some variations. Not all things are perfect, adorable and probably the best. But trust me; there is only that one thing that makes one to be exceptional, regardless of a family background and other problems. Everyone is unique and gifted in some way.

Once upon a time, there was a girl from a poor family and sadly, people around her never thought or believed the strength the girl had. She spent her childhood trusting in the Lord that one day she could change her family’s circumstances. Even though it was a challenge, she had good self-esteem. Confidence, determination and perseverance kept her going. Her world might not be nice or glamorous for now, but she had hopes and goals. That is the only thing that mattered during the miserable days of her life. People wouldn’t stop judging and talking behind her back; it just got worse in her teens. Some days she came back from school crying because of her peers. It was so tough for her and her family. Her folks did not get the chance to be educated to live the life they dreamt of, but they always reminded her to love and respect both young and old.

Sometimes she felt helpless, as a few of her friends had succeeded in their lives. Things were coming together for them, but not for her. Life happened in a way that there were dark moments, but she kept on seeking the light. During all that, she stood still, waiting on the Lord to answer her payers as it is declared that God always hears those who ask Him. Time and years went by and she finally grew into a mature, beautiful lady. Eventually, she managed to reach her goals with the help of her family and through education and now circumstances were different.

A while back, the lady seemed to be powerless to such an extent that those who were around her belittled the person she was. They were so sure that she was not capable of changing her life one way or another, but she proved all of them wrong. She studied and worked hard in University, following the career of being a doctor. It was amusing and amazing. I admire her strength, as it was not a walk in the park to be where she is today. Along the way to her success, she lost a lot of things such as friends and those she counted on, but her faith kept her going.

I have learned not to judge a book by its cover as the chapters of the book and the author might be wonderful as one gets to know more about it. All things in the past do not determine the future. It takes courage to stand up and fight for what you want. Having the ability to win the battle is the most precious thing. One might be physically taken for granted because of height, race and appearance, only to find that the motive is to serve the purpose, obviously doing all that with great pleasure. Attitude and behaviour can take a person to places that they have never been. It also takes a positive mind-set to fulfil the dreams as well as what the heart desires. In life, we should stand together to turn the world into a better place that will be meaningful.

What is the Theme of A Noiseless Patient Spider?



the major themes are isolation, patience, and struggle.


Walt Whitman contrasts the battle of his soul to a small spider

d. Dinesh said to his friends, “Who went to Muktinath for worshipping the God?" Dinesh asked his friends ......​



The people who went to Muktinath was people who wanted to worship the God.

What doé the travel agent



Travel agents are responsible for helping members of the public select and organise their ideal holiday on a limited budget.

Adverbial Clauses Of Concession

Although I'm not a rich man...

A.Im not lucky with women.
B.I always get what i want.
C.I don´t travel very much.
D.No wrong.



this answer is most likely although I'm not a rich man, I always get what I want.


some poor people gets what they want although their not rich because people helps them a lot on this world very helpful people I can describe them as.

Read this paragraph.



Sentence 3 is wrong.


There should be a period or semicolon between "it feeds on large carcasses" and "the bird does not attack any living creatures" because those are two separate full sentences.

What is most likely Mr. White's final wish?
A. To go back in time and never make the first wish
B. To undo his wish to bring his son back to life
C. To end his own suffering in death
D. To get revenge on the fakir?



How is anyone supposed to know the answer for that without a passage?

I just did that the answer is A because mr. white wanted to go back in time beAcuse if him making a terrible wish

Change the voice. 1. An impact broke a red motor bike.​



A red moter bike was broken by an impact (i guess )

Chọn kết quả đúng của





The answer is 1

This is because 3^n is will be small with respect to 5^n as n tends to infinity because 5 ^n increases more rapidly.

Like 5^3 = 125 ,3^3=27

5^4=625 and 3^4=81

So we can see that value is increasing by large differences.

So we can write (5^n +3^n)÷(5^n -3 ^n) as 5^n÷5^n .This is because value of 3^n will ne negligible wrt 5^n as n tends to infinity. And 5^n÷5^n =1.

He said ,"I'd tried everything without success,but this new medicine is great."



yes this midicineis great

why zoos should be free to the public ?​


I feel that zoos should be free to public as it will help the poor people and children to explore and learn more about animals also it would be a very fun experience. Visiting and learning about animals shouldn’t cost any money.

I hope it helps
Mark me brainliest if you like this answer
They shouldn’t. With out the money needed to support the zoos, many recourses to feed the animals and provide for them would no longer be there. With out the money earned there will be no zoo animals.

Which sentence contains a correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifier?

Jake, who is twenty-seven, is studying to be a yoga teacher.
Jake who is, twenty-seven, is studying to be a yoga teacher.
Jake who is twenty-seven is, studying to be, a yoga teacher.
Jake, who is twenty-seven is, studying to be a yoga teacher.



The first one.


The commas separate some unnecessary information, which is about Jack being twenty seven. The others sound awkward and incorrect.

You also want to look for some dependent or independent clauses between punctuation.

Which image is used throughout "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" to provoke fear in the audience?



A)  fire


Choose the correct adjective for the sentence.
The dinner was the _______ of all.
more tasty





To be scurrilous is to be

A foul-mouthed

B. challenging

C. self-respecting

D. misunderstood


Scurrilous means to be foul-mouthed

Select the correct answer.
Read the adapted excerpt from Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift.

Soon after, I heard a general shout, with frequent repetitions of the words Peplom selan, and I felt great numbers of people on my left side, relaxing the cords to such a degree that I was able to turn upon my right, and to get a little ease. But, before this, they had daubed my face and both my hands with a sort of ointment very pleasant to the smell, which, in a few minutes, removed all the smart of their arrows. These circumstances, added to the refreshment I had received by their victuals and drink, which were very nourishing, disposed me to sleep. I slept about eight hours, as I was afterwards assured; and it was no wonder, for the physicians, by the emperor's order, had mingled a sleepy potion in the drink.

Which choice best identifies the main idea for a summary of the excerpt?

There are several people untying the cords and bringing food and drink.
The narrator is injured and ends up sleeping due to the tonic he drinks.
The narrator gets some relief and care by those who had bound him.
There is a lot of commotion as they all rush to care for the narrator.


i think the answer is A im not exactly sure but i mainly think it's A.

Answer: IT is not A



Read the excerpt from Animal Farm and the passage on the history of the Soviet Union.

On the third Sunday after Snowball's expulsion, the animals were somewhat surprised to hear Napoleon announce that the windmill was to be built after all. He did not give any reason for having changed his mind, but merely warned the animals that this extra task would mean very hard work, it might even be necessary to reduce their rations. The plans, however, had all been prepared, down to the last detail. A special committee of pigs had been at work upon them for the past three weeks. The building of the windmill, with various other improvements, was expected to take two years.

That evening Squealer explained privately to the other animals that Napoleon had never in reality been opposed to the windmill. On the contrary, it was he who had advocated it in the beginning, and the plan which Snowball had drawn on the floor of the incubator shed had actually been stolen from among Napoleon's papers.

In November 1927, Joseph Stalin launched his "revolution from above” by setting two extraordinary goals for Soviet domestic policy: rapid industrialization and collectivization of agriculture. His aims were to erase all traces of the capitalism that had entered under the New Economic Policy and to transform the Soviet Union as quickly as possible, without regard to cost, into an industrialized and completely socialist state.

Stalin's First Five-Year Plan, adopted by the party in 1928, called for rapid industrialization of the economy, with an emphasis on heavy industry. It set goals that were unrealistic—a 250 percent increase in overall industrial development and a 330 percent expansion in heavy industry alone. All industry and services were nationalized, managers were given predetermined output quotas by central planners, and trade unions were converted into mechanisms for increasing worker productivity. Many new industrial centers were developed, particularly in the Ural Mountains, and thousands of new plants were built throughout the country. But because Stalin insisted on unrealistic production targets, serious problems soon arose. With the greatest share of investment put into heavy industry, widespread shortages of consumer goods occurred.

How do the circumstances in the Animal Farm excerpt relate to the events in the historical passage?

A. Napoleon has stolen the plans for the windmill from Snowball, just as Stalin took his ideas for industrialization and collectivization from Trotsky.

B. Napoleon wants to make the farm an industrial power, just as Stalin wanted to make the Soviet Union an industrial power no matter the sacrifices.

C. Napoleon uses Squealer to communicate his ideas to the animals, just as Stalin used his assistants to spread propaganda to the people.

D. Napoleon sets forth a five-year plan to build the windmill, just as Stalin launched several five-year plans to build up industry and agriculture in the Soviet Union.


B- Napoleón uses squealer to communicate his ideas to the animals just as Stalin wanted to make the Soviet Union an industrial power no matter the sacrifices. Ur welcome

Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

Identify the capitalization error in the sentence. Type the word with the correct capitalization in the box below.

Patrick Henry said, “give me liberty or give me death."
Fill in the blank text field 1



Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death."


36:39 Read the excerpt from "Romance," by Edgar Allan Poe. Romance, who loves to nod and sing, With drowsy head and folded wing, Among the green leaves as they shake Far down within some shadowy lake How do the ideas in the excerpt compare to Poe's ideas in "The Poetic Principle"?



The metaphor for romance encourages the "contemplation of the beautiful" that Poe explains.


The poem "Romance" by Edgar Allen Poe is about love and how finding it is a task which he does not have time for. And though he did not have time for love, he admits he could not stop his heart from trembling.

His essay "The Poetic Principle" argues why he thinks that art must be written for arts’ sake. It is a criticism, sort of, for any artistic work.

And in the given excerpt from the poem "Romance", Poe's metaphor of romance encourages the "contemplation of the beautiful" that he explains in the essay.


Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World.

Sugar was the connection, the tie, between slavery and freedom. In order to create sugar, Europeans and colonists in the Americas destroyed Africans, turned them into objects. Just at that very same moment, Europeans—at home and across the Atlantic—decided that they could no longer stand being objects themselves. They each needed to vote, to speak out, to challenge the rules of crowned kings and royal princes. How could that be? Why did people keep speaking of equality while profiting from slaves? In fact, the global hunger for slave-grown sugar led directly to the end of slavery. Following the strand of sugar and slavery leads directly into the tumult of the Age of Revolutions. For in North America, then England, France, Haiti, and once again North America, the Age of Sugar brought about the great, final clash between freedom and slavery.

Which sentence best states the authors' claim in this passage?

A. Economic demand for sugar led to political pressure to end enslavement.

B. The growing demand for sugar made the lives of enslaved people even worse.

C. Turning Africans into objects was important for the sugar industry to succeed.

D. Monarchies became increasingly strong and popular during the Age of Sugar.



d option is correct .............. .. ..

His words didn't help. Kayla replayed the inelegant scene in
her mind. As she had walked across the stage, she had felt
her heel wobble slightly, sending her swaying back and
forth. Then her foot had given out completely, and the
auditorium had echoed as she hit the ground. After a few
seconds, giggles from the audience had broken the
silence. Kayla had been mortified, and her face had
remained flushed as she grabbed her award and ran back
to her chair.
"I'm dying of embarrassment," she whispered in Devon's
ear. "My life is ruined."

Which statement best interprets the use of hyperbole in the passage?



I'm dying of embarrassment

my life is ruined

The statement that best interprets the use of hyperbole in the passage is: The hyperbole in Kayla's statement, "I'm dying of embarrassment" and "My life is ruined," is used to emphasize the extreme emotions.

What is the best interpretation of use of hyperbole?

The deliberate use of exaggeration and overstatement for emphasis and impact is known as hyperbole in rhetoric and literature.

Hyperbole is a figure of speech that deliberately exaggerates a point for comedic or emphasizal effect. In love poetry, hyperbole is frequently employed to express the lover's fervent adoration for his beloved.

A deliberate exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally is known as hyperbole. It is employed to highlight or attract attention to a specific plot point.

The hyperbole in Kayla's statement, "I'm dying of embarrassment" and "My life is ruined," is used to emphasize the extreme emotions she felt after falling on stage, and it helps the reader understand the intensity of her embarrassment.

Learn more about Hyperbole here:



ASAP please help meeeeeeeee



A: Goals can be achieved through persistence and preparation.


The answer isn't B, because she never compared herself to anybody.

The answer isn't C either because she wasn't talented at running and nobody helped her to prepare for the race

Read this stanza from “The Road Not Taken.” What does the speaker predict?

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.



Seems like the speaker is predicting that standing out from the crowd was the best choice for themselves.



The speaker is predicting that the road that he/she choose will all go well.


he choose the road that no one seems to take and feels very different.

Angels descend from the teaven.(find the antonym of the bold word.)​



If you're talking about heaven then the antonym should be hell..

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