3. State whether the given statements are true or false. a. The computer is called a data processor because it can store, process, and retrieve data whenever needed. b. Modern processors run so fast in term of megahertz (MHz). c. If millions of calculations are to be performed, a computer will perform every calculation with the same accuracy. d. It is very safe to store data and information on the computer independently. e. If some electrical or electronic damages occur, there are no any chances of data loss or damage f. The output devices of the computer like monitor, printer, speaker, etc. can store meaningful information, g. The input devices can display the output after processing. h. Students can also use computer as their learning tools.​


Answer 1


a,b,c,d,f,g are true only e is false

Related Questions

How are dates and times stored by Excel?​



Regardless of how you have formatted a cell to display a date or time, Excel always internally stores dates And times the same way. Excel stores dates and times as a number representing the number of days since 1900-Jan-0, plus a fractional portion of a 24 hour day: ddddd. tttttt


mark me as BRAINLIEST

follow me

carry on learning

100 %sure

Dates are stored as numbers in Excel and count the number of days since January 0, 1900. Times are handled internally as numbers between 0 and 1. To clearly see this, change the number format of cell A1, B1 and C1 to General. Note: apparently, 42544 days after January 0, 1900 is the same as June 23, 2016

In a certain game, a player may have the opportunity to attempt a bonus round to earn extra points. In a typical game, a player is given 1 to 4 bonus round attempts. For each attempt, the player typically earns the extra points 70% of the time and does not earn the extra points 30% of the time. The following code segment can be used to simulate the bonus round.
success - 0
attempts - RANDOM 1, 4
IF (RANDOM 110 s 7
success - success + 1
DISPLAY "The player had"
DISPLAY attempts
DISPLAY "bonus round attempts and"
DISPLAY success
DISPLAY "of them earned extra points."
Which of the following is not a possible output of this simulation?
А. The player had 1 bonus round attempts and 1 of them earned extra points.
B The player had 2 bonus round attempts and of them earned extra points.
С The player had 3 bonus round attempts and 7 of them earned extra points.
D The player had 4 bonus round attempts and 3 of them earned extra points.



С The player had 3 bonus round attempts and 7 of them earned extra points.



See attachment for correct code segment


Which of the options is not possible?

From the question, we understand that:

[tex]attempts \to [1,4][/tex] --- attempt can only assume values 1, 2, 3 and 4

The following "if statement" is repeated three times

IF RANDOM[1,10] <= 7:

   success = success + 1

This implies that the maximum value of the success variable is 3

The first printed value is the attempt variable

The second printed value is the success variable.

From the list of given options, (a), (b) and (d) are within the correct range of the two variable.

While (c) is out of range because the value printed for variable success is 7 (and 7 is greater than the expected maximum of 3)

A company manufactures televisions. The average weight of the televisions is 5 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.1 pound. Assuming that the weights are normally distributed, what is the weight that represents the 75th percentile?​





Given that :

Mean, μ = 5 pounds

Standard deviation, σ = 0.1

Given that weight are normally distributed ;

From the Z table, the Zscore or value for 75th percentile weight is :

P(Z < z) = 0.75

z = 0.674

Using the relation :

Zscore = (x - μ) / σ

x = weight

0.674 = (x - 5) / 0.1

0.674 * 0.1 = x - 5

0.0674 = x - 5

0.0674 + 5 = x - 5 + 5

5.0674 = x

The weight which corresponds to the 75th percentile is 5.0674

Read integers from input and store each integer into a vector until -1 is read. Do not store -1 into the vector. Then, output all values in the vector (except the last value) with the last value in the vector subtracted from each value. Output each value on a new line. Ex: If the input is -46 66 76 9 -1, the output is:



The program in C++ is as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main(){

vector<int> nums;

int num;


while(num != -1){


 cin>>num; }  

for (auto i = nums.begin(); i != nums.end(); ++i){

    cout << *i <<endl; }

return 0;



This declares the vector

vector<int> nums;

This declares an integer variable for each input

int num;

This gets the first input


This loop is repeated until user enters -1

while(num != -1){

Saves user input into the vector


Get another input from the user

 cin>>num; }

The following iteration print the vector elements

for (auto i = nums.begin(); i != nums.end(); ++i){

    cout << *i <<endl; }

computer is an ............. machine because once a task is intitated computer proceeds on its own t ill its completion.​



I think digital,versatile

computer is an electronic digital versatile machine because once a task is initiated computer proceeds on its own till its completation.

what's the difference between pseudo code and natural language​



The pseudo-code describes steps in an algorithm or another system in plain language. Pseudo-Code is often designed for human reading rather than machine reading with structural conventions of a normal language of programming.

Natural languages consist of phrases, usually declarative phrases, with a sequence of information.


Pseudo-Code is often designed for human reading rather than machine reading with structural conventions of a normal language of programming. It usually omits information that is essential to the understanding of the algorithm by the machine, for example, variable declarations and language code.Easily human, but not machines, use the natural languages (like English).Natural languages also are creative. Poetry, metaphor, and other interpretations are permitted. Programming permits certain style differences, but the significance is not flexible.The aim of using pseudo-code is to make it easier for people to comprehensibly than standard programming language code and to describe the key principles of an algorithm efficiently and environmentally independently. It is usually used for documenting software and other algorithms in textbooks and scientific publications.

Heinrich Koch is a second-year college student. Last semester his best friend had his laptop stolen. The laptop was an old computer that he planned to replace soon, but the greatest loss was his data: he had not performed a backup and all his data was lost. Heinrich himself does not perform data backups but knows that he needs to do that on a regular basis. He has decided to use an online backup service that will automatically back up his data whenever it changes. Evaluate and compare reviews of online backup services. Consider iDrive, Carbonite, Acronis True Image, BackBlaze, and others you might find in your research. Recommend a service that you consider the best solution for Heinrich. Discuss your reviews and mention speed, security, and features in your recommendation.



Acronis True Image is the one I would recommend out of these mentioned online backup services.


The evaluations and reviews of each of the online backup services are as follows:

a. iDrive

For this, we have:

Speed = 60% - fair

Security = 100% - excellent

Privacy = 88% - very good

Features = 95% - excellent

Pricing = 85% - Very good

Because of its various features, pricing, and usability, IDrive reviews suggest that it is a very efficient online backup solution. However, there have been complaints concerning its speed and the fact that there are no monthly plans available.

b. Carbonite

For this, we have:

Speed = 60% - fair

Security = 100% - excellent

Privacy = 87% - very good

Pricing = 85% - very good

File backup and restoration = 75% - good

Carbonite reviews reveal that it is simple to use and provides limitless backup for one device. The main drawback is that it has extremely poor backup speeds.

c. Acronis True Image

This is fast, simple and intuitive

It has complete control over the backup updates, including how and when they occur.

It is not expensive.

Acrnonis True image is a powerful backup storage service. It enables data and file backup and restoration from USB drives.

Many reviewers of Acrnonis True image have stated that they have had no issues with its service, that it is worth purchasing, and that there are no concerns.

d. Backblaze

For this, we have:

Speed = 75% - good

Security = 75% - good

Privacy = 70% - decent

Pricing = 100% - excellent

Support = 95% - excellent

Features = 65% - decent

File back-up and restoration = 70% - decent

Backblaze is one of the most popular internet backup services. This storage service, however, does not allow for ustomization.


Acronis True Image is the one I would recommend out of these mentioned online backup services. This is due to the fact that it delivers a large amount of accurate and high-quality data storage. It is quick, simple and intuitive, which is what most people care about. Furthermore, reviewers have stated that this service is quite effective and that there have been very few issues with it. The other services demonstrate that their services have flaws, such as lack of customization and slowness.

what is it when called when businesses produce goods and services that consumers do not want​


Unsought goods.

Nobody seeks them out, because no one wants them.

Design a class named Employee. The class should keep the following information in member variables:
Employee name
Employee number
Hire Date
Write one or more constructors and the appropriate accessor and mutator functions for the class.
Next, write a class named ProductionWorker that is derived from the Employee class. The ProductionWorker class should have member variables to hold the following information:
Shift (an integer)
Hourly pay rate (a double)
The workday is divided into two shifts: day and night. The shift variable will hold an integer value representing the shift that the employee works. The day shift is shift 1 and the night shift is shift 2. Write one or more constructors and the appropriate accessor and mutator functions for the class. Demonstrate the classes by writing a program that uses a ProductionWorker object."
Now I have written out the program, it compiles without errors. However, when I run it It asks the first question "Employees name" after input it errors and closes itself down. Can anyone find where in my code it is causing it to do this please? To be clear, I am not asking for someone to write the program, I have already done this, just need to know why it compiles but does not run all the way through. Thank You!
using namespace std;
class Employee
string employeeName;
int employeeNumber;
int hireDate;
void setemployeeName(string employeeName);
void setemployeeNumber(int);
void sethireDate(int);
string getemployeeName() const;
int getemployeeNumber() const;
int gethireDate() const;



Here is the code.


#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <string>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class Employee



string employeeName;

int employeeNumber;

int hireDate;


void setemployeeName(string employeeName);

void setemployeeNumber(int);

void sethireDate(int);

string getemployeeName() const;

int getemployeeNumber() const;

int gethireDate() const;



void Employee::setemployeeName(string employeeName)


employeeName = employeeName;


void Employee::setemployeeNumber(int b)


employeeNumber = b;


void Employee::sethireDate(int d)


hireDate = d;


string Employee::getemployeeName() const


return employeeName;


int Employee::getemployeeNumber() const


return employeeNumber;


int Employee::gethireDate() const


return hireDate;




cout << "Please answer some questions about your employees, ";


class ProductionWorker :public Employee



int Shift;

double hourlyPay;


void setShift(int);

void sethourlyPay(double);

int getShift() const;

double gethourlyPay() const;



void ProductionWorker::setShift(int s)


Shift = s;


void ProductionWorker::sethourlyPay(double p)


hourlyPay = p;


int ProductionWorker::getShift() const


return Shift;


double ProductionWorker::gethourlyPay() const


return hourlyPay;




cout << "Your responses will be displayed after all data has been received. "<<endl;


int main()


ProductionWorker info;

string name;

int num;

int date;

int shift;

double pay;

cout << "Please enter employee name: ";

cin >> name;

cout << "Please enter employee number: ";

cin >> num;

cout << "Please enter employee hire date using the format \n";

cout << "2 digit month, 2 digit day, 4 digit year as one number: \n";

cout << "(Example August 12 1981 = 08121981)";

cin >> date;

cout << "Which shift does the employee work: \n";

cout << "Enter 1, 2, or 3";

cin >> shift;

cout << "Please enter the employee's rate of pay: ";

cin >> pay;






cout << "The data you entered for this employee is as follows: \n";

cout << "Name: " << info.getemployeeName() << endl;

cout << "Number: " << info.getemployeeNumber() << endl;

cout << "Hire Date: " << info.gethireDate() << endl;

cout << "Shift: " << info.getShift() << endl;

cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;

cout << "Pay Rate: " << info.gethourlyPay() << endl;


return 0;


Given the following tree, use the hill climbing procedure to climb up the tree. Use your suggested solutions to problems if encountered. K is the goal state and numbers written on each node is the estimate of remaining distance to the goal.


I see that using the hill climbing procedure to climb up a tree

While saving a document to her hard drive, Connie's computer screen suddenly changed to display an error message on a blue background. The error code indicated that there was a problem with her computer's RAM. Connie's computer is affected by a(n) __________.



The right answer is "Hardware crash".


According to the runtime error message, this same RAM on your machine was problematic. This excludes file interoperability or compliance problems as well as program error possibilities.Assuming implementation performance problems exist, the timeframe that would save the information would be typically longer, but there's still a lower possibility that the adequacy and effectiveness color will become blue but instead demonstrate warning would appear.

Thus the above is the right solution.

In this project you will write a set of instructions (algorithm). The two grids below have colored boxes in different
locations. You will create instructions to move the colored boxes in grid one to their final location in grid two. Use the
example to help you. The algorithm that you will write should be in everyday language
(no pseudocode or programming language). Write your instructions at the bottom of the
Example: 1. Move
the orange box 2
spaces to the right.
2. Move the green
box one space
down. 3. Move the
green box two
spaces to the left.
Write your instructions. Review the rubric to check your final work.
Rules: All 6 colors (red, green, yellow, pink, blue, purple) must be move to their new location on the grid. Block spaces are
barriers. You cannot move through them or on them – you must move around them




Pink: Down 5 then left 2.

Yellow: Left 3 and down 2.

Green: Right 7, down 4 and left 1.

Purple: Up 6 and left 9.

Red: Left 7, down 5 and left 1.

You can do the last one, blue :)



u=up, d=down, r=right, l=left

yellow: l3d2

pink: d5l2

green: r7d4l1

purple: u6l9

red: l7d5l1

blue: r2u7l5

After reading all L02 content pages in Lesson 02: Inheritance and Interfaces, you will complete this assignment according to the information below.Do not use the scanner class or any other user input request. You application should be self-contained and run without user input.Assignment ObjectivesPractice on implementing interfaces in JavaFootballPlayer will implement the interface TableMemberOverriding methodswhen FootballPlayer implements TableMember, FootballPlayer will have to write the real Java code for all the interface abstract methodsDeliverablesA zipped Java project according to the How to submit Labs and Assignments guide.O.O. Requirements (these items will be part of your grade)One class, one file. Don't create multiple classes in the same .java fileDon't use static variables and methodsEncapsulation: make sure you protect your class variables and provide access to them through get and set methodsAll the classes are required to have a constructor that receives all the attributes as parameters and update the attributes accordinglyAll the classes are required to have an "empty" constructor that receives no parameters but updates all the attributes as neededFollow Horstmann's Java Language Coding GuidelinesOrganized in packages (MVC - Model - View Controller)Contents


Solution :


import Controller.Controller;

import Model.Model;

import View.View;  

public class App


public static void main(String[] args) // Main method


Model model = new Model(); // Creates model object.    

View view = new View(); // Creates view object.    

Controller controller = new Controller(view, model); // Creates controller object that accepts view and model objects.    




package Controller;  

[tex]\text{impor}t \text{ Model.Model;}[/tex]

import View.View;  

[tex]\text{public class Controller}[/tex]


Model model; // Model object    

View view; // View object

public Controller(View v, Model m) // Method that imports both model and view classes as objects.


model = m;    

view = v;  

//view.basicDisplay(model.getData()); // basicDisplay method from View class prints FootballPlayer objects as Strings from Model class.  





view.basicDisplay("size of names=" + model.getMembers().get(1).getAttributeNames().size());    

view.basicDisplay("size of attributes=" + model.getMembers().get(1).getAttributes().size());




package Model;  

import java.util.ArrayList;  

public class FootballPlayer extends Person implements TableMember { // Used "extends" keyword to inherit attributes from superclass Person, while using "implements" to implement methods from TableMember interface.    

private int number; // Creating private attribute for int number.    

private String position; // Creating private attribute for String position.  

public FootballPlayer(String name, int feet, int inches, int weight, String hometown, String highSchool, int number, String position) // Full parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object (using "super" keyword to incorporate attributes from superclass).


super(name, feet, inches, weight, hometown, highSchool); // Used super keyword to include attributes from superclass.  

this.number = number; // Value assigned from getNumber method to private number instance variable for FootballPlayer object.  

this.position = position; // Value assigned from getPosition method to private position instance variable for FootballPlayer object.    


public FootballPlayer() // No parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object.


this.number = 0; // Default value assigned to private number instance variable under no parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object.    

this.position = "N/A"; // Default value assigned to private position instance variable under no parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object.    



public String getAttribute(int n) // getAttribute method that is implemented from interface.


switch (n) { // Switch statement for each attribute from each FootballPlayer object. Including two local attributes, denoted by this. While the others are denoted by "super".

case 0:

return String.valueOf(this.number); // Use of the dot operator allowed me to discover String.valueOf method to output int attributes as a string.

case 1:

return this.position;

case 2:

return super.getName();

case 3:

return super.getHeight().toString();

case 4:

return String.valueOf(super.getWeight());

case 5:

return super.getHometown();

case 6:

return super.getHighSchool();


return ("invalid input parameter");




public ArrayList<String> getAttributes() // getAttributes ArrayList method that is implemented from interface.


ArrayList<String> getAttributes = new ArrayList<>();    

for(int i = 0; i <= 6; i++){ // For loop to add each attribute to the getAttributes ArrayList from getAttributes method.    



return getAttributes;



public String getAttributeName(int n) // getAttributeName method implemented from interface.


switch (n) { // Switch statement for the name of each attribute from each FootballPlayer object.

case 0:

return "number";

case 1:

return "position";

case 2:

return "name";

case 3:

return "height";

case 4:

return "weight";

case 5:

return "hometown";

case 6:

return "highSchool";


return ("invalid input parameter");



In a relational database, the three basic operations used to develop useful sets of data are:_________.
a. select, project, and join.
b. select, project, and where.
c. select, from, and join.
d. select, join, and where.


In a relational database, the three basic operations used to develop useful sets of data are:

[tex]\sf\purple{a.\: Select, \:project,\: and\: join. }[/tex]

[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\orange{Mystique35 }}{\orange{❦}}}}}[/tex]

The basic operations used to develop useful sets of data in relational database are Select, Project and Join.

The Select and Project are of important use in selecting columns or attributes which we want to display or include in a table.

The join function allows the merging of data tables to form a more complete and all round dataset useful for different purposes.

Hence, the basic operations are select, project, and join.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/14760328

Which of the following CALL instructions writes the contents of EAX to standard output as a signed decimal integer?
a. call WriteInteger
b. call WriteDec
c. call WriteHex
d. call WriteInt



d. call WriteInt



Instruction to write to decimal integer

Of the 4 instructions, the call WriteInt instruction is used write to a decimal integer.

This is so, because the WriteInt instruction writes a signed decimal integer to standard output.

This implies that the output will have a sign (positive or negative) and the output will start from a digit other than 0 (i.e. no leading zero)

What does Falstaff do to protect himself in battle? ​


bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark

Examine the following output:
4 22 ms 21 ms 22 ms sttlwa01gr02.bb.ispxy.com []
5 39 ms 39 ms 65 ms placa01gr00.bb.ispxy.com []
6 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms Rwest.plalca01gr00.bb.ispxy.com []
7 40 ms 39 ms 46 ms svl-core-03.inet.ispxy.net []
8 75 ms 117 ms 63 ms dia-core-01.inet.ispxy.net []
Which command produced this output?
a. tracert
b. ping
c. nslookup
d. netstat



a. tracert


Tracert is a computer network diagnostic demand which displays possible routes for internet protocol network. It also measures transit delays of packets across network. The given output is produced by a tracert command.

Viết chương trình kiểm tra số nguyên dương N có phải là số nguyên tố không?


Could you say that in English please? I can try helping

the grade point average collected from a random sample of 150 students. assume that the population standard deviation is 0.78. find the margin of error if c = 0.98.



[tex]E = 14.81\%[/tex]



[tex]n = 150[/tex]

[tex]\sigma = 0.78[/tex]

[tex]c = 0.98[/tex]


The margin of error (E)

This is calculated as:

[tex]E = z * \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

When confidence level = 0.98 i.e. 98%

The z score is: 2.326

So, we have:

[tex]E = 2.326 * \frac{0.78}{\sqrt{150}}[/tex]

[tex]E = 2.326 * \frac{0.78}{12.247}[/tex]

[tex]E = \frac{2.326 *0.78}{12.247}[/tex]

[tex]E = \frac{1.81428}{12.247}[/tex]

[tex]E = 0.1481[/tex]

Express as percentage

[tex]E = 14.81\%[/tex]

Ten examples of an interpreter



Some popular examples of today's interpreters are:

Interpreter of PythonInterpreter for RubyPerl performerInterpreter for PHPMATLAB UCSD Pascal


An interpreter executes the commands directly in an object code or a machine code, written in a program or a scripting language.

The Interpreter can be referred to as system software that can read and execute the programme instead of interpreting programmes. This interpretation includes high-level source code, pre-compiled programmes and scripts.

It is important to note that the interpreter translates programme by programme line, meaning that one statement is translated on one go. This feature makes it easy for programmers to check any line on debugging but slows the whole programme running time.

x-1; while x ==1 disp(x) end, then the result a. infinity or b. (1) ​



1 is the answer because ur trying to trick us


The compound known as butylated hydroxytoluene, abbreviated as BHT, contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. A 1.501 g sample of BHT was combusted in an oxygen rich environment to produce 4.497 g of CO2(g) and 1.473 g of H2O(g). Insert subscripts below to appropriately display the empirical formula of BHT.





n(C) = 4.497 g/44g/mol = 0.1022

Mass of C = 0.1022 × 12 = 1.226 g

n(H) = 1.473g/18 g/mol = 0.0823 ×2 moles = 0.165 moles

Mass of H = 0.0823 × 2 ×1 = 0.165g

Mass of O= 1.501 -(1.226 + 0.165)

Mass of O= 0.11 g

Number of moles of O = 0.11g/16g/mol = 0.0069 moles

Dividing through by the lowest ratio;

0.1022/0.0069, 0.165/0.0069, 0.0069/0.0069

15, 24, 1

Hence the formula is;



The formula is C1SH240

Think about that the C, B and S parameters of a Cache. Think about what happens to compulsory, capacity, conflict misses, if only each of the following parameter changed (the other two are kept the same)?
(i) C is increased (S, B same)
(ii) S is increased (C, B Same)
(iii) B is increased (C, S Same)



(i) C is increased (S, B same)


Cache are items which are stored in the computer at a hidden place. These are sometimes unwanted and they may hinder the speed and performance of the device. They exist to bridge speed gap.

What is the name given to software that decodes information from a digital file so that a media player can display the file? hard drive plug-in flash player MP3





A Plug-in is a software that provides additional functionalities to existing programs. The need for them stems from the fact that users might want additional features or functions that were not available in the original program. Digital audio, video, and web browsers use plug-ins to update the already existing programs or to display audio/video through a media file. Plug-ins save the users of the stress of having to wait till a new product with the functionality that they want is produced.


B plug-in



The following pseudocode describes how a widget company computes the price of an order from the total price and the number of the widgets that were ordered. Read the number of widgets. Multiple the number of widgets by the price per widget of 9.99. Compute the tax (5.5 percent of the total price). Compute the shipping charge (.40 per widget). The price of the order is the sum of the total widget price, the tax, and the shipping charge. Print the price of the order



The program in Python is as follows:

widget = int(input("Widgets: "))

price = widget * 9.9

tax = price * 0.55

ship = price * 0.40

totalprice = price + tax + ship

print("Total Price: $",totalprice)


The question is incomplete, as what is required is not stated.

However, I will write convert the pseudocode to a programming language (in Python)

Get the number of widgets

widget = int(input("Widgets: "))

Calculate price

price = widget * 9.9

Calculate the tax

tax = price * 0.55

Calculate the shipping price

ship = price * 0.40

Calculate the total price

totalprice = price + tax + ship

Print the calculated total price

print("Total Price: $",totalprice)

Use ordinary pipes to implement an inter-process communication scheme for message passing between processes. Assume that there are two directories, d1 and d2, and there are different files in each one of them. Also, each file contains a short-length string of characters. You have to use a parent process that forks two children processes, and have each child process check one of the directories.





Given two regular expressions r1 and r2, construct a decision procedure to determine whether the language of r1 is contained in the language r2; that is, the language of r1 is a subset of the language of r2.



Test if L(M1-2) is empty.

Construct FA M2-1 from M1 and M2 which recognizes the language L(>M2) - L(>M1).

COMMENT: note we use the algorithm that is instrumental in proving that regular languages are closed with respect to the set difference operator.

Test if L(M2-1) is empty.

Answer yes if and only if both answers were yes.


An algorithm must be guaranteed to halt after a finite number of steps.

Each step of the algorithm must be well specified (deterministic rather than non-deterministic).

Three basic problems:

Given an FA M and an input x, does M accept x?

Is x in L(M)

Given an FA M, is there a string that it accepts?

Is L(M) the empty set?

Given an FA M, is L(M) finite?

Algorithm for determining if M accepts x.

Simply execute M on x.

Output yes if we end up at an accepting state.

This algorithm clearly halts after a finite number of steps, and it is well specified.

This algorithm is also clearly correct.

Testing if L(M) is empty.

Incorrect "Algorithm"

Simulate M on all strings x.

Output yes if and only if all strings are rejected.

The "algorithm" is well specified, and it is also clearly correct.

However, this is not an algorithm because there are an infinite number of strings to simulate M on, and thus it is not guaranteed to halt in a finite amount of time.

COMMENT: Note we use the algorithm for the first problem as a subroutine; you must think in this fashion to solve the problems we will ask.

Correct Algorithm

Simulate M on all strings of length between 0 and n-1 where M has n states.

Output no if and only if all strings are rejected.

Otherwise output yes.

This algorithm clearly halts after a finite number of steps, and it is well specified.

The correctness of the algorithm follows from the fact that if M accepts any strings, it must accept one of length at most n-1.

Suppose this is not true; that is, L(M) is not empty but the shortest string accepted by M has a length of at least n.

Let x be the shortest string accepted by M where |x| > n-1.

Using the Pumping Lemma, we know that there must be a "loop" in x which can be pumped 0 times to create a shorter string in L.

This is a contradiction and the result follows.

COMMENT: There are more efficient algorithms, but we won't get into that.

Testing if L(M) is finite

Incorrect "Algorithm"

Simulate M on all strings x.

Output yes if and only if there are a finite number of yes answers.

This "algorithm" is well specified and correct.

However, this is not an algorithm because there are an infinite number of strings to simulate M on, and thus it is not guaranteed to halt in a finite amount of time.

COMMENT: Note we again use the algorithm for the first problem as a subroutine.

Correct Algorithm

Simulate M on all strings of length between n and 2n-1 where M has n states.

Output yes if and only if no string is accepted.

Otherwise output no.

This algorithm clearly halts after a finite number of steps, and it is well specified.

The correctness of the algorithm follows from the fact that if M accepts an infinite number of strings, it must accept one of length between n and 2n-1.

This builds on the idea that if M accepts an infinite number of strings, there must be a "loop" that can be pumped.

This loop must have length at most n.

When we pump it 0 times, we have a string of length less than n.

When we pump it once, we increase the length of the string by at most n so we cannot exceed 2n-1. The problem is we might not exceed n-1 yet.

The key is we can keep pumping it and at some point, its length must exceed n-1, and in the step it does, it cannot jump past 2n-1 since the size of the loop is at most n.

 This proof is not totally correct, but it captures the key idea.

COMMENT: There again are more efficient algorithms, but we won't get into that.

   Other problems we can solve using these basic algorithms (and other algorithms we've seen earlier this chapter) as subroutines.

       COMMENT: many of these algorithms depend on your understanding of basic set operations such as set complement, set difference, set union, etc.

Given a regular expression r, is Lr finite?

Convert r to an equivalent FA M.

COMMENT: note we use the two algorithms for converting a regular expression to an NFA and then an NFA to an FA.

Test if L(M) is finite.

Output the answer to the above test.

Given two FAs M1 and M2, is L(M1) = L(M2)?

Construct FA M1-2 from M1 and M2 which recognizes the language L(>M1) - L(>M2).

COMMENT: note we use the algorithm that is instrumental in proving that regular languages are closed with respect to the set difference operator.

Test if L(M1-2) is empty.

Construct FA M2-1 from M1 and M2 which recognizes the language L(>M2) - L(>M1).

COMMENT: note we use the algorithm that is instrumental in proving that regular languages are closed with respect to the set difference operator.

Test if L(M2-1) is empty.

Answer yes if and only if both answers were yes.

An infographic displays the relative frequencies of the 100 most common emojis used in text messaging for each of the last 12 months. Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from such a representation of emoji usage?
a. You can determine the growth or decline in popularity of a particular emoji.
b. You can determine what percentage of text messages contains a particular emoji.
c. You can determine how long the most popular emoji has held the #1 position.
d. You can determine the average age of emoji users based on emoji use.



d. you can determine the average age of emoji users based on emoji use.


The infographic displays 100 most common emoji used in text messaging. This information can be used to determine percentages of text message which contains particular emoji. This details can not determine the age of emoji user based in emoji use.

What do application in productivity suites have in common



The function of the suites application is to create presentations and perform numerical calculations.


The following program generates an error. Why? #include #include using namespace std; class Arcade { public: Arcade(); Arcade(string name, int r); void Print(); private: string arcName; int rating; }; Arcade:: Arcade() { arcName = "New"; rating = 1; } Arcade:: Arcade(string name, int r) { arcName = name; rating = r; } void Arcade:: Print() { cout << "Name is: " << arcName << endl; cout << "Rating is: " << rating << " stars" << endl; } int main() { Arcade myArc(Games Ablaze, 5); myArc.Print(); }



The object creation should be Arcade myArc("Games Ablaze",5);



Why does the program generate an error?

The class definition is correctly defined and implemented;

The methods in the class are also correctly defined and implemented.

The error in the program is from the main method i.e.

int main() {  

       Arcade myArc('ames Ablaze, 5);  



In the class definition;

Variable name was declared as string and variable rating was declared as integer

This means that, a string variable or value must be passed to name and an integer value or variable to rating.

Having said that:

Arcade myArc(Games Ablaze, 5); passes Games Ablaze as a variable to th function.

Game Ablaze is an incorrect string declaration in C++ because of the space in between Game and Ablaze

Also, no value has been assigned to the variable (assume the variable definition is correct).

This will definitely raise an error.

To correct the error, rewrite the object creation as:

Arcade myArc("Games Ablaze",5); where "Game Ablaze" is passed as string

Other Questions
kasing kahulugan ng mabait Listed below are five technical accounting terms. Each of the following statements describes one of these technical terms. For each statement, indicate the term described.Opportunity costOut-of-pocket costJoint productsIncremental analysisSunk costSplit-off pointRelevant informationEach of the following statements may (or may not) describe one of these terms. For each statement, indicate the accounting term or terms described, or answer "none" if the statement does not correctly describe any of these terms.a. Examination of differences between costs to be incurred and revenue to be earned under different courses of action.b. A cost incurred in the past that cannot be changed as a result of future actions.c. Costs and revenue that are expected to vary, depending on the course of action decided on. d. The benefit foregone by not pursuing an alternative course of action. e. Products made from common raw materials and shared production processes. f. A cost yet to be incurred that will require future payment and may vary among alternative courses of action. g. The point at which manufacturing costs are split equally between ending inventory and cost of goods sold. Write the expression as either the sine, cosine, or tangent of a single angle. cos(pi/5) cos(pi/7)+sin(pi/5)sin (pi/7) Smoking marijuana prior to driving or while driving Ideally speaking, bonds tend to form between two particles such that they are separated by a distance where force is exerted on them, and their overall energy is:________ a. a negative, minimized b. a positive, minimized c. zero, minimized d. zero, maximized e. a positive, maximized f. a negative, maximized Read this excerpt from the persuasive essay "Pets in School: A Supportive Friend for Every Child." Which sentence provides evidence that supports the writers claim?Studies have also shown that interacting with animals can help ease childrens anxiety. This improves their health in the long term. 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Analyze this adjustment for supplies using T accounts, and then formally enter this adjustment in the general journal. (Find mIGH) mIGH= When using the process of evaporation to separate a mixture what is left behind to an evaporating dishA. The mixture does not separate in the entire mixture remains in the dishB. The liquid evaporates in the solid is left in the dishC. The mixture does not separate in the entire mixture evaporatesD. None of these ChemBonding9. In ammonium chloride NH4Cl, the bonding between NH4+ and chloride ion Cl is _______. options:ionic polar covalentnonpolar covalent Help me pleaseHow many solutions does the equationx -4 = 12 - 2x have? Explain.- ? . Help me pls I dont know how to do this What is the process in the cell can be disturbed by the destruction of the mitochondria?a.nuclear fissionb.photosynthesisc.oxidation of substances organic d.crossing-ove Help please! I don't know Which of the following is a possible theme statement for the topic Ednas sense of herself?A woman can become a successful artist despite society forbidding it.A woman can take steps toward independence even if society discourages it.Women always love their husbands and children too much to leave them.Edna is ready to divorce her husband and marry Robert.Answer is B A woman can take steps toward independence even if society discourages it.