(2/3)x-1=27/8,find x


Answer 1


x = 105/16

Step-by-step explanation:

2/3x - 1 = 27/8

Add 1 to each side

2/3x - 1+1 = 27/8+1

2/3x = 27/8 + 8/8

2/3x = 35/8

Multiply each side by 3/2

3/2 * 2/3x = 35/8 *3/2

x = 105/16

Related Questions

A store has clearance items that have been marked down by 55%. They are having a sale advertising an additional 40% off Clarence items what percentage of the original price do you end up paying?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The price multiplier for the first discount is (1 -55%) = 0.45.

The price multiplier for the second discount is (1 -40%) = 0.60.

Then the price multiplier for the two discounts together is ...

  (0.45)(0.60) = 0.27

You end up paying 27% of the original price.

This probability distribution shows the
typical grade distribution for a Geometry
course with 35 students.
Frequency 5
Find the probability that a student earns a
grade of D or F.
p = [?]
Enter a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Eva nail




Step-by-step explanation:

Total observations that had grade D or F: 5

Total observations: 35

[tex]\frac{5}{35} =\frac{1}{7} =.1429[/tex]



without rounding it is .1492 , rounded to the nearest hundredth it is .14

Hey!!! Plz help the question is below in a image



desculpa não consigo responder pq esta td inglês ou espanhol prá mim se vc me dizer como posso fazer para voltar a ser português possa te ajudar em algo


2.72 [tex]cm^2[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

You first find the area of the whole rectangle.

Then you have to find the area of the circle. The area of a circle is [tex]2\pi r[/tex].

The radius is 1 so it will be 2[tex]\pi[/tex].

[tex]\pi[/tex] equals 3.14 so you have to do 3.14*2 that equals 6.28.

Finally subtract 9-6.28=2.72

he solutions to the inequality y > −3x + 2 are shaded on the graph. Which point is a solution? (0, 2) (2, 0) (1, −2) (−2, 1)



The Answer Is Point B (2,0)

Step-by-step explanation:

Question 5 of 25
Find the common ratio for this geometric sequence.
0.7, 2.1, 6.3, 18.9,...
O A. 1.4
O B. 3
O C.-3
D. 0.33




Step-by-step explanation:

common ratio




therefore common ratio is equal to 3

Sam can mow a lawn in 40 minutes. Melissa can mow the same lawn in 80 minutes. How long does it take for both Sam and Melissa to mow the lawn if they are working together?



It will take them both 24 minutes to mow the lawn if they are working together.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that Sam can mow a lawn in 40 minutes, and Melissa can mow the same lawn in 80 minutes, to determine how long does it take for both Sam and Melissa to mow the lawn if they are working together, the following calculation must be performed:

1/40 + 1/60 = 1 / X

3X + 2X = 120

X = 120/5

X = 24

Thus, it will take them both 24 minutes to mow the lawn if they are working together.

Find all the zeros of f(x).
f(x) = 2x3 + 7x2 - 28x + 12
Arrange your answers from smallest to largest. If
there is a double root, list it twice.

Plz help!



The zeroes are -6, 1/2 and 2.

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 2x3 + 7x2 - 28x + 12 = 0

From the first and last coefficient 2 and 12, one guess for a zero is x = 2.

So substituting x = 2:

f(2) = 16+ 28 - 56 + 12 = 0

So x = 2 is a zero and x - 2 is a factor of f(x)

Performing long division:

x - 2)2x3 + 7x2 - 28x + 12( 2x2 + 11x - 6 <------- Quotient

       2x3  - 4x2

                 11x2 - 28x

                 11x2 - 22x

                          - 6x + 12

                           -6x + 12


Now we solve

2x2 + 11x - 6 = 0

(2x - 1)(x + 6) = 0

2x - 1 = 0 or x + 6 = 0, so:

x = 1/2,  x = -6.

Answer: -6, 1/2, 2.

Step-by-step explanation:

{(x) = 2x3 + 7x2 - 28x + 12 = 0

From the first and last coefficient 2 and 12, one

guess for a zero is x=2.

So substituting x=2:

{(2) = 16+ 28 - 56 + 12 = 0

So x = 2 is a zero and x - 2 is a factor of f(x)

Performing long division:

X - 2)2x3 + 7x2 - 28x + 12(2x2 + 11x - 6 <


Find the missing side. Round your answer to the nearest tenth



x = 24.8

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

Sin theta = opp / hypotenuse

sin 75 = 24 /x

x sin 75 = 24

x = 24/ sin 75


Rounding to the nearest tenth

x = 24.8

I think the missing side is 24.8

state the hundred thousands place for 7,832,906,215



Step-by-step explanation:

6 is the thousands place

0 (right next to it) is the 10 thousands place

9 is the hundred thousands place. There is only 1 nine present so the answer is unique.

what is the image of ( 4, -8 ) after a dilation by a scale factor of 1/4 centered at the origin ?


what we know?:

* scale factor of 1/4

* the point (4, -8)

all we have to do is put 4/4 (because we are dilating by 1/4)

4/4= 1

same for the other one: -8/4= -2


Does anyone know how to take the fuzzy stuff off




Step-by-step explanation:

• The difference between a polynomial or rational equation and polynomial or rational inequality



An equation has an equal sign between two expressions, while an inequality has a ≤ or ≥ sign.

Given limit f(x) = 4 as x approaches 0. What is limit 1/4[f(x)]^4 as x approaches 0?



[tex]\displaystyle 64[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:



Limit Rule [Variable Direct Substitution]:                                                             [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c} x = c[/tex]

Limit Rule [Variable Direct Substitution Exponential]:                                         [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c} x^n = c^n[/tex]

Limit Property [Multiplied Constant]:                                                                     [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c} bf(x) = b \lim_{x \to c} f(x)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 0} f(x) = 4[/tex]

Step 2: Solve

Rewrite [Limit Property - Multiplied Constant]:                                           [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{1}{4}[f(x)]^4 = \frac{1}{4} \lim_{x \to 0} [f(x)]^4[/tex]Evaluate limit [Limit Rule - Variable Direct Substitution Exponential]:       [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{1}{4}[f(x)]^4 = \frac{1}{4}(4^4)[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{1}{4}[f(x)]^4 = 64[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Limits

Book: College Calculus 10e

Answer: C. 64

Step-by-step explanation:

Edge 100%

Find the area of a rectangle whose length is 14cm and breadth is 6cm



Ellos dan las pistas de algunos problemas se pueden resolver de forma automática, los valores numéricos tienen ninguna importancia en los distintos ejemplos.


Traza 1

Uno de los lados de un rectángulo es 20 cm de largo; un segundo lado del rectángulo es de 0,85 m de largo. Calcular el perímetro y el área del rectángulo.


Traza 2

Calcular el área de un rectángulo cuyas dimensiones son 85 cm de largo y 20 cm respectivamente.


Traza 3

La base de un rectángulo es 20 cm de largo; la área es de 300 cm². Calcular la altura del rectángulo.


Traza 4

La altura de un rectángulo es 15 cm de largo; la área es de 300 cm². Calcula la base del rectángulo.


Traza 5

Un rectángulo tiene la altura que es de 3/8 de la base; la suma de las longitudes de los dos segmentos es 44 cm. Determinar el área del rectángulo y el perímetro.


Traza 6

La base de un rectángulo es de 0,40 m de largo; La altura del rectángulo es 30 cm. Calcular la diagonal.


Traza 7

Un tamaño de un rectángulo es un medio del lado de un cuadrado que tiene el perímetro de 20 cm. Sabiendo que los dos polígonos tienen el mismo perímetro, calcula la medida del tamaño del rectángulo.


Traza 8

La diagonal de un rectángulo es de 50 cm; la base es de 3/4 de la altura. Calcular el perímetro y el área del rectángulo.


Traza 9

La diagonal de un rectángulo mide 50 cm; ella es 5/3 de altura. Calcular el perímetro y el área del rectángulo.


Traza 10

Una mesa rectangular tiene lados de 180 cm y 90 cm respectivamente. Cuál es el perímetro y el área de un mantel que cuelga de 20 cm alrededor de la mesa?


Traza 11

Calcular el área de un rectángulo que tiene la altura 10 cm de largo, sabiendo que la medida de la base es el doble de la altura.


Traza 12

La diferencia entre el tamaño de un rectángulo es 12 cm y una es el triple de la otra. Calcular el área del rectángulo


Traza 13

La suma entre el tamaño de un rectángulo es 12 cm y una es el triple de la otra. Calcular el área del rectángulo


Traza 14

La suma de la base y la altura de un rectángulo es 50 cm; la base es superior a la altura de 4 cm. Calcular el área del rectángulo.


Traza 15

El semi-perímetro de un rectángulo es 32 cm y una dimensión es de 3/5 de la otra. Calcular el área del rectángulo.


Traza 16

El semi-perímetro de un rectángulo es 30 cm y una dimensión es igual a los sus 2/5. Calcular el área del rectángulo.


Traza 17

Un rectángulo tiene una base de 20 cm y una altura igual a 2/5 de la base. Calcular el perímetro y el área del rectángulo.


Traza 18

Un rectángulo tiene el área de 600 cm² y la base es 20 cm de largo. Cuál es su perímetro ?


Traza 19

Un rectángulo tiene un perímetro de 100 cm y la base es 30 cm de largo. Calcula su área.


Traza 20

Un rectángulo tiene un perímetro de 120 cm. Sabiendo que un tamaño es tres veces la otra, calcula el área del rectángulo.


Traza 21

La diferencia entre el tamaño de un rectángulo es 10 dm. Sabiendo que el perímetro es 100 dm, calcula el área del rectángulo.


Traza 22

Un rectángulo tiene un perímetro de 100 cm. Calcula su área sabiendo que la medida de la base es superior a la de la altura de 10 cm.


Traza 23

En el perímetro de un rectángulo es de 100 cm y la altura es de 20 cm de largo. Calcular el perímetro de un rectángulo equivalente a el mismo y que tiene su base de 40 cm de largo.


Traza 24

Un rectángulo es formado por dos cuadrados congruentes que tienen cada uno el perímetro de 24 cm. Calcular el perímetro y el área del rectángulo.


Traza 25

Un rectángulo es formado por tres cuadrados congruentes con cada lado 20 cm de largo. Calcular el perímetro y el área del rectángulo.


Traza 26

Un rectángulo es formado por dos cuadrados congruentes. Sabiendo que el perímetro del rectángulo es de 180 cm, calcular su área.


Traza 27

Un rectángulo y un cuadrado tienen el mismo perímetro. El lado de un cuadrado de 45 cm y las dimensiones del rectángulo son una 1/2 de la otra. Calcular el área del rectángulo.


Traza 28

Dos rectángulos son equivalentes. Sabiendo que las dimensiones de el primero miden respectivamente 30 cm y 20 cm, y que la base del segundo rectángulo es 40 cm de largo, calcula la diferencia entre los dos perímetros.


Traza 29

Calcular el perímetro de la figura y el área de la parte interior con la obtención de las medidas a partir del dibujo:


Traza 30

Calcular el perímetro de la figura y el área de la parte interior con la obtención de las medidas a partir del dibujo:


Traza 31

Un constructor ha comprado un terreno que tiene la planta mostrada en el dibujo y las dimensiones en metros se indican en la figura. Calcula el área y el perímetro de la tierra.


Traza 32

Una parcela de tierra tiene una forma rectangular con unas dimensiones de 50 m y de 30 m de largo. En el interior se ha construido una casa que ocupa una superficie rectangular de longitud 20 m y de 8 m de ancho. Calcular el área de la tierra permanecida libre.


Traza 33

Step-by-step explanation:


A= 84cm

Step-by-step explanation:

length x width= area

plug in the given information.

14cm x 6cm = A


with a length of 14cm and a width of 6cm multiply them for an area of 84cm.

Does this graph represent a function?



I think it's a function

Step-by-step explanation:

as you can see in the picture curve drawn in a graph represents a function, if every vertical line intersects the curve in at most one point. So I think its a function.



Step-by-step explanation:

it's a cubic function having maximum and minimum turning points

it has a point of inflation, y - intercept and x-intercept

What is the length of segment AC?



10 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Point A (3,-1)

Point B (-5,5)

Distance between them,


= √{(-8)²+6²}

= √(64+36)

= √100

= 10 units

Kezang was 5 times as old as his son 10 years ago. After 8 years, Kezang will be twice as

old as his son. What are their present age​


Step-by-step explanation:

let father's age = x

son's age = y

Five years hence, age of father = x+5

age of son =y+5

So (x+5)= 3(y+5)


Five years ago, age of father = x-5

age of son = y-5


⇒3y + 10-5=7y - 35

⇒ 4y = 40

⇒y=10 <<<<<<<
x = 3y +10= 40 <<<<<

!!! HELP ASAP !!! I almost got the problem but the problem was the rounding. I believe I rounded right but it is still incorrect. Can someone please help me on the rounding portion of the question? Thank you for your help!!!


The question is asking you to round to the nearest hundredth. That means that if it’s asking you to round 2.03, it would round down to 2.00.

1. Define the following: Odds ratio Relative risk 2. Describe how to calculate the Odds ratio and provde the formula. 3. Describe how to calculate the Relative Risk and provide the formula.


Answer and Explanation:

Odds ratio is the odds that an outcome would happen given a level of exposure in comparison to the occurrence of that outcome without exposure. Odds ratio is calculated by dividing odds of event occurring with exposure(the first group) by odds of event(usually disease) occurring without exposure. Odds is different from probability(denoted p/1-p). While probability is the number of favorable events divided by total number of events, odds is number of favorable events/number of unfavorable events.

Relative risk, also measuring relationship between exposure and outcome, is the ratio of the probability that an outcome would occur without exposure and probability that an outcome would occur with exposure.

A man completes a job in 5 days working 8 hours a day. How many days will he take to complete the same job working 2 hours overtime per day in addition?




Original measure work: 1 man x 5 days x 8 hours per day = Total Work Content = 40 hours.
Revised Work Schedule: = 40 Hours Work
Answer: 10 hours per day x 4 days x 1 man.
The Balancing Ratio on Time, an 20% uplift in daily labour input with 10 hours worked instead of 8 hours per day.
= 20% reduction in Total Length of Time from 5 days to 4 days)

Assume the random variable X has a binomial distribution with the given probability of obtaining a success. Find the following probability, given the number of trials and the probability of obtaining a success. P(X > 3), n = 5, p = 0.2





Step-by-step explanation:

Given the details:

P(X > 3), n = 5, p = 0.2

The binomial distribution is related using the formula:

P(x = x) = nCx * p^x * q^(n-x)

q = 1 - p = 1 - 0.2 = 0.8

P(X > 3) = p(x = 4) + p(x = 5)

P(x = 4) = 5C4 * 0.2^4 * 0.8^1 = 5 * 0.2^4 * 0.8^1 = 0.0064

P(x = 5) = 5C5 * 0.2^5 * 0.8^0 = 1 * 0.2^5 * 0.8^0 = 0.00032

Is the following shape a square? How do you know?
O A. No, the opposite sides are not parallel.
B. Yes, the opposite sides are parallel, and all sides are the same
O C. No, the sides are not congruent.
D. Yes, the adjacent sides are perpendicular, and all sides are the
same length


The answer is C because although the sides are parallel, they are not congruent



To find S or T add them together:

3/5 + 1/3

Rewrite the fractions to have a common denominator

9/15 + 5/15 = 14/15

Answer: 14/15

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is your answer . Hope it helps.

Omar keeps his sneaker collection carefully arranged on the floor of his closet. 8 pairs of
sneakers fit perfectly side-by-side from one end of the closet to the other. The closet is 60
inches wide.
How wide is each pair of sneakers?



7.5 inches wide. I wasnt wrong. for a second i thought it was asking for the width of each individual sneaker.


each pair of sneakers are 7.5 inches wide

What is the remainder for the synthetic division problem below?
2/ 3 1 2 -7
A. 25
B. 17
C. -29
D. -39


A: 25.

Explanation: Check the attached image.

For synthetic division, you just need to multiply the 1st number of the polynomial by the divisior, and then, add it up to the next number; then, the coefficient will be multiplied by the divisor, and so on and so forth until you reach the last number... that last coefficient at the end is the reminder that you've been asked for

Evaluate the following expressions using the chip method. SHOW ALL WORK!!!



a. -7 b. -20c. 7

Step-by-step explanation:

a. -9+2, in this case, it is -7 because you take the bigger number and subtract it by the lower number. If the bigger number is negative your answer will be negative, if the bigger number is positive it will be positive it is just really a basic subtraction problem just add the sign.b. In multiplication +++=+ ++-=- and a -+-=+ do your problem without thinking about the signs and then add the signs with the formula I showed you.c. ---=+

Hope this helps :)!

If the number of observations for each sample is 150 units, what is the 3-sigma upper control limit of the process


Complete Question

Complete Question is attached below


[tex]UCL= 0.25[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question we are told that:

Sample size[tex]n=150[/tex]

Sample Variants [tex]s=7[/tex]

Sigma control limits  [tex]Z = 3[/tex]


Total number of observations is Given as


[tex]T_o=150 *7[/tex]



Summation of defectivee

[tex]\sum np=23+34+15+30+25+22+18[/tex]

[tex]\sum np= 167[/tex]

Generally the equation for P-bar is mathematically given by

[tex]P-bar=\frac{\sum np}{T_o}[/tex]




[tex]Sp=\sqrt{\frac{P-bar(1-P-bar)]}{ n}}[/tex]



Generally the equation for 3-sigma upper control limit of the process is mathematically given by

[tex]UCL = P-bar + Z*Sp[/tex]

[tex]UCL= 0.16 + 3*0.03[/tex]

[tex]UCL= 0.25[/tex]

Two buses leave towns 576 kilometers apart at the same time and travel toward each other. One bus travels 12
slower than the other. If they meet in 3 hours, what is the rate of each bus?
Rate of the slower bus:

Rate of the faster bus:



Rate of slower bus; 90 km/h

Rate of faster bus; 102 km/b

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that formula do distance is;

Distance = speed/time

We are told that One bus travels 12h slower than the other.

Let speed of slower bus be x.


Speed of faster bus = x + 12

Speed of slower bus = x

After 3 hours, distance by faster bus = 3(x + 12)

Speed of slower bus = 3x

Since the towns are 576 km apart, then;

3(x + 12) + 3x = 576

Divide through by 3 to get;

x + 12 + x = 192

2x + 12 = 192

2x = 192 - 12

2x = 180

x = 180/2

x = 90 km/h

Faster bus speed = 90 + 12 = 102 km/h

y +3
2y + 1
The triangles are congruent. Find the length of each hypotenuse.
A. 3
B. 5
C 17



Hypothenus = 22

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question given above, we were told that the triangles are congruent (i.e same size). Thus,



To obtain the length of each Hypothenus, we shall determine the value of y and x. This can be obtained as follow:

For y:

AC = y + 3

EF = 2y + 1


y + 3 = 2y + 1

Collect like terms

3 – 1 = 2y – y

2 = y

y = 2

For x:

BC = 5x + 7

DE = 6x + 2y

y = 2

DE = 6x + 2(2)

DE = 6x + 4


5x + 7 = 6x + 4

Collect like terms

7 – 4 = 6x – 5x

3 = x

x = 3

Finally, we shall determine the length of each Hypothenus. This can be obtained as follow:

Hypothenus = BC

Hypothenus = 5x + 7

x = 3

Hypothenus = 5x + 7

Hypothenus = 5(3) + 7

Hypothenus = 15 + 7

Hypothenus = 22


Hypothenus = DE

DE = 6x + 2y

y = 2

x = 3

Hypothenus = 6(3) + 2(2)

Hypothenus = 18 + 4

Hypothenus = 22

A psychologist suspects that heroin addicts have a different assessment of self-worth than others in the general population. On a test designed to measure self-worth, the mean for the general population is 48.6. The psychologist obtains a random sample of 40 test scores produced by heroin addicts and found the sample mean and the sample standard deviations are 45.5 and 8.5, respectively. Do these data indicate the self-worth of heroin addicts is less than that of the general population?



The p-value of the test if 0.0131, which is less than the standard significance level of 0.05, meaning that these data indicates that the self-worth of heroin addicts is less than that of the general population.

Step-by-step explanation:

On a test designed to measure self-worth, the mean for the general population is 48.6.

At the null hypothesis, we test if the mean is of 48.6, that is:

[tex]H_0: \mu = 48.6[/tex]

A psychologist suspects that heroin addicts have a different assessment of self-worth than others in the general population. Test if it is lower.

At the alternative hypothesis, we test if the mean is lower, that is:

[tex]H_1: \mu < 48.6[/tex]

The test statistic is:

We have the standard deviation for the sample, which means that the t-distribution is used to solve this question.

[tex]t = \frac{X - \mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

In which X is the sample mean, [tex]\mu[/tex] is the value tested at the null hypothesis, s is the standard deviation and n is the size of the sample.

48.6 is tested at the null hypothesis:

This means that [tex]\mu = 48.6[/tex]

The psychologist obtains a random sample of 40 test scores produced by heroin addicts and found the sample mean and the sample standard deviations are 45.5 and 8.5, respectively.

This means that [tex]n = 40, X = 45.5, s = 8.5[/tex]

Value of the test statistic:

[tex]t = \frac{X - \mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

[tex]t = \frac{45.5 - 48.6}{\frac{8.5}{\sqrt{40}}}[/tex]

[tex]t = -2.31[/tex]

P-value of the test:

The p-value of the test is a one-tailed test(mean lower than a value), with t = -2.31 and 40 - 1 = 39 df.

Using a t-distribution calculator, this p-value is of 0.0131.

The p-value of the test if 0.0131, which is less than the standard significance level of 0.05, meaning that these data indicates that the self-worth of heroin addicts is less than that of the general population.

Other Questions
write about a time when you or someone you know was lost. short paragraph The following information relates to last year's operations at the Legumes Division of Gervani Corporation: Minimum required rate of return 12% Return on investment (ROI) 15% Sales $ 900,000 Turnover (on operating assets) 3 times What was the Legume Division's net operating income last year 2. if my granny ( be ) younger , she ( not forget ) so many things3. William is such a naught boy ! if he ( do ) that again , i (get) angry with him!4 if i ( have ) more noney , i ( buy) a house. i wish i had more money!5 if Kate (not tell) him anything , he (never / find out) . Now it's too late !6 Robert and Harry (not know) the truth if we ( not tell) them . Let's keep the secret!7. I ( help) you with your project if you ( ask) me , but since yo didn't say a word , now it's too late !8. I'm thinhking of cleaning the windows later . (you /give ) me a hand if i (need) your held?9. Helen ( work) harder, she ( get ) promoted , but she's a very lazy person 10. you ( not feel ) so tired if you ( sleep) more . you should go to bed earlier which two dry valleys lie inlie in GandakiProvince? Match each example to the appropriate term.a. Trees used to make paper1. Human capital 2. Technological knowledge 3. Physical capital b. A printing press used to make books.1. Human capital 2. Technological knowledge 3. Physical capital c. A method of organizing workers to increase production per hour.1. Human capital 2. Technological knowledge 3. Physical capital d. The skills workers learn during a training session.1. Human capital 2. Technological knowledge 3. Physical capital The purpose of the income statement is to: When the value of a currency A reduces as a result of an increase in the value of another currency B, then currency A would be said to have Select one O a, Arranged b. Depreciated OC Devalued O d. Denominated HELP, WILL MARK AS BRAINLIESTEffects of the European Union system include all of the following EXCEPTA)the removal of barriers to free trade for member states.B)lower taxes and an increase in services for all member states.C)the development of Europe as the world's wealthiest market.D)opposition to immigrants from poorer regions of Europe, Africa, and Asia.E)the increased use of English as the principal language. What is te SI unit of time? If you were in the room with the police officer what would you educate them with the BLM movement make a sentences with pencil in affirmative, negative and interrogativePLS I needed help a random number generator is used to model the patters of animals in the wild. this type of study is called which exponential expression is equivalent to Which of the following statements reflects subjectivism? Dennis says that morality is universal. Dennis says that morality is a personal choice. Dennis says that morality depends on the situation. Dennis says that morality is dictated by a person's culture. 3)Texto baseEm 1656, o rei Luis XIV sancionou uma lei em que indivduos considerados inadequados sociedadedeviam ser eliminados publicamente ou levados a` recluso. Conhecemos esse perodo como a erados grandes hospitais, que funcionavam de forma asilar. A identificao dos doentes mentais no sebaseava em critrios precisos. Isso comeou a mudar a partir da Primeira Revoluo Psiquitrica.Pode-se considerar que quem iniciou esse processo foi:Selecione uma alternativa:a)Emil Kraepelinb)Phellippe Pinel.c)Sigmund Freud.d)Karl Jaspers.e)Jean-tienne Dominique Esquirol. A group of preogressives that worked to coreect problems in American life were called find x and y on triangleAlso the degree is 30 and the other thing is 7sqrt3 A building 51 feet tall casts a shadow 48 feet long. Simultaneously, a nearby statue casts a shadow of 16 feet. How tall is the statue? Choose an answer A football team has a probability of 0.76 of winning when playing any of the other four teams in its conference. If the games are independent, what is the probability the team wins all its conference games Imagine you could live anywhere in the world based on a location's climate. What location would you choose? Use this resource and theinformation in the tutorial to help you answer the following questions about your location of choice.