
I don’t know how to do this problem. Would anyone be able to assist? Thanks!


Answer 1


3/2 or 1 1/2 or 1.5

Step-by-step explanation:

first do the equations in each parentheses:

(-5+2) = -3

(-1/2) = -1/2

then multiply both sides:

-3 • -1/2 (which is the same as -3 • -1 over 2)

= 3/2 or 1 1/2 or 1.5

Related Questions

Find the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept
of the line 3x + 5y = - 15.
Slope =
X-intercept =





X intercept:-5

Step-by-step explanation:

The circumference of a circle is 14.444 miles. What is the circle's diameter?





[tex]c = 2 \times \pi \times r[/tex]

solving for (r) radius

[tex]r = \frac{c}{2\pi} = \frac{14.44}{2 \times \pi} [/tex]

= 2.29883

Tonis cat weighs 2,240 grams. How many kilograms does her cat weigh? Use 100 grams = 1 kilograms to convert the rates.


Answer: 2.24

Step-by-step explanation:

Firstly, one kilo is 1000 grams, not 100. 2240/1000=2.24

Toni's cat weighs 22.4 kilograms.

To convert grams to kilograms, we divide the weight in grams by the conversion rate of 100 grams per 1 kilogram.

For Toni's cat weighing 2,240 grams, we divide 2,240 by 100 to get the weight in kilograms.

2,240 grams / 100 grams per kilogram = 22.4 kilograms.

Therefore, Toni's cat weighs 22.4 kilograms.

The conversion rate of 100 grams to 1 kilogram allows us to easily convert weights from smaller units (grams) to larger units (kilograms). In this case, dividing the weight in grams by 100 gives us the weight in kilograms, providing a simple way to convert between the two units.

Learn more about conversion here



Find the missing coefficient in the equation of the line that passes through the given point Write the completed equation 3x + By = 97, (21, - 4)




Step-by-step explanation:

Substitute the point (21,-4) in for [tex]x[/tex] and [tex]y[/tex] in the equation making


Simplify and solve




Can you explain how to solve this please?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Consult your memory of multiplication tables to determine the square root of 100.

  10×10 = 100

  √100 = 10

Then multiply that value by -2.5

  -2.5×10 = -25


Of course, you can use a calculator or spreadsheet to evaluate this expression, too.

solve the median of 4,5,3,4,3,1



arrange them in order = 1,3,3,4,4,5

then cancel them slowly from both side = 3,3,4,4

until u find a single number or two number.

for two number which is same as this do (3+4)/2 which is 7/2 = 3.5

Step-by-step explanation:

4,5,3,4,3,1 (n = 6)

[tex] \\ \tt median = \frac{n + 1}{2} [/tex]

[tex] \\ \tt \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: = \frac{6 + 1}{2} [/tex]

[tex] \\ \tt \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: = \frac{7}{2} [/tex]

[tex] \\ \tt \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: = 3.5[/tex]

1. A roller coaster holds 30 people. There are 252 people waiting for a ride. How

many times will the roller coaster need to run so that all 252 people get a ride



They would need to wait almost 9 times to ride.

Step-by-step explanation:

252 divided by 30 equals 8.4.

What is the slope of this graph?

1. - 1/3
2. 1/3
3. -3
4. 3



find two points then do rise over run
the rise is -3 and the run is 1 which just makes it -3.

The table shows the heights of three different rock formations that Jeremy is considering. Rewrite the equation for the line of best fit. Then use the equation to predict how long it will take to climb and come back down the three rock formations.

Type the correct answer in each box. Round your answers to the nearest hundredth.



Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:

This table shows the heights of three different rock formations that Jeremy is considering.




What is the simple definition of the equation?

1: Statement about the equivalence of two formulas. 2: An expression that expresses a chemical reaction using a chemical symbol.

What is an equation? What is the type of equation?

There are two types of equations, identities and constraint equations. The ID applies to all values ​​of the variable. Constraint equations apply only to specific values ​​of variables. The equations are described as two equations joined by an equal sign ("=").

To learn more about an equation, at



Will give brainliest!

Select all tables that represent a proportional relationship between x and y.



A & D

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]y = \frac{6}{5} x[/tex]


[tex]y = 4x[/tex]

How many solutions does the
system of equations below have?

Y=2x - 6




Step-by-step explanation:

next two the = there are 2 ys


Only 1

Step-by-step explanation:

It does not have the same slope thus meaning its not it does not have infinite or no solution, which leaves out 1 solution

angle at centre is 108 degree and the area is 4620cm find the radius​




Step-by-step explanation:

Please help Please help



with what

Step-by-step explanation:

Help!!! evaluate peicewise functions




Step-by-step explanation:

You choose the middle one because 3<(4)<10 makes sense where as the other ones don't when you plug in 4. Then you solve the equation which is x^2-7 and then you get 16-7 which is 9.

consider the expression
[tex] \sqrt{a^{2} + 12 } + |b| [/tex]
when a = -2 and b= 14. what is the value of the expression?

show work​




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\sqrt{((-2)^2 + 12)} + 14[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{(4 + 12)} + 14[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{16}+14[/tex]

= 4 + 14

= 18

Hope this helps!


[tex] \sf 18[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \sf = \sqrt{ { - 2}^{2} + 12} + |14| [/tex]

[tex] \sf = \sqrt{(( - 2) \times ( - 2)) + 12} + 14[/tex]

[tex] \sf = \sqrt{4 + 12} + 14[/tex]

[tex] \sf = \sqrt{16} + 14[/tex]

[tex] \sf = \sqrt{ {4}^{2} } + 14[/tex]

[tex] \sf = 4 + 14[/tex]

[tex] \sf = 18[/tex]

Twenty percent of a class is made up of girls. If there are 40 students in the class, how many are girls ?​




Step-by-step explanation:

20 percent of 40 is 8

I hope this is 5he answer you were looking for

8. 20 percent of 40 is 8

1 If finding unit rate, what would be the best buy for potato chips? A. 18 oz. for $4.17 B. 32 oz for $7.92 C. 20 oz for $5.19 D. 30 oz for $5.99 ​




Step-by-step explanation:

Unit rate is $4.04 per oz

It took Jason 20 days to write his college essay. He wrote half a page (0.5) every day. How long was the report?I need an explanation to so I can understand, thank you!


The report was 10 pages. This is because we know that Jason wrote half a page a day, and if he consistently wrote each day and I took him a total of 20 days to finish, all you would have to do is multiply 20 by .5 (half a page), you would then get 10, which means that in 20 days he wrote 10 pages

Please help, thank you (NO LINKS!)
Patsy has cheerleading practice every fourth day. She wants to be in the school play, but they have practice every sixth day. If both start on September 5th, what would be the next date she has to choose between cheerleading and play practice? Show your work and explain.



the first time 4 and 6 intersent is 24

so 24 days after september 5th

september 29th

Hope This Helps!!!

if there was 200 kids= 100% and 43 of them left what is the percent



It would be 86 as 43% of 200 is 86

Step-by-step explanation:

0.1 x 0.01 x 0.001
ans ???


>> Answer


[tex] \: [/tex]

[tex]0.1 \times 0.01 \times 0.001 = ...[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1}{10} \times \frac{1}{100} \times \frac{1}{1.000} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1}{10 \times 100 \times 1.000} [/tex]

[tex] = \bold{ \frac{1}{1.000.000}} [/tex]


[tex]0.1 \times 0.01 \times 0.001 = 0.000001 \\ \\ \\ \\ i \: hope \: it \: is \: helpfull[/tex]

How do you do this, because I really do not know how to do this and plz explain how to do this




Step-by-step explanation:

the leading degree(the biggest power in the function) x^4 and the leading coefficient is the number next to the highest power which is -5

so the answer should be

-5,4,x -> infinity, f(x) -> -infinity ; x -> -infinity, f(x) -> -infinity    

when you get asked questions like this look for the biggest power and the number next to it. if the power is even x will always be positive if its odd x can be either positive or negative it depends on restrictions.

for instance in this example -5 * x^4 will always give you negative because -5 will multiply with a positive number x (the power is even so its always positive)

-15 < x - 8 < -4



[tex] \sf \: -15 < x - 8 < -4 [/tex]

Add 8 to all parts

[tex]\sf \longmapsto−15+8<x−8+8<−4+8[/tex]

[tex]\sf \longmapsto−7<x<4[/tex]

[tex] \boxed{\sf−7<x<4 }[/tex]

Graph attached

if 20 articles cost $90,then the cost of 9 articles is




Step-by-step explanation:

90 divided by 20 is 4.5. then you multiply that times 9 and that's your answer.  

What is the first step in solving this equation?
3(2x + 6) - 4x = 2(5x - 2) + 6
Use the subtraction property of equality to subtract 6 from both sides.
Use the addition property of equality to add 4x to both sides.
Combine the like terms on each side of the equation.
O Use the distributive property on each side of the equation.


Answer: use distributive property

Step-by-step explanation:

you must always start from the numbers in the parentheses

The height of a tree is 8.2 meters.
What is the tree's height in centimeters?



820 centimeter :3

Step-by-step explanation:

8.2 meters

move the decimal back twice because of KiloHecaDecaBase (m,l,g)DeciCentiMilli

As we know 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters so the height of the tree 8.2 meters is equal to 820 meters

What is unit conversion?

The same attribute is expressed using a unit conversion but in a different unit of measurement.

For instance, time can be expressed in minutes rather than hours, and distance can be expressed in kilometers, feet, or any other measurement unit instead of miles.

Measurements are frequently offered in one set of units, like feet, but are required in another set, like chains.

A conversion factor is a mathematical equation that facilitates an equal exchange of feet for chains.

Given, The height of a tree is 8.2 meters, now we know 1 meter is equal to 100cm so to convert some quantity from meters to centimeters we multiply by 100.

∴ 8.2 meters is equal to (8.2×100) = 820 centimeters.

learn more about unit conversion here :



The owner of a new restaurant is ordering tables and chairs. He wants to have only tables for 2 and tables for 4. The total number of people that can be seated in the restaurant is 120.

a. Find some possible combinations of 2-seat tables and 4-seat tables that will seat 120 customers.



5 points for what

Step-by-step explanation:


Which of the following is a solution to the inequality below?19 ≥ 5k + 6



k ≥ 13/5 or k ≥ 2.6 ( same thing )

Step-by-step explanation:

symbol stays the same throughout (≥)

subtract 6 from both sides of the symbol ( 13 ≥ 5k)

divide both sides by 5 (13/5  ≥ k )

your answer can be written as k ≥ 13/5 or k ≥ 2.6

What is the product?

(4y − 3)(2y2 + 3y − 5)

8y3 + 3y + 15
8y3 − 23y + 15
8y3 − 6y2 − 17y + 15
8y3 + 6y2 − 29y + 15



the last one

Step-by-step explanation:

i forgot how to turn fractions into decimals pls help me

3/5 = 0.6 but how do u get 0.6

pls show the work



A fraction is essentially division, so 3/5 is the same as 3 ÷ 5

3÷5 = 0.6


(imagine the square root is the divsion thing)

5 cannot go into 3 so the answer is a decimal

then add a zero at the end of 3 to make 30



and 5 can go into 30, 6 times so you add a 6 to make 0.6



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