4. Water stands 12.0 m deep in a storage tank whose top is open to the atmosphere at
1.00 atm. The density of water is given as 1000 kg/m² and some pressure conversion
are 1 Pa = 1 N/m² while 1 atm = 101 325 Pa.
a) What is the absolute pressure at the bottom of the tank?
b) What is the gauge pressure at the bottom of the tank?


Answer 1




From the question we are told that:

Density [tex]\rho=1000kg/m^3[/tex]

Depth of Water [tex]d=12.0m[/tex]

Generally the equation for Pressure is mathematically given by

 [tex]P=\rho gh[/tex]




Absolute Pressure=P+P'


P=Pressure under water

P'=Atmospheric Pressure





Related Questions

The wavelength of visible light range of 400 to 750mm .what is the corresponding range of photon energies for visible light



The range of the photon energies is between:

2.652 x 10⁻²⁵ J    to    4.973 x 10⁻²⁵ J


The energy of a photon is calculated using the following equation;

E = hf


h is Planck's constant = 6.63 x 10⁻³⁴ Js

f is frequency of the photon

[tex]E = h \frac{c}{\lambda} \\\\where;\\\\\lambda \ is \ the \ wavelength\\\\c \ is \ the \ speed \ of \ light \ = 3\times 10^8 \ m/s\\\\When \ \lambda = 400 \ mm = 400 \ \times 10^{-3} \ m\\\\E = \frac{(6.63 \times 10^{-34})(3\times 10^8)}{400 \times 10^{-3}} \\\\E = 4.973 \times 10^{-25} \ J[/tex]

[tex]When \ \lambda = 750 \ mm = 750 \ \times 10^{-3} \ m\\\\E = \frac{(6.63 \times 10^{-34})(3\times 10^8)}{750 \times 10^{-3}} \\\\E = 2.652 \times 10^{-25} \ J[/tex]

The range of the photon energies is between:

2.652 x 10⁻²⁵ J    to    4.973 x 10⁻²⁵ J

Một học sinh làm thí nghiệm sóng dừng trên dây cao su dài L với hai đầu A và B cố định . Xét điểm M trên dây sao cho khi sợi dây duỗi thẳng thì M cách B một khoảng a < L/2 . Khi tần số sóng là f = f1 = 60 Hz thì trên dây có sóng dừng và lúc này M là một điểm bụng . Tiếp tục tăng dần tần số thì lần tiếp theo có sóng dừng ứng với f = f2=72 Hz và lúc này M không phải là điểm bụng cũng không phải điểm nút . Thay đổi tần số trong phạm vi từ 73 Hz đến 180 Hz , người ta nhận thấy với f = fo thì trên dây có sóng dừng và lúc này M là điểm nút . Lúc đó , tính từ B ( không tính nút tại B ) thì M có thể là nút thứ ?


Have suxhebeuxhsbendixbebendue bride. Did e did e end Rudd. R

For an object with a given mass on Earth, calculate the weight of the object with the mass equal in magnitude to the number representing the day given in part 3 in kilograms using the formula F=W=mg. On the surface of the Earth g=9.8m/s^2


Answer: The weight of the object is 29.4 N


To calculate the weight of the object, we use the equation:

[tex]W=m\times g[/tex]


m = mass of the object = 3 kg

g = acceleration due to gravity = [tex]9.8m/s^2[/tex]

Putting values in above equation, we get:

[tex]W=3kg\times 9.8m/s^2\\\\W=29.4N[/tex]

Hence, the weight of the object is 29.4 N

Question 9 of 10
What causes the different seasons on Earth?
A. The angles at which the suns rays strike the Earth
B. The distance between Earth and the sun
C. The speed at which the Earth rotates on its axis
D. Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.





The seasons are measured in how far or close the earth is to the sun.

A projectile of mass m is fired horizontally with an initial speed of v0​ from a height of h above a flat, desert surface. Neglecting air friction, at the instant before the projectile hits the ground, find the following in terms of m, v0​, h, and g : Are any of the answers changed if the initial angle is changed?


Complete question is;

A projectile of mass m is fired horizontally with an initial speed of v0 from a height of h above a flat, desert surface. Neglecting air friction, at the instant before the projectile hits the ground, find the following in terms of m, v0, h and g:

(a) the work done by the force of gravity on the projectile,

(b) the change in kinetic energy of the projectile since it was fired, and

(c) the final kinetic energy of the projectile.

(d) Are any of the answers changed if the initial angle is changed?


A) W = mgh

B) ΔKE = mgh

C) K2 = mgh + ½mv_o²

D) No they wouldn't change


We are expressing in terms of m, v0​, h, and g. They are;

m is mass

v0 is initial velocity

h is height of projectile fired

g is acceleration due to gravity

A) Now, the formula for workdone by force of gravity on projectile is;

W = F × h

Now, Force(F) can be expressed as mg since it is force of gravity.

Thus; W = mgh

Now, there is no mention of any angles of being fired because we are just told it was fired horizontally.

Therefore, even if the angle is changed, workdone will not change because the equation doesn't depend on the angle.

B) Change in kinetic energy is simply;

ΔKE = K2 - K1

Where K2 is final kinetic energy and K1 is initial kinetic energy.

However, from conservation of energy, we now that change in kinetic energy = change in potential energy.



ΔPE = U2 - U1

U2 is final potential energy = mgh

U1 is initial potential energy = mg(0) = 0. 0 was used as h because at initial point no height had been covered.


ΔKE = ΔPE = mgh

Again like a above, the change in kinetic energy will not change because the equation doesn't depend on the angle.

C) As seen in B above,



½mv² - ½mv_o² = mgh

Where final kinetic energy, K2 = ½mv²

And initial kinetic energy = ½mv_o²


K2 = mgh + ½mv_o²

Similar to a and B above, this will not change even if initial angle is changed

D) All of the answers wouldn't change because their equations don't depend on the angle.

A team of people who traveled to the North Pole by dogsled lived on butter because they needed to consume 6 000 dietitian's Calories each day. Because the ice there is lumpy and irregular, they had to help the dogs by pushing and lifting the load. Assume they had a 16-hour working day and that each person could lift a 500-N load. How many times would a person have to lift this weight 1.00 m upwards in a constant gravitational field, where (g = 9.80m/s2) where to do the work equivalent to 6 000 Calories?



The right solution is "50200 days".



Calories intake,

= 6000 kcal,


= [tex]2.52\times 10^7 \ J[/tex]


= 500 N

As we know,

⇒ [tex]Work \ done = Force\times distance[/tex]


⇒ [tex]distance = \frac{Work \ done}{Force}[/tex]

By putting the values, we get

                  [tex]=\frac{2.52\times 10^7}{500}[/tex]

                  [tex]=0.502\times 10^5[/tex]

                  [tex]=50200 \ m[/tex]


The number of days will be:

= [tex]\frac{50200}{1}[/tex]

= [tex]50200 \ days[/tex]

A car is travelling at a speed of 30m/s on a straight road. what would be the speed of the car in km​



[tex] = \frac{30 \times {10}^{ - 3} }{1} \\ = 0.03 \: km \: per \: second[/tex]


108 km/hr or 0.03 km/s


conversion factor for m/s to km/hr is 5/18

conversion factor for m/s to km/s is 1/1000

How fast much an 816kg Volkswagen travel to have the same momentum as (a) a 2650kg Cadillac going 16.0 km/h? (b) a 9080-kg truck also going 16.0 km/hr?




From the given information:

the car's momentum = momentum of the truck

(a) 816 kg × v = 2650 kg × 16.0 km/h

v = (2650 kg × 16.0 km/h) /  816 kg

v = 51.96 km/hr

(b) 816 kg × v = 9080 kg × 16.0 km/h

v = (9080 kg × 16.0 km/h) /  816 kg

v = 178.04 km/hr

What is needed to Run A Brushless DC motor​



Two connection methods are used for brushless DC motors. One method is to connect the coils in a loop as we compared it with the rotor winding of DC motors in Fig. 2.27. This method is called a Δ (delta) connection.




Question 18/55 (2 p.)
A vibrating object produces ripples on the surface of a liquid. The object completes 20 vibrations
every second. The spacing of the ripples, from one crest to the next, is 3.0 cm.
What is the speed of the ripples?
C 60 cm/s
120 cm/s
A 0.15cm/s
B 6.7 cm/s



the correct answer is C   v = 60 cm / s


The speed of a wave is related to the frequency and the wavelength

         v = λ f

They indicate that the object performs 20 oscillations every second, this is the frequency

         f = 20 Hz

the wavelength is the distance until the wave repeats, the distance between two consecutive peaks corresponds to the wavelength

         λ = 3 cm = 0.03 m

let's calculate

       v = 20 0.03

       v = 0.6 m / s

       v = 60 cm / s

the correct answer is C

A boy pushes his little brother on a sled. The sled accelerates from rest to (4 m/s). If the combined mass of his brother and the sled is (40.0 kg) and (20 W) of power is developéd, how long time does boy push the sled?






300 because the mass and weight

The boy pushed the sled for 16 seconds.

We have a boy who pushes his little brother on a sled.

We have to determine for how long time does boy push the sled.

State Work - Energy Theorem.

The Work - Energy theorem states that the work done by the sum of all forces acting on a particle equals the change in the kinetic energy of the particle.

According to the question -

The sled is initially at rest → initial velocity (u) = 0.

Final velocity (v) = 4 m/s

Mass of boy and sled (M) = 40 kg

Power developed (P) = 20 W = 20 Joules/sec

According to work - energy theorem -

Work done (W) = Δ E(K) = E(f) - E(i)

Therefore -

W = ([tex]\frac{1}{2} \times 40 \times 4 \times 4 - \frac{1}{2}[/tex] x 40 x 0) = 320 Joule

Now, Power is defined as the rate of doing work -

P = [tex]\frac{dW}{dt}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{W}{t}[/tex]

20 = [tex]\frac{320}{t}[/tex]

t = 16 seconds

Hence, the boy pushed the sled for 16 seconds.

To solve more questions on Work, Energy and Power, visit the link below -



Determine the minimum horizontal force P required to hold the crate from sliding down the plane. The crate has a mass of 50 kg and the coefficient of static friction between the crate and the plane is . ms


Answer: hello some data related to your question is missing attached below is the missing data and diagram related to the solution


P = 141.21 N


Given data:

Mass of crate = 50 kg

coefficient  of static friction ( μ ) = 0.25

Calculate minimum horizontal force ( P ) that holds the crate from sliding

∑fx = 0

     = P + Fcos θ - N*sinθ = 0

     = P + 0.25N cos 30° - Nsin30°  = 0

∴ P = 0.2835 N = 0

P - 0.2853 N = 0 ------- ( 1 )

∑fy = 0

     - 50g + Ncosθ + Fsinθ

     - 50*9.81 + Ncos30° + 0.25Nsin30°

∴ N = 494.942 N ----- ( 2 )

input 2 into 1

P - 0.2853 ( 494.942 ) = 0

P = 141.21 N

Choose the CORRECT statements. The superposition of two waves.

I. refers to the effects of waves at great distances.

Il. refers to how displacements of the two waves add together.

Ill. results into constructive interference and destructive interference

IV. results into minimum amplitude when crest meets trough.

V. results into destructive interference and the waves stop propagating.

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, II and III
D. II, III and IV
E. III, IV and V
F. II, III, IV and V​





I guess not that much confidential!

When using the process of evaporation to separate a mixture what is left behind to an evaporating dish

A. The mixture does not separate in the entire mixture remains in the dish
B. The liquid evaporates in the solid is left in the dish
C. The mixture does not separate in the entire mixture evaporates
D. None of these





The liquid evaporates in the solid is left in the dish..

Which of the following is acceleration toward the center of a circular motion? O A. Centripetal acceleration O B. Uniform circular motion O C. Centrifugal force D. Centripetal force


We call the acceleration of an object moving in uniform circular motion— resulting from a net external force—the centripetal ...

The human ear can respond to an extremely large range of intensities - the quietest sound the ear can hear is smaller than 10-20 times the threshold which causes damage after brief exposure. If you could measure distances over the same range with a single instrument, and the smallest distance you could measure was 1 mm, what would the largest be, in kilometers?



the largest distance we can measure is 10¹⁴ km


Given the data in the question;

Threshold hearing = 10⁻²⁰

smallest distance measured = 1 mm

Largest distance measured will be;

⇒ ( threshold hearing )⁻¹ × smallest distance

= ( 1 / 10⁻²⁰ ) × 1 mm

= 10²⁰ × 1mm

= 10²⁰ mm

we know that; 1000 mm = 10⁶ km

Largest distance = ( 10²⁰ / 10⁶ ) km

= 10¹⁴ km

Therefore, the largest distance we can measure is 10¹⁴ km

a soap bubble was slowly enlarged from radius 4cm to 6cm and amount of work necessary for enlargement is 1.5 *10 calculate the surface tension of soap bubble joules​



The surface tension is 190.2 N/m.


Initial radius, r = 4 cm

final radius, r' = 6 cm

Work doen, W = 15 J

Let the surface tension is T.

The work  done is given by

W = Surface Tension x change in surface area

[tex]15 = T \times 4\pi^2(r'^2 - r^2)\\\\15 = T \times 4 \times 3.14\times 3.14 (0.06^2- 0.04^2)\\\\15 = T\times 0.0788\\\\T = 190.2 N/m[/tex]

What is the efficiency of a ramp that is 5.5 m long when used to move a 66 kg object to a height of 110 cm when the object is pushed by a 150 N force .

Answer and I will give you brainiliest



Energy input = F×d = (150 N)(5.5 m) = 825 J

Energy output = mgh = (66 kg)(9.8 m/s^2)(1.10 m) = 711 J

efficiency = [tex]\dfrac{\text{output}}{\text{input}}[/tex]×100% = 86.2%

a 50kg skater on level ice, has built up her speed to 30km/h. how far will she coast before sliding friction dissipates her energy?​





The distance prior to the sliding friction dispersing her energy would be:

- The distance will remain unaffected by the sliding friction i.e. 354m

As we know, When Sliding friction dissolves her energy, leading her Kinetic Energy to turn 0 on coming to the state of rest. So,

[tex]1/2 mv^2 - 1/2 mu^2 = -W[/tex]            (∵ Work in -ve denotes it is done opposite to friction)

Given that,

m(mass) [tex]= 50 kg[/tex]

v(velocity) [tex]= 30 km/hr[/tex] or [tex]8.33 m/s[/tex]

The coefficient of Kinetic Friction [tex]= 0.01[/tex]

g(gravitational force) [tex]= 9.8 m/s^2[/tex]

Initial Velocity(u) [tex]= 30[/tex] × [tex]1000/3600 m/s[/tex]

[tex]= 8.33 m/s[/tex]

Now by employing the provided values,

[tex]F =[/tex] μ[tex]mg[/tex]

[tex]= (0.01) (50) (9.8)[/tex]

[tex]= 4.9[/tex]

[tex]F = 4.9 N[/tex]

By using the above expression, we will find the distance;

[tex]1/2 mv^2 - 1/2 mu^2 = -W[/tex]

⇒ [tex]1/2 (50) (0)^2 - 1/2 (50) (8.33)^2 = -4.9(S)[/tex]

⇒ [tex]1734.7225 = 4.9S[/tex]

⇒ [tex]S = 1734.7225/4.9[/tex]

[tex]S = 354 m[/tex]

Because [tex]1/2 mv^2 - 1/2 mu^2 = -W[/tex]  [tex]= -[/tex] μmgS

⇒ [tex]S = (u^2 - v^2)[/tex]/2μ[tex]g[/tex]

Thus, the distance will remain unaffected by the sliding friction i.e. 354m

Learn more about "Friction" here:


Charlotte throws a paper airplane into the air, and it lands on the ground. Which best explains why this is an example of projectile motion? The paper airplane’s motion is due to horizontal inertia and the vertical pull of gravity. A force other than gravity is acting on the paper airplane. The paper airplane’s motion can be described using only one dimension. A push and a pull are the primary forces acting on the paper airplane.

highschool physics, not college physics




A). The paper airplane’s motion is due to horizontal inertia and the vertical pull of gravity.




The motion of the paper airplane  is best explained by horizontal inertia and vertical pull of gravity.


What is horizontal inertia and vertical pull of gravity?

Inertia is the property by which the body wants to remain in its position unless any external for is applied. Here horizontal inertia is inertia of motion which is acting horizontally .

While vertical pull is due to the earth .

In a paper airplane , four forces act .these forces provide it flight.These forces are horizontal inertia , vertical pull downwards , lift by air and drag.

Hence horizontal inertia and vertical pull best explain the projectile motion of paper airplane.

Also read it;



which unit would be most suitable for its scale?
A mm
A piece of cotton is measured between two points on a ruler.
15 16
when the lenge of coton is wound closely around a pen, goes round six times.
six turns of coton
What is the distance onde round the pen?
4 2.2 m
B 26 cm
13.2 cm
D 15.6 cm



Mm, thats the answer trust me men

two factor of a number are 5 and 6 .what is the number show working​





since  [tex]\frac{30}{5}[/tex]=6


then both 5 and 6 are factors of 30

Have a nice day

If you pull with your lower leg such that you exert a 90 N force on the cord attached to your ankle, determine the magnitude of the tension force of your hamstring on your leg and the compression force at the knee joint.


This question is incomplete, the missing diagram is uploaded along this answer below.


- the magnitude of the tension force exerted by the hamstring muscles on the leg is 990 N

- the magnitude of compression force at the knee joint is 900 N


Given the data in the question and diagram below;

Net torque = 0

Torque = force × lever arm


F[tex]_{ConF[/tex]  × ( 15.0 in + 1.5 in ) = T[tex]_{HonL[/tex] × 1.5 in

given that F[tex]_{ConF[/tex] = 90 N

90 × ( 15.0 in + 1.5 in ) = T[tex]_{HonL[/tex] × 1.5 in

90 N × 16.5 in =  T[tex]_{HonL[/tex] × 1.5 in

T[tex]_{HonL[/tex] = ( 90 N × 16.5 in ) / 1.5 in

T[tex]_{HonL[/tex] = 990 N

Therefore, the magnitude of the tension force exerted by the hamstring muscles on the leg is 990 N

b) magnitude of compression force at the knee joint;

In equilibrium, net force = 0

along horizontal

F[tex]_{FonB[/tex] - T[tex]_{HonL[/tex] + F[tex]_{ConF[/tex] = 0

we substitute

F[tex]_{FonB[/tex] - 990 + 90 = 0

F[tex]_{FonB[/tex] - 900 = 0

F[tex]_{FonB[/tex] = 900 N

Therefore, the magnitude of compression force at the knee joint is 900 N

Calculate the RMS voltage of the following waveforms with 10 V peak-to-peak:
a. Sine wave;
b. Square wave,
c. Triangle wave.
Calculate the period of a waveform with the frequency of:
a. 100 Hz,
b. 1 kHz,
c. 100 kHz.



a) [tex]T=0.01s[/tex]

b) [tex]T=0.001s[/tex]

c) [tex]T=0.00001s[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Given Frequencies

a. 100 Hz,

b. 1 kHz,

c. 100 kHz.

Generally the equation for Waveform Period is mathematically given by





[tex]T=100 Hz[/tex]













Steve pushes a crate 20 m across a level floor at a constant speed with a force of 200 N, this time on a frictionless floor. The velocity of the crate is in the direction of the force Steve is applying to the crate. What is the net work done on the crate



The correct answer is "4000 J".


Given that,


= 200 N


= 20 m


The work done will be:

⇒ [tex]Work=Force\times displacement[/tex]

By putting the values, we get

              [tex]=200\times 20[/tex]

              [tex]=4000 \ J[/tex]

A car of mass 500 kg is moving at a speed of 1.2 m/s. A man pushes the car,
increasing the speed to 2 m/s. How much work did the man do?
A. 640 J
B. 360 J
C. 1360 J
D. 1000 J


The answer is D I’m not really sure yet

Work done by  man will be A. 640 J

What is work energy theorem?

The work-energy theorem states that the net work done by the forces on an object equals the change in its kinetic energy.

according to work energy theorem

Work done = final Kinetic energy - initial kinetic energy

                   = KE (final) - KE (initial )

                   = 1/2 m ([tex]v^{2}[/tex])  - 1/2 m ([tex]u^{2}[/tex])

                  = 1/2 m ([tex]v^{2}[/tex] - [tex]u^{2}[/tex])

                  = 1/2 * 500 * ( [tex]2^{2}[/tex] - [tex]1.2^{2}[/tex])

                  = 250 * 2.56 = 640 J

correct answer is A. 640 J

learn more about work energy theorem



Its Acceleration during the upward Journey ? ​


Acceleration will be 9.81 if it goes downwards. If it accelerates upwards it will be -9.81m/s^2

____________is obtained from the fleece of animals.​



wool and fibers


If R1 and R2 are in parallel and R3 is in series with them then equivalent resistance will be



Refer to the attachment!~

Assuming the earth is a uniform sphere of mass M and radius R, show that the acceleration of fall at the earth's surface is given by g = Gm/R2 . What is the acceleration of a satellite moving in a circular orbit round the earth of radius 2R​



The weight of an object on the surface of the earth is equal to the gravitational force exerted by the earth on the object.


[tex]mg = G \dfrac{mM}{R^2}[/tex]

which gives us an expression for the acceleration due to gravity g as

[tex]g = G\dfrac{M}{R^2}[/tex]

At a height h = R, the radius of a satellite's orbit is 2R. Then the acceleration due to gravity [tex]g_h[/tex] at this height is

[tex]mg_h = G \dfrac{mM}{(2R)^2}= G \dfrac{mM}{4R^2}[/tex]

Simplifying this, we get

[tex]g_h= G \dfrac{M}{4R^2} = \dfrac{1}{4} \left(G \dfrac{M}{R^2} \right) = \dfrac{1}{4}g[/tex]

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