5. Who was the Persian king who made Babylonia part of the Persian empire


Answer 1


I think that is Cyrus II.


Hope this helps.

Related Questions

Giving Brainliest Answer!!!! Answer Now Please
1. Knowing what you know about the topic, do you think that the “Cold War” is an appropriate name for the time period? Why? If you do not think it was appropriate, what do you think it should have been called?
2. To carry out the Truman Doctrine, the United States adopted the policy of containment. Do you think it was a good foreign policy? Why/why not?
3. Why would the United States want to help economically rebuild Europe? What's in it for us?
4. Do you think someone like Senator Joseph McCarthy could have considerable power today?



1. Yes, the name "Cold War" is appropriate. this is due in large part because it was a war that never got "hot" in a militaristic sense, instead taking place among civil and economical lines.

2. This was a good policy for the time, but is outdated by today's standards. it attempted to prevent the spread of communism, which at the time could have been more effective.

3. The major incentive for the United States to rebuild Europe was the potential for new allies in the region to combat the growing USSR. This would help create more stability in Western Europe and prevent it from potentially falling into communism.

4. No, he could not. McCarthy used scare tactics during his time, which were effective at that point, but in today's society where everything is fact checked down to the letter, he would never be able to gain the power he did.


Hope this helps you!!

People have individual preferences that affect their interpretation of events



Bias refers to the preconceived notions that a person has and that affect their interpretation of events. Everybody has biases regarding a great variety of subjects.



Bias refers to the preconceived notions that a person has and that affect their interpretation of events. Everybody has biases regarding a great variety of subjects.

Which of the following World War II
developments would be considered a
weapon of mass destruction?
A. Sonar
B. Automatic rifle
C. Nuclear missiles


Answer: I think it is Nuclear missiles


In Adolf Hitler's mind, a perfect Nazi
would be loyal to whom?
A. the world
B. Germany
C. the Allies
D. Great Britain


It would be Germany




In Adolf Hitler's mind, a perfect Nazi would be loyal to Germany.

What does the second part of declaration contain


The second section is the Declaration of Natural Rights, which lists the rights that all "men" have. These rights, called natural or unalienable rights, are rights that are granted by God and can't be taken away or given up. These include the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The map shows the spread of religions across Europe in the 1500s. Map of Religions in Europe in 1560. Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, Mixed, Calvinist, Islam and Catholic religions are shown. The latter 3 are in the minority. Based on the map, which had occurred by 1560?



- The Calvinist faith had spread from Switzerland to other parts of Europe.


Calvinism is described as the Christian religious tradition that is based upon the doctrines and forms of Christian practice of several Protestant reformers. One of its key characteristics is the 'Augustinian Doctrine of Predestination' which says that God has chosen some for salvation irrespective of their deeds or faith.

As per the information provided by the map, 'the Calvinist faith had stretched its boundaries to various parts of the Europe along with Switzerland.' This spread lead to significant alterations in the development of distinct structures of Churches and their reformation as the Catholic beliefs of began to be questioned. They started feeling that giving authority to the Pope or Priests is leading to the abuse of power and taking them away from the truth as mentioned in the Bible.


it is C,

France had become mostly Calvinist as a result of Calvinism spreading across central Europe.

Hope this helps


Which agreement solved over whether salves should be counted for the purposes of representation



Hey Mate! Here's your answer.


The Three-Fifths Compromise.

Hope it helped you!

help me with this question I only have 3 minutes left



a, b, d, and e


im not 100% sure but try




trust me man just trust

Why was Galileo Galilei punished by the Roman Catholic Church for his



Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church. Standard practice demanded that the accused be imprisoned and secluded during the trial.



For historical context, Galileo Galilei believed that the world circled around the sun, rather then the sun circling the world (as the Roman Catholic Church suggests). The Roman Catholic Church persecuted Galileo and tried to silence him due to his discovery that was contradictory to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, in which it, when proven true, would lead people to question other teachings of the Catholic Church and "lead people astray". Therefore, in an effort to not only keep the public image of the Catholic Church afloat, but also the respect and therefore funding of the church, The Roman Catholic Church moved to punish Galileo.


What was the main goal behind the temperance movement?


Temperance movement, movement dedicated to promoting moderation and, more often, complete abstinence in the use of intoxicating liquor (see alcohol consumption).
Temperance movement, movement dedicated to promoting moderation and, more often, complete abstinence in the use of intoxicating liquor (see alcohol consumption).

¿que importancia tiene conocer la evolución de la escritura​


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no Se anexan opciones o incisos, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La importancia que tiene conocer la evolución de la escritura​ es la siguiente.

Desde el origen de la humanidad, ha existido la necesidad de dejar por escrito el acontecer diario de las comunidades humanas. Primero a través de la pintura primitiva que podemos apreciar en las cuevas antiguas de Francia y España. y después, por medio de diferentes tipos de escritura como las tablillas de arcilla Sumerias, que están escritas con el lenguaje de signos llamados cuneiforme.

Los antiguos Egipcios hicieron algo similar con los jeroglíficos que aparecen en las paredes y columnas de sus edificios.

De ahí hasta que los Fenicios inventaron lo que podemos llamar la primera forma de alfabeto, allá en la región del Mar Mediterráneo.

Entonces, la importancia es que los humanos siempre han querido dejar por escrito un registro de los acontecimientos históricos de cada grupo, civilización y sociedad, para que las subsecuentes generaciones pudieran aprender del pasado, honrar a los ancestros, y prepararse para no cometer los errores del pasado que causaron conflictos.

Podemos concluir que la escritura ha permitido entender la historia y sus acontecimientos para que hoy sepamos de dónde venimos.

How are personal freedoms guaranteed by democracy threatened by other government forms like Communism




Communist Theory on Speech and Press Freedoms ... press is firmly rooted in the structures of modern western democratic thought. ... the right to hold property, be married and hold a nationality, among others). ... a freedom of the press, arguing in 1842 that restrictions, like censorship were instituted by the bourgeois elite.

1. What product did the British finally get the Chinese to buy? Opium
2. What treaty stated Britain received Hong Kong, five other ports, and $2 billion in cash from the
3. The import of what product from China made the British trade deficit grow by more than $30
4. After the end of what civil rebellion in China did Europeans, especially the British, become the
dominant economic power in China?



maybe this can help you https://asiapacificcurriculum.ca/learning-module/opium-wars-china


Before marrying King Henry II of England, Eleanor of Aquitaine was married to __________. Her remarriage helped change the course of Western European history.



Louis VIII of France


Eleanor of Aquitaine was one of the powerful queens of the Middle Ages. She becomes the queen of France, and after getting it annulled, became the queen of England. She is known for leading a crusade to the Holy Land. Eleanor was one of the famous queens in England known to plot against her husband with her two sons ( Richard and John) for the future inheritance of the empire. Henry's empire crumbled in the coming years under the reign of his sons.  

Which of the following correctly completes circle #1 in the chart above?
A. military
B. citizens
C. schools
D. businesses
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



I also agree that it’s D

For what reason might the United States government raise taxes instead of borrowing money to pay for a new government service?

To decrease public support for the new program
To prevent having to make changes to the federal budget
To show that people support taxation more than borrowing
To avoid paying interest on savings bonds


D: To avoid paying interest on savings bonds. Issuing bonds, entail the obligation to return them in the future, together with the corresponding interest payment.

What has been the main role of the
twelve Federal Reserve Banks?
A. To help commercial banks
B. To giveprivate home loans
C. To regulate personal income and taxes
D. To help individuals who file for bankruptcy


Answer: A. To help commercial banks


The Federal reserve bank is the central bank of the United States and the main role of central banks in an economy is to regulate commercial banks. This regulation also means that the central bank has to step in to help these commercial banks if they are going through times of distress.

The reason for this is that commercial banks are very important in the economy as they are key to the financial system. The failure to help commercial banks by the Fed during the Great Depression was one reason the depression lasted as long as it did so now the Fed helps when it can, with conditions of course.

Why did businesses hire children?
O A. They could pay them less than adults.
B. They wanted to give them part-time jobs.
O C. They wanted to give them a skill.
D. They could keep them off the street.


I think it is A. Because the factory owners would do anything to make more money. (they were greedy)

World history ap*x
Which topic is often used as a theme for studying history since World War 1?
A. Unresolved global conflicts
B. Social and cultural isolation
C. European imperialism and colonialism
D. Declining interest in human rights



Decolonisation and nationalism topic

cuáles fueron las causas, el desarrollo y las consecuencias de la guerra fría. Mínimo cinco ítems por cada aspecto​


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Estas fueron las causas, el desarrollo y las consecuencias de la Guerra Fría.

Estaos hablando del conflicto entre la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas y Estados Unidos durante el periodo llamado de la Guerra Fría, posterior al término de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Las causas fueron la tremendas diferencias políticas, estratégicas, ideológicas y territoriales entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética.

Joseph Stalin, líder de la Unión Soviética, nunca estuvo conforme con los acuerdos tomados en la Conferencia de Yalta al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Eso distanció a la URSS de los aliados Gran Bretaña, Francia y por supuesto, los Estados Unidos.

Finalmente, en búsqueda de una mayor presencia y dominio mundial, la Unión Soviética se apropió de países en los que instaló la ideología Comunista. Estos países fueron Checoslovaquia, Hungría, Alemania del Este, Polonia, Bulgaria y Rumania.

Esas diferencias provocaron serios incidentes como:

1) El primer incidente grave entre estos dos países fue el bloqueo de Berlín, ordenado por el líder Soviético Joseph Stalin en Junio de 1948. Las tropas Rusas bloquearon las entradas hacia Berlín, como una represalia por las decisiones de los Aliados.

2) El segundo incidente fue la decisión de los Aliados de llevar víveres, alimentos y provisiones a Berlín, por medio de aviones. Durante los once meses siguientes, aviones de la Fuerza Aérea Británica y Norteamericana transportaron todo tipo de ayuda a Berlín.

3) El derribo del avión norteamericano "U-2," en mayo 1, de 1960.

4) La Crisis de los Misiles Cubano, en octubre de 1962. El mundo estuvo al borde de otra Guerra Mundial, debido a la crisis por los Misiles Soviéticos instalados en Cuba, que apuntaban a las ciudades importantes de los Estados Unidos.

5) La Guerra de Corea. En su lucha por mantener el control en ciertas regiones del mundo, la Unión Soviética brindó apoyo a Corea del Norte, bajo la influencia Comunista. Como era de esperarse, los Estados Unidos dieron todo su respaldo a Corea del Sur.

Finalmente, la Unión Soviética y los Estados Unidos mantuvieron una competencia-pelea en la Carrera Armamentista, la Carrera Espacial, la expansión de Comunismo en el mundo por parte de la URSS y la contención de esa expansión, por parte de los Estados Unidos.

(2) Audio Visual Recordings are considered as the most trustworthy source for the study of Modern Indian History. Give reasons:​



yes it is important for the studying of that


What was the effect of manifest destiny on the American Indian population?Many
A.) American Indians welcomed new settlers into their tribal groups.
B.) Almost all American Indians died from disease and starvation.
C.) Many American Indians were killed or forced to move to reservations.
D.) Most American Indians gave up their land and fled to Mexico.



The anwer is 3.


Please help me to answer this question
Why is it important for a country to govern itself?


Answer: democracy vs. dictatorship


This is important because democracies work differently than other forms of government (dictatorship, communisim, anarchy) if every country was under one mass rule people would be supressed like they are in certian countries. (women can't drive, poc are supressed, rohinga ppl....ect) and because of these differences in views people would revolt and start revolutions. It is because of this its important that countries govern themselves.

meaning and how is it propaganda?


It says, long life and prosperity for our homeland. It is a propoganda because it suggests that Stalin wanted the country to prosper or that the country was prosperous under Stalin's leadership.

What did the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second District find in the 1970 case of Menechino v. Oswald


Erik drives 19.2 miles in 16 minutes.
He passes a sign which gives the speed limit as 65 mph.
By how much, in mph, did Erik's average speed exceed the speed limit?

the correct answer please​



angered by the rapid pace of reconstruction


The Radical Republicans in Congress were angered by Johnson's actions. They refused to allow Southern representatives and senators to take their seats in Congress. In 1866, the Congress passed the Civil Rights Bill, which granted African Americans equal protection under the law with whites.


After the Civil War, much of the South lay in ruins. “It passes my comprehension to tell what became of our railroads,” one South Carolinian told a northern reporter. “We had passably good roads, on which we could reach almost any part of the State, and the next week they were all gone—not simply broken up, but gone. Some of the material was burned, I know, but miles and miles of iron have actually disappeared, gone out of existence.”1 He might as well have been talking about the entire antebellum way of life. The future of the South was uncertain. How would these states be brought back into the Union? Would they be conquered territories or equal states? How would they rebuild their governments, economies, and social systems? What rights did freedom confer

which statements are beliefs of communisum check all that apply





pls help with this question will mark brainliest :))


It’s the 2nd one. To stay loyal to the state.


b. people should stay loyal to the state

Alguém me ajuda? Não tem a ver com escola dessa vez. Eu estou a muito tempo procurando um livro, no qual algumas pessoas receberam um bilhete para ir a uma biblioteca, porém eles descobrem que estão presos nessa biblioteca e precisam resolver uma série de mistérios para sair de lá. Me ajudem por favor





How does this event support the resolution of the story??​



please marks me as brainliests please for my efforts please...


It allows the narrator to see other people struggling with new cultures. ... to reveal similarities between the cultures of Meg and the narrator. Read this excerpt from "The All-American Slurp."

Other Questions
An emergency relief plane is dropping a care package from a plane to a group of medical personnel working for a relief agency in an African village. The package is designed to land in a small lake, inflate an attached raft upon impact, and finally resurface with the raft side down. The plane will be moving horizontally with a ground speed of 59.1 m/s. The package will be dropped a horizontal distance of 521 m from the intended target location. At what altitude above the pond must the plane be flying in order to successfully accomplish this feat? The ground state of an electron is the least stable energy state of an atom Helppp and explain pls and thankyou Xinhong Company is considering replacing one of its manufacturing machines. The machine has a book value of $45,000 and a remaining useful life of 5 years, at which time its salvage value will be zero. It has a current market value of $55,000. Variable manufacturing costs are $33,400 per year for this machine. Information on two alternative replacement machines follows. Alternative A Alternative BCost $ 119,000 $ 112,000 Variable manufacturing costs per year 23,000 10,200 Calculate the total change in net income if Alternative A, B is adopted. Should Xinhong keep or replace its manufacturing machine? If the machine should be replaced, which alternative new machine should Xinhong purchase? 2m^2-5m-3=0 by factorization Compute ????????, where ????=????2????+5????, ????=2????+????+3????. (Write your solution using the standard basis vectors ????, ????, and ????. Use symbolic notation and fractions where needed.) PLEASE HELP!!!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!! Determine the molarity of the sodium ions when 78.0 g Na2S is dissolved in water for a final volume of 1.0 L. How is mathematical thinking established? How can we have mathematical thinking? Click to read "Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now" by A. E. Housman. Thenanswer the question.Which line(s) from the poem best develop(s) the author's idea that peopleshould appreciate life because it is short?A. Loveliest of trees, the cherry now / Is hung with bloom along thebough.B. And since to look at things in bloom/Fifty springs are little room.C. Now, of my threescore years and ten, / Twenty will not come again,gain.D. Wearing white for Eastertide. Gerry works 40 hours a week managing Gerrys Market, without drawing a salary. He could earn $600 a week doing the same work for Jean. Gerrys Market owes its bank $100,000, and Gerry has invested $100,000 of his own money. If Gerrys accounting profits are $1,000 per week while the interest on his bank debt is $200 per week, his economic profits are: The number of chocolate chips in a bag of chocolate chip cookies is approximately normally distributed with mean of 1262 and a standard deviation of 118. Determine the 26th percentile for the number of chocolate chips in a bag. (b) Determine the number of chocolate chips in a bag that make up the middle 95% of bags. (c) What is the interquartile range of the number of chocolate chips in a bag of chocolate chip cookies? In a perpetual inventory system a.a count must be made in order to know the inventory amount. b.the inventory records cannot be computerized. c.the amount of inventory for sale and the amount sold are not listed in the inventory account. d.each purchase and sale of inventory is recorded in the inventory account. which describes the graph of y=-(x+5)^2+3 g Would an observational study or an experiment be more appropriate to investigate the effects on fertilizer on plant growth? Explain. Plot point C in GeoGebra to verify that it indeed lies on AB. You can enter the coordinates in the Input window to plot the point . Also , verify the distances you calculated in question 3 using GeoGebra . Take a screenshot showing the distances displayed by GeoGebra , and paste it below . Which sentence uses the proper MLA style for an in-text citation with an attributive phrase?A) The author went on to state, these early results should not be seen as proof that the happiest cows come from California (Green,2004, p. 47).B) The author (Green) went on to state, these early results should not be seen as proof that the happiest cows come from California (47).C) The author went on to state, these early results should not be seen as proof that the happiest cows come from California (Green 47).D) The author went on to state, these early results should not be seen as proof that the happiest cows come from California (47). An aqueous solution contains 0.29 M of benzoic acid (HA) and 0.16 M of sodium benzoate (A-). If the pH of this solution was measured to be 4.63, calculate the pKa of benzoic acid g please help thank you!!! What is an effect of industrialization on women's lives?