63 km/h is equal to...
O a) 27.5 m/s
b) 18 m/s
c) 1.75 m/s
d) 1.8 m/s
please hurry


Answer 1


17.5 m/s


Refer to the attachment!~

63 Km/h Is Equal To...O A) 27.5 M/sb) 18 M/sc) 1.75 M/sd) 1.8 M/splease Hurry

Related Questions

A merry-go-round at a playground is a circular platform that is mounted parallel to the ground and can rotate about an axis that is perpendicular to the platform at its center. The angular speed of the merry-go-round is constant, and a child at a distance of 1.4 m from the axis has a tangential speed of 2.2 m/s. What is the tangential speed of another child, who is located at a distance of 2.1 m from the axis?
(a) 1.5 m/s
(b) 3.3 m/s
(c) 2.2 m/s
(d) 5.0 m/s
(e) 0.98 m/s





From the question we are told that:

Distance [tex]d_1=1.4m[/tex]

Tangential speed [tex]V=2.2m/s[/tex]

Distance 2 [tex]d_2=2.1m[/tex]

Generally the equation for Angular velocity is mathematically given by






A 3-kg projectile is launched at an angle of 45o above the horizontal. The projectile explodes at the peak of its flight into two pieces. A 2-kg piece falls directly down and lands exactly 50 m from the launch point. Determine the horizontal distance from the launch point where the 1-kg piece lands.


1517.4 m

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the projectile broke up at the peak of its flight, it already traveled half its initial range so we can find its initial launch velocity [tex]v_0[/tex] from the equation

[tex]\frac{1}{2}R= \dfrac{1}{2} \left(\dfrac{v_0^2}{g}\sin 2\theta_0 \right)[/tex]

where [tex]\theta_0 = 45°[/tex] and [tex]\frac{1}{2}R = 50\:\text{m}[/tex] so we will get [tex]v_0=31.3\:\text{m/s}[/tex]. Next, we can use the equation

[tex]v_y = v_0y - gt = v_0 \sin 45 - gt[/tex]

and since [tex]v_y=0[/tex] at its peak, we get t = 22.1 s. Let's set this aside for a moment and we'll use it later.

At the top of its peak, we can use the conservation law of linear momentum. Let M be the mass if of the original projectile, [tex]m_1[/tex] be the mass of the larger fragment (2 kg) and [tex]m_2[/tex] be the mass of the smaller fragment (1 kg). We can write the conservation law as

[tex]Mv_0x = m_1V_1 + m_2V_2[/tex]

where [tex]V_1\:\text{and}\:V_2[/tex] are the velocities of the fragments immediately after the break up. But we also know that [tex]V_1=0[/tex] so the velocity of [tex]m_2[/tex] can be calculated from the conservation law as

[tex]Mv_0 \cos 45° = m_2V_2[/tex]


[tex]V_2 = \dfrac{M}{m_2}v_0 \cos 45° = 66.4\:\text{m/s}[/tex]

Now we can calculate the horizontal distance the smaller fragment traveled after the break up. Recall that the amount of time for it to go up is also the amount of time to get down so the horizontal distance x is

[tex]x = V_2 t = (66.4\:\text{m/s})(22.1\:\text{s})= 1467.4\:\text{m}[/tex]

Therefore, the total distance traveled from the launch point is

[tex]D = 50\:\text{m} + 1467.4\:\text{m}=1517.4\:\text{m}[/tex]

Which of the following phenomenon odd called photoelectric effect?

A. High energy electrons impinge on a metallic Annie which emits electrons

B. A high energy photon emits photons as it slows down

C. A metal absorbs a quanta of light and then emits electrons

D. Two electrons are created from a quanta of light.


two electrons are created from a quanta of kight

If the car falls down the side of the cliff, what is happening to the gravitational potential energy of the falling car? (Assume the bottom of the cliff is zero)



Sentences with many clauses and phrases are difficult to understand because the clauses and phrases typically _____.

modify other clauses and phrases in the sentence

refer to other sentences in the passage

make it hard to determine where the sentence ends

change the intended meaning of the sentence


Which 2 statements are true about this chemical reaction that forms acid rain?





HNO2 is less stable thus dissociates easily to HNO3 + NO + H2O while HNO3 is a strong acid. Thus when they react with H2O they form acid rain




dont have one just trust me

A 10,000J battery is depleted in 2h. What power consumption is this? *

A) 5000W
B) 3W
C) 1.4W
D) 20000W

show your work please



P = 1.4 W


Given that,

The work done or the energy of the battery, E = 10,000 J

Time, t = 2 h

We need to find the power consumption. Let it is P. Power is the rate of doing work. So,

[tex]P=\dfrac{W}{t}\\\\P=\dfrac{10,000}{2\times 3600}\\\\P=1.38\ W[/tex]


P = 1.4 W

So, the power of the battery is 1.4 W.

A skateboarder is inside of a half pipe, shown here. Explain her energy transformations as she jumps off at point A, slides to point B, and finally reaches point C.


Point A would be the build up and leverage to slide down the half pipe to point b she would be bending her knees to increase speed to go up the other side and meet point c

explain how a lever can act as a force multiplier



Example:Opening of a bottle cap by tool

when we hold a tool and open the bottle cap this is because , force x tool force .

The load arm is usually shorter than the effort arm in second order levers. Moving a large weight hence requires less effort. A force multiplier lever or effort multiplier lever is the name for this kind of lever. A boat's oars, for instance, can increase the force.

What is second order levers?

Second-order levers are devices with the input force farthest from the fulcrum and the output force on the same side of the fulcrum. A wheelbarrow is an excellent illustration of a second-order lever.

A second-order lever will have an output force greater than an input force, similar to first-order levers. The output journey, however, will be shorter than the input length. Both the input and output forces in this situation will move in the same direction.

Learn more about lever here:



A balloon is filled with 80 liters of gas on a day where the temperature was 34 degrees at sea level which is 101.3 kPa and released. As the balloon rises to a certain altitude, the temperature drops to 0 degrees celsius and the balloon doubles in volume. What is the atmospheric pressure at that altitude?





Using the combined gas law equation;

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2


P1 = initial pressure (

P2 = final pressure (

V1 = initial volume (L)

V2 = final volume (L)

T1 = initial temperature (K)

T2 = final temperature (K)

According to this question,

P1 = 101.3 kPa = 101.3 × 0.00987 = 0.999atm

P2 = ?

V1 = 80L

V2 = 160L (double of V1)

T1 = 34°C = 34 + 273 = 307K

T2 = 0°C = 0 + 273 = 273K

Using P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

0.999 × 80/307 = P2 × 160/273

79.92/307 = 160P2/273

Cross multiply

307 × 160P2 = 79.92 × 273

49120P2 = 21818.16

P2 = 21818.16 ÷ 49120

P2 = 0.444

P2 = 0.444atm

Suppose there are 3 molecules in a container. If each molecule has a 1-in-2 chance of being in the left half of the container, what is the probability that there are exactly 2 molecules in the left half of the container?



Total probability = 3/8


Below is the calculation:

Number of molecules in the container = 3

The probability of one molecule in the left half, P = 3 / 2 = 1.5 or 1/2

The probability of second molecule in the left half, P1 = (3/4)

Total probability = P x P1

Total probability = (1/2) x (3/4)

Total probability = 3/8

A man pulls his dog (m=20kg) on a sled with a force of 100N at a 60° angle from the horizontal. What is the horizontal component of the force?

A) 100N

B) 196N

C) 50N

D) 86N

show your work please



the horizontal component of the force is 50 N



force applied by the man, F = 100 N

angle of inclination of the force, θ = 60⁰

mass of the dog, m = 20 kg

The horizontal component of the force is calculated as;

[tex]F_x = F\times cos(\theta)\\\\F_x = 100 \ N \times cos(60^0)\\\\F_x = 100\ N \times 0.5\\\\F_x = 50 \ N[/tex]

Therefore, the horizontal component of the force is 50 N

Một học sinh làm thí nghiệm sóng dừng trên dây cao su dài L với hai đầu A và B cố định . Xét điểm M trên dây sao cho khi sợi dây duỗi thẳng thì M cách B một khoảng a < L/2 . Khi tần số sóng là f = f1 = 60 Hz thì trên dây có sóng dừng và lúc này M là một điểm bụng . Tiếp tục tăng dần tần số thì lần tiếp theo có sóng dừng ứng với f = f2=72 Hz và lúc này M không phải là điểm bụng cũng không phải điểm nút . Thay đổi tần số trong phạm vi từ 73 Hz đến 180 Hz , người ta nhận thấy với f = fo thì trên dây có sóng dừng và lúc này M là điểm nút . Lúc đó , tính từ B ( không tính nút tại B ) thì M có thể là nút thứ ?


Have suxhebeuxhsbendixbebendue bride. Did e did e end Rudd. R

You take your pulse and observe 80 heartbeats in a minute. What is the period of your heartbeat? What is the frequency of your heartbeat?



120 beats per minute.


If I take your pulse and observe 80 heartbeats in a minute. Then the period of your heartbeat is 0.8 s and frequency is 1.3Hz.

What is Heartbeat ?

A pulse is the term used in medicine to describe the tactile arterial palpation of the cardiac cycle (heartbeat) by skilled fingertips. Any location where an artery can be compressed close to the surface of the body, such as the carotid artery in the neck, the radial artery in the wrist, the femoral artery in the groyne, the popliteal artery behind the knee, the posterior tibial artery near the ankle joint, and on the foot, can be used to palpate the pulse (dorsalis pedis artery). Heart rate may be determined by monitoring pulse, or the number of arterial pulses per minute. Auscultation, which is the process of counting the heartbeats while listening to the heart using a stethoscope, is another way to determine the heart rate. Typically, three fingers are used to gauge the radial pulse.


heart beat = 80 beats/min = 1.3 beats/s

Frequency is nothing but how much beats is heart having in one second and that is 1.3 beats/s. Hence frequency of heart is 1.3Hz.

The Period is reciprocal of frequency,

T = 1/f = 0.8 s

To know more about frequency :



A rock is thrown from the edge of the top of a 51 m tall building at some unknown angle above the horizontal. The rock strikes the ground a horizontal distance of 74 m from the base of the building 8 s after being thrown. Assume that the ground is level and that the side of the building is vertical. Determine the speed with which the rock was thrown.



The speed of projection is 34 m/s.


Height of building, h = 51 m

horizontal distance, d = 74 m

time, t = 8 s

Let the angle is A and the speed is u.

d = u cos A x t

74 = u cos A x 8

u cos A = 9.25 .... (1)

Use second equation of motion

[tex]h = u sin A t - 0.5 gt^2\\\\-51 = u sinA \times 8 - 0.5\times 9.8\times8\times 8\\\\u sin A = 32.8 .... (2)[/tex]

Squaring and adding both the equations

[tex]u^2 = 9.25^2 + 32.8^2 \\\\u = 34 m/s[/tex]

A 620 N physics student stands on a bathroom scale in an elevator that is supported by a cable. The combined mass of student plus elevator is 870 kg. As the elevator starts moving, the scale reads 450 N.

a. Find the acceleration of the elevator (magnitude and direction).
b. What is the acceleration if the scale reads 670 N?
c. If the scale reads zero, should the student worry? Explain.
d. What is the tension in the cable in parts (a) and (c)?



(a) 9.28 m/s2

(b) 9.03 m/s2

(c) 9.8 m/s2

(d) 450 N, 670 N


mass of elevator + student, m = 870 kg

Reading of scale, R = 450 N

(a) When the elevator goes down, the weight decreases.

Let the acceleration is a.

By the Newton's second law

m g - R = m a

870 x 9.8 - 450 = 870 a

a = 9.28 m/s2

(b) R = 670 N

Let the acceleration is a.

870 x 9.8 - 670 = 870 a

a = 9.03 m/s2

(c) If the scale reads zero, it mean the elevator is falling freely. The acceleration is downwards and its value is 9.8 m/s2.

(d) Tension in cable is 450 N and 670 N.

Hey, can a physics major help me?

I have been wondering about the exact difference between theories laws facts and hypothosis.
I know the general layout but I am still a bit confused.

100 points for answering and brainly if it is a good one.



A hypothesis is a limited explanation of a phenomenon; a scientific theory is an in-depth explanation of the observed phenomenon. A law is a statement about an observed phenomenon or a unifying concept



will try 2 explain fact, hypothesis, theory n law

fact is the starting pt: e.g. apple falls from tree

hypothesis tries 2 explain a fact: e.g. there is a force pulling down apple

theory is a complete explanation w/ equations n stuff: e.g. Newton came up w/ theory of gravitational attraction force

law is a theory dat has been proven right through tests n experiments: Newton's gravity theory had been proven right in many many tests.

calculate the electric potential 3mm from a point charge of 16Nc​


[tex]4.8 \times 10^8[/tex] volts


The electric potential due to a point charge is given by

[tex]V= \dfrac{1}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0}} \dfrac{Q}{r}[/tex]

where Q = charge = [tex]16 \times 10^{-9}[/tex] C

r = distance from a point = [tex]3 \times 10^{-3}[/tex] m

[tex]\varepsilon_{0}[/tex] = permitivity of free space

= 8.85×10^-12 C^2/N-m^2

Plugging in the numbers,

[tex]V = \dfrac{1}{4 \pi (8.85 \times 10^{-12})} \dfrac{16 \times 10{-9}}{3 \times 10^{-3}}[/tex]

[tex]= 4.8 \times 10^8[/tex] volts

A car has a mass of 900 kg is accelerated from rest at a rate of 1.2 m/s calculate the time taken to reach 30/s​





If a rock displaces 7 ml of water, what is the volume of the rock?



if i am not mistaken the volume is 7, because it only took that much space

A cat with a mass of 5.00 kg pushes on a 25.0 kg desk with a force of 50.0N to jump off. What is the force on the desk?



First of all the formula is F= uR,( force= static friction× reaction)

mass= 5+25=30

F= 50

R= mg(30×10)=300

u= ?


u= F/R

u= 50/300=0.17N

12) A negatively-charged balloon touching a wooden wall
A) pulls positive charge on the wall surface toward it.
B) pushes negative charge in the wall away from it.
C) polarizes molecules in the wall.
D) all of the above.



D) all of the above.


First polarises it, cahrging and discharging occurs at once.

A negatively charged balloon touching a wooden wall then from the given options option D is correct which is all of the above.

What is a charge?

Charged matter experiences a force when it is exposed to an electromagnetic field due to the physical property of electric charge. Positive or negative charges can exist in an electric field (commonly carried by protons and electrons, respectively).

Contrary charges attract one another, while like charges repel one another. A neutral object is one that carries no net charge. Classical electrodynamics, the name given to an early understanding of how charged particles interact, is still accurate for issues that do not call for taking into account quantum phenomena.

In the first step it polarizes molecules in the wall, then charging and discharging in the wall will take place at once.

To get more information about Charge :



What is the magnitude of a vector that has the following components: x = 32 m y = -59 m




Since the x and y components are given

The vectors Magnitude = √32²+(-59)²


What is a reasonable measurement for the distance to Neptune?
30 light years
30 kilometers
30 parsecs
30 Astronomical Units



30 kilometers is a reasonable measurement

An airplane flies between two points on the ground that are 500 km apart. The destination is directly north of the point of origin of the flight. The plane flies with an airspeed of 120 m/s. If a constant wind blows at 10 m/s toward the west during the flight, what direction must the plane fly relative to the air to arrive at the destination



The right solution is "4.8° east of north".




= 500 km


[tex]\vec{v}=120 \ m/s[/tex]

Wind (towards west),

[tex]v_0=10 \ m/s[/tex]

According to the question, we get

The angle will be:

⇒ [tex]\Theta=Cos^{-1}(\frac{v_0}{v_1} )[/tex]

       [tex]=Cos^{-1}(\frac{10}{120} )[/tex]

       [tex]=85.21[/tex] (north of east)


The direction must be:

⇒ [tex]\Theta'=90-85.21[/tex]



        [tex]=4.8^{\circ}[/tex] (east of north)

Một vật chuyển động tròn đều có chu kì T = 0,25 s. Tính tần số chuyển động f của vật?









Determine the values of m and n when the following average magnetic field strength of the Earth is written in scientific notation: 0.0000451 T. Enter m and n, separated by commas.



B = 4.51×10⁻⁵ T


Given that,

The average magnetic field strength of the Earth is 0.0000451 T.

We need to write the value in the form of scientific notation. Any number in scientific notation is written as follows :



n is any integer and a is a real no


0.0000451 = 4.51×10⁻⁵ T

So, the required answer is equal to 4.51×10⁻⁵ T.

Assignment: 06.05 Infections and Health


Is there a certain question u have?

A heat engine with 0.100 mol of a monatomic ideal gas initially fills a 3000 cm3 cylinder at 800 K. The gas goes through the following closed cycle Isothermal expansion to 5000 cm3 ?
Part A How much work does this engine do per cycle? Express your answer with the appropriate units. sochoric cooling to 200 K -Isothermal compression to 3000 cm3. - Isochoric heating to 800 K Value Units
Part B What is its thermal efficiency? Express your answer with the appropriate units.





Part A) This engine works  per cycle is 254.9 J.

Part B) The thermal efficiency is  23.42%

What is the thermal efficiency?

The thermal efficiency of any heat engine is represented in percentage of heat energy converted into work.

For isothermal expansion, work done is

W₁ =nRT₁ x ln(V₂/V₁)

W₁ = 0.1 x 8.314 x 800 x ln(5000/3000)

W₁ = 339.8 J =Q₁

For isochoric cooling ,

W₂ =0

Q₂ =nCvdT = 0.1 x 3R/2 x (T₂-T₁)

Q₂ = -748.3 J

For isothermal compression,

W₃ =nRT₂ ln (V₄/V₃)

W₃  = 0.1 x 8.314 x 200 x ln(3000/5000)

W₃ = -84.9J

For isochoric heating

W₄ =0

Q₄ =nCvdT = 0.1 x 3R/2 x (800-200)

Q₄  = -748.3 J

Total work done in all the process W = W₁ +W₂ +W₃ +W₄

W =254.9 J

Thus, the work done is 254.9 J

Thermal efficiency = Work done/Heat taken

η = W/ Q₁ +Q₄

η = [254.9 / 339.8 +748.3 ] x 100 %

η = 0.2342 x 100 %

η = 23.42%

Thus, the thermal efficiency is 23.42%

Learn more about thermal efficiency.




which unit would be most suitable for its scale?
A mm
A piece of cotton is measured between two points on a ruler.
15 16
when the lenge of coton is wound closely around a pen, goes round six times.
six turns of coton
What is the distance onde round the pen?
4 2.2 m
B 26 cm
13.2 cm
D 15.6 cm



Mm, thats the answer trust me men

At a playground, Maryam a 3-year old girl and Zahirah a 6-year old girl are playing with the swings. Maryam is sitting while Zahirah is standing on the swing. Both of them were given the same push by their mother. Choose the CORRECT statements:

A. Maryam is swinging faster than Zahirah.
B. Zahirah is swinging faster than Maryam.
C. Both swings at the same pace.
D. Maryam is swinging faster since she is younger.
E. Zahirah is swing faster since she is older.​



both swings at the same place


because there mother is giving same amount of force to both.

E. Is the answer. Explaination: I have a 3 year old and I would not push her as high or as fast as a six year old.
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