1.1.9 Write: Prepare and Analysis English 11

What's the answer's to the whole thing on this chapter.


Answer 1


what is the chapter about send the picture of the chapter

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It's more difficult for potential thieves to get access to your home in an apartment, particularly if your apartment has a foyer or secure front entry system. There's also the benefit of living in such close proximity to others.



Have a good day

Brainliest please!

How to develop the listening skills ?



be calm never be too forward


1. Face the speaker and give them your attention. It is difficult to talk to someone who is constantly looking around. ...

2. Keep an open mind. Do not judge or mentally criticize what the speaker is telling you. Doing so can compromise your ability to take in what is being said.

3. Active listening. Active listening shows the speaker that you’re interested and is an important business communication skill.

4. Just listen! Create a mental model of the information, whether it be a picture or an arrangement of abstract concepts.


got the information from the internet

_____ are your classmates? – They’re in the computer room. A. What B. Where C. When D. Who





Where are your classmates?

The answer is b. Where

Which choice is the correct one


Answer: the right answer is the second one.

They never have to look at obnoxious advertisements

Read the passage to answer the question that follows.
What might have happened if Robin Hood had refused to prove his shooting skill in the royal preserve?



if he did so he wouldn't have won the gold and silver arrows and defeated the sheriff one of his greatest enemies

Over the past ten years more than two dozen athletes have died from the medical condition known as heatstroke. Heatstroke occurs when the body's internal temperature becomes so
elevated that its cooling system begins shutting down. Who is most at risk? Surprisingly, it is younger athletes. They often either do not recognize or ignore the warning signs until it's too
late. To make matters worse, children's bodies are much less efficient than adults at cooling themselves. A promising new product hopes to end the all too common heatstroke trend. It is
called a thermometer pill
2 While it doesn't look much different from the average vitamin capsule, the work it does inside the body is truly amazing. Once ingested these capsules send an internal body
temperature reading to a portable device that is not much bigger than an iPhone. A coach or professional trainer monitors the device during practices or events held when temperatures
and heat indexes are particularly high. If an athlete's body temperature reaches a dangerous level, the monitor immediately transmits an alert. The player is then rushed indoors and
placed in an ice bath to rapidly decrease his or her body temperature. This is important, since internal organs can begin shutting down at 105 degrees Fahrenheit
5 While these tiny lifesavers have proven to be effective, they are quite expensive. On average the cost is $50.00 per pill. However, many parents of young athletes say that it is a small
price to pay for the piece of mind it gives them on a hot, sultry day.
1) Which of these BEST describes the author's view about thermometer pills?
A) The author thinks thermometer pills are effective but too expensive.
B) The author thinks thermometer pills need more testing to be considered safe.
The author thinks thermometer pills are a potentially promising answer to heatstroke.
D) The author thinks thermometer pills are the only way to protect young athletes from heatstroke.



The answer is A


Because the author stated "It is

called a thermometer pill. While it doesn't look much different from the average vitamin capsule, the work it does inside the body is truly amazing."

Showing that he loves the idea of the thermometer pill but, later in the text, it states "While these tiny lifesavers have proven to be effective, they are quite expensive. On average the cost is $50.00 per pill."

This shows that he agrees that the pills are effective but he did notice they are sold at a costly price and are "too expensive."

This is why the answer is A.

Example:Don't go to the bus station. يستخدم زمن الأمر لاعطاء التعليمات وتقديم النصائح Buy a ticket. من الممكن استخدام easeام لاعطاء الأمر بشكل مهلب Choose the correct answer from abcd: -... stand near the train , When it arrives. a.Didn't b.Don't c.Doesn't d.Isn't 2-................. to cairo, The biggest city in Africa. a.Came b.Coming c.Come d.Comes 3-Don't go out now... here. a.waited b.waiting c. Wait d.Waites 4-It is full of amazing things. *** miss it! a.Doesn't b.Don't c.Didn't d.Do S-This sign says" here" a.stopping b.stop c.stopped d.stops Read and correct the underlined words: 1-Didn't lose your ticket..................................) ...) 2-Went to the ticket office.(............ the window please​





"A Dog's Mistake"
by Andrew Barton Paterson

He had drifted in among us as a straw drifts with the tide, He was just a wand'ring mongrel from the weary world outside; He was not aristocratic, being mostly ribs and hair, With a hint of spaniel parents and a touch of native bear.

He was very poor and humble and content with what he got, So we fed him bones and biscuits, till he heartened up a lot; Then he growled and grew aggressive, treating orders with disdain, Till at last he bit the butcher, which would argue want of brain.

Now the butcher, noble fellow, was a sport beyond belief, And instead of bringing actions he brought half a shin of beef, Which he handed on to Fido, who received it as a right And removed it to the garden, where he buried it at night.

Twas the means of his undoing, for my wife, who'd stood his friend, To adopt a slang expression, "went in off the deepest end," For among the pinks and pansies, the gloxinias and the gorse He had made an excavation like a graveyard for a horse.

Then we held a consultation which decided on his fate: Twas in anger more than sorrow that we led him to the gate, And we handed him the beef-bone as provision for the day, Then we opened wide the portal and we told him, "On your way."

Question #1
Based on the first stanza, what can the reader infer about the dog?

He was a bit aggressive towards those in his environment.

He moved as if he was exhausted and unsure where to go.

He was smart enough to find food on his own.

He had no manners because he had not been around people.

Question #2
Which three lines from the poem support the inference that the dog becomes unappreciative of the help he is receiving?

"He was very poor and humble and content with what he got," (line 5)

"Then he growled and grew aggressive, treating orders with disdain," (line 7)

"Till at last he bit the butcher, which would argue want of brain." (line 8)

"Which he handed on to Fido, who received it as a right" (line 11)

"And removed it to the garden, where he buried it at night." (line12)

"And we handed him the beef-bone as provision for the day," (line 19)


A} Based on the first stanza, the reader infers about the dog He moved as if he was exhausted and unsure where to go.

What is the subject of the poem "A Dog's Mistake"?

The irony of the situation is that the subject of the poem, the dog does not appreciate or enjoy whenever he gets something good.

B) The dog becomes unappreciative of the help he is receiving "Which he handed on to Fido, who received it as a right" (line 11).

Thus, Based on the first stanza, the reader infers about the dog He moved as if he was exhausted and unsure where to go.

To learn more about "A Dog's Mistake" click here:


1) Based on the first stanza, the reader can infer about the dog from the "A Dog's Mistake" by Andrew Barton Paterson that He moved as if he was exhausted and unsure where to go. The correct answer is Option B.

2) "Which he handed on to Fido, who received it as a right" is the line from the poem that support the inference that the dog becomes unappreciative of the help he is receiving. Therefore, the correct answer is Option B.        


1) In the first stanza, the description of the dog as having "drifted in among us as a straw drifts with the tide" suggests that the dog arrived in the group in a somewhat aimless and passive manner, much like a piece of driftwood carried by the tide. This conveys a sense of exhaustion, implying that the dog might be tired and lacking direction. The phrases "weary world outside" and "not aristocratic, being mostly ribs and hair" emphasize the dog's worn-out appearance. Hence, the correct inference is that the dog moved as if he was exhausted and unsure where to go.

2) The line "Which he handed on to Fido, who received it as a right" (line 11) supports the inference that the dog becomes unappreciative of the help he is receiving. Indicating that the dog, Fido, has started to take the food (the half shin of beef) for granted and as if it's his entitlement, rather than showing gratitude to the butcher and the people around him. The phrase "received it as a right" implies that the dog no longer views the food as a generous gesture or a favor, but rather as something he deserves without any sense of appreciation. This shift in attitude suggests a lack of gratitude and becoming unappreciative of the assistance provided to them.

To know more about "A Dog's Mistake" :


What new weather would you like to invent?



i wish i could create a weather that had smell. some days could have a different smell, like foods or specific flowers or just new scents like perfums.


A question you might ask yourself to figure out theme would be: What is the author trying to say about___ through the character development?

A. Literary devices
B. Life
C. Theme
D. Internal struggle



B. Life

I hope this helps.

Author's message, themes, and purpose. Interpreting and reflecting on a story using prior knowledge. This is all inferring!

Please help me help help please please help please please help



it maybe be c


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There once was a guy who lived a Happy life. He owned multiple businesses and was respected world wide. He had a wonderful wife,  and three kids. He song as well and was very famous. Then one day a friend said hey you should try smoking it feels great and might make you voice deeper. He said no at first because he heard in middle school it could be bad, but then he agreed. He started smoking it hurt his lungs at first, but then it started to feel normal. He started noticing little changes in his life that was not good. His singing got worse. His wife and kids were disgusted, he lost his businesses because the smoking caused brain ailments and he had to stop singing because people hated his voice. His life was slowly getting ruined by this one choice made in the moment.


This would be showed as a short story black and white with the only noise being music in the background joyful at first but then gets sadder until we see him by himself with everything lost.

An element of a national mythology is that it highlights the nation's values and ideals.

How is this reflected in "Rip Van Winkle"?

Select the two correct answers.

Rip is characterized negatively due to his laziness and inability to support his family.

The village where Rip lives represents the hardworking, diverse communities that make up young America.

The characters demonstrate self-awareness by acknowledging their weaknesses and working toward improvement.

Rip’s positive attitude and generosity are highlighted in the story.



Rip’s positive attitude and generosity are highlighted in the story.

The village where Rip lives represents the hardworking, diverse communities that make up young America.


Took the test

The reflected in "Rip Van Winkle" are Rip’s positive attitude and generosity are highlighted in the story, and The village where Rip lives represents the hardworking, diverse communities that make up young America. Thus option first and third are correct.

What is the theme "Rip Van Winkle"?

Three primary themes run through Washington Irving's novella "Rip Van Winkle." One recurring subject is liberty, or the power to make our own choices. Another recurring motif is development or onward movement. The last topic is change, which occurs when things change.

Rip's good attitude and kindness are stressed in the narrative, and the hamlet where Rip lives depicts the industrious, varied communities that comprise young America. Therefore, it can be concluded that option first and third are correct.

Learn more about "Rip Van Winkle" here:



Please Help Will Give Brainiest.

Question 1 (3 points)
Part A

Which key idea does Zitkala-Sa develop in "School Days of an Indian Girl"?

Question 1 options:

A. The continual disrespect Zitkala-Sa experiences weakens her spirit, so she chooses to conform rather than resist.

B. Zitkala-Sa is shunned by members of the Dakota community for adopting the language and behaviors of another culture.

C. Once Zitkala-Sa returns home, she realizes she misses the life she led as a student at the school,

D. Acts of resistance against the rules at the school help Zitkala-Sa maintain her pride in who she is as a person and as a member of the Dakota nation.

Question 2 (3 points)
Part B

Which details from the text best help to develop the key idea in Part A?

Select the two correct answers.

Question 2 options:

A. "Though I was sullen in all my little troubles, as soon as I felt better I was ready again to smile upon the cruel woman."

B. "At these gatherings they talked English. I could speak English almost as well as my brother, but I was not properly dressed to be taken along."

C. "Within a week I was again actively testing the chains which tightly bound my individuality like a mummy for burial."

D. "'No, I will not submit! I will struggle first!' I answered."

Question 3 (3 points)
Part C

Which of the following is a key idea present in Zitkala-Sa's "School Days of an Indian Girl"?

Question 3 options:

A. At school in the East, Zitkala-Sa learns to appreciate the structure that was lacking in her life at home.

B. Zitkala-Sa strives to become a skilled orator to gain acceptance and respect in her college community.

C. Zitkala-Sa struggles to find balance living in two worlds, neither of which feels entirely comfortable.

D. Because she pursues a college education, Zitkala-Sa's relationship with her family is irreparably damaged.

Question 4 (3 points)
Part D

Which details from the text best help to develop the key idea in Part C?

Select the two correct answers.

Question 4 options:

A. "I took it from her hand, for her sake; but my enraged spirit felt more like burning the book, which afforded me no help, and was a perfect delusion to my mother."

B. "[My mother's few words hinted that I had better give up my slow attempt to learn the white man's ways, and be content to roam over the prairies and find my living upon wild roots."

C. "It was next to impossible to leave the iron routine after the civilizing machine had once begun its day's buzzing;"

D. "My mother had never gone inside of a schoolhouse, and so she was not capable of comforting her daughter who could read and write."

Question 5 (3 points)
Read the excerpt from "The School Days of an Indian Girl."

Since the day I was taken from my mother I had suffered extreme indignities. People had stared at me. I had been tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet. And now my long hair was shingled like a coward's! In my anguish I moaned for my mother, but no one came to comfort me. Not a soul reasoned quietly with me, as my own mother used to do; for now I was only one of many little animals driven by a herder.

What do the lines "I had been tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet" and "for now I was only one of many little animals driven by a herder" suggest about the narrator?

Question 5 options:

A. She has no control over her thoughts or emotions.

B. She has been treated as though she were not human.

C. She has grown tired of moving from place to place.

D. She has been physically harmed by those around her.



Question 1 = D. Acts of resistance against the rules at the school help Zitkala-Sa maintain her pride in who she is as a person and as a member of the Dakota nation.

Question 2=   B. "At these gatherings they talked English. I could speak English almost as well as my brother, but I was not properly dressed to be taken along."


C. "Within a week I was again actively testing the chains which tightly bound my individuality like a mummy for burial."

Question 3= C. Zitkala-Sa struggles to find balance living in two worlds, neither of which feels entirely comfortable.

Question 4= "[My mother's few words hinted that I had better give up my slow attempt to learn the white man's ways, and be content to roam over the prairies and find my living upon wild roots."


"My mother had never gone inside of a schoolhouse, and so she was not capable of comforting her daughter who could read and write."

Question 5 =B. She has been treated as though she were not human.


I took the test and got these correct. Be sure to read my answer carefully to not get mixed up because it is a lot to take in. Sorry if this was late hope this helps. Good luck


I've included all the answers from my test in the pics.

I hope this helps! :)

solve pls brainliest



i think its exclamation mark


[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{Question: \underline{\underline{\bf \textsf{Texting is a way to express my ideas [?]}}}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{A period (.) is a complete stop. The period also used as an}\\\large\textsf{an indication of the ending of a particular sentence/statement.}[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{A question mark (?) is when you are indicating a particular}\\\large\textsf{question.}[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{An exclamation mark/exclamation point (!) is when you are}\\\large\textsf{expressing your mood or to show importance of something.}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{Based on the information we have above, we can answer your}\\\large\text{question}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\star}\huge\text{ WE ARE GOING TO DO PROCESS }\\\huge\text{of ELIMINATION! }\boxed{\star}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{Yes we are at a complete stop but we are expressing how we felt}\\\large\text{about texting. So, this eliminates \boxed{\textsf{OPTION A}} as your answer}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{We aren't asking a question about how we felt about texting. So}\\\large\text{this eliminates \boxed{\textsf{Option B}} as your answer}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{We are expressing how we felt/feel about texting. So, \boxed{\large\textsf{Option C.}}}\\\large\text{could possibly be your answer.}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\heartsuit}\huge\text{ FINALLY REACHED YOUR ANSWER }\huge\boxed{ \heartsuit}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\huge\text{Therefore, your answer should be: \textsf{Option C. {\bf !}}}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


Which phrase from Julie of the Wolves is an example of direct characterization?

"'Since your mother is not here to help us, I will do her work. Now watch and learn."

"'I am Eskimo, not a gussack!' she had said."

Miyax grabbed him around the neck, but did not protest."

"She was divinely happy going somewhere alone with Kapugen."


"She was divinely happy going somewhere alone with Kapugen."

Can someone help me I’ll mark you brainless





A verb is an action, which they are “slurping” their soup, which is an action that they’re performing.

who said
“These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness And in the taste confounds the appetite: Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.” Act 2, Scene 6

in romeo and juliet????



I believe it was Friar Laurence who said that quote.

Hope I helped! ☺

At the beginning of "Everyday Survival," the author defines survival this way:
Long ago I believed that survival meant having a pack full of equipment that would allow me to make fire and build shelter and trap varmints to eat
in the wilderness.
How does the author refine the meaning of survival throughout the text?
Everyday Survival



the author define the meaning of survival as having whwt will sustain in time of struggle and hardship

Read the excerpt below. What conclusion can you draw about the narrator?

Presently I heard a slight groan, and I knew it was the groan of mortal terror. It was not a groan of pain or of grief – oh, no! – it was the low stifled sound that arises from the bottom of the soul when overcharged with awe.

I knew the sound well. Many a night, just at midnight, when all the world slept, it has welled up from my own bosom, deepening, with its dreadful echo, the terrors that distracted me. I say I knew it well. I knew what the old man felt, and pitied him, although I chuckled at heart.

Question options:

A:He is a lonely person who longs for human connection.

B:He is a cruel person who enjoys torturing others.

C:The character cherishes the night.

D:He can relate to the old man's terror. He's afraid of his own madness.


D i believe

I hope I'm correct! have a lovely day!

love ur pfp btw

Answer: D


A: The excerpt says nothing about how he's lonely and wants human connection

B: The excerpt has nothing to do with torture or him being a cruel person

C: The excerpt says nothing about how he likes the night

D: The excerpt shows that he knows what the old man is feeling because he felt it himself. It says that he knew the sound well which shows that he could relate to it and it has welled ... distracted me shows that he's afraid of it.

only right answers no spammers.


It is just a subject there is no verb/ predicate so it cannot be considered a sentence




Will the supernatural be an important theme in Macbeth? Why or why not?


Answer:Which of the following regions is labeled with the number 3 on the map above?




the British Isles






What is the main idea of “Stick to Real Microscopes”?



both smart phone microscope and real microscope have value to scientist

Answer:Smartphone microscopes are not cheaper or more effective than real microscopes.


HELP ASAP PLEASE! Who can please help me write a short reading summary of the reading , "People or Penguins" by William Baxter. Thank you in advance :)


Answer: can you copy and paste the reading, so I can read it?


Who are the beggars in the novel Andries good luck



The beggars were observers and gossip mongers. They kept track of the townspeople's sins.... nothing happened without their knowledge.


im not sure if thats what your asking but i hope that helps. have a wonderful day.

Please write 4-5 sentences about what you see in this image. Include what you think happened after the photograph was taken.


It looks like something or someone started a fire in a boat. The smoke looks very hazardous. There were probably many people in the boat trying to escape. Hopefully, if there were people in the boat, they weren't injured or hurt by the fire. This photograph was probably taken by a drone or a person in a helicopter. I think after this photograph was taken, whoever or whatever probably called the ambulance.

This photo shows a fire on a boat. It’s surrounded by many other boats. They look like they are trying to be evacuated as fast as they can. As well as in a panic. It looks also like the other boat next to the one on fire has been burnt and put out

Which of the following lines from "True Stories of History and Biography" uses a tone that reveals Hawthorne's attitude toward Isaac Newton? A. Isaac made a sundial B. Isaac first set it up C. vast admiration at the things which Isaac manufactured​


Isaac Newton created the three laws of gravity, Law of inertia, F=m times a, and one reaction has a opposite reaction.

Speech for the nomination of head girl ( the answer should me more that it takes around 10minutes , please help me friends )​


Good morning, respected principal, deputy principals, teachers and students. I am [your name]  from [your grade]  and I am a candidate for the post of head girl. Firstly before starting my speech I would like to thank the student body and most respected teachers for their attention this moment, it means a lot.

I stand here with great pride and honor as a nominee for the head girl and for that I would like to thank the faculty members and the student body for nominating me and for believing in me. I hope that I can live up to your expectations and I’ll try my best to not let you down.

Well, this is my [how long have u been in the school] in this school and every moment marks a day in my life. I have gone through good and bad situations and experiences and that’s what makes me what I am today. My experience at this school has always been an educative and an interactive moment with people around me.

I have learnt more than what is there in the textbooks so for that I would like to thank this school. This school has taught me how to deal with challenges that you will meet in your everyday life, it has made me a better student, a better citizen and of all a better person.

This school has also helped me and my peers to be mature and has guided us through the right path. I am sure that these experiences and knowledge will help us students in our future. I can’t just say that I am trustworthy, reliable or responsible but people who know that I possess these traits and situations where I have shown or proven these traits will believe that I can make a difference for this school. I hope that I can act as a bridge between the students and the teachers. Thank you and I hope you make the right decision in choosing your head girl.

Hope this help!!

hope u get to be the head girl :D <3

What was wilson known as in the red badge of courage



Also known as the "loud soldier" and also one of Henry's friends. Although probably being the closest to Henry, even he does not know the things that Henry has done. Wilson as well undergoes a great change, although not specified, definitely recognized. He was called the loud soldier at the beginning because of his insecurity.


infografía De los deportes y del clima.
ayuda doy corona y 20pts



bing bong



Not sure what you are asking but here it is translated- Sports and weather infographic. Help give crown and 20pts. It doesn't really make sense.

Explanation: Hope this helps pls leave me a like and rating I appreciate it all ; )

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