16) How do books and other manuscripts help us understand the medieval
history of India? Give two examples to support your answers.​


Answer 1


Manuscripts and books help us a lot in knowing about medieval India. Manuscripts contain information about the real and mythical events held. They help us to know about the script that was used in medieval period. These manuscripts are preserved in the libraries and museums of our country.

Related Questions

Many things must be done before a shuttle can launch. The shuttle has many parts. They are made in different places in the United States. The finished parts are sent to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The pieces of the shuttle go to the Vehicle Assembly Building. NASA workers connect all the parts. NASA calls it "stacking."
After all of the parts are put together, the whole vehicle is called the Space Transportation System. Now, it's time to move to the launch pad.
The Space Transportation System rides on a crawler. The top of the crawler is as big as a baseball diamond. The crawler has tracks of wheels like a tank. It is very, very slow. It moves about one mile per hour on a road called the crawlerway.
When the shuttle gets to the launch pad, NASA has more work to do before countdown. The shuttle may sit on the launch pad for weeks. This is the countdown clock. It tracks the amount of time until launch.
The astronauts get into the orbiter about 3 hours before launch. Finally, everyone waits for the words, "3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Liftoff!"

What is this passage's organizational structure?
problem and solution
chronological order
compare and contrast
cause and effect


c. chronological order

3. What specific outcomes did Kobe aim to get out of physical therapy sessions?



hope it helps

plss mark me as a brainliest thanks

The specific outcome Kobe aimed to get out of physical therapy sessions is:

Control SwellingProtect Elasticity of the AchillesTime for the bootNormal movementLearning to play basketball again

Why are the above outcomes specifically important?

As a NBA player it is important that he recovers in such a way that he can protect himself from further damageAlso basketball is a game that can be rough and tough hence it is vital that he heals faster with a proper defense ready at bay incase the same injury occurs again.

For further information on Physical therapy:



in what ways can music or other creative expression bring people together or perhaps separate them record your feelings on the question and explain you're thinking



It can show peoples emotions and it can bring people together by having the same interests.

Could you put fun facts together in a paragraph? Explain





You can put fun facts into a paragraph, it makes the paragraph more interesting.

About movie: Godzilla vs King 2021.
1. When will this movie come out?
2. What genre does this movie belong to?
3. Explain what you understand about the movie's script.



its already out

Explanationaction (ofc)

its really fantasy based

The Genre is an Action Movie

which option is an example of expository writing



You haven't given any of the options. That's like me asking you how many shoes there are with your eyes closed, so Ill just give an example.


Expository writing is writing that seeks to explain, illuminate or "expose" (which is where the word "expository" comes from). This type of writing can include essays, newspaper and magazine articles, instruction manuals, textbooks, encyclopedia articles and other forms of writing, so long as they seek to explain.

Give options …. . . . .

Amanda set
her books on the table and stared at George.”



Please help!
How did the narrator feel when he heard the strange cries, saw the wild eyes, and heard the growl from the side of the canal? Use evidence from the story to support your answer.

Why won’t the narrator return to Xochimilco, even though the canals are safe again? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

(passage: page 7, questions: page 11)


Answer: For the second question it is...

Explanation: The narrator felt as though he was nervous as it says in the passage "I knew it was safe to return to the canals, but I

somehow couldn’t bring myself to go back. Any time I thought about it, I felt the cold sweat on

my skin. To this day Neruda’s poems, even the ones about desperate heartache, make me

think of feral cats."

This states that he knew it was safe but he couldn't go back because of what he had gone through.

How does the following portion of Susan B. Anthony's speech support her
The preamble of the Federal Constitution says:
We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more
perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and
our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for
the United States of America.
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor
we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed
the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of
liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and
the half of our posterity, but to the whole people - women
as well as men. And it is a downright mockery to talk to
women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while
they are denied the use of the only means of securing them
provided by this democratic-republican government - the
O A. It proves that all citizens of the U.S. are given the same rights.
OB. It shows Anthony should not be allowed to vote.
O c. It shows only male citizens are addressed in the U.S.
D. It shows that most historical documents fail to address
women's rights.



B. It proves that all citizens of the U.S. are given the same nights


Nights should be rights.

Your answer would be A.
By quoting the preamble of the constitution “We the people”, she lays out who formed the union, it doesn’t single out male or female. All citizen’s are given the same rights. This supports her argument.

Identify the following:
Imagine if dinosaurs still existed, roaming the streets alongside humans.
A. Comma splice
B. Fused sentence
C. Correct


The given sentence "Imagine if dinosaurs still existed, roaming the streets alongside humans." is grammatically correct and free of errors.

The correct answer to the given question is option C.

It does not have any Comma splice or Fused sentence.The comma between "existed" and "roaming" is correctly used to separate two independent clauses.

"Imagine if dinosaurs still existed" and "roaming the streets alongside humans" are both complete thoughts that can stand alone as sentences. But they are joined with a comma to show their close relationship.

In conclusion, this sentence is correctly written, and there is no error in it. It does not have any Comma splice or Fused sentence.

For more such questions on grammatically correct, click on:




Can anyone tell that is it true if you put a tooth in a plant and it will grow? or can it help a plant grow?
Sorry for weird question...
Cause today my tooth came out that's why lol.. ​



I doubt it but why not try it



i think its a myth but go for it if u want to

Guided Practice

Identify the independent clause in this sentence.

The tiger population has increased over the years since it has been protected by new conservation laws.

The tiger population has increased over the years

since it has been protected by new conservation laws


A. Independent
B. Clause




An independent clause is a part of a sentence separated by a comma that can function as a full sentence on its own.

help pls
Even though they are both too small to see, cells are much ___________ than molecules.



larger than molecules


Cells are larger than molecules as cells are made of molecules

Even though they are both too small to see, cells are much larger than the molecules. Molecules combine to form polymers which are present in the cell organelles.

What is the difference between cell and a molecule?

Cells can be defined as the basic building blocks of all living things on this planet. The human body is found to be composed of trillions of cells. However, a single cell can be considered as an independent organism such as single-celled bacteria. They provide the structure for body, take in nutrients from the food that we eat, convert those nutrients from the food into energy, and carry out specialized functions in the body.

A molecule is different from the cell as it is a group of two or more similar or different atoms which are held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds. And, the molecules may or may not include ions in it which satisfy this criterion.

Molecules are made up of atoms. The atoms are linked together to form a molecule through the help of chemical bonds. A cell is the smallest unit of life. A cell is made up of many organic and inorganic compounds and molecules which are formed by many atoms.

Learn more about Cell here:



In a group discussion, a participant says, “I hate walking. Why walk when you can just get a ride?” Write three to four sentences in which you share your own viewpoint. Be sure to provide evidence and refer to the passage you just read.


I believe that if the distance isn’t too long, you should go ahead and walk instead of getting a ride. This is better for the environment because cars release harmful gases such as carbon monoxide into the environment. It’s also better for our health because we’re getting daily exercise done by doing this. (You should include evidence from the text that the prompt is referring to.


I like walking and you should to because its nice to observe the nature and so on. Walking is healthy and is easy. Walking has a lot of art to it.


it was right

Choose the answer that most nearly has the same meaning as the underlined
A benefactor is?.
a mathematician
a supporter
a makeup artist
a researcher



a makeup artist is the answer



benefactor meaning;

a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.

"a low-interest loan from a benefactor


I'm sure im right ☺️

The author’s purpose here is to describe his perspective about the falcons he encountered. Which descriptive details create imagery that support the author’s purpose? Check all that apply.

“in the mountains hereabouts are bred”
“the swiftest in flight”
“you may take my word”
“fly at such incalculable speed”
“no bird can escape them by flight”


Answer: b,d and e


Just took the test






i got it correct

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet both blame forces beyond their control for their predicament. Romeo blames fate for his troubles after killing Tybalt, declaring that he is “fortune’s fool.” Juliet asks how “heaven” can play tricks (“practice strategems”) on someone so ill-equipped to defend herself. But is that realistic? Are Romeo and Juliet’s fates beyond their control, or are they themselves responsible the events up to and including their downfall? This should be a page and include specific evidence from the text.



It's kind of Romeo's own fault


Romeo is to blame is that he went uninvited to the Capulet party. If Romeo did not go to the party, Romeo would have never met Juliet, and Tybalt would never have known he was there. The second reason Romeo is to blame for him and Juliet’s death is that Romeo decides to avenge Mercutio’s death by killing Tybalt. Romeo should have been able to hold his anger against Tybalt and not kill him. Romeo and Juliet could have ran away together; however, Romeo killed Tybalt causing Romeo to get banished from Verona. Lastly, Romeo can be blamed for killing himself at the end of the play. Romeo was not able to get over the fact that his love had died. Romeo should have been able to hold his anger and not kill himself. Romeo should have been able to at least think about his decision longer to hopefully realize it was not the best decision. In conclusion, If Romeo would have put more time into making the decisions that he made the tragedy might not have occurred.

could someone help w an assignment asap, thanks in advance!

in 250 words (half a page, or 3-4 paragraphs), give your reader your argument for the greatest...There is nothing better than... (choose something you think is the greatest)

It could be anything. Food places, thoughts, music, sports, anything. Challenge yourself to think of something you don't think anyone could think of. Give at least 4 reasons why your choice is the greatest.​




The world would be a very quiet place. Music is in many ways the fabric of our lives and the definition of society. It is a reminder of how things once were, an indication of how things are, and a view of where society is headed. Music is a direct reflection of the picture of society. Music can be a way to deliver messages, a poetic medium, a fine art, or nothing more than a source of entertainment. No matter what it is used for, music is the perfect art and our lives would be that much less complete without it that life as we know it would not at all be the same without music. Music is the perfect art. It has movement, because it progresses over a set period of time.  However, music does not restrict the audience in the way that movies or graphic art does. The listener can create whatever image she or he wants to when listening to music. It is an art that appeals to the conscious mind, but the best music also appeals to the subconscious. No thought is required to enjoy good music, though it is often thought-inspiring. Instrumental music does not bind the listener into a fixed template in the way that literature and poetry do: the reaction to music is different from person to person Music with lyrics is often referred to as “words set to music.” This is not always the case.  However, they restrict the images of the musical work in the same way that prose and poetry limit their subject. Whether instrumental or lyrical, music comes from the people and can enlighten us all. It was during the 1960s that the social revolution and the struggles for civil rights inspired such musicians as Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin and Joan Baez to write songs of protest. In turn, the music of these artists, and many others, influenced the younger generations and spread the word of the revolution. Without music, many teenagers of the time would not have been given the influence of the time or its associated mentality. Music was, and continues to be, a kind of social education to the younger generation. Teenagers turn to popular music for their philosophies and get a sense of their place in the world. In fact, cliques of young people are often defined by the music they listen to: “punks” listen to punk rock and heavy metal; “nerds” are reputed to listen to classical music; the “in” crowd listens to the latest material alternative music has to offer; the “loners” listen to obscure pop artists or classic rock. Youth culture would be much less vivid than it is if the world had no music. Generations would not be sparked to action without music. The war drums of primitive peoples were a kind of music. It was they that stirred the Cavemen and the Vikings to participate in decade-long wars. Music's social influence is ever-present. Our society is shaped by it. Not only is music the chisel of society; it is a constant thread that runs through nature. Music is everywhere: the sound of falling water, the rustle of leaves underfoot, the call of wild birds even the sound of rush-hour traffic is a kind of music. The common definition of music is “a series of pitches and rhythms that have an overall coherence.” This definition is limited to man-made music. For humans to create music is inevitable. It is as natural as thought.  Therefore, the idea of a world without music is highly hypothetical. One would sooner consider a life without experiences or a year without days. A day in a world without music might proceed like this: One would awaken to the sound of a radio announcer speaking about politics. On the way to work, the radio show would consist of interviews with famous personalities. The work day would be terribly boring, since the office would not have any decorations (these would have been made by artists who had been influenced by music).  This “world without music” seems to have incoherence's and cracks in it. It does not make sense and does not quite explain itself. Music is essential for the world to even make sense. It is as fundamentally inherent as gravity is in the universe. Any attempt to restrict or control music, such as is made in communist politics, is both vain and unrealistic. One cannot challenge the broadloom of the universe when making political policies!  The history of human musicians is rich, and has many fine people lining its ranks. Music has changed the artistic and non-artistic world immeasurably, such that a world without music is nothing more than a terrifying fantasy.  A world without music would be a quiet place indeed.


reverend parris did not want to expose the fact that the girls lied because___

A.nobody would believe it and chaos or further mass hysteria would result
B.he would be seen as a liar, too
C.it would make the church officials look like liars
D.his daughter would be seen as a liar, too, and his reputation be ruined ​





His daughter would be seen as a liar, too, and his reputation be ruined.




it would make sense that the guy would want to keep his reputation safe

please help me which one is which



Hi again! :)

(1) Catchy

(2) dull

(3) Misleading

(4) Entrepreneur

(5) acquired

(6) Resolve

(7) Exposed


Have a nice day!

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