10. What was one negative of the settlement of the Northwest Territory?


Answer 1


One potential negative of the settlement of the Northwest Territory was the displacement of Native American tribes who had historically lived in the region. The expansion of European settlers into the territory often led to conflicts with these tribes, as well as the forced removal of Native American peoples from their traditional lands. This process, known as Indian removal, was a tragic and tragic event in American history.

Related Questions

Which of the following nations was part of the Triple Entente with France and Great Britain BEFORE the start of World War I? A. Russia B. Austria-Hungary C. Ottoman Empire D. Germany ​


A. Russia was part of the Triple Entente with France and Great Britain before the start of World War I.

The Triple Entente was a military alliance formed between France, Russia, and Great Britain in the years leading up to World War I. The alliance was a response to the formation of the Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance were the two main military alliances in Europe at the time, and the tensions between the two played a significant role in the outbreak of World War I.

How does Cranach use composition- the arrangement of elements in the picture- to convey “the true church” and “the false church”?


Cranach uses composition—the arrangement of components in a picture—to represent "the real church" and "the false church" through portraits of two Reformation leaders.

What is a church?

The Christian Church is what many Christian denominations perceive of as being the real body of Christians, or the original organization created by Jesus.

They tended to recall that the two men presenting bread and wine are representations of two Reformation figures. Cranach utilizes constituents, organization of elements in a photograph to symbolize "the genuine church" and "the false church" through portraiture of two Reformation leaders.

Learn more about church here:



Romans, unlike the greeks, usually drank their wine unmixed, which resulted in a stronger alcoholic content.

a. True
b. False


Romans, unlike the Greeks, usually drank their wine unmixed, which resulted in a stronger alcoholic content. TRUE

Wine changed into the drink of preference at the very heart of historic Rome's tradition. Ciders and other fermented liquids have been recognised but were all second to wine. Wine was a 'civilized' drink and became central to the Roman way of lifestyles. Beer, fermented grains, and milk were decidedly un-Roman and could convey barbarous connotations.

The principle distinction between Roman and current wines turned into probable their alcohol content material, as each Greek and Roman wines probably had as high as 15% or 20% ABV, in comparison with 10-12% or so in maximum current wines. consumption of wine became often very distinct as well.

Romans drank cider as early as 55 B.C. Beer changed into to be had however it changed into appeared as “no longer for the sophisticated." It changed into a lot greater famous in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. there was no whiskey or brandy. The distillation of alcohol had no longer been invented.

Learn more about Romans here:



Which modern preident had the bigget impact on America (poitive or negative) and why?


Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the longest-serving president in American history, serving from March 1933 to April 1945. He may have done more to change American society and politics in those twelve years than any of his predecessors in the White House, except Abraham Lincoln.

His presidency gave credibility to the progressive movement and lent White House prestige to welfare legislation, government regulation, and the conservation movement. Much of Roosevelt's agenda was motivated by a desire to make society fairer and more just, with economic opportunity for all Americans.

Roosevelt believed that the government had the power and responsibility to regulate big business so that its actions did not harm the general public. However, he never fundamentally questioned the status of big business and believed that its existence was a natural phase of the country's economic development.

Roosevelt also revolutionized foreign policy because he believed that the US had a global responsibility and that a strong foreign policy served the country's national interests. He did not hesitate to get involved in Latin America: overseeing the Panama Canal negotiations to defend US interests and intervening in Venezuela and Santo Domingo to maintain regional stability.”

Roosevelt worked for his ideals long after he left office. In 1912, the new nationalism of the Progressive Party began a push for protective federal regulation that foreshadowed the Progressive movements of the 1930s and 1960s.

In terms of presidential style, Roosevelt introduced the term "charisma" to the political arena. He had good public relations and knew how to use the media to influence public opinion. He was the first president elected on the basis of an individual rather than a political party.

To know more about President Fraklin. D. Roosevelt



The U.S. Constitution establishes distinct roles for each of the three branches
of the federal government. This is an example of which American founding
A. Checks and balances
о B. Representative democracy
C. Separation of powers
OD. Federalism




According to the doctrine of separation of powers, the U.S. Constitution distributed the power of the federal government among these three branches, and built a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one branch could become too powerful. Separation of Powers

Answer: (A) Checks and balances


The three branches of the U.S. government are the legislative, executive and judicial branches. According to the doctrine of separation of powers, the U.S. Constitution distributed the power of the federal government among these three branches, and built a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one branch could become too powerful.

In the Federalist Papers, James Madison wrote of the necessity of the separation of powers to the new nation’s democratic government: “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elected, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

Legislative Branch

According to Article I of the Constitution, the legislative branch (the U.S. Congress) has the primary power to make the country’s laws. This legislative power is divided further into the two chambers, or houses, of Congress: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Members of Congress are elected by the people of the United States. While each state gets the same number of senators (two) to represent it, the number of representatives for each state is based on the state’s population.

Therefore, while there are 100 senators, there are 435 elected members of the House, plus an additional six non-voting delegates who represent the District of Columbia as well as Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories.

Executive Branch

Article II of the Constitution states that the executive branch, with the president as its head, has the power to enforce or carry out the laws of the nation.

In addition to the president, who is the commander in chief of the armed forces and head of state, the executive branch includes the vice president and the Cabinet; the State Department, Defense Department and 13 other executive departments; and various other federal agencies, commissions and committees.

Judicial Branch

Article III decreed that the nation’s judicial power, to apply and interpret the laws, should be vested in “one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”

The Constitution didn’t specify the powers of the Supreme Court or explain how the judicial branch should be organized, and for a time the judiciary took a back seat to the other branches of government.

Hence, the right answer is option B.

The building of cotton mills in the south meant decreased


The building of cotton mills in the south meant decreaseD :  dependence of the south on the north

The construction of cotton mills in the South meant an increase in production and a move to the more industrialized South. It was also a signal that the South was moving away from small scale farming.

Why was the South's cotton production so important?

Indeed, it was the South's economic backbone. When the southern states seceded from the United States to form the Confederate States of America in 1861, they used cotton to provide revenue for its government, arms for its military, and the economic power for a diplomatic strategy for the fledgling Confederate nation.

What is the impact of the increase in cotton production?

This astonishing increase in supply has not led to a long-term decline in cotton prices. However, the cotton boom was the main cause of the increased demand for slave labor. The number of slaves in America increased from 700,000 in 1790 to 4 million in 1860.

Learn more about south cotton mill :



Read the sentence.

Benjamin Franklin was one of the most extraordinary human beings the world has ever known.

This would be a better thesis statement for an argumentative essay if it
named at least one way in which Franklin was great.
used a descriptive word other than extraordinary.
stated the writer’s viewpoint of Franklin.
contained a counterargument for readers who might not admire Franklin.


Answer: Benjamin Franklin was one of the most extraordinary human beings the world has ever known Franklin was great.

One of the most exceptional people the world has ever known was Benjamin Franklin. He was a brilliant scientist, inventor, writer, and diplomat who had a lasting impact on society. The lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove are just a few of the inventions he is credited with creating. In addition to the University of Pennsylvania and the Library Company, which he founded, he also created Philadelphia's first fire department. He is well recognized for being the only Founding Father to have signed each of the three documents that set the United States free from British rule. Franklin is credited with writing both the American Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. He also worked on the Treaty of Paris, which put an end to the American War of Independence against Britain.


which statement best completes the diagram on the process for amending the U.S. constitution


The statement that best completes the diagram on the process for amending the U.S. constitution is the amendment is sent to the states for ratification.

What is U.S. Constitution?

The United States' Constitution is the country's supreme legal document. In 1789, it replaced the Articles of Confederation, which served as the country's original constitution. It defines the framework of national government and originally had seven articles.

The federal government is divided into three branches according to the doctrine of the separation of powers, which is embodied in the constitution's first three articles. The legislative branch is represented by the bicameral Congress (Article I); the executive branch is made up of the president and other top officials (Article II); and the judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court and other federal courts (Article III).

To learn more on U.S. Constitution from the link:



3. Which of the following reflects people who helped establish missions and settlements during the
Spanish Colonial Era?
Alonzo de Pineda
Cabeza de Vaca
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
Robert La Salle


Cabeza de Vaca who helped establish missions and settlements during the Spanish Colonial Era.

What led the Spanish to broaden their Texas exploration?

The initial trips to Texas were either accidental or motivated by the search for wealth. After a mistaken landing on Galveston Island, Cabeza de Vaca became one of the first Europeans to thoroughly explore Texas. There was a lull in Spanish discovery until numerous explorers were drawn to Texas by the promise of riches.

What did Cabeza de Vaca accomplish?

When his rickety raft ran aground close to Galveston Island in 1528, Spanish explorer Lvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca became the first person to set foot on what would eventually become Texas. The raft contained survivors of a failed Spanish effort to colonize Florida.

To know more about Cabeza de Vaca visit:



remains have been found on all of
the following continents EXCEPT
A. Africa
C. Asia
B. Australia
D. Europe


Neanderthal remains have been found on all of the following continents except Europe. The correct option is d.

Who are the Neanderthal?

Neanderthal is an extinct species or subspecies of archaic humans who lived in Eurasia until about 40,000 years ago. The reasons for the Neanderthal extinction are disputed, theories include demographic factors such as small population size and inbreeding; competitive replacement; interbreeding and assimilation with homo sapiens; climate change; disease; or a combination of these factors.

It is unclear when the line of Neanderthals split from that of modern humans; studies have produced various intervals ranging from 315,000 to more than 800,000 years ago. The date of divergence of Neanderthals from their ancestor H. heidelbergensis is also unclear. The oldest potential Neanderthal bones date to 430,000 years ago, but the classification remains uncertain.

Neanderthals are known for numerous fossils, especially from after 130,000 years ago.

Learn more about Neanderthal, here:




B- Australia


I tried that mf answer the other dude said and it was wrong so I guessed n it was B

1. Explain two reasons why Frederick Douglass supported the Fifteenth Amendment.

2. Explain two reasons why Lucy Stone supported the Fifteenth Amendment.

3. Explain two reasons why Elizabeth Cady Stanton opposed the Fifteenth Amendment.

4. Explain two reasons why Susan B. Anthony opposed the Fifteenth Amendment.


The values of liberty and humanity outlined in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were to be fully realized without regard for race, gender, or religion, he continued to hold the Constitution in the highest regard.

What do you mean by values of liberty?

The capacity to act as one pleases, or a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or grant, is known as liberty. It is another word meaning freedom.

In contemporary politics, liberty is defined as the condition of being free from oppressive controls placed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political beliefs within society.

Theologically speaking, liberty is the absence of "sin, spiritual enslavement, and temporal ties" and its results.

Sometimes the terms freedom and liberty are used interchangeably, with freedom denoting the ability to do as one pleases and the power to do so, and liberty denoting the lack of arbitrary restrictions while taking into account the rights of all parties.

Learn more about values of liberty, here



2. In what ways did the federal government's policies on Western expansion affect
Native Americans?


Native Americans life changed dramatically as a result of westward expansion.

How did Westward Expansion impact Native Americans?

1) Forced to move to reservations and government breaks treaties: Settlers felt justified in taking Native Americans land because they felt they were making the land more productive. Treaties forced millions of Native Americans onto reservations. The reservation means small piece of government land set aside for Native Americans. After tribes made treaties that relocated them to reservations, the US government and settlers frequently broke these treaties and took even more land from the Native Americans.

2) Killing of the buffaloes: Deliberate reduction of buffalo herds to force them to move off their hunting grounds to reservations.

3) Forced assimilation: Here, assimilation refers to to blend into another culture, to accept that culture as one’s own.

• Efforts to get Native Americans to become settled farmers – settlers wanted the land to be used more “productively”.

Dawes Act – Reservation land was divided into 160 acre plots and given to individual families to farm for a profit.

Missionaries attempted to convert Native Americans to Christianity.

• Indian Boarding Schools – Children were sent to schools to focus on skills such as carpentry and housekeeping.

• Native Americans were not considered citizens until 1924.

To know more about Westward Expansion:



why did columbus believe that he had arrived in the new world? what evidence led him to believe this to be true?


Columbus believed to arrive a new world when he saw Cuba, which he mistook for mainland China, and the crew made landfall on Hispaniola in December, which he mistook for Japan.

Europeans sought naval routes to the Far East in the 15th and 16th centuries. Columbus sought a fresh route to China, Japan, the Spice Islands, and India. He would be able to return with valuable cargoes of spices and silks if he could just get to these countries. Knowing that the world was round, Columbus realised that he could still reach his destination by sailing west rather than east around the coast of Africa, as other explorers at the time were doing. Three ships were launched by Columbus in 1492 from the Spanish port of Palos. Two of the ships were caravels, or little craft with triangle sails: the Nina and the Pinta. The Santa Maria, a nao (a larger square-rigged ship), was the third vessel.

To know more about Columbus:



During the fourteenth century, serfdom decreased in eastern Europe and increased in western Europe


The whole episode of  serfdom decreased in eastern Europe and increased in western Europe during The Renaissance era.

What was  the Era?

The Renaissance was marked by an attempt to resurrect and outdo the concepts and accomplishments of ancient antiquity.A resurgence of interest in classical antiquity, the emergence of humanist philosophy (a belief in oneself, human worth, and individual dignity), and significant shifts in viewpoints on religion, politics, and science are all traits of the Renaissance.The Renaissance, which took place in Europe between the 15th and 16th centuries, is regarded as the transitional period from the Middle Ages to modernity.

To know more about Renaissance here



Why was Stephen F. Austin so driven to carry out the "Texas Venture?" a.He was so driven because he was a mad man who wanted power and control. b.He was so driven because it was his dream to settle in Texas since he was a young child. c.He was so driven because it was his dream to settle in Texas since he was a young child.
d.He was so driven because he already had a successful career as a lawyer and wanted to try something new.




Although Austin was reluctant to carry on his father's Texas venture, he was persuaded to do so by a letter from his mother, written two days before Moses's death. Austin boarded the steamer Beaver and departed to New Orleans to meet Spanish officials led by Erasmo Seguín.

Stephen F. Austin so driven to carry out the "Texas Venture he was so driven because it was his dream to settle in Texas since he was a young child. Thus, option (b) is correct.

Austin was a brilliant negotiator who prevented Texas from outlawing slavery in order to further the interests of Anglo-American slaveholders. He introduced the first 300 American families into the region and enticed many Anglo-American settlers to Texas.

Austin encouraged reconciliation as Texas settlers' discontent with the Mexican government grew, but the discontent turned into the Texas Revolution.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on Texas, here:



Watch this video and outline in your own words what the four types of authority are: Reason, Authoritarianism, Tradition, Charismatic Leadership.

In what ways does the United States employ these different types of authority? Give specific examples.


One is the truth and second is not so pick one

according to the map, which statement about the indian ocean routes is true ?


According to the map, the true statement is Trade connected Africa, India and Southeast Asia.

Beginning at least the third century BCE, the Indian Ocean served as a conduit for trade between Southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and East Africa. All of those regions, as well as East Asia, were connected by this extensive global network of roads (particularly China).

Dhows with triangle sails were used by traders from Gujarat, Arabia, and other coastal regions to take advantage of the monsoon winds long before Europeans "found" the Indian Ocean. The domestication of the camel also assisted in bringing coastal trade products like ivory, silk, porcelain, spices, and incense to interior empires. Additionally, slaves were traded.

To know more about the Indian Ocean:


What happens when someone refers to a Memphis man as a jelly bean



he will quite possibly pull a long sinewy rope from his hip pocket and hang you to a convenient telegraph–pole.


When did the unity of the Protestant movement break down over the question of communion?
• The Diet of Worms
• The Marbourg Colloquy
O The Act of Supremacy
• The Council of Trent



B: The Marbourg Colloquy

The person above with the answer A Diet of worms is wrong, if you do the research it shows B is correct  


I got it correct on FLVS 10th grade Histroy!

Good luck, :)

during the 15th & 16th centuries, technological developments in which field allowed for exploration to occur on such a large scale?


Many interesting variations of the constellations known as universal constellations that make a single instrument that can be used at all latitudes were invented in the 15th and 16th centuries by European technological.

European technological advances in catography and navigation, innovations in shipbuilding, and a better understanding of the world's wind and ocean systems made European travel and trade possible.

Europeans adapted, improved, and integrated the techniques and knowledge previously found in traditional, Islamic, and Asian cultures in their development of art and navigation.

• Because Ex-Taurari returned to Islam through North Africa to Spain (al-Andalus) where he was introduced to European culture through Christian monasteries in northern Spain.

• The use of European astrology became common in the 13th and 14th centuries. Borrowing the basic principles of Islamic astrology, the Portuguese created a ship's astrolabe that helped sailors determine their course by aligning instruments with the sun or any known star.

Many interesting variations of the constellations known as universal constellations that make a single instrument that can be used at all latitudes were invented in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Likewise, advances in graphics have made navigation easier for researchers.

• Europeans borrowed Ptolemy's classical Greek statistics and incorporated it into the development of new maps of the world that incorporated mathematical principles to accurately calculate distances and resembled topographical features as they actually existed rather than theoretical explanations about the world. The craft of this new method of cartography has revolutionized the world of art.

Traders can now use the revised maps to plan new routes to and from their desired destinations and their findings and data are applied to the new maps.

For more such questions on European Technological Developments:



Question 3 of 20
Transcendentalist thinkers, such as Henry David Thoreau, spread the idea that:
A. unfair laws should be protested with civil disobedience.
B. old ideas and teachings are a reliable foundation for modern
C. humanity will grow and prosper through industrialization.
D. society and its needs are more important than the individual.


Answer: A. Unfair laws should be protested with civil disobedience.


____________________ thinkers helped to shape American democracy.
Group of answer choices






Thought leaders of the Enlightenment influenced American democracy. As a result, choice (B) is the right response.

How did thinkers of the Enlightenment influence democracy?

By emphasizing democratic institutions and values and encouraging the development of contemporary, liberal democracies, the Enlightenment brought political modernization to the west. By limiting organized religion's political influence, Enlightenment philosophers hoped to avoid another period of intolerable religious conflict.

Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and polymaths John Adams, James Madison,  George Mason, Thomas Paine, James Wilson, Ethan Allen, and Alexander Hamilton were among the most influential political intellectuals.

Hence, option (B) is accurate.

Learn more about the enlightenment thinkers, from:



Which system would be the creator of the cartoon above support ?


The image's primary message is a critique of capitalism, showing a hierarchy of money and power. It shows how the working class supports everyone else and how, should they stop doing so, the current social structure will collapse.

What is shown in the cartoon?

Economic disparity and social class stratification are highlighted in the illustration.

The image depicts a literal hierarchy or "social pyramid," with a rich few at the top and the vast majority of people living in poverty at the bottom. The royalty and governmental officials are located in the top tier, "we rule you," which is crowned with a money bag to symbolize capitalism.

To learn more about social class stratification



Which statements correctly describe the Shang dynasty?
Select all correct answers.

During the dynasty, workers built huge walls by layering bricks and covering them with mud.

Shang emperors had great walled cities built.

Workers cast and decorated bronze goblets, cups, and bowls.

The dynasty ruled for only a short time.

The Shang was the first family of rulers in China.

Shang emperors were powerful rulers.


The statements that correctly describe the Shang dynasty include:

The Shang was the first family of rulers in China.Shang emperors had great walled cities built.Shang emperors were powerful rulers.Workers cast and decorated bronze goblets, cups, and bowls.

What is the Shang Dynasty?

The Shang Dynasty was the first to rule China in recorded history, despite the fact that many dynasties came before it. The Shang, who ruled China from 1600 to 1046 B.C., brought about the Bronze Age in China. They made notable contributions to mathematics, astronomy, the arts, and military technology.

The Shang made numerous contributions to Chinese civilization, including the invention of writing, the development of a stratified government, the advancement of bronze technology, and the use of chariots and bronze weapons in battle.

The four social classes that made up Shang Dynasty citizens were soldiers, skilled workers, peasants, and royalty. The most prestigious social class, the aristocracy was responsible for overseeing smaller regions.

Learn more about Shang on:



What part of the Constitution embodies Thomas Hobbes's idea of the Social Contract?


The U.S. Constitution embodies the principles of the social contract by establishing a government that is intended to serve the needs and interests of the people and protect their rights, while also imposing certain responsibilities on the government and the people.

What is Thomas Hobbes's idea of the Social Contract?

Generally, Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher who lived in the seventeenth century and is known for his work on political theory, including the concept of the social contract. The social contract theory suggests that individuals enter into an agreement to establish a government and surrender some of their individual rights in exchange for the protection and security provided by the government.

The U.S. Constitution does not specifically mention the social contract or reference Hobbes by name, but it embodies the principles of the social contract in several ways. The Preamble to the Constitution states that the document is being established to "form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty." These goals reflect the idea that the government is established to serve the needs and interests of the people and to protect their rights.

Read more about Thomas Hobbes's



fascism in italy created a mobilized, yet more passive, citizenry. an example of a political activity that the fascist regime in italy encouraged to make people feel involved was


In an anti-Bolshevik campaign that united numerous political and social sectors and organizations, organized militia began to gain popularity across Italy.

Corporations, governments, quasi organizations, social organizations, international bodies, armed forces, charity, not-for-profit corporate entities, partnerships, unions, and educational institutions, among others, are all legal sorts of organizations. A hybrids organization is one that works in both the public and private sectors at the same time, fulfilling public tasks while also growing commercial market operations. A voluntary association was formed composed of volunteers. Depending on jurisdiction, such organizations might be able to continue operating without legalities, such as informal club teams or coordinating carcasses with a goal in mind, that they might express in the form of a manifesto, mission, or in an informal way reflected in what they do, because every action taken by an organization, legal or illegal, reflects a goal.

Learn more about manifesto here



When the emperor theophilius died, what did his wife theodora do? transferred power to the macedonians restored the use of icons separated the eastern orthodox church from the roman catholic church signed a peace treaty with the avars


Theophilos passed on from diarrhea on 20 January 842, likely more youthful than 30. On his deathbed, he named Theodora as the official for their two-year-old child Michael III and assigned a choice of consultants to help her.

What is ruler Theophilus?

Theophilos was the child of the Byzantine Phrygian Greek Ruler Michael II and his significant other Thekla, and the godson of Head Leo V the Armenian. Michael II delegated Theophilos co-ruler in 821. The date is generally given as 12 May 821 (Whitsunday), albeit this isn't exactly confirmed by any source (another conceivable date is 24 Walk, Easter). Dissimilar to his dad, Theophilos got broad schooling from John Hylilas, the grammarian, and was an incredible admirer of music and workmanship. On 2 October 829, Theophilos succeeded his dad as sole ruler.

Theophilos went on in his ancestors' iconoclasm, however without his dad's more placating tone, giving a proclamation in 832 denying the adoration of symbols. He additionally saw himself as the boss of equity, which he served most garishly by executing his dad's co-schemers against Leo V following his promotion.

Theophilos passed on from diarrhea on 20 January 842, likely more youthful than 30. On his deathbed, he named Theodora as the official for their two-year-old child Michael III and assigned a choice of consultants to help her.

To learn more about Theophilus here




B. Restore the use of icons


I got it right on the exam <3

describe the different forms of government from ancient greece and explain their impact on the greek people.


Based on a historical perspective, the different forms of government from ancient Greece are Democracy, Monarchy, Tyranny, and Oligarchy, all of which led the Greek people to eventually embrace Democracy.

Different forms of government in ancient Greece had

Democracy - this is a type of government whereby the government is ruled by the people, particularly the male citizens.

Monarchy - this is a form of government whereby people were ruled by an individual who had inherited his role.

Oligarchy - this is a form of government whereby people we're ruled by a select group of individuals.

Tyranny - this is a form. of government whereby people were ruled by an individual who had seized power by unconstitutional means.

All these types of governance were experienced by Ancient Greece and were documented by the likes of Aristotle, Herodotus, etc.

This style of governances shaped the people of Greece, by making them embrace Democracy eventually.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that various forms of government were experienced by Greece over many years.

Learn more about Ancient Greece here: https://brainly.com/question/183135


Why might citizens choose to join a political party?


Answer: Citizens might choose to join a political party because Joining a political party might help them run for public office


Awesome question! <3

Would you have like to have Stalin as your Leader? EXPLAIN in One or Two good sentences.





Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union as a dictator, transforming the country from an agrarian peasant society into a global superpower. The cost was tremendous, however: Stalin was responsible for the deaths of millions of Soviet citizens.

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