3. Why has NSC 68 become the “Bible” of U. S. defense expenditures?


Answer 1


National Security Council Report 68 (NSC-68) U.S. Objectives and Programs for National Security

September 25, 2013

The following report was produced by the National Security Council Study Group headed by Paul Nitze in 1950.  NSC-68 is considered to be one of the most significant documents in the history of the U.S. national security apparatus, defining goals, values, and functions of U.S. national security policy throughout the Cold War and beyond.  Historian Michael J. Hogan, scholar of U.S. foreign policy and former fellow at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, has described the document as the “bible of American national security policy.”  This version of the document was obtained from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.  A plain text version of the document is also available via the Federation of American Scientists.


Answer 2

NSC 68 become the “Bible” of U. S. defense expenditures to rapidly build up its traditional armed forces as well as nuclear weapons, as well as the creation of a new hydrogen bomb.

What are expenditures?

Spending income on that there's something known as an expenditure, as is having money spent with something.

The National Intelligence Council Study Group, led by Paul Nitze, prepared the paper that is available below in 1950. One of the most important papers in American history is known as NSC-68. The Woodrow Wilson Centralized Server for Scholars provided this copy of the text. The Federation of American Scientists also offers an unencrypted copy of the paper.

NSC-68 came to the conclusion that U.S. President Truman's backing for a significant increase in traditional and nuclear weaponry constituted the only realistic strategy for deterring the Soviet Union.

Learn more about expenditures here:



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oh cool


Just checking something

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Sorry can’t understand this launguage try again another day

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