2. A cinder block is sitting on a platform 20 m high. It weighs 16kg. The block has
_ joules of potential energy.


Answer 1


3136 Joules



P.E = mgh.............. Equation 1

Where P.E = potential energy, m = mass of the cinder block, h = height of the platform, g = acceleration due to gravity.

From the question,

Given: m = 16 kg, h = 20 m

Constant: g = 9.8 m/s²

Substitute these values into equation 1

P.E = 16(20)(9.8)

P.E = 3136 Joules

Hence the potential energy of the cinder block is 3136 Joules

Related Questions

Question 7 of 25
Which two chemical equations are balanced?
O A. 2PBrg + 3Cl2 - 2PC13 + 3Br2
O B. 2Na+ MgCl2
2NaCl + Mg
C. 2LIOH + 2H2S - Li2S + 2H20
D. 2AgNO3 + NaCl - NaNO3 + 2AGCI



2PBr₃ + 3Cl₂ → 2PCl₃ + 3Br₂

2Na + MgCl₂ → 2NaCl + Mg


A balanced chemical equation is a chemical equation that have an equal number of elements of each type on both sides of the equation

Among the given chemical reactions, we have;

2PBr₃ + 3Cl₂ → 2PCl₃ + 3Br₂

In the above reaction;

The number of phosphorus, P, on either side of the equation = 2

The number of bromine atoms, Br, on either side of the equation = 6

The number of chlorine atoms, Cl, on either side of the equation = 6

Therefore, the number of elements in the reactant side and products side of the reaction are equal and the reaction is balanced

The second balanced chemical reaction is 2Na + MgCl₂ → 2NaCl + Mg

In the above reaction, there are two sodium atoms, Na,  one magnesium atom and two chlorine atoms on both sides of the reaction, therefore, the reaction is balanced

86,400 seconds into day​





i.e. 86,400 secs is 1 day

1 hour = 60 minutes

1 minute = 60 seconds

1 day = 24 hours

60 min. × 60 sec. × 24 hr.

60 × 60 × 24 = 86,400 seconds

∴ 86,400 seconds = 1 day

define Archemedics principle?​



Archimedes’ principle, physical law of buoyancy, discovered by the ancient Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes, stating that any body completely or partially submerged in a fluid (gas or liquid) at rest is acted upon by an upward, or buoyant, force, the magnitude of which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.


A skipper on a boat notices wave crests passing his anchor chain every 5.6 s . He estimates the distance between wave crests to be 16 m . He also correctly estimates the speed of the waves. Find this speed.



v = 2.85 m/s


Given that,

A skipper on a boat notices wave crests passing his anchor chain every 5.6 s.

The distance between wave crests to be 16 m.

We need to find the speed of the waves. The speed of a wave can be calculated by the formula as follows :

[tex]v=f\lambda\\\\v=\dfrac{\lambda}{T}\\\\v=\dfrac{16}{5.6}\\\\v=2.85\ m/s[/tex]

So, the speed of the wave is 2.85 m/s.

Clois what is the weight of a body in the earth, if its weig is 5Nin moon?



because the moon has less mass than earth, the force due to gravity at the lunar surface is only about 1/6 that on earthso,the weight of a body on earth is 6×5N =30N

Assuming Faraday constant to be 96500c/mol and relative atomic mass of copper 63,calculate the mass of copper liberated by 2A current in 5min.ans 0.196gm ​


Answer: The mass of copper liberated is 0.196 g.


The oxidation half-reaction of copper follows:

[tex]Cu\rightarrow Cu^{2+}+2e^-[/tex]

Calculating the theoretical mass deposited by using Faraday's law, which is:

[tex]m=\frac{M\times I\times t(s)}{n\times F}[/tex] ......(1)


m = actual mass deposited = ? g

M = molar mass of metal = 63 g/mol

I = average current = 2 A

t = time period in seconds = 5 min = 300 s (Conversion factor: 1 min = 60 sec)

n = number of electrons exchanged = 2

F = Faraday's constant = 96500 C/mol

Putting values in equation 1, we get:

[tex]m=\frac{63 g/mol\times 2A\times 300s}{2\times 96500 C/mol}\\\\m=0.196g[/tex]

Hence, the mass of copper liberated is 0.196 g.

Tick (3) the correct statement about electrostatic charges.
(a) Earthing causes positive charges to flow from the object to the ground.
(b) Similar types of electric charges attract one another.
(c) An electroscope is used to determine the presence of electrostatic charges.



similar type of electric charges attract one another

I think this is a coorect staement


C ) An electroscope is used to determine the presence of electrostatic charges

In a lunar experiment, a 950-g aluminum (920 J/(°Ckg)) sphere is dropped from the space probe while is 75 m above the Lunar ground. If the sphere’s temperature increased by 0.11°C when it hits the ground, what percentage of the initial mechanical energy was absorbed as thermal energy by the aluminum sphere?



13.759 % of the initial mechanical energy is lost as thermal energy.


By the First Law of Thermodynamics we know that increase in internal energy of the object ([tex]U[/tex]), in joules, is equal to the lost amount of the change in gravitational potential energy ([tex]U_{g}[/tex]), in joules:

[tex]\frac{x}{100} \cdot \Delta U_{g} = \Delta U[/tex] (1)

Where [tex]x[/tex] is the percentage of the energy loss, no unit.

By definition of the gravitational potential energy and internal energy, we expand this equation:

[tex]\frac{x\cdot m \cdot g \cdot h}{100} = m\cdot c\cdot \Delta T[/tex] (1b)


[tex]m[/tex] - Mass of the object, in kilograms.

[tex]g[/tex] - Gravitational acceleration, in meters per square second.

[tex]h[/tex] - Initial height of the object above the lunar ground, in meters.

[tex]c[/tex] - Specific heat of aluminium, in joules per degree Celsius-kilogram.

[tex]\Delta T[/tex] - Temperature increase due to collision, in degree Celsius.

If we know that [tex]m = 0.95\,kg[/tex], [tex]g = 9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], [tex]h = 75\,m[/tex], [tex]c = 920\,\frac{J}{kg\cdot ^{\circ}C}[/tex] and [tex]\Delta T = 0.11\,^{\circ}C[/tex], then the percentage of energy loss due to collision is:

[tex]x = \frac{100\cdot c\cdot \Delta T}{g\cdot h}[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{100\cdot \left(920\,\frac{J}{kg\cdot ^{\circ}C} \right)\cdot (0.11\,^{\circ}C)}{\left(9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}} \right)\cdot (75\,m)}[/tex]

[tex]x = 13.759\,\%[/tex]

13.759 % of the initial mechanical energy is lost as thermal energy.

A ball is dropped from the roof of a 25-m-tall building. What is the velocity of the object when it touches the ground? Suppose the ball is a perfect golf ball and it bounces such that the ve locity as it leaves the ground has the same magnitude but the op posite direction as the velocity with which it reached the ground How high will the ball bounce? Now suppose instead that the ball bounces back to a height of 20 m. What was the velocity with which it left the ground?



a)  [tex]h=25m[/tex]

b)  [tex]v=19.8m/sec[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Height [tex]h=25m[/tex]

Bounce Height [tex]h'=20m[/tex]

Generally the Kinematic equation is mathematically given by



Therefore Height




Generally the Kinematic equation is mathematically given by





What is the centripetal acceleration of a point on the perimeter of a bicycle wheel diameter 70.0 cm when the bike is moving 8.0 m/s? (160 m/s)


It’s 180 m/s^2 dude. I think I have you in my class lol.

The centripetal acceleration of an object is due to the changing velocity in a circular path and the centripetal acceleration of the bicycle is 182.85 m/s².

What is Centripetal acceleration?

Centripetal acceleration of an object can be defined as the property of the motion of an object which is traversing a circular path. Any object which is moving in a circular path and has an acceleration vector pointed towards the center of that circular path is known as Centripetal acceleration.

The centripetal acceleration of an object can be calculated by the formula:

ac = v²/ r

where, ac = centripetal acceleration,

v = velocity of the object,

r = radius of the circular path

The centripetal acceleration of the object will be:

ac = (8)²/ r

radius = diameter/ 2

radius = 70/ 2

radius = 35cm or 0.35 m

ac = 64/ 0.35

ac = 182.85 m/s²

Therefore, the centripetal acceleration of the bicycle will be 182.85 m/s².

Learn more about Centripetal acceleration here:



(9x10^2) + (1x10^2)



10 x 10⁴

I hope it's helps you




A simple machine has efficiency 90%. What does it mean? No machine has 109 efficiency,why?​



Efficiency of a machine is 90% this means that the total energy produced to the machine only 90% is useful and given as a output.

Machines are not 100% efficient because some of the work done by a machine is used to overcome friction



Dot, dot, dot, dot, lol

State one effect of increase in heat for a temperature range of 50°C to 100°C
on Plastic



why is fraction called a necessary evil

The heat for a temperature in plastic increases at the range of 50°C to 100°C then the plastic decreases its stiffness or flexural modulus.

It is given that the temperature is increased from 50°C to 100°C that means temperature is increasing.

It is required to state the effect of increase in heat on plastic.

What will be the effect of increase in heat for a temperature range of 50°C to 100°C on Plastic?

The plastic starts to lose its stiffness or we say that it converts into a softened material as long as we increase the temperature of the material.

So if we increase the temperature too much or exceed above the limit of temperature range then it will distort.

Also there are many qualities that can be affected by increasing the temperature like mechanical property, material fatigue or chemical phenomenon.

Therefore, the heat for a temperature range of 50°C to 100°C

Plastic increases then the plastic decreases its stiffness or flexural modulus.

Learn more about the range of temperature here:



A 210 Ohm resistor uses 9.28 W of power. How much current flows through the resistor? (unit=A)





i see everyone got it wrong so ill give you the answer, good luck :)

A man sees a deer in the road and slams on his brakes. If he is traveling at 45.2 m/s and comes to a stop in 2.74 s, what is his acceleration? O -6:02 m/s2 -0.0606 m/s2 -47.9 m/s2 0 -16.5 m/s2 ​



16.50 m/s²


initial velocity(u)=45.2 m/s

final velocity(v)= 0 (it stops)

time taken(t)= 2.74 s

now,we have

acceleration(a)= (v-u)/t

= (0-45.2 m/s)/2.74s

= -45.2 m/s / 2.74s

= -16.50 m/s²


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf -16.5 \ m/s^2}}[/tex]


We are asked to find the acceleration of a man driving. Acceleration is the change in velocity over the change in time. Acceleration is calculated with the following formula.

[tex]a= \frac{v_f- v_i}{t}[/tex]

The driver's initial velocity is 45.2 meters per second. His final velocity is 0 meters per second because he came to a stop. He stopped in 2.74 seconds.

[tex]\bullet \ v_f= 0 \ m/s \\\bullet \ v_i= 45.2 \ m/s \\\bullet \ t= 2.74 \ s[/tex]

Substitute these values into the formula.

[tex]a= \frac{0 \ m/s - 45.2 \ m/s }{ 2.74 \ s}[/tex]

Solve the numerator by subtracting.

[tex]a= \frac{- 45.2 \ m/s }{ 2.74 \ s}[/tex]

[tex]a= -16.49635036 \ m/s^2[/tex]

The original measurements of velocity and time have 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the tenths place. The 9 in the hundredth place tells us to round the 4 in the tenths place up to a 5.

[tex]a \approx -16.5 \ m/s^2[/tex]

The acceleration is approximately -16.5 meters per second squared. The acceleration is negative because the man slowed down and came to a stop.

can someone help me asap please​



Resultant force is 20 N


Resolving vertically:

[tex]{ \sf{F_{y} = (8 \cos 30 \degree) + (12 \cos 30 \degree) }} \\ { \sf{ \sum F_{y} = 17.3 \: newtons }}[/tex]

Resolving horizontally:

[tex]{ \sf{F_{x} = (8 \sin 30 \degree) + (12 \sin 30 \degree) }} \\ { \sf{ \sum F _{x} = 10 \: newtons}}[/tex]

Resultant force:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{F = \sqrt{ {F _{x} }^{2} + {F _{y} }^{2} } }}} \\ { \sf{F = \sqrt{ {17.3}^{2} + {10}^{2} } }} \\ { \sf{F = \sqrt{399.29} }} \\ F = 19.98 \approx20 \: newtons[/tex]

A body having uniform velocity has zero acceleration? give reason​



A body having uniform velocity has zero acceleration because

there is not change in velocity.

in a cathode-ray tube, particles are fired at the screen. What are these particles


Thomson's experiments with cathode ray tubes showed that all atoms contain tiny negatively charged subatomic particles or electrons.

A liquid has a density of 2 g/mL, the volume is measured at 20 mL, what is the mass of the liquid?


Answer: 40 grams, if it is two grams per mL and you have 20 mL, you multiply 2 grams/mL and you get the answer

2. ¿Puede haber trabajo en un sistema si no hay movimiento
a. Sí, si hay una fuerza siempre.
b. Sí, ya que el movimiento es sólo relativo.
c. No, ya que un sistema que no se mueve no tiene energía.
d. No, porque la ecuación de trabajo lo define.



d. No, porque la ecuación de trabajo lo define.


En Física, el trabajo realizado se puede definir como la cantidad de energía transferida cuando un objeto o cuerpo se mueve a lo largo de una distancia debido a la acción de una fuerza externa.

Matemáticamente, el trabajo realizado viene dado por la fórmula;

[tex] W = F * d [/tex]


W es el trabajo realizado.F representa la fuerza que actúa sobre un cuerpo. d representa la distancia recorrida por el cuerpo.

Por lo tanto, podemos deducir de la definición de trabajo y su fórmula que el trabajo se realiza cuando un objeto (cuerpo) se mueve una distancia o experimenta cualquier forma de desplazamiento mientras transfiere energía.

is placing a compass near a wire with live electrical current biology, chemistry, or physics?


The process of PLACING a compass wherever you want it involves Biology.  Biology deals with everything that has to happen for your brain to send instructions to your muscles, your muscles to operate your arm and your hand, and your hand to move the compass to where you want it, while your eyes keep track of what's happening and send course-corrections through your brain.

Once you get the compass there and see it start doing strange things, those EFFECTS are explained by laws of nature that are covered in Physics.

Placing a compass near a wire with live electrical current involves physics. Because, the deflection in magnetic field by the current from the electrical wire is dealt with physics.

What is magnetic field ?

A magnetic field is generated by the field lines originating from a magnet or an electrical  coil. The moving current is always associated with a magnetic field.

A compass acts as a tiny magnet and it deflects to the north in  the absence of an electrical field. If an electric field is brought in contact with the compass the needle will deflect into the direction of the magnetic field from the wire.

The strength of a magnetic field, associated electric field, magnetic flux etc. are more focused in the branches of physics. The magnetic properties of a substance is a physical property.

Find more on magnetic properties:



3. Take sugar, oil, corn syrup, a glass and water. Pour the water in the glass and then add each of the above the substances one after the other. Observe and note your observations. And give reason for your observation.


Here are the observations


Sugar is soluble in water so It will dissolve in water .

Corn syrup:-

Corn syrup is also basically a sugar.It will dissolve in water too .If we shake the mixture in glass then corn syrup will be dissolved.


Oil is not soluble in waterHence it won't dissolve in water.It will float over water and make two layers

why Fossil fuel has been used more in the existing world ?​


Fossil fuels are found most of the part of the world .It can be found easily by the people.It is free of cost or low cost.Thats why people can find it easily and in low cost.Also it is easy to useSo fossil fuel has been used more in existing world

how to find the mechanical advantage


To determine its mechanical advantage you'll divide the length of the sloped side by the width of the wedge. For example, if the slope is 3 centimeters and the width is 1.5 centimeters, then the mechanical advantage is 2, or 3 centimeters divided by 1.5 centimeters.


[tex]{ \bf{mechanical \: adv = \frac{load}{effort} }}[/tex]

Một bóng đèn có hiệu điện thế định mức là 110V. Đặt vào hai đầu bóng đèn các hiệu điện thế sau đây, hỏi trường hợp nào dây tóc của đèn sẽ đứt?




Group elements number 11 to 20 as either metallic, non metallic or metalloid.​



The elements are grouped into the different substances by color. As you can see, Lithium, Beryllium, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Potassium, and Calcium are metals out of the first 20 elements.

Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, and Argon, are non-metals within the first 20 elements.

Boron and Silicon count as Metalloids in the Periodic Table (properties of both metals and non-metals)

reference- socatric q and a



(11-13) - Metals

(14) - Metalloid

(15-18) - Non- metals

(19-20) - Metals


The elements from 11 to 13 are metals. They are Sodium(Na), Magnesium(Mg) and Aluminum(Al) respectively.

The element 14 is a metalloid. It’s Silicon(Si).

The elements from 15 to 18 are non metals. The 18th element is a noble gas known as Argon(Ar).

The elements from 15 to 17 are Phosphorus(P), Sulphur(S) and Chlorine(Cl).

The elements from 19 to 20 are metals. They are Potassium(K) and Calcium(Ca).

Most solar hot water systems are fitted with gas or electric "boosters" that can also heat the water.

Describe why you think these are necessary.



To provide hot water on cloudy days or when demand exceeds supply, most solar water heaters come with a gas or electric booster. A gas booster usually produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions unless renewable electricity is used or the booster is a heat pump.

How does the comets energy change as it moves from point a to point d



At point A, the comet has the least kinetic energy because the comet is resting. 3. From point B to point D its orbit's potential energy is decreasing and its kinetic energy is increasing meaning it's moving more and more

Ella is blowing up balloons in preparation for her sister's birthday. Ella finds some balloons hanging outside the house explode after a few hours. Explain why.​



they were in the sun for long

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