60 POINT!!!!!!
Miranda found four different bottles filled with unknown pure liquids. She measured the mass, volume, and boiling point of these liquids, and calculated the density which are displayed in Table 1.

What conclusion can you make on whether any of the liquids are the same. Explain based on the information in the table.



Answer 1


Samples 2 and 4 are the same liquid


Samples 2 and 4 should be the same liquid because they have the same density as well as the same boiling point. The mass and volumes given do not matter in this case, however they could be used to calculate the density which was already given.

Answer 2

The liquid  present in sample 2 and 4 is same as according to forces of attraction they have same density and boiling points.

What are forces of attraction?

Forces of attraction is a force by which atoms in a molecule  combine. it is basically an attractive force in nature.  It can act between an ion  and an atom as well.It varies for different  states  of matter that is solids, liquids and gases.

The forces of attraction are maximum in solids as  the molecules present in solid are tightly held while it is minimum in gases  as the molecules are far apart . The forces of attraction in liquids is intermediate of solids and gases.

The physical properties such as melting point, boiling point, density  are all dependent on forces of attraction which exists in the substances.

Learn more about forces of attraction,here:



Related Questions

A mountain climber encounters a crevasse in an ice field. The opposite side of the crevasse is a height h lower, and is separated horizontally by a distance w. To cross the crevasse, the climber gets a running start and jumps in the horizontal direction. If the height of the crevasse increases but the width remains the same, then,

Select one:

O a. the minimum speed needed to cross the crevasse stays the same.

O b. the minimum speed needed to cross the crevasse will depend on the mass of the mountain climber.

O c. the minimum speed needed to cross the crevasse decreases.

O d. the minimum speed needed to cross the crevasse increases.

O e. the minimum speed needed to cross the crevasse will depend on the weight of the mountain climber.​



Which scientist is credited with having the greatest contribution to early microscopy and was the first to observe and describe single-celled organisms?



Antonie van Leeuwenhoek


Describe how you can determine:
a) Volume of an irregular body
b) Density of a liquid​


Density of liquid try thank you so much


  a) measure the change in volume when the object is immersed; compute from range data

  b) find the ratio of mass to volume for a measured mass and volume


a) The volume of a small enough irregular body can be found by measuring the difference in volume of the (semi-)fluid in which it is immersed, before and after immersion.

For irregular bodies for which that approach does not work, various 3D scanners are available for measuring volume and surface area. They may rely on optical (laser or camera), sonic, or radar measurements, and generally involve computation from distances to various points.


b) Density is the ratio of mass to volume. So, measurements of mass and volume of a liquid sample are sufficient to provide the basis for determining density.

Other methods include measuring buoyancy forces, and/or the depth of submersion of something that floats in the liquid. For specific liquids, hydrometers are available for measuring their density relative to that of water.


If a 40cm rope with a 220g bob can hold a maximum tension of 3N
a) what are the maximum angular velocity and inclination angle it can reach before the rope break?
b) Angle of inclination​



ω = 3.1 rad/s

θ = 36° from vertical


I will ASSUME that the bob and string is acting as a pendulum.

Please understand that the string will break when the bob is at the lowest point of the swing where the vectors of gravity and centripetal acceleration align. It will NOT break at the angle of maximum inclination measured from vertical. This angle is only a component of the maximum potential energy that gets converted to maximum kinetic energy at the lowest point of the swing.

At the bottom of the swing, the string must support the weight of the bob plus supply the required centripetal acceleration.

F = mg + mω²R

F/m = g + ω²R

F/m - g = ω²R

ω = √((F/m - g)/R)

ω = √((3/0.220 - 9.8)/0.40)

ω = 3.09691...

ω = 3.1 rad/s

Potential energy will convert to kinetic energy

       mgh = ½mv²

             h = v²/2g

R - Rcosθ = v²/2g

R(1 - cosθ) = v²/2g

   1 - cosθ = v²/2gR

        cosθ = 1 - v²/2gR

        cosθ = 1 - (Rω)²/2gR

        cosθ = 1 - Rω²/2g

        cosθ = 1 - 0.40(3.1²)/(2(9.8))

        cosθ = 0.804267

              θ = 36.46045...

              θ = 36°

Vesta is a minor planet (asteroid) that takes 3.63 years to orbit the Sun.
Calculate the average sun -Vesta distance


Using Kepler's third law, the average sun -Vesta distance is 2.36 AU.

According to Kepler's laws, the square of the period of revolution of planets are proportional to the cube of their average distances from the sun. Hence, we can write; [tex]T^{2} =r^{3}[/tex]


T = period of the planet

r = average distance of the planet


T =  3.63 years

r = [tex]\sqrt[3]{T^2}[/tex]

r = [tex]\sqrt[3]{(3.63)^2}[/tex]

r = 2.36 AU

Learn more:https://brainly.com/question/14281129

Option B.
Consider a setup in which two springs are attached to a mass in parallel.
Convince yourself that in this setup, the compression of each spring must be the same. Using
this fact, derive the effective spring constant for springs in parallel
This is asking, "ll1 replace the two springs by a single imaginary spring, what would its spring
constant be such that the force stays the same?" Your answer should only depend on k, and k



it would be...


A meter stick is attached to one end of a rigid rod with negligible mass of length l = 0.302 m. The other end of the light rod is suspended from a pivot point, as shown in the figure below. The entire system is pulled to a small angle and released from rest. It then begins to oscillate. A meter stick hung from a rod of length l. The rod is attached to the ceiling. The rod and meter stick extend downward in a straight line making a small angle with the vertical. (a) What is the period of oscillation of the system (in s)? (Round your answer to at least three decimal places.)


The period of oscillation of the system nearest to three decimal places

= 1.092 seconds

The period of an oscillation occurring in a system is the time taken to complete one cycle.

The formula that is used to calculate the period of oscillation (T) is

                = 2π√[tex]\frac{l}{g}[/tex]


π = 3.14159 (constant)

g= 10m/s² (acceleration due to gravity)

l = 0.302 m

Therefore T = 2 × 3.14159 × √[tex]\frac{0.302}{10}[/tex]

                    = 6.28318 x √0.0302

                    = 6.28318 x 0.17378

                    = 1.09189s

                    = 1.092 seconds ( to the nearest three decimal places)

Learn more here:


 what is the difference between repelling and attracting



Attracting means pulling toward you and repelling means pushing away


Answer: Repelling is when something will not connect with another object. The force will cause a repel between the two objects. Attracting is when something is attracted or being pulled to another object.

Explanation: Hope this helps!

Required information
Medical testing has established that the maximum acceleration a pilot can be subjected to without losing consciousness is
approximately 5.00g. A pilot can avoid "blackout" at accelerations up to approximately 9.00g by wearing special "g-suits"
that help keep blood pressure in the brain at a sufficient level.
What is the minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop at 729 km/h?



hi there is that OK for the weekend of the following week as well


6th of March is fine for me

The minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop at 729 km/h is approximately 838.1 meters.

To determine the minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop, we need to consider the maximum acceleration the pilot can withstand without losing consciousness.


Maximum acceleration without losing consciousness = 5.00g

Acceleration with g-suits to avoid blackout = 9.00g

First, we need to convert the speed of the F-15 from km/h to m/s:

Speed = 729 km/h = (729 * 1000) m/3600 s ≈ 202.5 m/s

Next, we'll calculate the acceleration experienced by the pilot in the circular loop. In a horizontal circular motion, the centripetal acceleration is given by:

Acceleration = ([tex]\rm Velocity^2[/tex]) / Radius

We can rearrange the equation to solve for the radius:

Radius = ([tex]\rm Velocity^2[/tex]) / Acceleration

Using the maximum acceleration of 5.00g, we convert it to [tex]\rm m/s^2[/tex]:

Maximum acceleration = 5.00g ≈ (5.00 * 9.8) [tex]\rm m/s^2[/tex] = 49 m/s^2

Now, we can calculate the minimum safe radius of curvature:

Radius = ([tex]\rm 202.5^2[/tex]) / 49 ≈ 838.1 meters

Therefore, the minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop at 729 km/h is approximately 838.1 meters.

Know more about radius of curvature:



What on earth is equal to 9.8m/s/s



Acceleration due to gravity

Which force, in real life, will have the least effect on a bowling ball rolling down a lane toward bowling pins?

A) magnetism

B) air resistance

C) gravity

D) friction



Its Friction


the pins are not floating and they are not a magnet and not involved with air

The force, in real life, that will have the least effect on a bowling ball rolling down a lane toward bowling pins is magnetism. The correct option is A.

What is magnetism?

Magnetism is basically the force which indeed magnets exert when they attract or even repel one another. The movement of electric charges resulting in magnetism.

Every substance is composed of tiny units referred to as atoms. Each atom contains electrons, which are charged particles.

To increase stability, the pins themselves have a low center of gravity. Because they are spherical in shape, they can roll and strike other pins in a variety of directions.

The force acting on the bowling ball is friction and air resistance. The friction force is equal to the friction coefficient multiplied by the normal force, and thus mass times acceleration.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding magnetism, visit:



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I think the answer is d.right?

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