__ (5 + 4) = 2 * 5 + 2 * 4



Answer 1


x = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

→ Simplify

x × ( 9 ) = 10 + 8

→ Further simplify

9x = 18

→ Divide both sides by 9

x = 2

Related Questions

Water is flowing into a tank at a rate of 20 cm3/min. At the start, there is 250 cm3 of water in the tank.
(i) How much water will be in the tank after 30 minutes?
(ii) Find the time when there is 1210 cm3 of water in the tank.



i) 410 cm³

ii) 48 min

Step-by-step explanation:

we start with 250 cm³.

and then we fill in 20 cm³ per minute.


after 30 minutes we have

250 + 8×20 = 250 + 160 = 410 cm³


how long (how many minutes) does it take to reach 1210 cm³ in the tank ?

well, first we subtract the start amount (250).

and then we see how often 20 cm³ will "fit" into the remainder. and then we know how many minutes the water has to run.

1210 - 250 = 960 cm³

so, the incoming water needs to reach 960 cm³ to have a total of 1210 cm³.


960 cm³ / (20 cm³ / min) = 960 cm³ min / 20 cm³ =

= 960 min / 20 = 48 min

What is the volume of a pyramid below?

600 cm^3

750 cm^3

900 cm^3

1800 cm^3


Answer: 600 cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of square pyramid = (1/3) · b² · h

b = base edge length = 10 cmh = height = 18 cm

Therefore, the volume can be calculated as

[tex]\frac{1}{3} *10^{2}*18=\frac{1}{3}*100*18=\frac{1}{3}*1800=\frac{1800}{3}=600[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

it is pyramid and finding its volume we use the 3 components that is length, with and the height

1/2 base x width x height

5 x 18 x 10 = 900cm³

please help answer question



Mark me brainlist please please please please


Step-by-step explanation:

Determine whether the series is absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent, or divergent.
[infinity]Σ n =1 (-1)^n - 1/n√n


Answer: hello your question is poorly written attached below is the complete question


The series is absolutely convergent

Step-by-step explanation:

To determine whether the series is absolutely or conditionally  convergent or divergent. apply the Root Test

The series is absolutely convergent

attached below is the solution

Leena is arranging 3 different books in a row on a shelf. Create a sample space for the arrangement of a detective story (D), a mystery story (M), and a comic book (C).



There are 6 DIFFERENT POSSIBLE arrangements as obtained using the factorial method and they are :


Given :




To use the factorial method, we find the factorial value of the number of books to be arranged

Number of different possible arrangements = (number of books)!

Number of books = 3

Hence, 3! = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6 ways

The sample space :







THEREFORE, there are 6 different samples on the SAMPLE SPACE.

learn more :





5/2 or 2½ or 2.5

Step-by-step explanation:

20/8 = 2.5

10/4 = 2.5

build and sketch 2x2+7x+6)



Step-by-step explanation:

An advertiser goes to a printer and is charged $36 for 80 copies of one flyer and $46 for 242 copies of another flyer. The printer charges a fixed setup cost plus a charge for every copy of single-page flyers. Find a function that describes the cost of a printing job, if xx is the number of copies made.




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the Antilog of 547.840​



It's impossible because the figure is greater than 10

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{antilog \: of \: x = \frac{x}{ log} = {10}^{x} }}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \sf{anti(547.840) = {10}^{547.840} }} \\ { \tt{ \red{math \: error \: !}}}[/tex]

áp dụng quy tắc khai phương 1 tích hãy tính



Please write out in english

Step-by-step explanation:

I cannot help unless you can translate.

What is the equation of the line in the following graph?



2 . y=-1

Step-by-step explanation:

m=0  (it is a straight line)

use (-6,-1) in y=mx+b



equation is now



Please help me to find out the answer


9514 1404 393


  80.99 m

Step-by-step explanation:

The hypotenuse of the triangle is given, and the desired side length is the one adjacent to the angle marked. The relevant trig relation is ...

  Cos = Adjacent/Hypotenuse

Multiplying by the hypotenuse, we find ...

  RY = (82 m)cos(9°) ≈ 80.99 m

On January 2, 2008, the American Idol website (www .americanidol) conducted an online poll that asked respondents which contestant they liked best among six former contestants. To become part of the sample, respondents simply clicked on a response. Of the 941,434 responses to this poll, 55% voted for Clay Aiken. We can conclude that _________________________________ .
a. the sample is too small.
b. a fraction of the millions of people who watched the TV show to draw any conclusion.
c. most Americans prefer Clay Aiken out of those former contestants.
d. the poll uses voluntary response, so the results tell us little about the population of all adults.



Online Poll

We can conclude that

c. most Americans prefer Clay Aiken out of those former contestants.

Step-by-step explanation:

Sample responses received from the poll = 941,434

Proportion of voters for Clay Aiken = 55%

Computed proportion of voters for the other 5 contestants = 45% (100% - 55%)

This gives an average of 7.5% (45%/5) for the other 5 contestants.

Therefore, the conclusion is that "most Americans prefer Clay Aiken out of those former contestants" in the American Idol contest.

If 2L of solution needs to be administered through an IV over 24hours, then how many mililitres of solution needs to be provided per hour, rounded to two decimal places?



83.33 milliliters

Step by step explanation:

2L = 2000 ml   Change the liters to milliliters first

2000 ml : 24 hours

x ml : 1 hour

Next you cross multiply : 2000 × 1 hour = 2000 and 24 × x = 24x

Then you divide:

[tex]\frac{24x}{24} : \frac{2000}{24}[/tex]

x : 83.3333333...

When this is rounded off it is equal to 83.33


1) Sử dụng phương pháp diện tích chứng minh định lí Pitago: “Trong một tam giác vuông, bình phương cạnh huyền bằng tổng bình phương hai cạnh góc vuông”.
2) Chứng minh rằng tứ giác có một và chỉ một đường nối trung điểm hai cạnh đối chia tứ giác thành hai phần có cùng diện tích là hình thang.



hmm i thought abt it and i think the answer is no

Step-by-step explanation:

Which power does this expression simplify to?
- -


Step-by-step explanation:

Answer is in attached image...

hope it helps


its a

Step-by-step explanation:

just did it

Find the surface area of the cylinder and round to the nearest tenth and its recommended that you use pie or 3.14 also the radius is half the diameter




We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf Lateral\:Surface\:Area=2πrh}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Lateral\: Surface\:Area=2\times 3.14\times 2\times 1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Lateral\;Surface\:Area=4(3.14)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Lateral\:Surface\:Area=12.56ft^3[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered} {\underline{\boxed{ \rm { \purple{Surface \: \: area \: = \: 2 \: \pi \: r \: h \: + \: 2 \: \pi \: {r}^{2} }}}}}\end{gathered}[/tex]

r represents radius of cylinder.

h denotes height of cylinder.


[tex]\large{\bf{{{\color{navy}{h \: = \: 2 \: ft. }}}}}[/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \longrightarrow \: \: r \: = \: \frac{Diameter}{2} [/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \longrightarrow \: \: r \: = \: \frac{2}{2} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \longrightarrow \: \: r \: = \: \cancel\frac{2}{2} \: ^{1} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\large{\bf{{{\color{navy}{r \: = \: 1 \: ft. \: }}}}}[/tex]

Now , Substuting the values

[tex]\bf \hookrightarrow \: \: \: 2 \: \times \: 3.14 \times \: 1 \: ft \: \times \: 2 \: ft \: + \: 2 \: \times \: 3.14 \: \times \: {(1 \: ft)}^{2}[/tex]

[tex]\bf \hookrightarrow \: \: \:6.28 \: ft \: \times \: 2 \: ft\: \: + \: 6.28 \: ft[/tex]

[tex]\bf \hookrightarrow \: \: \:12.56 \: {ft}^{2} \: + \: 6.28 \: ft[/tex]

[tex]\bf \hookrightarrow \: \: \:18.84 \: {ft} \: ^{2} [/tex]

Hence , the surface area of cylinder is 18.84 ft²

Round to the nearest 10 of 18.84 is 18.8

SCALCET8 4.7.011. Consider the following problem: A farmer with 950 ft of fencing wants to enclose a rectangular area and then divide it into four pens with fencing parallel to one side of the rectangle. What is the largest possible total area of the four pens



For any rectangle, the one with the largest area will be the one whose dimensions are as close to a square as possible.

However, the dividers change the process to find this maximum somewhat.

Letting x represent two sides of the rectangle and the 3 parallel dividers, we have 2x+3x = 5x.

Letting y represent the other two sides of the rectangle, we have 2y.

We know that 2y + 5x = 750.

Solving for y, we first subtract 5x from each side:

2y + 5x - 5x = 750 - 5x

2y = - 5x + 750

Next we divide both sides by 2:

2y/2 = - 5x/2 + 750/2

y = - 2.5x + 375

We know that the area of a rectangle is given by

A = lw, where l is the length and w is the width. In this rectangle, one dimension is x and the other is y, making the area

A = xy

Substituting the expression for y we just found above, we have

A = x (-2.5x+375)

A = - 2.5x² + 375x

This is a quadratic equation, with values a = - 2.5, b = 375 and c = 0.

To find the maximum, we will find the vertex. First we find the axis of symmetry, using the equation

x = - b/2a

x = - 375/2 (-2.5) = - 375/-5 = 75

Substituting this back in place of every x in our area equation, we have

A = - 2.5x² + 375x

A = - 2.5 (75) ² + 375 (75) = - 2.5 (5625) + 28125 = - 14062.5 + 28125 = 14062.5

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the midpoint of the segment with the given endpoints.
(7,10) and (-1,- 8)



(3,1) is the midpoint

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the x coordinate of the midpoint, average the x coordinates of the endpoints

(7+-1)/2 = 6/2 =3

To find the y coordinate of the midpoint, average the y coordinates of the endpoints

(10+-8)/2 = 2/2 = 1

(3,1) is the midpoint


(3, 1)

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use the formula [ (x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2/2) ] to solve for the midpoint.

7+(-1)/2, 10+(-8)/2

6/2, 2/2

3, 1

Best of Luck!

The average weight of a professional football player in 2009 was pounds. Assume the population standard deviation is pounds. A random sample of professional football players was selected.

a. Calculate the standard error of the mean.
b. What is the probability that the sample mean will be less than 230 pounds?
c. What is the probability that the sample mean will be more than 231 pounds?
d. What is the probability that the sample mean will be between 248 pounds and 255 pounds?







Step-by-step explanation:

Given that :

Mean, μ = 243. 4

Standard deviation, σ = 35

Sample size, n = 31


Standard Error

S. E = σ / √n = 35/√31 = 6.286


P(x < 230) ;

Z = (x - μ) / S.E

P(Z < (230 - 243.4) / 6.286))

P(Z < - 2.132) = 0.0165


P(x > 231)

P(Z > (231 - 243.4) / 6.286))

P(Z > - 1.973) = 0.976 (area to the right)


P(x < 248)

P(Z < (248 - 243.4) / 6.286))

P(Z < 0.732) = 0.7679

P(x < 255)

P(Z < (255 - 243.4) / 6.286))

P(Z < 1.845) = 0.9674

0.9674 - 0.7679 = 0.1995

Simplify your answer as much as possible.



x = -4

Step-by-step explanation:

2 = 3x + 22/5

Numerator = denominator x quotient

Numerator = 5 x 2

Numerator = 10

3x + 22 = 10

Subtract 22 from both sides

3x = -12

x = -12/3

x = -4
Hope this helps!

Bye love you.

- doomdabomb

Ahmed bought a TV for his room in 2016 for AED 1,500. he decided to sell it in 2020 for AED 900. what is the rate of depreciation when he bought the TV and when he sold it



40% depreciation over the 4 years

10% depreciation per year

Step-by-step explanation:

The number of years between buying and selling is:

2020 - 2016 = 4

4 years

The amount of depreciation in the 4 years is:

AED 1,500 - AED 900 = AED 600

The percent depreciation for the 4 years is:

(1500 - 900)/1500 * 100% = 40%

The percent depreciation per year is:

40%/4 = 10%

Solve each system by graphing.



it is 2 te he

Step-by-step explanation:

ONCE THE 5 6 = 7 10 .. ?% =1 x 7 =2 te he

7. 20x + 10 = 110
a. X= 1
b. X= 5
c. x= 12



b x=5

Step-by-step explanation:







Step-by-step explanation:

20x + 10 = 110

Subtract 10 from each side

20x +10-10 = 110-10

20x = 100

divide by 20

20x/20 =100/20

x= 5

(4x - 3) × (x + 2)=0



AxB = 0 means A=0. or B=0

so 2 solutions :

4x-3= 0


x = 3/4

and x+2 = 0.

x= -2

solutions are : -2 +and 3/4

2 answers

1) -2

2) -3/4

The lengths of two sides of the right triangle ABC shown in the illustration given

a= 7cm and b= 24cm



25 cm.

Step-by-step explaination:


Two sides of a triangle:

a = 7cm

b = 24 cm

To find,

Third side:

c = ?

By Pythagorean Theorem;

a² + b² = c²

[where c is the longest side,hypotenuse]

Putting the value of a and b;

we get,

7² + 24² = c²

49 + 576 = c²

625 = c²

25² = c² (square root)

25 = c

c = 25

Therefore, the length of the third side will be equal to 25 cm.


The lengths of two sides of the right triangle ABC shown in the illustration given

a= 7cm and b= 24cm


> a= 7cm

> b= 24cm

To find?

Side c (third side)


Using Pythagoras theorem,

▶️ a² + b² = c

▶️ 7cm ² + 24cm² = c²

▶️ 49cm + 576cm = c²

▶️ 625cm = c²

▶️ 25² = c² (25×25 = 625)

▶️ c = 25

The value of c is 25 cm.

How many permutations of letter of the word APPLE are there?​



There are 60 permutations.

Step-by-step explanation:

Arrangements formula:

The number of possible arrangements of n elements is given by:

[tex]A_n = n![/tex]

With repetition:

For each element that repeats, with [tex]n_1, n_2, ..., n_n[/tex] times, the formula is:

[tex]A_n^{n_1,n_2,...,n_n} = \frac{n!}{n_1!n_2!...n_n}[/tex]

In this question:

Apple has 5 letters.

P appears two times. So

[tex]A _5^{2} = \frac{5!}{2!} = 60[/tex]

There are 60 permutations.

If car eyelashes sold for $13.99. If you bud double that, how much would you have paid for them? (Hint if needed: if they had been exactly $14, how different would your answer be?)



13.99 x 2 = 27.98 dollars

now if they were 14 dollars exactly and you doubled that it would be 28 dollars so the difference would be 0.02 cents

Step-by-step explanation:

If 10 wholes are divided into pieces that are one half of a whole each how many pieces are there?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

A whole can be divided into two pieces that are each 1/2 of the whole.

 (10 wholes) × (2 pieces per whole) = 20 pieces

Factorise: 25x^2 - 1/49



[tex] (5x + \frac{1}{7} )(5x - \frac{1}{7} )[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex] {25x}^{2} - \frac{1}{49} [/tex]

[tex] = {(5x)}^{2} - {( \frac{1}{7}) }^{2} [/tex]


[tex] {x}^{2} - {y}^{2} = (x + y)(x - y)[/tex]


[tex] = (5x + \frac{1}{7} )(5x - \frac{1}{7} )(ans)[/tex]

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