6- the chemical formula of carbonate salt contain monovalent cation is ..........
O X(HCO3)2
7- after adding sodium hydroxide into hydrochloric acid, pH will
O Increases
O decreases
O remains constant
8- the reaction between calcium hydroxide and Nitric acid forming ........
o Ca(NO2)2
O Ca(NO3) O Ca(NO3)2
o Ca(NO2)


Answer 1



[tex]{ \sf{XCO _{3} }}[/tex]

because X has only one positive charge.


[tex]{ \sf{increases}}[/tex]

because there is increase in hydroxyl ions which decrease the acidity or hydrogen strength of hydrochloric acid.


[tex]{ \sf{Ca(NO _{3} ) _{2} }}[/tex]

Calcium has a valency of 2 and nitrate ion radicle has valency of 1

Related Questions

solubility of sodium chloride in water at 27 degree celsius is 22.7 in hundred ml of water the density of water is 1.0 gram per ml calculate the concentration of sodium chloride in term of mass percentage when dissolved in 500 ml of water

please tell me correct answer with solution ​



of what grade it is of??


tell me then ill answer

True or false, The universal gas constant, R, is . 0821 when we use mm Hg as our unit for pressure



This is true.


R should be 0.0821

Good luck!

Which missing item would complete this alpha decay reaction?
21CF-247 Cm +



the atomic number decreased in 2, from 100 to 100 - 2 = 98. 3) Hence the formed atom has atomic number 98, which is californium, Cf, and the isotope is californium - 253. 4) The item that completes the given alpha decay reaction is: ₉₈²⁵³ Cf.


What would you need to do to calculate the molality of 10 g of NaCl in 2 kg of


A. Convert the 2 kg of water to liters of water.

O B. Convert the 10 g of NaCl to moles of NaCl.

C. Convert the 2 kg of water to moles of water.

O D. Convert the 10 g of NaCl to kg of NaCl.



O B. Convert the 10 g of NaCl to moles of NaCl.


The formula for finding the molality is m=moles of solute/kg of solvent. The solute for this question is NaCl and the solvent is water.

(10g NaCl)(1 mol NaCl/58.44g NaCl)=0.1711 mol NaCl

58.44 is the molar mass of NaCl

m=0.1711 mol NaCl/2 kg H2O


What happens when acetylene reacts with silver powder?​


It dissolves I think I know I am expert and. Ute

Which of the following represents an endothermic reaction?

Select one:

a. S(s) +O2(g) → SO2(g) ΔH = -297kJ

b. 2NO2(g) → N2(g) + 2O2(g) + 33.8kJ

c. N2(g) + 2O2(g) + 90.4kJ → 2NO2

d. N2H4(g) + O2(g) → N2(g) +2H20(g) + 627.6 kJ


B because decomposition reactions are often caused by the application of heat to break up the bonds within the molecules, which will form the molecules that made up the decomposed molecule.

Which elements on the periodic table are the least reactive? (1 point)
o the group with helium at the top
the group with hydrogen at the top
the group with carbon at the top
the group with fluorine at the top


The group with helium at the top because those are the noble gases


the group with helium at the top


I just took it

When a leaf of fresh sage or mint is rubbed ,the fragrance is
immediately obvious. Write a theoretical explanation for this observation


Answer: Volatile compounds present in the fresh sage leaf or mint leaf evaporate on rubbing.


When fresh sage or mint is rubbed on the skin or any other surface the volatile chemicals associated with the integral structure of the plant part get evaporated in the surrounding air and the vapors can be detected by the olfactory receptors present in the nose. These receptors take the smell or fragrance stimulus and generate impulses or signals which goes to brain and brain interprets the smell or fragrance.

What are three ways that plastic pollution is harmful on land



Plastic pollution are harmful on land because;

It can make human felt sick which is not healthy for us.

How did elements get to earth?


the universe formed through the big bang explosion, all of the elements on Earth have been cooked for billions of years in stars and then released in the universe through super- nova explosions.

Explain the bonding that occurs between sodium and chlorine. Specifically, what kind of bonding takes
place, what’s the name of the resulting compound, and what properties would you expect this compound to
have with respect to water?



About bonding


A chemical bond is a lasting attraction between atoms, ions or molecules that enables the formation of chemical compounds. The bond may result from the electrostatic force of attraction between oppositely charged ions as in ionic bonds or through the sharing of electrons as in covalent bond.


An ionic bond occurs between sodium and chlorine where sodium has one  electron while chlorine has seven electrons. The electron from sodium is lost and transferred to a chlorine atom which results in a sodium ion with a charge of one+ and a chloride ion with a charge of one-. These oppositely charged ions attract each other making a balanced charge to make a compound that is electrically neutral.. Sodium cation (Na+) and chlorine anion (Cl-) are attracted to each another to form sodium chloride (table salt). When dissolved in water, the sodium and chloride ions are strongly attracted to the polar water molecules because of ion-dipole interactions.  


Suggest a way that a scientist could create an even more accurate model of universe expansion



Between galaxies, retake the measurement.


Among both galaxies, reiterate the measurements. Instead of utilising a balloon, a scientist might create a model that shows in which everything really is and how cosmos is expanding rather than expanding. By inflating up the atmosphere to 1/2, 3/4, and full size, continue the operation.

A 45g Aluminum spoon (specific heat 0.88J/g degree Celcius) at 24 degrees Celcius placed in 180ml(180g) of coffee at 85 degrees Celcius and the temperature of the two become equal. What is the final temperature?



82 °C


Let the specific heat capacity of the coffee be that of water which is 4.2 J/g °C.

Now, at the final temperature, heat gained by Aluminum spoon ,Q equals heat lost by coffee, Q'.

Q = -Q'

Q = m₁c₁(T₂ - T₁) where m₁ = mass of aluminum spoon = 45 g, c₁ = specific heat of aluminum = 0.88 J/g °C, T₁ = initial temperature of aluminum spoon = 24 °C and T₂ = final temperature of aluminum spoon.

Q' = m₂c₂(T₂ - T₃) where m₂ = mass of coffee = 180 g, c₂ = specific heat of coffee = 4.2 J/g °C, T₃ = initial temperature of coffee = 85 °C and T₂ = final temperature of coffee.

So, Q = -Q'

m₁c₁(T₂ - T₁) = -m₂c₂(T₂ - T₃)

Making T₂ subject of the formula, we have

m₁c₁T₂ - m₁c₁T₁ = -m₂c₂T₂ + m₂c₂T₃

m₁c₁T₂ + m₂c₂T₂ =  m₂c₂T₃ + m₁c₁T₁

(m₁c₁ + m₂c₂)T₂ =  m₂c₂T₃ + m₁c₁T₁

T₂ =  (m₂c₂T₃ + m₁c₁T₁)/(m₁c₁ + m₂c₂)

substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

T₂ =  (180 g × 4.2 J/g °C × 85 °C + 45 g × 0.88 J/g °C × 24 °C )/(45 g × 0.88 J/g °C  + 180 g × 4.2 J/g °C)

T₂ =  (64260 J + 950.4 J)/(39.6 J/°C  + 756 J/°C)

T₂ =  65210.4 J/795.6 J/°C

T₂ =  81.96 °C

T₂ ≅  82 °C

summer school is over, and I'm feeling self-destructive. Take all of my points and have a good night. 3/3


ayo thanks mate :0000000000000000000000

Good night to you to

an atom contains positive protons and negative electrons. Why atom is electrically neutral. ​



atom is electrically neutral because

the no.of protons is equal to no.of


Therefore the negative charge and

positive charge cancels out.

Which of the following pairs of elements will form ionic bonds with each
A. Silver (Ag) and silver (Ag)
B. Lithium (Li) and iodine (1)
C. Bromine (Br) and bromine (Br)
D. Carbon (C) and chlorine (CI)



B. Lithium (Li) and iodine (1)


Ionic bond is a type of chemical bond that is formed between a metallic element and a non metallic element. The positive charge of the metallic ion is attracted to the negative charge of the non metallic ion to form an ionic bond.

According to the options given in this question, lithium and iodine will form an IONIC bond because lithium is a cation (+ve ion) while iodine is an anion (-ve).

9. Which is true of a radioisotope that is used to date rock formations?



Radiometric dating or radioactive date is the method that uses radioisotope to date the formation of a rock. The age of the rocks will be determined.


Radioactive deterioration is a natural process and results from the unstable atomic core, which releases bits and parts.

These radioactive particles are released as (there are many types). This decline process results in a more equilibrated nucleus, which makes the atom stable when the number of protons and neutrons balances.

This radioactivity is suitable for dating, as a radioactive "parent" item is constantly decaying into a stable "daughter" element.

A single mineral grain or a whole rock may be dated. There are techniques by which the sample is excited in a nuclear reactor and then measured with a mass spectrometer. The isotope (such as in the argon-argon scheme).

Others put mineral grains under a special microscope, fir in the grains with an ionising laser beam that releases the mineral and the isotopes.

The isotopes are measured by a mass spectrometer inside the same machine (an example of this is SIMS analysis).

Are all elements atoms and are all atoms elements?





because is smallest element that are made up of atom

Answer: Yes


How many Calcium (CA) Atoms are in Calcium Oxide​


Answer: there is one Calcium atom in Calcium oxide

CaO is the formula for calcium oxide. One calcium atom for every Oxygen atom.

balance this equation

PB3 O4 + H2 → PB + H2O​



Pb3O4 + 4H2 → 3Pb + 4H2O



Tritium - H2

Molar Mass of H2 Bond Polarity H-3 Hydrogen-3 3H T


Lead - Pb

Molar Mass of Pb Plumbum Element 82 Bulk Lead

Water - H2O

Molar Mass of H2O Oxidation Numbers of H2O Dihydrogen Monoxide Dihydridooxygen Hoh Hydrogen Hydroxide Dihydrogen Oxide Oxidane Hydrogen Oxide Pure Water


What is a weak acid?
A. An acid that does not have a conjugate base
B. An acid that does not dissolve completely
C. An acid that has been diluted with water
D. An acid that has a very low pH value





strong acids ionize completely in water


An acid that does not dissolve completely





a) clockwise

b) clockwise and

c) anticlockwise




3 - a heterogeneous mixture

4- Sweet tea is an homogeneous mixture



6. d

7. b

8. c

The number of joules required to heat one gram of a substance one degree Celsius is _____.




specific heat capacity


The answer is D - specific heat capacity.

26. Calculate the mass of hydrogen formed when 25 grams of aluminum reacts with excess hydrochloride acid. 2AI + 6HCl →l Al2Cl6 + 3H2



2.76 gram


2AI + 6HCl → 2AlCl3 + 3H2

get the mol of aluminum => n = m / M = 25 / 27 = 0.925 (mol)get the ratio mol of Hydro => nH2 = 0.925 * 3 / 2 = 1.38 (mol)get weight of hydro mH2 = n x M = 1.38 x 2 = 2.76 (gram)


Al +2 HCl - AlCl2 + H2

why do the aquatic plants not break down by water current?


Leaves of aquatic plants are covered by a waxy cuticle which does not allow the water to wet them.

What is an atomic mass unti



a unit of mass used to express atomic and molecular weights, equal to one twelfth of the mass of an atom of carbon-12.


Atomic Mass Unit is also called Dalton. It is used to express atomic and molecular weight. It is defined as 1/12 of the mass of an unbound neutral atom of carbon.

Using these metal ion/metal standard reduction potentials calculate cell potential for Cu2+(aq) + Cd(s) →Cd2+(aq)+ Cu(s) Cu2+(aq)|Cu(s) + 0.34 VNi2+(aq)|Ni(s) -0.25 Cd2+(aq)/Cd(s) -0.4V


Solution :

Cd(s) ---------------------->  [tex]Cd^{+2}[/tex] (aq) + 2[tex]e^-[/tex]      ,     [tex]E_0[/tex]  =   0.34 v

[tex]Cu^{+2}[/tex]  (aq)  +   2[tex]e^-[/tex]  ------------> Cu (s)             ,     [tex]E_0[/tex]  =  -0.04 v


Cd(s)  +  [tex]Cu^{+2}[/tex]  (aq)  ------------->  [tex]Cd^{+2}[/tex] (aq)  +  Cu (s)   ,      [tex]E_0[/tex]  =  0.30 v  

The cell potential is defined as the measure of [tex]\text{ potential difference }[/tex]  between the [tex]\text{two half cells}[/tex] of an electrochemical cell.  

Temperature is measured in what unit?






Temperature is measured in Kelvin..

What produces the large amount of energy released by a nuclear reaction?
A. the "disappearance" of a small number of electrons.
B. the "creation" of a small amount of mass.
c. the "disappearance" of a small amount of mass.
D. the "creation" of a small number of electrons.


Fusion power is the power generated by nuclear fusion processes. In fusion reactions, two light atomic nuclei fuse together to form a heavier nucleus. In doing so, they release a comparatively large amount of energy that arises from the binding energy, creating an increase in temperature of the reactants.

Answer: C the “disappearance” of a small amount of mass.


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