1. You are a Cherokee Indon. What is your opinion of the Indian Removal Act?​


Answer 1


Cherokee attempts at resisting the removal by the United States included creating a formal Cherokee constitution, negotiating the Treat of 1819, and proceeding with legal action within the Supreme Court. These actions proved futile when Andrew Jackson was elected President and forcibly removed them for their land.

This was also known as the Trail of Tears. Many Cherokee died.


I would say I'd be very angry.

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Who did the serbians not want to be ruled by





Which form of government does US currently have in the federal government?



federal democratic republic


Which of the following do scientists claim is evidence of climate change?

A) Decreasing air pollution
B) Falling Global Temperatures
C) Rising Global Temperatures
D) Falling sea levels


C. Rising Global Temperatures


Rising Global Temperatures


How might the development of a vaccine against malaria affect the life expectancy in Africa?

All my teacher needs is a prediction, please help I’m failing really bad.



Life cycle of the malaria parasite illustrating the various stages that are ... Parasitologists trying to develop vaccines can hardly ever safely grow and ... vaccines for one stage of the life cycle (figure 1) are unlikely to impact on another stage.disappointment as successive, independent field efficacy trials in Africa and Asia .


In 800, Charlemagne aided Pope Leo III by putting down a rebellion in Rome. In return, the Pope


The pope anointed Charlemage the first holy Roman king

What is the first step in simplifying the following expression:
A) 2 + 3
B) 5 x 2
C) 3^2
D) 4 + 5


B) 5 x 2...............

What is an example of the new city culture in the 1800s?
OA. Religious services
O B. Worker training meetings
OC. Private social clubs
O D. Government planning meetings



OC. Private social clubs

hope it help u

How do the residents of North Carolina preserve the history of the lost colony?



The Lost Colony history experience, America’s longest running outdoor symphonic drama, embarks on its 82nd season of production in 2019. This production, based on historical fact, tells the story about this land, this island, being the site of the first English settlement in the New World and the birthplace of the first English child-Virginia Dare.

It took a community and the nation to open The Lost Colony in 1937 for the 350th anniversary of Virginia Dare’s birth.  President Roosevelt’s WPA program facilitated in building the theatre and WPA actors performed in the production. Roosevelt attended that year.  Since, more than 4 million patrons from around the world have attended. For many, especially within the Outer Banks community, attending or participating in the performance remains a family tradition.

In live theatre, the audience plays a major role in bringing the story to life.  Paul Green, its playwright, called this theory the “Peoples Theater” – the play was written to relate to and affect its audience.  Green’s ideologies of equality among mankind is also reflected in the play.  On Roanoke Island the elite aristocrats no longer matter, the colony who land, live and survive, or perish, “the common man,” become the collective heroes.

The Lost Colony is housed on the grounds of the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site. Since the formal establishment of Fort Raleigh National Historic Site on April 5, 1941 the National Park Service (NPS) and the Roanoke Island Historical Association (RIHA) have been partners. Tied together by the mystery surrounding the Lost Colony, both entities have spent the last eight decades entertaining and educating residents and tourists alike.  Together with your continued support and encouragement, we will continue to educate the public and preserve the historical significance of The Lost Colony.


i did mai research lol XD

Plz hurry
What was the process of making the constitution? ​



First, it had to go back to the Confederation Congress. Officials there asked each state to hold a convention to vote on the proposal. Nine out of the thirteen state conventions had to ratify, or approve, the Constitution in order for it to become legal.


hope all is well :)

. How did these new opportunities affect the lives of middle- and upper-class women?


They had a higher chance of getting into colleges. Also, the only alternative for women was no longer marriage, the majority sought higher education. Many women went to school and applied their skills to social reforms.

3. What is a secondary source? a. A journal entry b. An autobiography c. A textbook written by a historian d. A photograph from World War II​


Answer: I believe it’s C) textbook written by a historian

How/why do you think the ideas of the Enlightenment became the seeds of the American Revolution?



The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason and science.

The British colonist Benjamin Franklin gained fame on both sides of the Atlantic as a printer, publisher, and scientist. He embodied Enlightenment ideals in the British Atlantic with his scientific experiments and philanthropic endeavors.

Enlightenment principles guided the founding of the colony of Georgia, but those principles failed to stand up to the realities of colonial life.

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith. Using the power of the press, Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Isaac Newton, and Voltaire questioned accepted knowledge and spread new ideas about openness, investigation, and religious tolerance throughout Europe and the Americas. Many consider the Enlightenment a major turning point in Western civilization, an age of light replacing an age of darkness.

Explanation: although plagiarism is bad here´s my apology m´lady

How did the greeks influence Roman writers.?


Greek influence. Roman literature owes a debt to the Greeks, more specifically Athens. This indebtedness to Greece was even recognized by the writers themselves. Horace, one of the poets of the Golden Age of Roman literature wrote that Greece introduced the arts "into a backward Latium."


What other influences about writing did the Romans take from the Greeks? They both carved important messages into bronze or stone plaques. They were then displayed in public squares. The Romans also carved inscriptions into columns.

What is the difference between a 'mutiny' and a 'rebellion'?


Answer: Mutiny is mainly soldiers or sailors that rebel against their superiors. While a rebellion is towards pretty much anything. Schools, government, etc...


Solve for x: 3x − 24 = 81 WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST

fifty-seven over three
one hundred five over three






Step 1: Add 24 to both sides.



Step 2: Divide both sides by 3.









Which one is correct? PLEASE HURRY









Hope this helps!

What was the one of the effects of
demobilization after world war 1?


One unanticipated and unwanted effect of their return was the emergence of a new strain of influenza that medical professionals had never before encountered.

Disorder And Fear In America

After the war ended, U.S. troops were demobilized and rapidly sent home. One unanticipated and unwanted effect of their return was the emergence of a new strain of influenza that medical professionals had never before encountered. Within months of the war’s end, over twenty million Americans fell ill from the flu ([link]).

Should monarchs have complete control over their subjects?


Answer:Yes because they were very powerful they had very strong control over people and even the emperors


What were the "Black Codes"? * A Laws made by Lincoln to protect former slaves. B Laws in the South that made it difficult for black people to get jobs, vote, and go to school. C Civil Rights laws that made it easier for former slaves to adapt to their new lives. D Top secret encoding methods used for messages during the Civil War.



B Laws in the South that made it difficult for black people to get jobs, vote, and go to school.


The Black Codes which is often referred to as Black Laws is a term to describe the series of laws established by the southern states to targets the African American in the southern part of the United States such that it would make "it difficult for black people to get jobs, vote, and go to school." For example, the black laws of 1865 and 1866 restricted African Americans to work on low pay and restricted liberty.

What was on the famous stela that was discovered in southern Iran?


Answer: Most of the stela found in Iran bear depictions of goats, humans, and simple geometric shapes.


The Iranian Archaeological Institute found over seventy stelae, most of which are intact, and one part is damaged. The largest stela is about 80 centimeters long, and the smallest 30 centimeters—the stela date from the fifth century BC. The found stelae are exhibited in several locations and represent a real tourist attraction.

What are the " Easter eggs for Hitler "?



Answer at the bottom!!


Technical Sergeant William E. Thomas and Private First Class Joseph Jackson prepared a gift of special “Easter Eggs” for Adolph Hitler and the German Army. Scrawling such messages on artillery shells in World War II was one way in which artillery soldiers could humorously express their dislike of the enemy.

Hope this helps!!


Ways To Make Fun Of Hitler and Germany


Thomas and Private First Class Joseph Jackson prepared a gift of special “Easter Eggs” for Adolph Hitler and the German Army. Scrawling such messages on artillery shells in World War II was one way in which artillery soldiers could humorously express their dislike of the enemy.


What rights do you think of when it says "But when a government continually violates the rights of the people, and with the purpose of exercising absolute power over them, the people have a right and duty to throw off that government"?​



I think of the Declaration of Independance

In the strike at Homestead, who
hired the Pinkerton guards?
A. Factory owners
B. Union workers
C. The government
D. Non-union workerS


The factory owners hired the Pinkerton guards

Answer: A, Factory owners


What episode is it when Micheal puts sugar in his diet soda?



3rd season 5th episode I LOVE THE OFFICE!!!!

Land desired by the colonists for its fertile soil and trade potential
Dock Mountains



southern colonies were rich aristocrats or businessmen from. England and they wanted to become even more wealthy from owning land. The flat land was ... each colony depended on which crop grew best in that colonies' type of soil. ... Plantations were huge, almost like towns of their own, and required many workers.


Which statement is true about how just and effective rulers would rule according to ancient Chinese beliefs? A. reign for 800 years B. recieve authority from heaven C. never be overthrown D. achieve the status of godas



B. recieve authority from heaven


Ancient Chinese beliefs were very much based on Confucian concepts, which stated that good rulers had a mandate from heaven, where their actions were guided by the deities and therefore had good results. They also believed that a bad and tyrannical ruler would lose that mandate and would act with total lack of sense and humanity.

Which Greek leader was responsible for eventually loosening the harsh and uncompromising laws of leaders such as Draco?








do the events surrounding the Election of 2000 justify changes to the Electoral College? Explain why you think it does or why you think it does not in a well-written paragraph with at least three reasons


Answer: when the war


Help him

When did New Mexico become a province?
a. 1680
c. 1802
b. 1776
d. 1848


D, i think thats when it ceded to the US.




New mexico was a province of the united states in 1848, after the mexican american war where the USA seized texas, the four corners, nevada, and california.

Have a godly day! :D


All of the following are TRUE about European settlement in North America during the 1600s EXCEPT:
England and France were fighting to colonize New Spain.
Spain was no longer the only European presence in the area.
England was colonizing along the Atlantic coast.
France had control of the Mississippi River.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




in 1699 the French established a settlement in mississippi. Technically that's the 1600s. A is certainly true, B is true, and C is true. So it must be D

All of the following are TRUE about European settlement in North America during the 1600s EXCEPT France had control of the Mississippi River. Thus, option D is correct.

What is a settlement?

A settlement's location is the area in which it is constructed. It explains the geographical features of the area in which a settlement is found with the people.

The transmission of illness was possibly the single most significant effect of European colonization on the ecosystem in North America. Wherever the Europeans established, diseases and deaths were caused by microbes against which the native population lacked antibodies.

One of the main drivers behind the colonization of the New World has been the chance to generate money. Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about settlement, here:



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