12. The following are some of the internet unwritten rules that will make your respondents to understand easier your survey questionnaire, EXCEPT

A. Use an underlined word to link information to another site.
B. The content should be arranged from top to bottom.
C. The header and the footer of an online questionnaire page are the right places to
place additional items as logos, support links or navigation buttons.
D. In response alternatives, use radio buttons to indicate those options are mutually exclusive, and use checkboxes to indicate that it is possible to check more than one option.


Answer 1


go for the letter B love,,

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Je lui parle.



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What tightens a shotgun's shot pattern?
O The type of shotgun action
O The accuracy of the hunter's aim
O The velocity of the wind
O The choke in the end of the barrel



The choke in the end of the barrel


The choke in the end of the barrel is what tightens the shotgun's shot pattern.   The choke basically prevents the pellets from spreading by reducing the width of the barrel of the shotgun. The pellets are fired and travel down the barrel/choke of the shotgun, once the pellets leave the end of the gun is when they can finally begin to spread. Without the choke the pellets leave the barrel of the gun and are allowed to spread wider, but with the choke they have a very limited spread.

Del uno al diez , cual es tu color favorito del abecedario??



Supongo que mi letra favorita del alfabeto es K.



- 2 x - 3 x - 5 answer it


Answer is -30
Have a good day.

what is senpai and master meaning?


Pretty sure senpai is Japanese for teacher or master.


sen pai means upperclass man not in love or amything like that

Is a language better than a dialect?



“language” and “dialect” persist as separate concepts implies that linguists can make tidy distinctions for speech varieties worldwide. But in fact, there is no objective difference between the two: Any attempt you make to impose that kind of order on reality falls apart in the face of real evidence. Now the difference between the two are " Generally, a language is written as well as spoken, while a dialect is just spoken until it is promoted to the elite status usually for political purposes."


I hope this helps you!

"A Lua tão brilhosa que reflete a nebulosa no seu olhar" Tem alguma figura de linguagem?



Sim, temos a metáfora no trecho "nebulosa no seu olhar".


Metáfora é uma figura de linguagem que produz sentidos figurados por meio de comparações.

How can I find the answers so I can study them



by searching in internet .


if you search in internet then it will be easy for you to find answer easily .

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