10. Nevada Law defines disability as?


Answer 1

Answer: Respect to a person

1. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of the person

Related Questions

Should police officers be required to read a Miranda-type warning prior to custodial interrogation ?



they ARE required to give miranda warnings

Que es la capacidad de hecho y de ejercicio. concepto de cada una de ellas, clasificación y características de cada una del tipo de capacidad



La capacidad de ejercicio es la capacidad de actuar legalmente, por ejemplo, para celebrar contratos. Una persona adquiere total independencia al cumplir los 18 años, es decir, al cumplir los 18 años. Un menor no es totalmente independiente, sólo es competente para aquellas acciones legales que, por su naturaleza, son objetivamente apropiadas a la madurez intelectual y libre de sus pares. Antes de alcanzar la mayoría de edad, la plena autonomía se adquiere al emanciparse o contraer matrimonio.  

What are two subcategories of forensic science? How does the
work of each contribute to the solving of crimes?



Some of the major Branches of Forensic Science include: Forensic Biology. Forensic Chemistry. Forensic Anthropology.


Target Hardening. Making your property harder for an offender to access.  

Target Removal. Ensuring that a potential target is out of view.  

Reducing the Means.  

Reducing the Payoff.

Access Control.  


Environmental Change.  

Rule Setting.

write 3 ideas you have about "what type of government does your school have?"






Suppose the New Jersey state legislature institutes a law that mothers of children in elementary school, but not fathers, are entitled to seven days off each year in order to attend school events. Several fathers bring a lawsuit challenging the law on equal protection grounds. Which level of scrutiny will the court apply to the law


Intermediate scrutiny

An example of intermediate scrutiny can be found in Craig v. Boren (1976).

The Supreme Court determined that statutory or administrative sex-based classifications were subject to an intermediate standard of judicial review.

Which two arguments support loose constructionism?



Loose constructionism is an ideological position of legal interpretation (especially of the Constitution) by means of which the judges have the power not only to judge compliance with the different laws, but also to interpret the text of the legal provisions of the Constitution, defining its scope and content.

Two arguments in favor of this position are, on the one hand, that the Constitution is not a rigid law but that it is constantly being modified through jurisprudential interpretations, with which it is necessary for judges to be able to interpret its clauses in a lax way; and on the other, that a rigid Constitution would be easily set aside by society, since it would not adapt to changes in circumstances on its part.

Based on a tip from a reliable informant that an attorney was illegally selling automatic weapons and ammunition from his storefront office, the police obtained a warrant to search for weapons at the office. When they arrived at the building, they saw a client exiting the attorney's office and placing what appeared to be a weapon inside his jacket. The police stopped the client on the street and an officer patted down his outer clothing. The officer felt no weapon but did feel a bag with several small tube-shaped objects in it. She immediately placed the client under arrest. The contents of the bag were later determined to be marijuana cigarettes. Prior to trial on the narcotics charge, the client sought to suppress introduction of the marijuana as evidence. The arresting officer testified at the suppression hearing that, based on her long experience as a narcotics officer, she concluded immediately that the bag contained marijuana cigarettes when she first touched it. If the officer's testimony is believed, how should the court rule on the motion to suppress the marijuana evidence



Suppression of important evidence, extra punishment.


I am no law student, but by what I read here, the drugs are an important evidence to the case, and cannot be suppressed to the court. Plus, by what I heard, if an officer gets a warrant for an illegal weapon trade and find illegal drugs (narcotics charge) with a dealer/client, there can still be a charge, but not for illegal weaponry, but for illegal drugs.




The answer is "Temptation"

2. When you are sharing the road with a bicyclist or motorcyclist, you should:
A. Always allow them to share your lane
B. Expect them to yield the right-of-way to cars
C. Treat them as you would treat any driver


the answer is B, because they have to yield to the right of way to the cars

How are all courts expect the us Supreme Court established


a number of courts have been established in the state by the Constitution and by acts of the General Assembly.

The Judiciary Act of 1789 established the federal court system separate from individual state courts. It was one of the first acts of the First Congress. President George Washington signed it into law on September 24, 1789.

que acciones ha hecho frente a la violación de derechos
el defensor del pueblo



que sique acciones ha hecho frente a la violación de derechos

el defensor del pueblo


The process whereby a court rewrites or corrects a written contract to make it conform to the true intentions of the parties is:



The process whereby a court "rewrites" or "corrects" a written contract to make it conform to the true intentions of the parties is: reformation.

When a court decision is final it gives an example to follow for future cases that are similar in nature. What is this called


When a court decision is final it gives an example to follow for future cases that are similar in nature, what is this called?

Stare decisis ( a doctrine that every court must follow)

What was the effect of the Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland?


The decision in McCulloch v. Maryland enhanced federal power and gave the federal government ways to achieve the responsibilities that were given to it in the Constitution. Second, federalism is a system of shared power between state governments and the national government

Group of answer choices.

A. It helped local governments use direct democracy.

B. It denied states the right to control local governments.

C. It supported the strength of local governments over states.

D. It legitimized the power of the national government over states.

E. It showed how the national government’s power needs to be checked.


D. It legitimized the power of the national government over states.


McCulloch v. Maryland was a litigation or court case between the national bank known as The Second Bank of the United States and the state of Maryland with respect to the tax that was imposed on it by the state.

Basically, the state of Maryland passed a legislation to impose taxes on bank notes ($15,000 annually) of any bank that is not chartered in the state of Maryland.

However, James W. McCulloch who was head at the Baltimore branch of the Second Bank objected and refused to pay the tax. Consequently, the appellate court of Maryland ruled that the Second Bank was established unconstitutionally because the federal government is not provided a textual commitment by the constitution to charter a bank.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Marshall ruled that the Federal government of USA has certain implied powers accorded or given to it by the Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution but are not explicitly stated therein.

Hence, the effect of the Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland was that it legitimized the power of the national government over states by invoking the doctrine of implied powers to increase its federal authority.

What situations can we place a habeas corpus


an adequate basis for detention

2)removal to another federal district court

3)the denial of bail or parole

4) a claim of double jeopardy

5) the failure to provide for a speedy trial or hearing


Habeas corpus is an internationally used legal term related to the idea of a democratic state, which means that no one can be imprisoned without a conviction. The detainee must have an absolute right, controlled by a judge, to consult a lawyer after his arrest and the right to inform his relatives or friends of his detention and, if necessary, to see a doctor. The accused must have access to the materials used by the investigating authorities in reviewing the decision to detain the accused.

Bonus question: Who was the only president to serve without winning either the electoral college or the popular vote?


I just need points Biden idfk

What's the meaning if a cousin brother becomes friendly out of blue and ask if you have a BF?? Reply ASAP



For me, its that he wants to know who it is so he could threaten them, bully them, or become friends with them to tell them bad stuff about you.


Usually a positive thinker as well, but I faced to much stuff to know that this is usually not a good think. Remain silent about it.

a breef summary using at least one quote on the presidents view on the economy



And the January jobs numbers came out today.  And while we are grateful for everyone who found work and is earning a paycheck, it is very clear our economy is still in trouble.  We added just 6,000 private sector jobs in the country last month.  Overall, we added 49,000 jobs.  And this at a time when we have more than 10 million people out of work, 4 million people have been out of work for six months or longer, and 2.5 million women have been driven from the workforce.  Fifteen million Americans are behind in their rental payments.  Twenty-four million adults and twelve million children literally don’t have enough food to eat.


Which of the following is not a purpose of law?

A. To promote orderly social change
B. To identify wrongdoers
C. To create free human interaction
D. To sustain individual rights





2. To maneuver a motorcycle, the operator must:
. A. Turn the handlebars in the direction they want to go while leaning the opposite way
B. Lean in the direction they want to go while turning the handlebars the opposite way
C. lean and turn the handlebars opposite the direction they want to go



B. Lean in the direction they want to go while turning the handlebars the opposite way


When maneuvering a motorcycle, it is important that the driver perform maneuvers that maintain balance, preventing the motorcycle from falling and causing an accident. Maintaining balance is essential, especially when cornering. In this case, it is important that in order to maintain the balance of the motorcycle, the driver, when making the turn, leans in the direction he wants to go, while turning the handlebars to the opposite side.

A plaintiff has brought an action for personal injuries against a store, in connection with an incident in which he slipped and fell after the store's linoleum floors had been mopped. A major issue at trial is the degree of moisture that remained on the floor, because it had been mopped 45 minutes before the plaintiff walked on it. The store offers the testimony of an expert, who will testify about an experiment he conducted measuring the amount of time necessary for a linoleum floor to dry completely after having been mopped. Under what condition should the court admit this testimony


Answer: It is shown that the conditions of the expert's experiment were substantially similar to the conditions of the store's floor when the plaintiff slipped.


The condition under which the court should admit the testimony is that it is shown that the conditions of the expert's experiment were substantially similar to the conditions of the store's floor when the plaintiff slipped.

The testimony of the expert will only be relevant and applicable of it was similar to the scenario which led to the accident. In such case, it will be admissible if it's relevant.

As long as the conditions of the experiment of the expert replicated the conditions regarding the accident, then the experiment is said to be relevant.

Carrying long loads: how far can a load extend behind your car before you are required to put a red light on both the right and left side of the protruding load?



4 feet or more


According to the laws of Florida, when carrying loads, and the load extends 4 feet or more behind your car, then it must be clearly marked by a red light on both the right and left side of the protruding load.

Therefore, the correct answer is 4 feet or more.

beliefs and positions related to racism


Fighting for social justice and civil rights should be a common goal among all. Although the definition of doing so may vary widely, I do think that above all the right to think and speak for ourselves is vital to a obtain a true definition of those rights. But none the less, fighting for the unheard or silenced voices in our society should be done in a civil way that does not destroy the very essence of a democracy. With that in mind, while fighting against ANY form of racism be sure not to silence the voices that may speak differently. Having a difference of opinion is not a good enough reason to hate, act uncivilized, or belittle another human being.

In a civil case John Deer vs. Jane Doe, the judge finds that the jury was swayed by the fact that Jane Doe was a woman when passing the verdict in her favor. Owing to this, the judge reduces the damages awarded to Jane by $20,000. This act is called ________. motion for summary judgment remittitur judgment notwithstanding the verdict motion for judgment on the pleadings


Answer: Remittitur


A remittitur refers to an action by a Judge whereby the Judge reduces the amount of money that a Jury recommends that a party in a civil case should be paid as damages.

There are several reasons why a Judge might do this but the most common one is that the amount awarded exceeds the amount asked for. In this case however, it was because the jury was unduly swayed by gender.

a.p.e.x ECON
What is one major benefit of globalization?
A. Small businesses have less competition from foreign companies.
B. Companies are producing less air and water pollution.
C. Consumers are able to buy goods from all over the world.
D. Economies around the world no longer deal with inflation.



letter C. consumers are able to buy goods from all over the world.


The true answer is C


just took the test

What are the primary arguments offered for reforming the practice of holding until trial poor individuals charged with a misdemeanor who cannot afford to pay bail



increased likelihood of conviction

-increased guilty pleas for those kept in jail

-negative effects on their employment


Prior to the prison reform process, an alleged offender is held in custody until trial no matter how long. Therefore, some alleged offenders spend a sizeable number of time in custody before the actual trial begins and judgement is subsequently passed. In other to correct for this unfair treatment, arguments put up include an increasing likelihood of being convicted as they are being treated as convicts, they are no longer afforded the treatment given to a normal individual. The lack of funds gives an increasing likelihood of been pronounced convict. They are also in danger of losing their jobs as they are restricted for going to work and likely to be replaced rendering them enempliyed.

Assume a court determined the driver was on a detour from his regular duties and was negligent when he ran over Mr. Melnick's dog. Who would be liable to Melnick



Both Oscar(or his store) and the driver


Both the driver of truck and the store whose truck the river was driving would be liable for melnick whose dog was hit. The store will would be liable because, they are the employer of the driver. The store employs the driver to drive its goods and as such they will ne responsible for the driver whenever the driver does any misdemeanor with the company's truck in his care. The driver will be responsible due to his negligence and also being away from his normal duty.

why should sexual harassers be given a death penalty​



Unfortunately, this is a very difficult question to judge. It would take more investigation to truthfully envision the charges of sexual harassment. Not that it’s ever justified or okay, because it certainly isn’t. But there are instances where the defendant may or may not be given a death sentence.

Age is a common factor in the sentencing of a sexual harassment case- this is because a jury would commonly have a different mindset when it comes to a minor. Personally, I think that should not play a role in a case. Sometimes it does though.

Mental health is another- Sometimes we just have those unstable individuals who need hospitalization rather than jail time.

In order to build a case to which the defendant would be sentenced to death row you would have to elaborate more on the reasoning and motive behind the act.

defined Snell's law ​


Snell's law is defined as the ratio of the sine of angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction which is constant for a given pair of media and it is also known also as refractive index of the medium.

determine why both democrats and republicans like.the idea of stimulus checks



Both Democrats and Republicans have supported the stimulus checks that have been issued during 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, as a measure designed to alleviate the economic consequences of the pandemic. This was so, that is, the voters of both parties supported these measures, because although Republicans are more reluctant to increase public spending, in this situation it was understood that it was an exceptional measure designed to sustain the consumption levels of the nation, thus avoiding the bankruptcy of the various businesses in the country and allowing people to have a constant income during the lockdown months.

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