
Answer 1


what is the question

please mark me as brainlist


Answer 2
the answer is 69
i hope this helped

Related Questions

Phân tích cấu trúc pháp lý của quy phạm pháp luật sau:

“ người nào sản xuất, buôn bán hàng giả là thuốc chữa bệnh, thuốc phòng bệnh, thì bị phạt tù từ 02 năm đến 07 năm”’

Trích khoản 1, điều 194 bộ luật hình sự Việt Nam. Tội sản xuất, buôn bán hàng giả là thuốc chữa bệnh, thuốc phòng bệnh.



Analyze the legal structure of the following legal norm:

Any person who manufactures or trades in counterfeit goods being curative or preventive drugs shall be sentenced to between 2 and 7 years of imprisonment.

Excerpt from Clause 1, Article 194 of Vietnam's penal code. Crime of producing and trading in counterfeit goods being curative and preventive drugs.


I don't know the answer but I am helping those people who doesn't understand vetnamese...they could understand this


Người nào sản xuất, buôn bán hàng giả là thuốc chữa bệnh, thuốc phòng bệnh, thì bị phạt tù từ 02 năm đến 07 năm.

2. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù từ 05 năm đến 12 năm:

a) Có tổ chức;

b) Có tính chất chuyên nghiệp;

c) Tái phạm nguy hiểm;

d) Lợi dụng chức vụ, quyền hạn;

đ) Lợi dụng danh nghĩa cơ quan, tổ chức;

e) Buôn bán qua biên giới;

g) Hàng giả tương đương với số lượng của hàng thật hoặc hàng hóa có cùng tính năng kỹ thuật, công dụng trị giá từ 150.000.000 đồng đến dưới 500.000.000 đồng;

h) Thu lợi bất chính từ 100.000.000 đồng đến dưới 500.000.000 đồng;

i) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của người khác mà tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể từ 31% đến 60%;

k) Gây thiệt hại về tài sản từ 100.000.000 đồng đến dưới 500.000.000 đồng.

3. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù từ 12 năm đến 20 năm:

a) Hàng giả tương đương với số lượng của hàng thật hoặc hàng hóa có cùng tính năng kỹ thuật, công dụng trị giá 500.000.000 đồng trở lên;

b) Thu lợi bất chính từ 500.000.000 đồng đến dưới đồng;

c) Làm chết người;

d) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của người khác mà tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể 61% trở lên;

đ) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của 02 người trở lên mà tổng tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể của những người này từ 61% đến 121%;

e) Gây thiệt hại về tài sản từ 500.000.000 đồng đến dưới 1.500.000.000 đồng.

4. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù 20 năm, tù chung thân hoặc tử hình:

a) Thu lợi bất chính đồng trở lên;

b) Làm chết 02 người trở lên;

c) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của 02 người trở lên mà tổng tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể của những người này 122% trở lên;

d) Gây thiệt hại về tài sản 1.500.000.000 đồng trở lên.

5. Người phạm tội còn có thể bị phạt tiền từ 20.000.000 đồng đến 100.000.000 đồng, cấm đảm nhiệm chức vụ, cấm hành nghề hoặc làm công việc nhất định từ 01 năm đến 05 năm hoặc tịch thu một phần hoặc toàn bộ tài sản.

6. Pháp nhân thương mại phạm tội quy định tại Điều này, thì bị phạt như sau:

a) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại khoản 1 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng;

b) Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp quy định tại các điểm a, b, c, e, g, h, i và k khoản 2 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng;

c) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại khoản 3 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng;

d) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại khoản 4 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng hoặc đình chỉ hoạt động có thời hạn từ 01 năm đến 03 năm;

đ) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại Điều 79 của Bộ luật này, thì bị đình chỉ hoạt động vĩnh viễn;

e) Pháp nhân thương mại còn có thể bị phạt tiền từ 100.000.000 đồng đến 300.000.000 đồng, cấm kinh doanh, cấm hoạt động trong một số lĩnh vực nhất định hoặc cấm huy động vốn từ 01 năm đến 03 năm.

Country B has a GDP of $1 trillion and a GDP per capita of $27,000. Its economy is a mix of manufacturing, high tech, services, aviation, agriculture, and mining. It has laws favorable to entrepreneurship and private sector growth. It has multinational corporations that have recently begun outsourcing jobs overseas, resulting in a rise in unemployment. Look for factors that will help you determine what type of economy exists in Country B. Which type of economy does Country B have?



The answer is "GDP and GDP per capita are also the increased concentrations of economic growth".


In the developed country, growth and security are high. These are evaluated on a per meter and per person gross national savings, which would represent the whole value of all finished products and services generated for a specific time within a certain nation.

In developing countries, low infant mortality, long average lifespan, improved levels of use, great work as well as the exportation of goods are additional characteristics.

In this situation, you can see that GDP is fairly high and it gives us information that must be acknowledged as just a nation to its advanced economy.


A. developed


i got it right on edge

Does the Bible say anything about standing up for yourself if you believe that the judicial system is not being fair or right



no its says to stand up for those who cant stand up but ethier way if u wanna stand up for that then do it you dont have to follow it we sin but be you

Explanation: Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Scripture never says to do anything for YOU, for yourself. But in the case of doing what’s right you should always stand up for the truth if the system is corrupt.

what are the effects of the terms of the contract in a contract of employment​



One of the most important effects of the terms of the contract in a contract of employment is the obligation as to payment of wages imputed on the employer, which is usually effected in form of remuneration.

Explanation: as said above

The terms of a contract in an employment contract specify the terms of employment and, because they are legally enforceable, protect both parties.

What is an employment contract? 

An agreement between an employer and an employee governing the term of employment is known as an employment contract. It may be assumed, expressed orally, or it may be set forth in a formal written agreement that the employee signs.

The conditions outlined in the contract are determined by what was agreed upon at the time the employee indicated they would accept the position.

The effect of terms in an employment contract is that it enables the employees to understand their duties and responsibilities. It also creates an obligation to the employer for payment of salary.

To learn more about contract of employment



Công ty TNHH Hết hạn có 03 thành viên. Công ty muốn phát hành cổ phần vào tháng 12/2021 để chuyển đổi thành công ty cổ phần. Nhận định nào sau đây đúng? Tất cả đều đúng. "Được vì đây là trường hợp để chuyển thành công ty cổ phần", Bạn học giỏi nhất lớp nói. "Không được vì Công ty TNHH không được phát hành cổ phần trong mọi trường hợp", Chiên gia nói.



Tôi khá chắc chắn là "Được rồi.".


Trial practice is dramatically different in Britain. The lawyers for the two sides, called solicitors, do not go into court. Courtroom work is done by different lawyers, called barristers. The barristers are not permitted to interview any witnesses before trial. They know the substance of what each witness intends to say but do not rehearse questions and answers, as in the United States. Which approach do you consider more effective



The British approach appears to be more effective and even more efficient.


The British approach eliminates the tendency of lawyers to coach the witnesses to produce required answers.  This means that using the British approach, witnesses are not properly prepared with correctly rehearsed answers to questions.  The discovery of the case by both lawyers happens in the courtroom and not at a pretrial stage.  With the British approach, courtroom lawyers are responsible for conducting the opening statement, direct examination of witnesses, closing statement, and cross-examination of witnesses.

một hành vi có thể đồng thời là vi phạm pháp luật hình sự vừa là vi phạm pháp luật hành chính, nhưng không thể đồng thời vừa là vi phạm pháp luật hình sự vừa là vi phạm pháp luật dân sự
Đúng hay sai


Câu trả lời là có. Nhiều phiên tòa có thể vừa dân sự vừa hình sự. Ví dụ, một người cố ý giết người khác có thể bị buộc tội giết người tại tòa án hình sự và cũng có thể bị kiện dân sự về tội chết oan.

the objectives of the



High spatial resolution emissions

Integrated modelling

Health effects of air pollution

Assessment and quantification of health impacts

Distribution of welfare and challenges for the Nordic welfare systems

Based on the three elements of the contract intended to create a legal relationship, capacity and judgment, advise Sandhu if there is a prospect for him to recover the additional commission as promised. (15 marks)



GHB Sdn Bhd and Sandhu

There is a remote prospect for Sandhu to recover the extra commission negotiated with Ahmad during golf.

1. One can conclude that the promise of extra commission was made under undue influence when Ahmad could have lacked the capacity to make a binding contract. In addition, at that time, Sandhu disclosed that the land was being sought after by many other parties as a way of piling unnecessary pressure on Ahmad.

2. There was no intention to create a legal relation because the additional commission represents a counter-offer.  We were not told that Sandhu did the job based on this additional commission.  Since the earlier offer was fully documented, this additional offer should have also followed the same process if the company intended it to be legal.

3. There is a lack of consideration to back this additional contract. In the first place, the main contract with Sandhu was made in view of his negotiation skills. So what is Sandhu expected to offer the company in exchange for the extra commission? There is absolutely no consideration from Sandhu.


GHB cannot be expected to promise 0.5% extra commission on a deal, which was equivalent to RM2 million, when an already executed contract for 3% commission had been reached, signed, and sealed.  One can also claim that Ahmad, who suffered from occasional dementia, could have made the promise without the intention for it to be binding on his company but as a way of encouraging Sandhu to close the deal in favor of GHB.  Was the deal closed because of the extra commission?  Certainly not.

Explain, In your own words, why the therapeutic alliance is so important in confronting offenders.



A positive therapeutic alliance has many benefits one is it can reduce su-icide attempts among people with Borderline Personality Disorder in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. A confident “early working alliance” can also lead to a reduction in symptoms in chronically depressed patients. Overall this alliance can have a major affect on people.


I'm not sure if this is what you were asking for but I hope this helps a bit

(I put a dash because I couldn't post with that word)

roles of ethics on the national development show citation per page three page ​


The roles of ethic are not going to happen in the front of us.

what are the elements of access control​


Answer: Identification: For access control to be effective, it must provide some way to identify an individual. ...

Authentication: Identification requires authentication. ...

Authorization: The set of actions allowed to a particular identity makes up the meat of authorization.


The cost depreciation approach of estimating value has two elements, they are

Select one:
a. the land value plus the value of the improvements on the land
b. the land value and area improvements
c. comparable improvements plus land value
d. none of the above



d. none of the above


The cost depreciation approach of estimating value is a method of getting the value of real estate by estimating the price a buyer should pay for the property, based on the depreciation factors involved.

Using this approach, the value of the property is equals to the land cost, plus the total costs of construction, minus depreciation.

Therefore, the correct answer is none of the above as the answer is not in the given answer choices.

You are a prosecutor and are preparing for an upcoming trial. This is a case of arson, and the defendant is accused of setting fire to a barn, causing it to burn to the ground. You have an abundance of physical evidence that points to the defendant, but you also discover that a set of shoeprints found at the scene matches another suspect. This would be an example of what type of evidence?


It could be but is also possible that shoe print of the own of the barn it matches their print. Hope this helps
Hope to help :)

Based on the information, the given case is an example of exculpatory evidence.

What is evidence?

Evidence is referred to as proof or objects that provide factual information based on true events. This factual information helps to identify whether the events took place or not. it helps to validate the credibility of the sources.

In the given case, it is explained that you are a prosecutor getting ready for a trial that is coming up. There is a huge amount of physical evidence that supports the defendant, but you also learn that another suspect's shoeprints were also located at the scene.

Evidence that tends to minimize, or explain an accused's claimed wrongdoing is referred to as exculpatory evidence. In a criminal trial, any evidence that is beneficial to the defendant is regarded as exculpatory.

Learn more about Evidence, here:



You are an off-duty officer who has just completed a three-mile run. You decide to cool off and rest under a big oak tree. You sit down under the tree and see a brown wallet close by. Curiosity gets the best of you, and you open the waller. Interestingly enough, you find credit cards, identification, and $300 in cash. Nobody else is around. What would you do?


Turn it in when you get to the station and get it back to the right person

hội nghị trao đổi thông tin là gì ?


Answer: Trao đổi thông tin hoặc chia sẻ thông tin có nghĩa là mọi người hoặc các thực thể khác truyền thông tin từ người này sang người khác. Điều này có thể được thực hiện bằng điện tử hoặc thông qua các hệ thống nhất định.  Đây là những thuật ngữ có thể đề cập đến việc truyền thông tin hai chiều trong viễn thông và khoa học máy tính hoặc truyền thông được nhìn từ quan điểm lý thuyết hệ thống hoặc lý thuyết thông tin. Như, "thông tin", trong ngữ cảnh này luôn đề cập đến dữ liệu (điện tử) mã hóa và đại diện cho thông tin có sẵn, một phương pháp xử lý rộng hơn có thể được tìm thấy trong quá trình trao đổi dữ liệu.


Personal property generally does not convey in the sale of real property; however, sometimes the parties to the transaction agree to include some items of personal property in the sale. In an instance like this, the agent?


Answer: should identify in the contract which personal property items are to be included in the sale


Personal property refers to the class of property which has to do with an asset that's not a real estate.

Based on the situation given, in an instance like this, the agent should identify in the contract which personal property items are to be included in the sale.

What results from the federal system of government in the United States?

A Only powers specifically given to the government are legal.

B. Citizens vote on some issues directly rather than through

C. State governments have some powers that the federal
govemment does not have

D. The powers of the national government are limited by law.



Only powers specifically given to the government are legal


What results from the federal system of government in the United States is that only powers specifically given to the government are legal

This is because the government of the United States of America is governed by the Constitution which is considered supreme and any power that is not specifically given by the constitution to the government is considered illegal.

hich often means a more thoughtful presentation of ideas?​





Can it be said that: "Every act that causes damage to the legitimate interests of individuals and organizations in society is a violation of the law"? For example.




Depends on what you believe, more or less. In places where freedom of speech is allowed, then no, it's not a crime because you can say whatever you want. However, just because you can do something doesn't make it right. Not a lot of people seem to understand that.

how raid is conducted​


Answer: yes  

it is for the people who suspected of black money or property.

hope its helps you keep smiling be happy stay safe.

How soon after the conviction for driving while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs shall it be reported to the FAA and to which division should this be reported to?



Within 60 days to the civil aviation security division


You have to report to the security and hazardous materials safety office which is under the civil aviation security division. Anybody that is holding any certificates under part 61 has to give a written report of every motor vehicle action that has to do with alcohol or drug-related, to the security personnel's in faa no later than 60 days after this action was done.

what is rule of law​



Restrictions that would enforce pepopel from wrong doings with the consequences listed.


Roles of the traditional rulurs chief in Ghana during the colonial period ?



I like the sky bc it can't see me and I can see it but I see red in my eyes and I smoke a lil to much weed

do you know that there is a consumer prodection laws? mention three provision of the law.



Do you know that there is a consumer prodection laws? mention three provision of the law.


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What number of shells used for the accommodation of electrons in an atom? a. one b. two c. three d. four 9. What distribution does the electron configuration describe? a. protons b. neutrons c. electrons d. ions 10. How many total electrons can the "p" orbitals hold? a. 3 b. 1 c. 7 d. 6 11. Who are the founding fathers of Quantum Mechanics? a. Werner Karl Heisenberg b. Isaac Newton c. Erwin Schrodinger d. a and c 12. There are _types of quantum numbers. a. 2 b. 4 c. 5 d. 7 13. Which of the following elements can only form one bond in a Lewis structure? a. H b. O c. Al d. N 14. Which rule states that electron will go into empty orbitals of the same energy before entering into an orbital with an electron present? a. Hand's rule b. Hund's rule c. Pauli Exclusion Principle d. Aufbau Principle 15. What is the definition of diamagnetic atom? a. An atom where all of the electrons are paired b. An atom where some of the electrons are paired. c. 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