3. Some guitarists like the feel of a set of strings that all have the same tension. For such a guitar, the G string (196 Hz) has a mass density of 0.31 g/m. What is the mass density of the A string (110 Hz)


Answer 1


0.98 g/m


Note: Since Tension and frequency are constant,


F₁²M₁ = F₂²M₂............... Equation 1

Where F₁ = Frequency of the G string, F₂ = Frequency of the A string, M₁ = mass density of the G string, M₂ = mass density of the A string.

make M₂ the subject of the equation

M₂ = F₁²M₁/F₂²............... Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F₁ = 196 Hz, M₁ = 0.31 g/m, F₂ = 110 Hz

Substitute these values into equation 2

M₂ = 196²(0.31)/110²

M₂ = 0.98 g/m

Related Questions

Which of the following has a negative acceleration?
A. A car increases its speed moving forward.
B. A car sits at rest at a stop sign.
C. A car is slowing down as it approaches a traffic light.
D. A car is in cruise control at a constant speed.



B. A car sits at rest at a stop sign.

A rubber ball and a steel ball are dropped from the same height onto a concrete floor. They have the same mass, and lets assume that they both rebound to the same height after hitting the ground. How would the average forces experienced by the balls compare. Group of answer choices The steel ball would experience the greater average force The average forces would be the same The rubber ball would experience the greater average force



The average forces would be the same


Both have the same velocity on impact as they fell from the same height.

Both have the same velocity after the bounce because they reach the same height.

Both have the same mass

Both will thus experience the same impulse because both have the same change in momentum.

Therefore both experience the same average force.

The temperature of a body falls from 30°C to 20°C in 5 minutes. The air
temperature is 13°C. Find the temperature after a further 5 minutes.



15.88°C I am not 100% sure this is right but I am 98% sure this IS right

An AM radio transmitter broadcasts 50.0 kW of power uniformly in all directions. I live 10 km from this station. What is the maximum strength of Electric Field in my house





From the question we are told that:

Power [tex]P=50kw=>50*10^3w[/tex]

Distance [tex]d=10km=10000m[/tex]

Generally the equation for Intensity is mathematically given by

[tex]I=\frac{P}{4\pi d^2} w/m^2[/tex]

[tex]I=\frac{50*10^3}{4 \pi 10000^2} w/m^2[/tex]


Generally Intensity is also





[tex]E_0=\sqrt{\frac{2I}{c *e}}[/tex]

[tex]E_0=\sqrt{\frac{2*3.98*10^{-5}}{3*10^8 *8.854*10^{-12}}}[/tex]


A bicyclist moves along a straight line with an initial velocity vo and slows downs. Which of the following the best describes the signs set for the initial position, initial velocity and the acceleration ?​


The sign set after the slowdown of the bicycle will be positive for the position,  negative for velocity, and negative for acceleration.

What is velocity?

The rate at which an object's position changes when observed from a specific point of view and when measured against a specific unit of time is known as its velocity.

According to Que, when a bicyclist moves in a straight line and slows down, then the velocity decrease as displacement is decreasing, and the acceleration also decreases only displacement increases.

Therefore, the sign set for the position is +ve, for velocity it is -ve, and for acceleration also -ve

To know more about Velocity:



A biker slows down after traveling in a long, straight line at initial velocity v0. Which of the following the best \sdescribes the signs set for the initial position, initial velocity and the acceleration? Initial position Initial velocity Acceleration

A. Positive Negative Negative

B. Positive Positive Negative

C. Negative Positive Negative

D. Negative Negative Positive

E. Negative Negative Negative

Một thang máy chuyển động thẳng đứng hướng xuống dưới chậm dần đều với gia tốc a= -4m/s2. Trần thang máy treo một vật nhỏ bằng một sợi dây mảnh, khoảng cách từ vật tới sàn thang máy h= 2m. Thang máy đang chuyển động thì dây đứt. Tính thời gian từ lúc dây đứt đến khi vật chạm sàn thang máy ? Lấy g= 10m/s2




A motorcyclist start from rest to reaches 6m/s with uniform acceleration for 3s what his acceleration?​



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 2 \ m/s^2}}[/tex]


Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity with respect to time. It is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the change in time. The formula is:

[tex]a= \frac{ \Delta v}{\Delta t}[/tex]         or          [tex]a= \frac{v_f-v_i}{\Delta t}[/tex]

The change in velocity is the difference between the initial velocity and the final velocity. The motorcycle starts at rest, or 0 meters per second and reaches 6 meters per second. The change in time is 3 seconds.

[tex]\bullet \ v_f= 6 \ m/s\\\bullet \ v_i= 0 \ m/s \\\bullet \ \Delta t = 3 \ s[/tex]

Substitute the values into the formula

[tex]a= \frac { 6 \ m/s - 0 m/s}{3 \ s}[/tex]

Solve the numerator.

[tex]a= \frac{6 \ m/s}{3 \ s}[/tex]

[tex]a= 2 \ m/s^2[/tex]

The motorcyclist's acceleration is 2 meters per second squared.

What type of potential energy is a 9 volt battery an example of?
Gravitational potential energy
Elastic potential energy
Electrical potential energy
chemical potential energy​



chemical potential energy​


A 9v battery comes in different formats, such that the most common one is the carbon-zinc and alkaline chemistry, so these are alkaline batteries (there are also rechargeable or lithium batteries, these also depend on chemical interactions).

These batteries "draw" the energy from chemical interactions of the materials inside of it, so the type of potential energy that is stored in a battery is actually chemical (regardless of the fact that the energy can be transformed into electrical energy later) the "potential" refers to how the energy is stored.

Then the correct option is chemical potential energy​


Chemical Potential Energy


Hope this helps!!

Have a blessed day/night!! <33

Suppose you exert a force of 314 N tangential to a grindstone (a solid disk) with a radius of 0.281 m and a mass of 84.2 kg What is the resulting angular acceleration of the grindstone assuming negligible opposing friction



The angular acceleration is 26.6 rad/s^2.


Force, F = 314 N

radius, r = 0.281 m

mass, m = 84.2 kg

The grindstone is a disc.

The torque is given by

torque = force x radius

Torque = 314 x 0.281 = 88.234 Nm

The torque is given by

Torque = Moment of inertia x angular acceleration

[tex]88.234 = 0.5 mr^2 \alpha \\\\88.234 = 0.5\times 84.2\times 0.281\times 0.281\times \alpha \\\\\alpha = 26.6 rad/s^2[/tex]

An object moving with a constant
acceleration changes its velocity from
10ms' to 20 ms' in five seconds. What is the
distance travelled in five seconds ​




[tex]{ \tt{a = \frac{v - u}{t} }} \\ { \tt{a = \frac{20 - 10}{5} }} \\ { \tt{a = 2 \: m {s}^{ - 2} }}[/tex]

From third equation:

[tex]{ \bf{ {v}^{2} = {u}^{2} + 2as}} \\ { \tt{s = \frac{ {20}^{2} - {10}^{2} }{2 \times 2} }} \\ = { \tt{s = 75 \: m}}[/tex]


Formula = m/s


The answer is 10 m / 5 seconds = 2 meters distance

The answer is 20 m / 5 seconds = 4 meters distance

The fact that Voyager 10 continues to speed out of the solar system, even though its rockets have no fuel, is an example of Group of answer choices Newton's third law of motion. Newton's second law of motion. Newton's first law of motion. the universal law of gravitation. none of these



The universal law of gravitation.

PE = m * G M / R^2  potential energy of mass m due to attractive forces

If the kinetic energy of mass m is greater than the energy due to the attractive masses then then mass m can continue indefinitely away from the attracting masses.

What is the connection between speed, friction, and radius of the curve when turning when driving a car.




Four identical balls are thrown from the top of a cliff, each with the same speed. The
first is thrown straight up, the second is thrown at 30° above the horizontal, the third
at 30° below the horizontal, and the fourth straight down. How do the speeds and
kinetic energies of the balls compare as they strike the ground? Ignore the effects of
air resistance. Explain fully using the concepts from this unit.


The comparison of the speeds and kinetic energy of the identical balls are as follows

The speed and the kinetic energy of the first and fourth ball are equal, while the speed and kinetic energy of the second and third balls are equal

The reason for the above comparison results areas follows;

Known parameters;

First ball is thrown straight up

Second ball is thrown 30° above the horizontal

Third ball it thrown 30° below the horizontal

The fourth ball is thrown straight down


Comparison of the speed and kinetic energy of the four balls


The kinetic energy, K.E. = (1/2) × m × v²

The velocity of the ball, v = u × sin(θ)


u = The initial velocity of the ball

θ = The reference angle

For the first ball thrown straight up, we have;

θ = 90°

∴ [tex]v_y[/tex] = u

The final velocity of the ball as it strikes the ground is v₂ = u² + 2gh


h = The height of the cliff

∴ Kinetic energy of first ball, K.E.₁ = (1/2) × m × (u₁² + 2gh)²

For the second ball thrown 30° to the horizontal, we have;

K.E. = (1/2) × m × ((u×sin30)² + 2·g·h)² = K.E. = (1/2) × m × ((0.5·u)² + 2·g·h)²

Kinetic energy  K.E.₂ = (1/2) × m × ((0.5·u₂)² + 2·g·h)²

For the third ball thrown at 30° below the horizontal, we have;

K.E. = (1/2) × m × ((u×sin30)² + 2·g·h)² = K.E. = (1/2) × m × ((0.5·u)² + 2·g·h)²

Kinetic energy K.E.₃ = (1/2) × m × ((0.5·u₃)² + 2·g·h)²

For the fourth ball thrown straight down, we have;

Kinetic energy K.E.₄ = (1/2) × m × (u₄² + 2gh)²

Therefore, as the ball strike the ground, the speed and the kinetic energy of the first and fourth ball are equal, while the speed and kinetic energy of the second and third balls are equal

u₁ = u₄, K.E₁ = K.E.₄, u₂ = u₃, K.E₂ = K.E.₃

Learn more about object kinetic energy of objects in free fall here;


what is meant by specific latent heat of vaporization of water is -2.26mjkg^-1 or -2.26mj/kg?​



The specific latent heat of a substance is the amount of energy required to change the state of one kilo of the substance without change in it temperature.The latent heat of vaporization or evaporation is the heat given to some mass to convert if from the liquid to the vapor phase.

A parallel plate capacitor creates a uniform electric field of and its plates are separated by . A proton is placed at rest next to the positive plate and then released and moves toward the negative plate. When the proton arrives at the negative plate, what is its speed


Complete Question

A parallel plate capacitor creates a uniform electric field of 5 x 10^4 N/C and its plates are separated by 2 x 10^{-3}'m. A proton is placed at rest next to the positive plate and then released and moves toward the negative plate. When the proton arrives at the negative plate, what is its speed?




From the question we are told that:

Electric field [tex]B=1.5*10N/C[/tex]

Distance [tex]d=2 x 10^{-3}[/tex]

At negative plate

Generally the equation for Velocity is mathematically given by




[tex]V^2=\frac{2*1.6*10^{-19}(5*10^4)*2 * 10^{-3}}{1.67*10^{-28}}[/tex]



Một loa phát ra với cường độ âm là 40 (W/m2

). Mức cường độ âm của loa thuộc phạm vi?





A participant reported migraine headache and missed work for a day



do you understand it now

An auto mechanic needs to determine the emf and internal resistance of an old battery. He performs two measurements: in the first, he applies a voltmeter to the battery's terminals and reads 11.9 V;11.9 V; in the second, he applies an ammeter to the terminals and reads 16.1 A.16.1 A.
What are the battery's emf E and internal resistance r?



Hence the battery's emf E is ε = 11.9 V.

The internal resistance is r = 0.739 ohms.


Now we know that

Voltage V = 11.9 V.

Current I = 16.1 A.

Hence this is an ideal voltmeter there are no current flows when the Voltmeter is applied.

ε = V + I r

∵ I = 0

ε = V

ε = 11.9 V

Then the ammeter is applied.

Let's take ( r ) to be the total resistance which is equal to internal resistance.

V = I r

r = [tex]\frac{V}{I}[/tex]

 [tex]= \frac{11.9}{16.1}[/tex]

r = 0.739 ohms

The battery's emf (E) and internal resistance (r) are 11.9 Volts and 0.739 Ampere respectively.

Given the following data:

Voltage = 11.9 Volts.Current = 16.1 Amperes.

To determine the battery's emf (E) and internal resistance (r):

How to calculate emf (E).

For an ideal voltmeter, there isn't a flow of current and as such the current is equal to 0.

Mathematically, emf (E) is given by this formula:

[tex]E = V + IR[/tex]

Substituting the given parameters into the formula, we have;

[tex]E = 11.9 + 0R\\\\E = 11.9 + 0[/tex]

E = 11.9 Volts.

For the internal resistance (r):

Note: The total resistance is equal to internal resistance.

Applying Ohm's law, we have:

[tex]R = \frac{V}{I} \\\\R = \frac{11.9}{16.1}[/tex]

R = r = 0.739 Ampere.

Read more current here: https://brainly.com/question/25813707

A tuning fork with a frequency of 335 Hz and a tuning fork of unknown frequency produce beats with a frequency of 5.3 when struck at the same time. A small piece of putty is placed on the tuning fork with the known frequency and it's frequency is lowered slightly. When struck at the same time, the two forks now produce a beat frequency of 8 Hz. 1)What is frequency of tuning fork which originally had a frequency of 335 Hz after the putty has been placed on it




Unknown fork frequency is either

335 + 5.3 = 340.3 Hz


335 - 5.3 = 329.7 Hz

After we modify the known fork, the unknown fork frequency equation becomes either

(335 - x) + 8 = 340.3

(335 - x)  = 332.3

x = 2.7 Hz


(335 - x) + 8 = 329.7

(335 - x) = 321.7

x = 13.3 Hz

IF the unknown fork frequency was 340.3 Hz,

THEN the 335 Hz fork was detuned to 335 - 2.7 = 332.3 Hz

IF the unknown fork frequency was 329.7 Hz,

THEN the 335 Hz fork was detuned to 335 - 13.3 = 321.7 Hz

a coach is travelling east wards at 12.6 m/s after 12 second its velocity is 9.5 m/s in the same direction. what is the acceleration and direction of its acceleration?

pls do it with the formula
thx mates :)​


Initial velocity=u=12.6m/sFinal velocity=9.5m/sTime=t=12sAcceleration be a

[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto a=\dfrac{v-u}{t}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto a=\dfrac{12.6-9.5}{12}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto a=\dfrac{3.1}{12}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto \overrightarrow{a}=0.25m/s^2[/tex]

given A=4i-10j and B= 7i+5j find b such that A+bB is a vector pointing along the x-axis (i.e has no y component)​





Given the following

A=4i-10j and B= 7i+5j

A+ bB = 4i-10j + (7i+5j)b

A+ bB =  4i-10j + 7ib+5jb

A+ bB =

The vector along the x-axis is expressed as i + 0j

If the vector A+ bB is pointing in the direction of the x-axis then;

[tex]A+ bB * \frac{i+0j}{|i+0j|} = 0 \\ (4+7b)i-(10-5b)j* \frac{i+0j}{\sqrt{1^2+0^2} } = 0\\(4+7b)i-(10-5b)j *(i+0j) = 0\\4+7b-0 =0\\7b=-4\\b = -4/7[/tex]

Hence the value of b is -4/7

The value of [tex]\beta[/tex] such that [tex]\vec C = \vec A + \beta \cdot \vec B = c\,\hat{i}[/tex] is 2.

According to the statement, we have following system of vectorial equations:

[tex]\vec A = 4\,\hat {i} - 10\,\hat{j}[/tex] (1)

[tex]\vec {B} = 7\,\hat{i} + 5\,\hat{j}[/tex] (2)

[tex]\vec C = \vec A + \beta \cdot \vec B = c\,\hat{i}[/tex] (3)

By applying (1) and (2) in (3):

[tex](4\,\hat{i}-10\,\hat{j}) + \beta\cdot (7\,\hat{i}+5\,\hat{j}) = c\,\hat{i}[/tex]

[tex](4+7\cdot \beta)\,\hat{i} +(-10+5\cdot \beta)\,\hat{j} = c\,\hat{i}[/tex]

And we get two scalar equations after analyzing each component:

[tex]4+7\cdot \beta = c[/tex] (4)

[tex]-10+5\cdot \beta = 0[/tex] (5)

We solve for [tex]\beta[/tex] in (5):

[tex]\beta = 2[/tex]

And for [tex]c[/tex] in (4):

[tex]c = 4+7\cdot (2)[/tex]

[tex]c = 18[/tex]

The value of [tex]\beta[/tex] such that [tex]\vec C = \vec A + \beta \cdot \vec B = c\,\hat{i}[/tex] is 2.

Please see this question related to Sum of Vectors for further details: https://brainly.com/question/11881720

Why are hydraulic brakes used?​



Hydraulic brake systems are used as the main braking system on almost all passenger vehicles and light trucks. Hydraulic brakes use brake fluid to transmit force when the brakes are applied.


If car A passes car B, then car A must be
A. accelerating at a greater rate than car B.
B. moving faster than car B, but not necessarily accelerating
C. accelerating
D. moving faster than car B and accelerating more than car B



B. moving faster than car B, but not necessarily accelerating


Velocity is the speed of something. So car A's velocity is greater than car B but does not mean car A is accelerating.

A physical pendulum in the form of a planar object moves in simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 0.680 Hz. The pendulum has a mass of 2.00 kg, and the pivot is located 0.340 m from the center of mass. Determine the moment of inertia of the pendulum about the pivot point.



Therefore, the moment of inertia is:

[tex]I=0.37 \: kgm^{2} [/tex]


The period of an oscillation equation of a solid pendulum is given by:

[tex]T=2\pi \sqrt{\frac{I}{Mgd}}[/tex] (1)


I is the moment of inertiaM is the mass of the pendulumd is the distance from the center of mass to the pivotg is the gravity

Let's solve the equation (1) for I

[tex]T=2\pi \sqrt{\frac{I}{Mgd}}[/tex]


Before find I, we need to remember that

[tex]T = \frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{0.680}=1.47\: s[/tex]

Now, the moment of inertia will be:


Therefore, the moment of inertia is:

[tex]I=0.37 \: kgm^{2} [/tex]

I hope it helps you!

A gymnast weighs 450 N. She stands on a balance beam of uniform construction which weighs 250 N. The balance beam is 3.0 m long and is supported at each end. If the support force at the right end is four times the force at the left end, how far from the right end is the gymnast



   x = 9.32 cm


For this exercise we have an applied torque and the bar is in equilibrium, which is why we use the endowment equilibrium equation

Suppose the counterclockwise turn is positive, let's set our reference frame at the left end of the bar

          - W l / 2 - W_{child} x + N₂ l = 0

             x = [tex]\frac{-W l/2 + n_2 l}{W_{child}}[/tex]             1)

now let's use the expression for translational equilibrium

         N₁ - W - W_(child) + N₂ = 0

indicate that N₂ = 4 N₁

we substitute

           N₁ - W - W_child + 4 N₁ = 0

           5 N₁ -W - W_{child} = 0

           N₁ = ( W + W_{child}) / 5


we calculate

           N₁ = (450 + 250) / 5

          N₁ = 140 N


we calculate with equation 1

           x = -250 1.50 + 4 140 3) / 140

           x = 9.32 cm

a method of reducing friction​





People oil/lubricate bicycle chains because the chain turns around the cogs and rub together so this help with friction.

Hope this helps :)


The method of reducing friction are :

i) In moving parts of machine friction can be reduced by using a ball bearing between the moving surfaces

ii) The bodies of aeroplane ,ship ,boat etc are made streamlined to reduce friction.

iii) Friction can be reduced by polishing rough surfaces. For example : carrom boards are highly polished to reduce friction.

I hope this help you:)

how can you convert galvanometer into ammeter?​



A galvanometer is converted into an ammeter by connecting a low resistance in parallel with the galvanometer.


This low resistance is called shunt resistance S. The scale is now calibrated in ampere and the range of the ammeter depends on the values of the shunt resistance.

Please help! Can give brainliest too.



[tex]v = \sqrt{2ax}[/tex]

Take the square of both sides:

[tex]v^2 = \left(\sqrt{2ax}\right)^2 = 2ax[/tex]

Divide both sides by 2a and you will get

[tex]x = \dfrac{v^2}{2a}[/tex]

Which of the following is not true about Triton, the large moon of Neptune? It is more reflective than Earth's Moon. It is larger than Earth's Moon. It is in a retrograde orbit. It has a thin atmosphere. It has nitrogen geysers.



Triton is the largest of Neptune's 13 moons. It is unusual because it is the only large moon in our solar system that orbits in the opposite direction of its planet's rotation―a retrograde orbit. ... Like our own moon, Triton is locked in synchronous rotation with Neptune―one side faces the planet at all times.

In the diagram, disk 1 has a moment of inertia of 3.4 kg · m2 and is rotating in the counterclockwise direction with an angular velocity of 6.1 rad/s about a frictionless rod passing through its center. A second disk rotating clockwise with an angular velocity of 9.3 rad/s falls from above onto disk 1. The two then rotate as one in the clockwise direction with an angular velocity of 1.8 rad/s. Determine the moment of inertia, in kg · m2, of disk 2.



I = 3.6 kg•m²


Conservation of angular momentum

Let's assume CW is the positive direction

3.4(-6.1) + I(9.3) = 3.4(1.8) + I(1.8)

I(9.3 - 1.8) = 3.4(1.8 + 6.1)

I(7.5) = 3.4(7.9)

I = 3.4(7.9)/(7.5) = 3.5813333333...

The moment of inertia of the second disk will be  [tex]I=3.58\ kg-m^2[/tex]

What is moment of inertia?

The moment of inertia is defined as the product of mass of section and the square of the distance between the reference axis and the centroid of the section.

here it is given that

MOI of disk one   [tex]I_1=3.4\ kg-m^2[/tex]

Angular velocity  [tex]w_1=6.1\ \frac{rad}{s}[/tex]

Angular velocity of disk two  [tex]w=1.8\ \frac{rad}{s}[/tex]

MOI of the disk two [tex]I=?[/tex]

The final angular velocity [tex]w_f= 1.8\ \frac{rad}{sec}[/tex]

Now from the conservation of the momentum the angular momentum before collision will be equal to the angular momentum after collision.


Now put the values in the formula

[tex](3.4\times 6.10)+(I_2\times 9.3)=(3.4+I_2)\times 1.8[/tex]

[tex]I_2=3.58\ kg-m^2[/tex]

Thus the moment of inertia of the second disk will be  [tex]I=3.58\ kg-m^2[/tex]

To know more about moment of inertia follow


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12. Within the story, the author alludes to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. TheQueen of Sheba was known to be beautiful, intelligent, and very rich. King Solomonwas said to exceed all kings in riches and in wisdom. At one point the Queen ofSheba tested King Solomon's wisdom and, when he succeeded, she showered him ingifts. How do these allusions add to the development of the story? Use specificevidence from the text to support your answer. Clois what is the weight of a body in the earth, if its weig is 5Nin moon? When a bomb is suspected of being planted in a room, how is a search for the bomb generally conducted?by starting at one end of the room, fanning out, and then proceeding until reaching the other endby type of material: metal objects are inspected first, then plastic, then all othersby height, starting below hip level then working upward, sweeping around the room at each levelby dividing the room into quadrants, then sweeping one quadrant at a time this is just the second out of 25 questions. Get ready cuz my brain hurts Too little sleep is a risk factor for poor health, reduces a person's resistance to disease, andimpairs motor skills,TrueFalse Help me please.. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. Which phrases from the excerpt include loaded words intended to evoke a sense of fear? Selecttwo There are 4 buses for a field trip for 4th graders and each bus accommodates the same number of students. If there are 76 students going to a trip, how many are on each bus? Can someone help me with this please find the area of this rectangle f) 60 students in a hostel have food enough for 30 days. If 20 more students join the hostel after 10 days, how long will the remaining food last? explain why germinating seeds were used in this investigation cellualr respiration A cyclist rides her bike at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour. What is this speed in kilometers per minute? How many kilometers will the cyclist travel in 2minutes? Do not round your answers. convert 14.72 kg to ____ mg Assertion (A): An orbital cannot have more than two electrons, moreover, if an orbital has two electrons they must have opposite spins.Reason (R): No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of all the four quantumnumbers.a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.c) A is true but R is false.d) Both A and R are false.pls answer . Write an essay on the topic Importance of Education in our life Suppose we can buy a chocolate bar from the vending machine for $1 each. Inside every chocolate bar is a coupon. We can redeem six coupons for one chocolate bar from the machine. This means that once you have started buying chocolate bars from the machine, you always have some coupons. We would like to know how many chocolate bars can be eaten if we start with N dollars and always redeem coupons if we have enough for an additional chocolate bar.For example, with 6 dollars we could consume 7 chocolate bars after purchasing 6 bars giving us 6 coupons and then redeeming the 6 coupons for one bar. This would leave us with one extra coupon. For 11 dollars, we could consume 13 chocolate bars and still have one coupon left. For 2 dollars, we could have consumed 14 chocolate bars and have two coupons left.Write a program that inputs a value for N and outputs how many chocolate bars we can eat and how many coupons we would have left over. Use a loop that continues to redeem coupons as long as there are enough to get at least one chocolate bar. which sentence is incomplete?---------------------------------------------A. Gas prices go up.B. most stores carry these types. C. buying a bike.D. take time with your choice. Brownley Company has one service department and two operating (production) departments. Payroll Department costs are allocated to the two operating departments in proportion to the number of employees in each. Listed below are the operating data for the current period: Department Direct Expenses No.of Employees Payroll $ 26,000 Milling 80,000 52 Assembly 109,600 78 The total cost of operating the Milling Department for the current period is: rev: 12_17_2020_QC_CS-243789 Multiple Choice $90,400. $95,600. $10,400. $15,600. $80,000. Use the values from PRACTICE IT to help you work this exercise. If the current in each wire is doubled, how far apart should the wires be placed if the magnitudes of the gravitational and magnetic forces on the upper wire are to be equal