2. Describe the economic and labor patterns of the Jamestown colony.


Answer 1


From the beginning when the Virginia Company of London was formed, the overseas venture was an economic one. Captain Newport led the efforts of the settlers to discover gold ore even when their efforts might have been better used toward acquiring food. They were not quick to learn how to grow food in their new environment and increasingly had to rely upon the Indians for corn and other crops. In addition, the colonists did not have the tools they needed since they were limited in what they could bring from England. Lumber was a resource that was plentiful in Virginia, and the location of Jamestown along the water where ships could dock should have been ideal for this industry. Yet, lumber turned out to be a very expensive commodity to ship. Wood extractives such as pitch and tar, soapash and potash were more practical but needed processing before shipping. Silk production, glassmaking and wine production were all industries which were attempted with varying degrees of success, yet none to the extent needed to make a profit for the Virginia Company. Within a few years, most of these early attempts, with the exception of lumber products, were abandoned. Settlers continued to barter with the Indians, as they had from the beginning, in order to meet their daily needs. Even the fur trade, which made a small profit for the Company, would not become a very successful venture until after 1630.

The first truly marketable product raised in Virginia was tobacco. By 1612, John Rolfe experimented with planting a new variety of tobacco, a mild Spanish leaf, which he anticipated would be more suited to English tastes than the bitter Indian variety. He not only learned how to raise this new type of plant but also managed to harvest and cure it so it could be transported to England without spoiling. After a couple of years, he met with great success and was busily marketing his crop among English merchants and tobacco sellers when he traveled with his bride, Rebecca, to London in 1616. Ironically, he could not smoke a pipe in the presence of King James I as the king’s vehement opposition to tobacco was well-known at court and had been set out at length in his A Counter-Blaste to Tobacco published in 1604, in which he attacked arguments in favor of smoking and derided claims about its medicinal qualities. He called it a “stinking weed,” and “a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs…” Nevertheless, tobacco revolutionized the colony’s economy and became the cash crop of Virginia.

Virginia colonists quickly gave up all other products to meet the demand for tobacco in England. Production increased phenomenally into the 1620s, and became readily available for mass consumption in England. All classes and genders smoked. Virginia became synonymous with tobacco, and Virginians developed a way of life that revolved around its production.

Since tobacco was too bulky to carry very far across land, farmers spread out along the rivers where boats could easily pick up their crops. Tobacco was shipped to England where it was sold to buy goods or to purchase more labor. With profits from tobacco, wealthy Virginia planters could purchase luxury goods from around the world such as Chinese porcelains, Oriental silks, Dutch and German ceramics, Venetian glass, objects of gold, silver, brass and pewter, fancy foodstuffs and stylish household furnishings. Virginia became part of the global economy.

Success with tobacco would not have been possible without the right of individuals to own private property. Both as a means for planters to gain more land and as a way to populate the colony, the Virginia Company developed a new policy of land ownership in 1618. Instead of Company controlled plantations, land began to be allotted to individuals. Settlers who had arrived before 1616 (“ancient planters”) were granted 100 acres of land for their own use. Investors also received 100 acres for every share. The new plantations were called “hundreds” or “particular plantations.” These plantations were allowed some self-government, an added incentive for new investors to risk their capital. Those who arrived after April 1616 and paid their own passage received 50 acres for themselves and another 50 for every person they transported. This arrangement, known as the “headright” system, became the primary means by which laborers were recruited and sent to the colony for the rest of the century. By importing hired workers, successful planters could fulfill their need for labor while amassing additional land. The opportunity to realize substantial profits from growing tobacco while accumulating land sparked the spread of settlement. Without a doubt, this new policy changed the economic life of the colony forever.

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What is Korea?

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Mayflower Compact
Mayflower Compact

Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence

US Constitution
US Constitution

Bill of Rights


In 1791 that would be the bill of rights

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sorry I don't know

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given that two sides of triangular field are 85 M and 154 m

Perimeter of triangle = 324 M

Let the third side be x

Perimeter of triangle =Sum of all sides




Since we are given that Perimeter of triangle = 324M;

[tex]So, \Rightarrow 324 = 239 +x;


[tex] \Rightarrow324 - 239 = x; \\

\Rightarrow8 5 = x \\


Now we will use heron's formula to find the area of triangle

[tex] \rightarrow \: a = 85m \\

\rightarrow \: b = 154m; \\

\rightarrow \: c = 85m; \\

Area = \sqrt{(s(s - a) \times (s - b) \times (s - c))} ; \\ \\ s \rightarrow\frac{ (a + b + c)}{2} [/tex]

Substitute the values:

[tex]\rightarrow \: s = \frac{(85 + 154 + 85)}{2} \\ \\ \\ \\

\Rightarrow s = 162; \\ \\ \\ \\

\Rightarrow \: Area =; \sqrt{162(162-85)(162-154)(162-85)} ;


[tex] {\boxed{ \green {\Rightarrow \: Area = 2772}}}[/tex]

So, Area of triangle is 2772

Now rto find the length of the perpendicular from the opposite vertex on the site measuring 154 m

[tex]Area = \frac{1}{2} \times B a s e \times H e i g h t;[/tex]

2772 = 1/2 ×154 ×H e i g h t;

(2772 ×2)/154 = Height;

36 = Height

Hence Area of triangle is 2772 and he length of the perpendicular from the opposite vertex on the site measuring 154 m is 36 m


It is Opelousas & Hammond. These aren't that safe to live in.


Its not safe, there's lots of crime & it's not really recommend you live there by some people.

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It did complex calculations needed to accurately fire artillery.

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William of Orange



In 1688, to Louis' dismay, his implacable Dutch adversary, William of Orange, overthrew King James II of England and subsequently added England to the League of Augsburg, alongside the Netherlands, Spain, Savoy, Sweden and the Hapsburg Empire.


Help me out and I'll give brainiest



Secondary source? English is not my first language and I'm not very good at it so I don't really understand but I think that's the right one.

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The Jamestown colony survived because of all the following
A. it maintained generally peaceful relations with natives
B. it had a continuous flow of new migrants to the colony
C. it was led by the strong-rule of Captain John Smith
D. it developed a successful economy


The following answer is C
Answer: C

hello can one of u nice poeple give a hand out for meh please.

if u get right u will get a brainly and i am abili to give more point to u if i want sooooo what do u say?

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and one more plesa it is,

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Question 8 options:


Natural Disaster


Daily Forecast u dont have to do them all i just need a litte help with this stuff if u guys dont mind?



First question is; Longitude

Next is; Political maps

and last is; Climate


Hope this help you!

The religion of Islam encourages generosity to others and providing
services to help your community.
O True
O False


Answer is True
Good luck!
I hope it will help
The answer is true. Allah (swt) said “Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness. And do not assist each other in acts of sinfulness and transgression.”

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Veterinarians are people who diagnose, prevent and treat diseases for pets, thereby contributing to the protection of public health. Besides, engineer veterinaryis also a position similar to veterinarian, at the same time researching and experimenting in veterinary fields such as: animal husbandry, pet food, medicines, vaccines for for pets…

To care for and treat animals

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His travel writings suggested that there could be riches north of New Spain.

Which text is valuable for gaining context about a historical event but is unreliable as “evidence”


Answer: History novels are valuable to gain the context of history but they are not reliable like a primary source documents. Primary source Documents involves Diaries, Journals, Letters, memos, Photos, Videos, Opinion Polls, Speeches and none the less governmental records.


I know this because history is about everything!

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Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave who became a prominent activist, author and public speaker. He became a leader in the abolitionist movement, which sought to end the practice of slavery, before and during the Civil War. ... His work served as an inspiration to the civil rights movement of the 1960s and beyond.

Historical examples that support Douglass in his advocacy for black suffrage is the abolitionist movement.

What is black suffrage?

black suffrage serves as a movement that seek that voting should not be done base on color or race.

Since, Douglass has been part of ending of slavery movement, this catapult his decision to bring an end to descrimination during voting exercise.

Learn more about black suffrage at,:



In one or two sentences, state the difference between primary sources and secondary sources.



A primary source is something written at the time of an event. An example would be a diary, journal, letter, etc. A secondary source is usually written after the event and uses primary sources to give an idea of what happened at that event. An example would be a history textbook, y0utube video, etc.


8. Means of prosperity:
Middle Colonies
1. Reason to leave home:
2. Why are they drawn to America:
3. Where are they coming from:
4. Name of Settlement:
5. Important Individuals:
6. Why are they successful/failures:
7. Native American Interaction:
8. Means of prosperity:


Answer:2,5,7 i took the same quiz


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the beliefs of congress


How did the Glorious Revolution influence the American colonists?


Parliament enacted a series of laws, knows as the Navigation Acts, to knit Britain and the colonies into a prosperous commercial empire.
Colonial raw materials flowed into Britain while British manufactured goods were made available on favorable terms to colonial consumers.

The three Anglo-Powhatan Wars were an example of Native Americans pushing back against the settlers because of

the European incursion into Native American land

Insults caused by English activities

The refusal of the English to follow the custom of giving gifts

All of these


Very sorry but I got no clue

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While there are a thousand different reasons why people migrate to the U.S, there are some major ones that we can cover.

War. War is a major one that sometimes forces people to move to the U.S and other countries, being a haven that will protect them from all the dangers.College. Pretty straightforward, people come to better and further their education.Jobs. Also pretty straightforward, people come to work here, to live here, the job opportunities are close to endless.Family and friends. Having family members or close friends in the U.S often is a factor for people moving to the U.S.

They often gain more freedoms* than they have had in their previous country, a democratic country with personal choices like I mentioned earlier,  more job opportunities*, and some of the world's most elite colleges are here. Some of the downsides of moving away from their birthplace and moving to the U.S is that there is a very real possibility of moving away from family and friends, and essentially starting life over again.

which was more important in influencing the development of early western civilizations: the intentional or the unintentional consequences of change?



The first major influences on what would become Western civilization were two of Europe's first major, settled civilizations: the Greeks and the Romans. The Greeks built the first major urban centers in European history and dedicated their lives to philosophy, arts, and learning.

n the 1600s Dutch traders established themselves on

Ocracoke Island

Manhattan Island

Amelia Island

St. Simons Island



On 1600s Dutch traders established themselves on Manhattan Island.

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Falconbridge? who is this? if you tell me I'll answer properly

where were the earliest farming communities founded in china



Settled communities are the first evident between 9000 and 8000 BP in Inner Mongolia and the Huangtu Goayaun (Loess Plateu) drained by the Huang He (Yellow River) system and other rivers such as the Liao in northeastern China. In all these areas, people were moving toward agriculture by 8000 BP.

Mila needs to order some new supplies for the restaurant where she works. The
restaurant needs at least 754 spoons. There are currently 313 spoons. If each set on
sale contains 6 spoons, write and solve an inequality which can be used to determine
x, the number of sets of spoons Mila could buy for the restaurant to have enough


Mila needs to order at least 74 sets of spoons for the restaurant to have enough spoons.

Current number of spoons = 313

Number of spoons needed = At least 754

Amount of spoon contained in each set = 6 spoons

Based on the information given above, the inequality that can be used to determine the number of sets of spoons that Mila could buy for the restaurant to have enough spoons will be:

(6 × x) > 754 - 313

6x > 441

Divide both side by 6

6x/6 > 441/6

x > 73.5

Therefore, at least 74 sets of spoons are needed.

Read related link on:


Match the type of government to its description.


First is Democracy
Second is Dictatorship
Third is Federal Government
Fourth is Monarcy

Hope this helps!

Lesson 11: Earth in the universe unit test all answers?



¿Qué significa esto porque no entiendo?



Sorry did you get the answer if you did not i were going to help you get the answers.


Maya civilization was possible because agriculture supplied a steady food supply. What is our
current civilization based on?


Currently, we do not have a specific reason for our Civilization existence, but by modern research, it has been proved that ECONOMICS and SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGY can be the reason why our Civilization still exists. Olden generation didn't have an access to that. That was why, many Civilizations like Maya Civilization does not exist today.

Since we have technology at your hands, we have better knowledge about how to cope with the natural environment. For instance, consider there is a flood. We know we have to run away to save our lives and leave behind anything is there, as lives are more important. Whereas, the olden civilizations thought that if they don't have things like food, water, dress, ornaments etc. then they can't live. THIS IS THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM AND US.

Also, we have money to trade and get things. While older people had to sell most of their possessions for a single things. Therefore, unluckily, they perished and we exist now.

Hope it helps you...

(by Benjemin)

Use passage below to answer following question:"God will not hold them (sinners) upin these slippery places any longer,but will let them go; and then, at thatvery instant, they shall fall intodestruction; as he that stands onsuch slippery declining ground, onthe edge of a pit, he cannot standalone, when he is let go heimmediately falls and is lost."Jonathon Edwards"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"1741The passage above represents which of the following aspects of the First Great Awakening? A.It boosted church attendance. B.It protested government power. C.It emphasized the need for religious devotion. D.It Christianize the Native Americans.





how many times did you have his listed. ill take ymthe points.

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