16. Driverless cars have already , and they look so cool.
A. gone B. travelled C. exist D. existed


Answer 1
C. Exist
Hope it helps!
Answer 2


hope it helps

Related Questions

What is the value of current if a 50c charge flows in a conductor over a period of 5 seconds


Current =charge/time = 50/5 =10A

define uniform velocity?


Uniform velocity refers to those velocity in which equal displacement is covered in equal interval of time....

The image shows a reconstruction of a pyramid with a square base. What is the best estimate for the volume of the pyramid?

1,460,040 m3

2,433,400 m3

4,380,120 m3

7,300,200 m3



B 2,433,400 m3

Hope that helped you

Based on the calcualtions, the best estimate for the volume of the pyramid is: B. 2,433,400 m³.

How to calculate the volume of a pyramid.

Mathematically, the volume of a pyramid is calculated by using this formula:

[tex]Volume = \frac{1}{3} \times base\;area \times height[/tex]

For the base area:

The area of a square is given by:

A = S²

A = 230²

A = 52,900 m².

Now, we can determine the volume:

Volume = 1/3 × 52,900 × 138

Volume = 2,433,400 m³.

Read more on pyramid here: brainly.com/question/16315790

The proper use of personal protective equipment helps prevent worplace injuries


Correct have a nice day

2 accidentes que puede sufrir un fontanero, instalando una tubería.



sorry in dont know the ans

A single or duplex receptacle installed in a basement or garage for a cord-and-plug connected receptacle in a dedicated space for an appliance such as a freezer or refrigerator ____ required to be protected by a ground-fault circuit-interrupter.



A single or duplex receptacle installed in a basement or garage for a cord-and-plug connected receptacle in a dedicated space for an appliance such as a freezer or refrigerator IS required to be protected by a ground-fault circuit-interrupter.

What is a differential in cars and what does it do?​


Simply put, a differential is a system that transmits an engine's torque to the wheels. The differential takes the power from the engine and splits it, allowing the wheels to spin at different speeds. ... Turn it around a corner and you'll have no issues, as each wheel is able to turn independently from the other.

1 pts
Question 8
If you feel vibration in the seat, from which area of the vehicle would the problem
most likely be coming from?

1. Rear
2. Front


vibrations felt through the floor are due to unbalanced wheels. It would most likely be rear because if it’s the front the steering whee would also vibrate

Software piracy occurs when

people steal things while sailing the seas.

someone steals software.

someone sells their own intellectual property.

someone shares gossip about other people.



Someone steals software

Answer: Someone steals software.


Reducing the CFM through the evaporator will cause the amount of moisture removed from the air to ____________________. A. stay the same B. decrease C. increase



C. increase


Pollution can be defined as the physical degradation or contamination of the environment through an emission of harmful, poisonous and toxic chemical substances.

On a related note, particulate pollution is a form of pollution that is responsible for the degradation of the environment.

Particulate matter is also referred to as particle pollution or atmospheric aerosol particles and it can be defined as a complex microscopic mixture of liquid droplets and solid particles that are suspended in air. Other forms of particle pollution includes space debris and marine debris. Some examples of particulate pollution are dusts, soot, dirt, smoke, etc.

Generally, when cubic feet-per-minute (CFM) are reduced through the use of an evaporator, it will cause the amount of moisture removed from the air to increase.

After adjusting your seat, your___ should be as closest possible to the back rest.



ans would be back as back is the thing that needs rest by getting closest to seat

DRIVING SLOWER THAN OTHER TRAFFIC TENDS TO: A. Make an accident more likely to happen B. Make an accident less likely to happen C. Not change the chances of having an accident


Answer: A. Make an accident more likely to happen


You moving slow can cause someone driving at the speed limit to hit the brakes and having to press on the brakes so suddenly can cause a accident.

That just my opinion, I hope it helped =)

Driving slower than other traffic tends to : Make an accident less likely to happen .

Thus the correct option will be B.


Driving slower than other traffic tends to make an accident less likely to happen.

When driving slowly there is more time to react to potential hazards on the road, such as sudden stops or changes in traffic patterns.

It also gives other drivers more time to notice your vehicle and adjust their driving accordingly.

Additionally, driving slower reduces the force of impact in case of a collision, which can potentially minimize injuries and damages.

Therefore, the correct answer is B.

Know more about driving,



A block plane comes
" in length



Block planes vary in length from 3 to 7 inches (76 to 178 mm). The most common standard angled block planes have the blade angled at ~20°.

May you please rate my game out of ten, and also please telll me what I need to do to improve it, thx.


Yeah okay sure……:)!!!!!

Hey hun^^

Your game was very fun. Here are a few bugs I found-

*At the beginning, the game flashed a few times before I could click start

*When I hit an obstacle the game froze and didn't take me back to the menu screen

*There are lots of obstacles. I suggest that you put levels and slowly make them easy to hard

Overall I rate this game an 8/10.

Great job!


A/an_ Oscilloscope uses a cathode ray tube and displays all voltages.



I think it’s B, digital



not digital for sure so A/an four-channel oscilloscope my best guess

Why are magnets been placed in speaker ​


The magnets inside create an magnetic field, which creates vibrations. Those vibrations are the sounds we hear.

___ is the most common and dangerous flammable found in an auto shop



el neumatico es el inflable mas peligroso


Question 10: What is a K-turn?



The three-point turn (sometimes called a Y-turn, K-turn, or broken U-turn) is the standard method of turning a vehicle around to face the opposite direction in a limited space, using forward and reverse gears. This is typically done when the road is too narrow for a U-turn.

QUESTION 7 A value consisting of only a magnitude. vector O tension compression O scalar​



tension compression i think


What is pseudocode ?



Pseudocode is an artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms. Pseudocode is a "text-based" detail (algorithmic) design tool. The rules of Pseudocode are reasonably straightforward. All statements showing "dependency" are to be indented. These include while, do, for, if, switch.

A notation resembling a simplified programming language, used in program design.

When driving SUV it is recommended to place your thing





Which one is an example of a digital input?
Group of answer choices

Tilt sensor






I think the answer is button.


What is meant by engineering job?


Engineers, as practitioners of engineering, are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost.

Hope so it helps you


Engineers work in a variety of fields to analyze, develop and evaluate large-scale, complex systems. This can mean and improve and maintaining current systems or creating brand new projects. Engineers will design and draft blueprints, visit systems in the field and manage projects.

what is the importance of Engineering in our life​



Engineers are the ones who create systems that protect and unite the people and the environment around them. Another important point of the role of an engineer is that they are educated to work with cost, time, and even the wellness of people throughout their constructions.

Hope this hrlps you.

Which of the following was likely the cause of the innovation of the car airbag?
Select one:
a. Power
b. Luck
c. Wealth
d. Basic necessity


The answer is D basic necessity




Due to the rising amounts of fatalities, air bags were enforced in all cars as a key safety feature. Since then, they have saved countless lives.

find the value of resistor having 4 colour band yellow, violent, orange,silver​



The value of resistance of a resistor having four colour bands in the order yellow, violet , orange and silver is 47000 ± 10%



yellow = 4

violet = 7

orange = 3 zeros

silver = 10% tolerance.

So the value of the resistor is

47000 +/-10%

10% means 4700 ohms either side of 47000 so that means

42300 < x < 51700

Usually a ten % tolerance is more than adequate for most applications.

When one vessel is overtaking
another, which one is the stand-
on vessel?
the larger vessel
the more colorful vessel
the vessel with more passengers
the vessel being overtaken




The question is asking when one boat is overtaking another boat, the overtaking boat should steer around the slower boat. The slower boat, the vessel being overtaken, is the stand-on vessel.

why is engineering profession important ​


Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
Engineering is a profession that opens doors to many careers. Engineering takes responsibilities for the safety of people and environment. Engineering offers a rewarding and lucrative career. ... A career in engineering affords the opportunity to make a difference, afford them job security and trying out new technology.

It is the same as force. b. Stress that is created by plate collision is the same everywhere and reflects the total force produced by the interacting plates. c. It is the change in shape produced by strain. d. Stress that is developed during orogeny can be different at various locations.





Where would a secret library be at a school???


The school’s basement?
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