3. What is proof that the U.S. was not isolationist after wwi?


Answer 1
they sought a policy of isolationism??? so they were isolationists wdym

Beginning with George Washington’s presidency, the United States sought a policy of isolationism and neutrality with regards to the internal affairs of other nations. Early American political leaders argued that with the exception of free trade, self-defense and humanitarian emergencies, the U.S. would do best to avoid permanent alliances that do not serve American interests but instead deflect attention from domestic issues. When World War I broke out in July 1914, the United States actively maintained a stance of neutrality, and President Woodrow Wilson encouraged the U.S. as a whole to avoid becoming emotionally or ideologically involved in the conflict. Americans were more than happy to stay out of the war, and Wilson won a second Presidential term in 1916 by running on a platform of non-interference; the phrase, “he kept us out of war” became a popular slogan used by Wilson’s supporters.
Answer 2
the easier answer is that they got involved in many more wars

Related Questions

was the bolshevik revolution successful in october 1917





The Bolshevik also known as the reds defeated the whites.

Um so can anyone answer why France and Spain help the Americans fight the British.Please



Common Enemy - Britain had become the major power in Europe and the rest of the world. Countries such as France and Spain saw Britain as their enemy. By aiding the Americans they were also hurting their enemy.


4. Why did Frederick Douglass help the Union cause in the Civil War?​



By 1860, Douglass was well known for his efforts to end slavery and his skill at public speaking. During the Civil War, Douglass was a consultant to President Abraham Lincoln and helped convince him that slaves should serve in the Union forces and that the abolition of slavery should be a goal of the war.


I searched it up

General William Howe was a conunander in which army?



The British Army


Why wasn’t there unanimous support for the proposed US Constitution which was presented during the constitutional convention in Philadelphia



The Delegate were not sure if they wanted a strong central government may endanger state rights and individual rights


the anser is 125,521,50493030940304

Based on the map, Latino immigrants settled
mostly in which of these states?


Answer: Texas

Explanation: It's closer to the Mexican border




How did Nixon's approach to communist countries abroad differ from other
presidents' strategies?



Nixon held office during the Cold War, a sustained period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. Nixon's foreign policy focused on détente with the Soviet Union and China, as he sought to move away from traditional ideological conflicts and the policy of containment.


President Nixon's approach to communist countries abroad differed from other presidents' strategies in several ways. Nixon's approach was characterized by a willingness to negotiate and compromise.

What theory is associated with Nixon's foreign policy?

The foreign policy of former US President Richard Nixon is frequently linked to the political theory known as the "madman theory." Nixon and his staff made an effort to convince the rulers of adversarial Communist Bloc countries that he was erratic and unpredictable.

Nixon's approach involved a policy of "realpolitik," which focused on practical considerations rather than ideology. This meant that he was willing to work with communist countries even if he did not agree with their political systems, as long as they served American interests.

He understood that achieving his goals would require giving and taking, and he was willing to make concessions if it meant advancing American interests.

Learn more about President Nixon here:



what are the 5names of the great lakes located in N.A



1.) Rio Grande

2.) Yukon River

3.) Makenzie River

4.) Peace River

5.) Mississippi River


I hope i could help! Good luck!

In the modern political system, which of the following statements accurately portrays a major disagreement between Democrats and Republicans?
Select one:
A. Democrats favor greater use of military force abroad
B. Republicans favor greater regulation of the economy
C. Republicans are more likely to favor social policy that contradicts traditional values
D. Democrats are more likely to support expensive social programs to assist the poor





Read the following excerpt:
"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every Power,
Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the
United States, in Congress assembled."
-- Articles of Confederation, Article II
This excerpt is evidence that the Articles of Confederation was written to support which
The states should be authorized to govern themselves and develop their own laws.
The states should have constitutions that all follow the same framework.
The states need to form a strong union to survive.
The states have common concerns that are more important than their individual interests.



I believe A is the correct answer

How did these major battles/turning points affect the war? (World War Two).




Turning Pt.  - has great significance

Stalingrad(marked the end of Germany’s advances into Russia)

Midway (US found out Japan was trying to attack Midway and US penalized Japanese forces)

Anzio and Salerno(successful invasion and defeat of Italy)

El Alamein(Ended long battle in Africa won by the allied powers)

Guadalcanal(one of the first decisive and offensive wins in the pacific side of wwii, win went to the allies)

The Philippines(eliminated the Imperial Japanese Navy's ability to conduct large-scale carrier actions.)

Battle of Saipan(US Victory allowed them to build a runway big enough to drop a bomb on Japan)

Operation Husky(prohibiting air and sea potential of the axis powers.)

Iwo Jima (Japanese victory allowed it to be a safe haven for Japanese Navy and a landing pad for air force)

What problems did black Americans face according to malcom x and the nat of Islam


They faced White aggression

Should there ever be a time were freedom is scarificed in the name of national security



And while both are vital to the success of a nation, freedom is the more fundamental, more enduring, and, therefore, more important. Some may argue that, given the current threats to America, the security of the country and its people should take priority over freedoms, no matter the cost


What happened in the U.S between the years 1860 and 1914

Pls answer or I’ll fail 8 grade


Answer: April 3, 1860 – Pony Express begins.

November 6 – 1860 United States presidential election: Abraham Lincoln elected president and Hannibal Hamlin vice president with only 39% of the vote in a four man race.

December 18 – Crittenden Compromise fails.

December 20 – President Buchanan fires his cabinet.

More items...

Explanation: Those are some of the things that happened around that time :)

explain what today’s culture vs counterculture would be



(This is going to brief, I'm assuming this is America.)


Today's culture revolves around one's self and we have a narcissistic value to every thing, even family and friends are objected to it. Self-image is an all consuming ideal that the majority now follows. Anywhere from social media to the clothes we see celebrities wear.

The counterculture would more-or-less be that of those who are outward looking, not self-seeking. Imagine it being similar to strict buddhism.

Who was the brutal and corrupt dictator of Nicaragua in the 1970's?










I think the answer is B. Somoza.




the 1925 trial of John Scopes reflects the conflict between



Traditional and modern values in America of the 1920's.


In 1925, John Scopes was convicted and fined $100 for teaching evolution in his Dayton, Tenn., classroom. The first highly publicized trial concerning the teaching of evolution, the Scopes trial also represents a dramatic clash between traditional and modern values in America of the 1920's.

                     John Scopes

When the Traditional and also modern values in America of the 1920s.

In 1925, John Scopes was convicted and also fined $100 for teaching evolution in his Dayton, Tenn., classroom.

When The first highly publicized trial concerning the teaching of evolution, also the Scopes trial represents a dramatic clash between traditional and also modern values in America of the 1920s.

Find out more information about john Scopes here:


period of disorder after the fall of the Han



The Period of Disunion


The Trojan hero

A. republic

B. Apennines

C. legion

D. Aeneas

E. Etruscans



D. Aeneas


Aeneas, mythical hero of Troy and Rome, son of the goddess Aphrodite and Anchises. Aeneas was a member of the royal line at Troy and cousin of Hector. He played a prominent part in defending his city against the Greeks during the Trojan War, being second only to Hector in ability.


The answer is D. I took the exam


What steps did Magellan take during his attempt to reach the Pacific Ocean?


Answer:     I hope this helps Plz mark as brainliest if you feel it was a good answer


On September 20, 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain in an effort to find a western sea route to the rich Spice Islands of Indonesia. In command of five ships and 270 men, Magellan sailed to West Africa and then to Brazil, where he searched the South American coast for a strait that would take him to the Pacific.

What he found....

What did Ferdinand Magellan discover? In 1520 Ferdinand Magellan discovered the channel linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, between the mainland tip of South America and Tierra del Fuego island.

The Pacific Ocean was first crossed by a Spanish expedition headed by Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan in 1521, and Magellan named it the "calm sea." For 250 years, beginning with the trip of Andres de Urdaneta in 1565, the Spanish controlled transpacific trade; Manila galleons would sail the Pacific.

What route did Magellan use during his travel?

Magellan set off from Spain on September 20, 1519, in search of a western sea route to Indonesia's opulent Spice Islands. Magellan traveled to West Africa, then to Brazil, searching the South American coast for a channel that would take him to the Pacific.

He planned to sail west over the Atlantic Ocean to South-East Asia, where spices blossomed and jewels could be obtained. He intended to locate a route via South America that would allow him to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Learn more about Magellan here:



Why did? white settlers wanted native Americans removed from land


The white settlers wanted them to be removed because they wanted to be in control of the land. They viewed native Americans as savages and didn’t regard them as human beings. The white settlers kept pushing the natives further and further West because they wanted more land to set up plantations.

Hope this helps

In 4-5 sentences, describe the Atlantic Slave Trade and the
effects/consequences that it had on the world?​




Over the course of more than three and a half centuries, the forcible transportation in bondage of at least twelve million men, women, and children from their African homelands to the Americas changed forever the face and character of the modern world. The slave trade was brutal and horrific, and the enslavement of Africans was cruel, exploitative, and dehumanizing. Together, they represent one of the longest and most sustained assaults on the very life, integrity, and dignity of human beings in history.


evaluate the extent to which the institution of slavery changed in the period from 1754 to 1850?





Slavery was a huge part of American society in the 1800s. Several states made use of slaves to work, however, as the American Revolution approached, slavery started to decrease in popularity in the 1800s as many Northern states opposed slavery, creating a great change in what seemed to be a non-ending movement.

What happened to slavery in the 1700s and 1800s?

Northern states abolished slavery in the late 1700s and early 1800s.  And Southern critics, including slave owners such as Thomas Jefferson, arose in the Upper South.

While some founders believed that slavery would last forever, most foresaw its demise.  At the time of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, slavery was declining in the Northern states, and Virginia and Maryland also became less dependent on slave labour.  The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 kept slavery out of territories North of the Ohio River, and the U.S.

The Constitution allowed for an end to the importation of slaves in 1808 though the framers were careful to do so without using the word slave.

Learn more about slavery, here:



Gabon's most important export is:




Its Oil


For most of their histories, the us and Canada have been



the us and canada have mostly been recognizable allies of eachother


they have been mostly allies

at a popular restaurant firework, 55% of a guests order the signature dish.
What Fraction of the guest ordered the signature dish?



55/100, but the simplified version is 11/20.


When dealing with percentages, you can automatically switch it into a fraction. For example, 34% is 34/100. 120% is 1 and 20/100. You then simplify it if you can, and you have your answer.

What was the feeling on the ground when the fighting ended? When the war was over, what do you remember doing, seeing, hearing?



Where are the Options ?????


During the economic recession of the Bush and Obama administrations, the gap between income levels in America Blank 1 of 1.







A recession occurs when there are two or more consecutive quarters of negative economic growth, meaning GDP growth contracts during a recession. When an economy is facing recession, business sales and revenues decrease, which cause businesses to stop expanding.

The Taj Mahal is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It is found in __________, and it was influenced by __________.
Thailand . . . Islam
India . . . Islam
Thailand . . . Hinduism
India . . . Hinduism





Do I need to?


anichqfbfqfb yuppp get into it



What makes a third or fourth wave of feminism different from the first two?


The First Wave is your Susan B Anthony/Marie Stopes era stuff, seeking to redress a variety of manifest injustices, most notably the right to vote. It started in the 19th century and could be said to have ended with the right to vote in the 1920s (in the US).

The Second Wave started in the 1960s, though "feminism" never really stopped from the First Wave. This was the Betty Friedan/Gloria Steinem era; it was also called "Women's Liberation". It focused on expanding women's roles from the traditional wife-and-mother thing to, well, everything else: the right to equal pay for equal work (and in any job), the right to do what they wanted with their bodies, an end to all sorts of sexism and discrimination. I would say that it ended with the failure of the Equal Rights Amendment, part of an anti-feminist backlash that eventually turned to infighting. It was, however, hugely successful in advancing the rights of women to be treated equally in work, in politics, at school, and in society at large.

The Third Wave is more nebulous. It doesn't have a strong legislative agenda, and the key players are less likely to be household words. It could be said to have begun as soon as the Second Wave ended, trying to pursue remaining legal injustices, but it seems to me to be more about expanding and questioning received notions of gender and gender roles. It is more abstract and less politically focused; it's more academic and post-modern. I'd say that the political aspects of it are really Second Wave feminism continuing to work on the remaining problems.

The Fourth Wave is a Quora board. It's not really a broader movement at all (yet), except as an attempt to try to get past some of the divisiveness and lack of focus that marked Third Wave feminism. It seeks to solve the remaining very real issues that gender still leaves in our nation, as well as the rest of the world, much of which still hasn't benefited from the gains of the First Wave.

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