(2 + 6i)(8 – 9i)

Divide and simp


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions






Step-by-step explanation:

first of all simply the ones with powers and you will get 156-9*5-64 then multiply and you will get 156-45-64 simplify and the answer is 47

1. Find 3 equivalent fraction for the following: a) 5/6 b) 7/11 c) 9/7



Step-by-step explanation:

To find equivalent fractions, multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same table.

a) 5/6


b) 7/11




Solve for u. 42 = –7(u + 41)



u = -47

Step-by-step explanation:

42 = -7(u + 41)

42 = -7u - 287

329 = -7u

u = -47

Amy walks from point A to point B along the segment AB. Fraser walks from point A to point C along the segment AC. Which statement is correct?

Your answer:

Amy walks a distance equal to the diameter, and Fraser walks a distance equal to the radius of the lawn.

Both Amy and Fraser walk distances equal to the radius of the lawn.

Both Amy and Fraser walk distances equal to the diameter of the lawn.

Amy walks a distance equal to the radius, and Fraser walks a distance equal to the diameter of the lawn.


Answer: the answer is

the option

B) Amy walks a distance equal to the radius, and Fraser walks a distance equal to the diameter of the lawn.

Step-by-step explanation:

find the inequality represented by the graph​

would I write it y is more than or equal to -2x-5 ?



y ≥ -2x-5

you use the greater than and equals to sign

hlp mehhhhhhhhh plsssssssss



graph - A

Step-by-step explanation:

Round each to the nearest cent.



21.28 and 967.46

Hope it helps have a good night :)))))))))))))))))

Can anyone help me with this please and thank you



x=0, 7

Step-by-step explanation:




x=0 or 7


x=0  x=7

Step-by-step explanation:

x^2 -3x = 4x

Subtract 4x from each side

x^2 -3x-4x=0

x^2 -7x = 0

Factor out an x

x(x-7) =0

Using the zero product property

x=0  x-7 =0

x=0  x=7

Please help me determine this guys


this graph is a correct representation of the given quality! What I did was plug it into this online graphing calculator called desmos, you can use that!!

Ivanna is driving to Seattle. Let y represent her distance from Seattle (in miles). Let x represent the time she
has been driving in hours). Suppose that x and y are related by the equation y=-55x+325.
Answer the questions below.
Note that a change can be an increase or a decrease.
For an increase use a positive number. For a decrease, use a negative number




What is the domain of the given function? {x | x = -6, -1,0,3}, { y | y = -7,-2,1,9}, {x | x = -7, -6, -2, -1, 0, 1, 3 , 9}, { y | y = -7, -6 , -2 , -1 , 0 , 1 , 3 , 9}



domain = {-6,-7,-7,-7}

Answer is Indians onyl answer kindergarten level super simple questions

In ΔABC, the measure of ∠C=90°, AC = 40, BA = 41, and CB = 9. What is the value of the tangent of ∠B to the nearest hundredth? *WILL MARK BRAINLIEST*




Step-by-step explanation:

The tangent of B is the relation of the opposite cathetus to the lying cathetus

tg B= AC/CB= 40/9= 4.44

The value of the tangent of angle B is 4.4.

What is the tangent of an angle?

In trigonometry, the tangent of an angle is the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the adjacent side.

In other words, it is the ratio of sine and cosine function of an acute angle such that the value of cosine function should not equal to zero.

Given that, a right triangle Δ ABC, the measure of ∠C = 90°, AC = 40, BA = 41, and CB = 9. We need to find the value of the tangent of ∠B,

So, here,

The opposite side = AC and the adjacent side = CB

So, tan B = AC / CB = 40/9 = 4.4

Hence, the value of the tangent of angle B is 4.4.

Learn more about tangent of an angle, click;



What is the area of Triangle PQR on the grid?

A triangle PQR is shown on a grid. The vertex P is on ordered pair 7 and 6, vertex Q is on ordered pair 1 and 6, and the vertex R is on ordered pair 4 and 2.

5 square units
6 square units
10 square units
12 square units


Answer:  D)  12 square units


The base is QP = 6 units long.

The height is always perpendicular to the base, and the height is 4 units.

area = 0.5*base*height

area = 0.5*6*4

area = 3*4

area = 12 square units



Step-by-step explanation:

If patient's current ledger balance is $238.00, the patient's fees for today are $117 and the patient paid $100.00 today, what is the patient's new balance:




but if the 117 was paid it would be $21

Step-by-step explanation:

The patient's new balance is $255

What is Algebra?

Algebra is the study of abstract symbols, while logic is the manipulation of all those ideas.

The acronym PEMDAS stands for Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction. This approach is used to answer the problem correctly and completely.


Patient's current ledger balance = $238.00

The patient's fees for today = $117

The patient paid $100.00 today

Now, balance including todays pay= $238.00+$117


Patient payed 100 so,



Therefore, the answer of this algebraic problem will be $255

More about the Algebra link is given below.



Choose a value for n that will make the sum negative.
15 + n



n > -15

Step-by-step explanation:

15 + n

15 + -16 (at least)

n = -1

the adjoining circle with O has a radius of 14cm ABCD is a square drawn inside the circle calculate the area of the shaded region plzz any help plzz​



bro just make me the branilist

please help! look at picture!



[tex]\frac{9}{8} = 1 \frac{1}{8}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

2 [tex]\frac{7}{8}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{23}{8}[/tex]

1[tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{7}{4}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{14}{8}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{23}{8}[/tex] -[tex]\frac{14}{8}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{9}{8} = 1 \frac{1}{8}[/tex]

Hey there! For this you will need to use the rule of subtracting fractions. 4 (the denominator) x 2 (to make it them equal) is 8. 3 x 2 is 6. The new fraction is 1 and 6/8. Now, subtract these to get your final answer, 1 and 1/8.

Hope this helps!

In an arithmetic sequence, the seventh term is −9 and the nineteenth term is 39.
Find the common difference. Give only the exact value as your answer.



d = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

a7 = -9

a19 = 39

We know the formula for an arithmetic sequence is

an = a1+d(n-1)

Using the givens:

a7 = -9 = a1 +d(7-1)

a19 = 39 =a1 +d(19-1)

Subtracting these equations

-9 = a1 +d(6)

39 =a1 +d(18)


-48 = 0 -12 d

Divide by -12

4 =d

Ceasar opens a bank account with an initial deposit of $1800.00 with an annual interest rate of 3.2%. What is the balance on the account after one year?




Step-by-step explanation:

Ceasar's initial deposit will earn $57.60 in interest after one year (annual interest rate of 3.2%). When that is added to his deposit of $1800, Ceasar will have $1857.60 in the bank at the end of one year.


Hi jaajajajajaja

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi Hi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

What is the correct numeral for Seventy three lakh forty thousand fifteen ? *
1 point



1-73,40,015 your answer

8abx−10a2b+12ax2−15a2x plz regroup and factories this expression​



2x (4a-5b)2+ 3x (3a-4b)

I hope this answer was helpfull for you

For 4 hours Sam traveled at 40 miles per hour. Then he increased his speed to 60 miles per
hour and drove for another 3 hours. How far did he go in the 7 hours he traveled?


840 miles total is the correct answer because of multiplication. 4x40+60x3=840

What are the terms in the expression 13y + 4p + 11?
A.17y + P
B.13y, 4p, 11
C.13, 4, 11



Step-by-step explanation:

Option B is the correct answer

What is the name of the degree of the following polynomial?



So, the degree of the polynomial 2x - 3 = 1.

Which is the inverses I still don’t get this




[tex]{ \tt{f(x) = \frac{12}{x} - 18}} \: and \: { \tt{g(x) = \frac{12}{x + 18} }}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]{ \tt{f(x) = \frac{12}{x} - 18}}[/tex]

Let inverse be m:

[tex]{ \tt{m = \frac{12}{x} - 18 }} \\ { \tt{x(m + 18) = 12}} \\ { \tt{x = \frac{12}{m + 18} }} \\ \\ { \boxed{ \sf{f {}^{ - 1} (x) = g(x) = \frac{12}{x + 18} }}}[/tex]

Which of the following is true about these similar triangles?




Step-by-step explanation:

You have to match up the corresponding sides in the 2 triangles

The sides you have to find are AB/BC

The side that corresponds to AB in triangle DEF is DE

The side that corresponds to BC is EF

E) Natasha's parents want to support Natasha by saving $5000 for her college. They searched up for some investment options and came up with two best ones o 4.8% simple interest for 2 years o 4.1 % / year compounded semi- annually for 2 years Compare both the plans and find out which is the best to choose



Amount she would have in 2 years at a simple interest of is

$5000 + ($5000 x 0.048 x 2) = $5480

Amount she would have in 2 years at a 4.1 % / year compounded semi- annually is :

$5000 x ( 1 +0.041/2)^4 = $5422.78

the first option yields a higher value in two years when compared with the second option. Thus, the first option is the best one to choose

Step-by-step explanation:

Future value with simple interest = principal + interest

Interest = principal x interest rate x time

0.048 x 5000 x 2 = 480

future value = $480 + 5000 = $5480

The formula for calculating future value with compounding:

FV = P (1 + r)^nm

FV = Future value  

P = Present value  

R = interest rate  

m = number of compounding

N = number of years

5000 x ( 1 + 0.041 / 2)^(2 x 2) = $5422.78

could someone explain how to figure this out (marking brainliest to the most helpful answer) I will report fakes.


I believe the answer is A.

Remember that in order to find the slope, we use the slope formula.

The slope formula is: rise/run

Triangle A: 3/4
Triangle B: 4/3
Triangle C: 9/16
Triangle D: 8/12
A because triangle a= 3/4

express 5√72 in simplest radical form.




Step-by-step explanation:


Simplify (3 1/2+7)divided by (4 1/3-3)




Step-by-step explanation:

3 1/2 = 7/2

4 1/3 = 13/3

[tex] \frac{ \frac{7}{2} + 7 }{ \frac{13}{3} - 3} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{ \frac{21}{7} }{ \frac{4}{3} } [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{63}{8} [/tex]

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