Animal Adaptation
Task Cards
Science Brain Builders
Some animals are dark on the
upper part of their body and lighter
underneath. This type of
camouflage is called...
a) warning coloration
b) countershading
c) mimicry
d) none of the above
Type the letter,


Answer 1




Countershading is a form of concealing coloration in which the upper surfaces of the body are more darkly pigmented than the unilluminated lower areas, giving the body a more uniform darkness and a lack of depth relief.

Related Questions

Which group of organisms in this food web has the greatest available energy?





producers make up most life on earth, be that of plants or algae so they have the greatest amount of available energy overall.

Proteins are important food nutrients. A technician working at a food company is interested in the nutritional content of seeds/nuts. She runs a PAGE with samples from two different seed extracts. She runs multiple lanes of the staples. The gel is stained with Coomassie Blue. Seed extract No. 1 has three faint bands at 25, 30, and 35 kDa. Extract No. 2 has two bands at 25 and 35 kDa, and the bands are very dark. What might she conclude from her results about the nutritional value of the seed extracts


Answer: Sample 1 then, has more variety of proteins but less quantity of each one, while sample 2 has less variety but more quantity of the two proteins present.


Proteins are molecules found in the cells of all living organisms. A protein is composed of monomers called amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. To analyze proteins, a technique called SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) is used. This technique is used to separate proteins according to their electrophoretic mobility, depending on polypeptide chain length, molecular mass, post-translational modifications and other factors. SDS (sodium dodecylsulfate) is an anionic surfactant compound that breaks non-covalent bonds in proteins, denatures them causing these protein molecules to lose their native conformation and provides the polypeptide with a negative charge that is proportional to the chain length (the number of amino acids) and, therefore, to the molecular mass of the protein. The electrostatic repulsion created by the binding of SDS to the protein is one of the causes of the protein losing its native conformation, thus eliminating the differences in conformation of the different proteins to be separated in the gel.

An electric current is applied to the gel where the proteins are seeded, causing the negatively charged proteins to migrate through the gel in the direction of the anode (positively charged region). Short proteins will move more easily and faster through the pores of the gel, while larger proteins will find it more difficult to do so. After a certain time, the proteins will have migrated according to their size (measured in kDa or kiloDaltons). After electrophoresis, the gel should be stained with Coomassie blue or silver stain, allowing visualization of the separated proteins. After staining, the different proteins will appear as distinct bands on the gel. In addition, the higher the amount of a protein, the more intense the color of its band will be.

Extract No. 1 shows three bands: 25, 30 and 35 kDa. This means that it has three different proteins, each with a different molecular weight. Extract number 2 shows two bands: 25 and 35 kDa. It means that this sample has only 2 proteins. And being bands of higher intensity, we can say that there is more of each protein.

Sample 1 then, has more variety of proteins but less quantity of each one, while sample 2 has less variety but more quantity of the two proteins present.

1. Macromolecules are the biological molecules necessary for life. Cells need macromolecules for different functions from energy storage to membrane transport Each class of macromolecule serves a different function. Which macromolecule would serve as an energy source for the cell and is used as a component in the cell wall of plants ?
A. Carbohydrates
B. Lipids
C. Nucleic Acids
D. Proteins


C. Nuclei acids i think

Cellulose and starch are macromolecule polysaccharide carbohydrate made of glucose chains. It stabilizes plant cell walls and provides energy. Therefore , option (A) is correct.

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are renowned for their crucial function in plants, which is to provide key sources of energy and carbon skeletons for organic compounds and storage components. Carbohydrates are formed through the process of photosynthesis.

Starches and cellulose are both types of carbohydrates that belong to the larger class of polysaccharides since they are made up of long chains of glucose molecules. Although they are comparable, the human body is only able to make use of starches as a source of energy, whereas cellulose provides structure to plant cell wall.

Learn more about carbohydrates, here:



Which of the following facts is the best evidence that humans and salamanders had a common ancestor?
A) Both species eat meat.
B) Both species have pharyngeal arches and slits when they are embryos.
C) Both species can swim.
D) Both species have skin.





Both have pharyngeal arches and slits when they are embryos. If you look up an image of both embryos you can clearly see this.

The right answer is B

Ogan kuzoeainy-
Diego Murilo G Image result for co
Learner's Dictionary
Continue with the same Punnett Square above. What would the
phenotypic frequencies of the offspring be? *
5 points
Dark winged
Light winged


100% it should be 100% because the phenotypic frequencies of the offsprings don’t occur lately they take long to react.
Answer: 100

Some functions of cellular organelles are given below.
a)Protein synthesis
b)Cellular respiration
c)Detoxify certain compounds
The organelles that perform the above functions are given respectively in which option?
(a) Mitochondrium,
Ribosome, Plastid
(b) Ribosome,
Mitochondrium, Endoplasmic
O (c) Ribosome, Golgy body,
Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Ribosome, Plastid,
Endoplasmic reticulum


B) ribosome, mitochondrium, endoplasmic reticulum

pls help I'm not sure of the answer I feel like it's
gg X GG​


The correct answer is gg X GG, so you’re correct.

The left parent contains the white (recessive) gene, while the right parent contains the gray (dominant) gene.

what is annual, biennial and perennial?​


Annual plants germinate, bloom, set seed and die all in one year. Biennial plants have a life cycle of two years so they germinate and grow one year, bloom and die the following. Everything which lasts longer than two years is Perennial, which in practical terms usually means it grows and flowers for many years.

ill give the star thingy PLEASE HELP ITS DUE TOMORROW
based on Mr. Kaku's assertion that knowing what the stars are made of is as easy as running starlight through a prism, use the CER method to explain the use of light to determine composition of a star in detail.



Answer: the answer is CER

Which structure is the cytoplasm?
A. B
B. E
C. D
D. A


The answer to your question is E
the answer would be e

Which of the options below would be most likely to happen if snails (animals) were added to a clear container (so sunlight can get through) that had a lid placed on top?

1) ATP levels would decrease

2) O2 levels would decrease

3) glucose levels would increase

4) CO2 levels would decrease


The container in which the snails are found will experience a decrease in oxygen level.(Option 2)

What are animals?

Animals require to take in oxygen in order to breakdown complex food materials during the process of metabolism. Unlike plants that take in carbon dioxide, animals take in oxygen.

Thus, the container in which the snails are found will experience a decrease in oxygen level.

Learn more about animals:https://brainly.com/question/12985710


An estuary is _______.
a freshwater biome
an area with a low concentration of minerals and nutrients
characterized by deep water
an ecotone

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



An estuary is _______.


a freshwater biome

Imagine que uma espécie de mamífero tenha pelagem branca ou preta, sendo a cor preta determinada por um alelo dominante B, e a cor branca, por um alelo recessivo b. Sabendo-se que se trata de uma dominância completa, responda: Em um cruzamento entre um macho e uma fêmea heterozigotos, quais os possíveis genótipos e fenótipos dos filhotes?


i’m sorry i don’t speck that language so i can’t help you

What are the two forms of stored chemical energy produced in the light reactions of photosynthesis?

B. ATP and carbon dioxide

C. water and NADPH





The two forms of stored chemical energy is ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) and NADPH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate).




The light reactions capture energy from sunlight, which they change to chemical energy that is stored in molecules of NADPH and ATP. The light reactions also release oxygen gas as a waste product.

Earth is tilted at a 23.5 degree angle. Explain how this causes the equator to be hot and the poles to be cold.





at the angle the earth is at, sunlight hits the equator almost directly, as well as the equator being closer to the sun.

what is mechanism of photosynthesis​


The mechanism of photosynthesis is oxidation

Which type of heterotroph is a mouse?
A. carnivore
B. detrivore
C. herbivore
D. omnivore





Both mice and rats are omnivores, which means they eat plants and animals, but they tend to enjoy different food items. During times of starvation, a mouse will even eat its own tail!

In the chloroplast, where does the light independent reaction take place?



chloroplast stroma


Once the light reactions have occurred, the light-independent or "dark" reactions take place in the chloroplast stroma.

hope this helps!

how much of our body is made of muscle? What does this muscle do?



about 30 percent of our body is muscle and we use only 10 percent of it


Answer: hello, the answer to you question is The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body. Attached to the bones of the skeletal system are about 700 named muscles that make up roughly half of a person's body weight. Each of these muscles is a discrete organ constructed of skeletal muscle tissue, blood vessels, tendons, and nerves.

Small, prolific mussels called zebra mussels were first introduced into the Great Lakes by a foreign cargo ship. They became a serious problem because they attached themselves to smooth, hard surfaces, and often clogged water intake pipes. Congress determined that zebra mussels posed a great threat to the economic welfare of the Great Lakes region and passed a statute requiring all Great Lakes water intakes to be coated with a special chemical compound that repels zebra mussels. Studies by biologists at a major state university showed that while the special chemical compound that the federal government has required was effective, it also was toxic to other aquatic life. The biologists recommended that Great Lakes intake pipes be coated with a less toxic and less expensive copper-based paint. On the basis of those studies and the recommendation, three Great Lakes states adopted laws permitting municipal water districts to coat their intake pipes with copper paint.
Can municipalities using copper-based paint on their intake pipes successfully be prosecuted for violating the federal law?
A. No, because the Tenth Amendment prevents Congress from interfering with integral government functions.
B. No, because the municipalities are taking effective steps to combat zebra mussels in compliance with the spirit and purpose of the federal law.
C. Yes, because Congress is in a better position to regulate the entire Great Lakes region than the individual states.
D. Yes, because Congress may adopt laws regulating navigable waters.


Answer: Yes, because Congress may adopt laws regulating navigable waters.


It should be noted that municipalities using copper-based paint on their intake pipes can successfully be prosecuted for violating the federal law because Congress may adopt laws regulating navigable waters.

Under the Supremacy Clause, when the action of either the state government or the local government conflicts with the federal laws which are deemed valid, then such cities can be prosecuted.

earth receives energy from the sun in via radiation. which of the following is a result of this energy transfer?



the energy that reaches Earth from the Sun was originally contained within the Sun's atoms. Incoming solar radiation (light energy) is absorbed by the Earth's surface and converted to outgoing infrared radiation (heat energy

A man inherits dominant allele for the trait from father and recessive allele from mother. what trait will this man expressed which alleles will his sperm cell contain??




The dominant trait, since he has a dominant and a recessive allele.

Sperm cells are haploid, meaning contains only one of the two alleles available, in a random fashion.  Therefore on the average, half of his gametes (sperm cells) will have the dominant allele, and the other half will have the recessive allele.  

Which hormone only has an effect in females?



growth hormone






Oxytoxin ( love drug ) suppresses Uterus and breasts.

Prolactin simulates milk

Cuando una celula se va a dividir, la cromatina se contrae y compacta y forma estructuras como la que se ve al lado. Diga qué nombre reciben estas estructuras y cuantas hay en una célula humana





Los cromosomas son moléculas lineales de ADN que contienen parte o todo el material genético de un organismo. El ciclo celular se divide en dos etapas: 1-interfase o etapa de 'no división' y 2-división celular. Durante la interfase, las fibras de cromatina no poseen un grado de condensación suficiente como para hablar de cromosomas. Durante la primera etapa de división celular (es decir, durante la profase), las fibras de cromatina se condensan para formar estructuras compactas conocidas como 'cromosomas' los cuales serán distribuidos entre células hijas. Las células somáticas de los seres humanos son diploides (2n = 46 cromosomas), esto significa que contienen 23 pares de cromosomas homólogos los cuales se alinean durante la metafase de la mitosis en la placa ecuatorial de la célula para ser distribuidos equitativamente entre células hijas durante las fases posteriores del ciclo celular (anafase, telofase y citocinesis). Por otra parte, las células germinales o gametos (espermatozoides masculinos y los óvulos femeninos) son haploides (n = 23 cromosomas) las cuales contienen un sólo set completo de cromosomas.

please answer this for me



THE ANSWER IS D!!!!!!!!!!!


¿Qué es y a qué se dedican las ciencias naturales?



can u put that in english plz bc i dont understand you



sorry I can't understand

but have a great day lol

Dimples are dominant, no dimples are recessive. Mr. Dowling is heterozygous for dimples, and Mrs. Dowling is also heterozygous for dimples. What are the possibilities of their offspring? Use the letter D punnet graph


Their possibilities of their offspring is heterozygous dimples
A parent with dimples (heterozygous) and a parent with no dimples. The dimples allele (D) is dominant over no dimples (d).

which statement best differentiaates between weather and climate



Weather refers to short-term atmospheric fluctuations, whereas climate explains the weather in a certain place over a long period of time.


Globally, weather conditions are measured at hundreds of locations every day of the year by observers and automated stations. Some remarks are made every hour, others perhaps once a day. In the long run, these weather observations allow us to quantify average long-term conditions, giving an insight into the climate of the region.

Systemic weather records have been recorded for over 140 years in various places in the United States. We can recognize patterns and trends with these long-term records. And it's our mission to collect, monitor, and arrange these data, as the official repository of the Nation for environmental data, for scientists, decision-makers, and you online.

why are there so many satellites orbiting earth at this time?​





Currently there are over 2,787 active artificial satellites orbiting the Earth.

The process of animals relocating to different environments in response to seasonal changes is called:



Many birds, such as geese, seasonally fly to warm places when the weather gets cold. They then return when the weather warms. This process is called migration. ... Migration enables many animals to move to places where it is easier for them to survive.

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