Choose the best topic sentence for the passage.

It used to be unusual to live to the age of 90. Better diet and medicine have made 90 a more common age. Today, some people even live to be well over 100.

People are living longer than ever.

Today, some people even live to be well over 100.

People can live a long time.

It used to be unusual to live to the age of 90.


Answer 1


People are living longer than ever. Hope this helps!Good luck!

Related Questions

In your own words, do you think it’s necessary for cultures to have a “coming of age” ceremony ? Why or why not?



I don’t think it is necessary but it all depends on the culture Hispanic people have the party for when the girl turns into a women at 15, Caucasian people have the sweet 16. It all depends on what you and your family want to do.


Help anyone ! Plzzzzzzzz



The answer would be B


She drove a car. linto Negativel
Bimal says, "Lam writing my answers," into Indirect Speech
policeman is questioning the man Tinto Passive Voice
Vobody called me ..........? (question Tag)
Ile has proved it wrong. (into Past Perfect Continuous)
She says, "Tam studying my book." (into Indirect Speech)
We will buy car (into Passive)
Someone called me,
(Supply the correct
question las)
Pokhara is hotter than Kathmandu (Into Negative)
They go to school seldom (Intollow often question )​



Dayum man it sounds good but i dont get the question


The ants were working hard leaving their laziness, as they have their own philosophy – ‘Never borrow, never lend.’ Do you appreciate the philosophy of the ants? Why/ why not. Justify​



Yes, I appreciate the philosophy of the ants. (Find reasons below)


The ants are hardworking insects that bring in their food when the weather is just right, provide food for their queen, and build the walls of their colonies. Given how tiny these insects are, they can be regarded as hardworking. The philosophy of the ants to 'never borrow and never lend' is one that keeps them on their toes. This mentality promotes independence and serves as motivation for a person to never rely solely on others for help. That way, no one will be a liability to another.

Even though in real-life settings, things can become so difficult that we sometimes beg, still, this philosophy will ensure that begging never becomes a habit.

I NEEEEEEEED HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!! Summarize how the English language developed into what it is today.


Solution :

The English language is an old language. It is spoken almost at all parts of the world.

In the early times, the spoken English evolved around fifth centuries ago. The language soon became widespread because of the British Empire. The Industrial revolution also gave rise to the spread of English language.

Now-a-days, globalization has made it easy for almost all human beings to communicate and speak in English. It has become the language of the world. People travelled to all parts of the country speak in English as a medium to translate their native language to others. Thus English language have developed to be world language today.


The English language is an old language. It is spoken in almost all parts of the world.

In the early times, spoken English evolved around five centuries ago. The language soon became widespread because of the British Empire. The Industrial Revolution also gave rise to the spread of the English language.

Nowadays, globalization has made it easy for almost all human beings to communicate and speak in English. It has become the language of the world. People traveling to all parts of the country speak in English as a medium to translate their native language to others. Thus the English language has developed to be a world language today.

Whose definition of justice left no room for moral interpretation?



Whose definition of justice left no room for moral interpretation? Cephalus. Justice is the advantage of the stronger means that like Hobbes argued, the strong must rule in society to create order and security for society.


Complete each sentence with an appropriate adverb of time.

1) My uncle will come by train

2) Jane hasn't left for the party

3) I cleaned the attic
4) Kevin works as a teacher

5) Matt will be back now

6) She pays her car insurance

7) Valerie is going to Chicago

8) We stayed at a beach resort

9) I have never seen him

10) Grace volunteered at the local library

• last week
• before
• last month
• yet
• now
• today
• tomorrow
• yearly
• later
• yesterday ​


8)last week
10)last month

Complete each sentence with an appropriate adverb of time.

1) My uncle will come by train Tomorrow

2) Jane hasn't left for the party yet.

3) I cleaned the attic today.

4) Kevin works as a teacher now

5) Matt will be back now later

6) She pays her car insurance yearly

7) Valerie is going to Chicago tomorrow

8) We stayed at a beach resort last week

9) I have never seen him before

10) Grace volunteered at the local library last month.

What is an adverb of time?

Adverbs of the time describe the timing of an event while also describing how regularly and for how long it occurred. Adverbs of time are everlasting. They are also known as adverbs of frequency since they quantify the frequency of the action being described.

A verb, an adjective, another adverb, a determiner, a phrase, a preposition, or a sentence are all commonly modified by adverbs in any sentence.  

Learn more about the adverb, here:



Which of these words do you get by combining the word roots for "human" and "study of"?
A. Autobiography
B. Anthropology
C. Ectomorphic
D. Progeny ​



B: Anthropology ........


the answer is B...sorry if it's false

pls help me

my work is due at 11:59am and it's currently 9am so this is urgent


1. The mountain has been described as if it has a personality. Write down a few sentences that explain how you feel about the mountain. In your answer you must refer to the words used by the author. (4)

2. In the first extract, what contrast has been used to make the mountain appear particularly forbidding? (2)

3. In the first few paragraphs of the first extract, what connection is established between Ebraime and the mountain? (2)

4. Why do you think the author has set the attack by the leopard in darkness? (2)

5. These extracts set the plot of the novel in motion. Write a few sentences to summarise the plot until this point. (5)

the questions (1-5) should be answered in full sentences

here's the reading extract for context:

Ebraime stared up the slope into the gathering mist. Tongues and tracers of cloud raced past the shattered base of the cliffs; below him the mountain fell sharply away, golden in the light of the setting sun. He had never climbed so high before, and he was scared. He had never lost a sheep before. That scared him too.

He crouched against the mountainside, afraid to look back. Against the rising noise of the wind he heard the bleating of the ewe once more. It came from his right, it seemed. Cautiously he crept, hand and foot, up the loose, stony slope. The fierce wind was growing colder, biting through his thin khaki shirt. He glanced back. Behind him the golden light died with the sunset as he reached the base of the broken cliffs.

Zebasberg is a fierce mountain. Ebraime stared up at the soaring, cold grey rocks and trembled. He crept carefully around and between the huge boulders that littered the base of the peak, following the faint bleat of the sheep. The light was dim and dying when at last he found the ewe. She lay in a hollow between two slabs, a small corner of shelter from the rising storm. Gratefully he slipped down beside her. 'Quiet now, quiet now, he whispered gently. The ewe gazed at him with empty eyes and nuzzled closer. Outside the hollow, the wind howled and the world went black..
Ebraime nestled against the warmth of the ewe and looked out at the invisible night. I didn't lose her, he thought proudly. Tomorrow it will be light again and I can lead her down to the farm. Mr Lamprechts will be well pleased with me. He will see that I work well when I bring back this sheep. Ebraime huddled against the warm sheep in the sheltered hollow and was soon asleep.

In the hollow high up against Zebasberg, the ewe raised her head. She sniffed the air and gave a loud bleat. Ebraime woke at once. Where am I? Ebraime thought, clutching the ewe. She struggled and suddenly called again. He held her tight around the middle, peering into the darkness.

What's wrong? he thought. "Be still, be still,' he whispered to the ewe. She tried to lunge to her feet. 'Still, still,' he tried to calm her, when sud denly he became aware of the smell. A terrible rank pungent smell, some thing new in the hollow, something close at hand. "Go away!' he shout ed, terrified.

The ewe lunged without warning and a hot gust of foul breath came out of the dark. Something unseen and awful struck Ebraime full in the face. The ewe screamed, a long des perate bleat, and tore loose from his grip. Another awful searing blow ripped across his face and neck.

He reeled back and screamed from fear and the terrible pain of the blow. The unseen shape knocked him carelessly aside and with a throaty roar leaped away out of the hollow. He felt himself sinking into darkness and he tried to cry out again. Far away, he heard the last bleat as the beast took the ewe. The terrible pain shrank away as he slipped into unconsciousness.

There was no one at the cottage. In the kitchen he found a half-loaf of bread. He wolfed the bread and sank exhausted into a chair facing the open door.

He didn't hear the girl's approach. He was roused by the cautious knock and the soft call 'Ouma Sanna?' He stumbled to his feet. The girl was sil houetted against the bright sunshine outside the door. Ebraime stood up and tried to speak. He had hardly realised that no sound would come when the girl screamed, a scream that echoed shrilly around the room and out across the farmyard. Ebraime stood rooted in the doorway. The girl's screams bewildered and frightened him. What was wrong? Why had the girl screamed like that? He looked back into the cottage. Something moved on his left and he started violently. The light was slanting across Ouma Sanna's only picture, a hand-coloured photograph of herself as a young woman, hand in hand with a young man. Ebraime turned towards the movement and realised that it was his own reflection that had moved. His face was reflected in the dusty glass.

Two eyes stared wildly at him from a face raked with raw, bloody stripes, puffed and wounded and horrible. Suddenly he understood. My face, he shouted to himself. It's my face!​​



Is there a passage that goes with the questions?


question tag: nobody has arrived yet,​


More info on this question plz

Using the chart of word roots, prefixes, and suffixes below, which is the most
likely meaning of the word mortician?
A. Asking for an undeserved favor
B. Having too much to eat

C. Serving under a specific leader

D. One who directs funerals



One who directs funerals

write the similarities and differences between the character muntaz and grandfather Akbar​



They were different in many ways. Shahjahan reign was very peaceful. He did not fight many wars hence he was more focused on building monuments etc. Shahjahan was not very religious. He was very secular King. He liked grandeur and had a lavish lifestyle

Aurangzeb was very religious and led a very simple life. Aurangzeb did not like to live a grand life and his personal expenses were borne by selling Quran written by him. Aurangzeb was always fighting some war or the other and as a result, he had a vast Kingdom much larger than he had inherited from Shahjahan,

Even in his death, Aurangzeb preferred to be buried in a simple grave and not build a huge Mausoleum like Taj Mahal preferred by his father


Mr. Shae’s class is having a discussion about the writings of Shakespeare. One student says, "One theme found in Romeo and Juliet is that love can cause violence. Although the play is a famous love story, it is actually very violent.”

Which would be an appropriate follow-up question to ask this student?

“Who is the most romantic character in Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet?”
“What are some specific examples of love causing violence in Romeo and Juliet?”
“Who were the most violent characters in this classic Shakespeare play?”
“What are some symbols used by Shakespeare to depict love and violence?”



“What are some specific examples of love causing violence in Romeo and Juliet?”


Although William Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" is known for its romance and unfailing love story, there are also numerous scenes that show violent acts. These violent scenes are also part of the story's plot and help navigate the circumstances of the whole resolution.

For an appropriate follow-up question for the theme of violence is an integral part of the story, the best question to ask will be

"What are some specific examples of love causing violence in Romeo and Juliet?"




I took the test

Why are the danzante figures such an important find?

Fr help a brother out no links pls



The Danzante figures such an important find because The Danzante figures represent dead persons as the victims of war and the Zapotec need to declare their accomplishments in war. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.



The Danzante figures, the name which represent human figures in dance postures with their open mouths and closed eyes, was assumed to represent dead persons as the victims of war and the Zapotec need to declare their accomplishments in war. The embarrassing nudity in mesoamerican culture indicated that their captive were also humiliated.


Another source from the article – ​Teacher Attrition and Retention ​– says that “teachers under the age of 30 are 5.32 times more likely to attrite out of the profession than those just 5 years older.” This is an interesting fact and highlights the issue even more. Even math and science where there is a high demand for teachers can’t seem to hold on to their young educators for very long. If these teachers only stay a year, or two, what effect does this have on the students? They suffer, too. The Department of Justice and the National Education Administration says we spend more than 50% more on inmates in prison per year than on students in schools. Does this make sense? No. If teachers aren’t invested in their profession, education, then we can’t expect kids to be either. With no role model to look up to, a kid might be led into a life of drugs and crime and end up in jail.



I have read through this a few times it all seems good to me :))

Select the correct answer.
Which narrative point of view is used in this excerpt from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll?

And so it was indeed: she was now only ten inches high, and her face brightened up at the thought that she was now the right size for going through the little door into that lovely garden. First, however, she waited for a few minutes to see if she was going to shrink any further: she felt a little nervous about this; 'for it might end, you know,' said Alice to herself, 'in my going out altogether, like a candle. I wonder what I should be like then?' And she tried to fancy what the flame of a candle is like after the candle is blown out, for she could not remember ever having seen such a thing.

After a while, finding that nothing more happened, she decided on going into the garden at once; but, alas for poor Alice! when she got to the door, she found she had forgotten the little golden key, and when she went back to the table for it, she found she could not possibly reach it: she could see it quite plainly through the glass, and she tried her best to climb up one of the legs of the table, but it was too slippery; and when she had tired herself out with trying, the poor little thing sat down and cried.

first person
third-person omniscient
third-person limited
second person
first-person omniscient



I would say

D. second person


It gives many information on  Alice but when it uses quotations it uses the word "I"

C. Third-person limited

What should luka do with this paragraph


what is the paragraph in question can you add a picture of it by any chance

are you suprise that we generally have only two close friend why or why not


For most humans, whether they're introverted or not, having only two close friends makes sense. The best friend group is a trio, and it's easy to maintain rather than worrying about messaging multiple people.

However, I'm different from a large majority of society, and I prefer having more than two close friends.

What’s a prepositional phrase



A group of words consisting a preposition


Every prepositional phrase is a series of words consisting of a preposition and its object (noun etc etc). For example :

At home

At : preposition

home : noun

Combine the sentences using parallel structure.

I love eating popcorn at the amusement park. I also like to ride the Ferris wheel and watch the performers



At the amusement park, I love eating popcorn, riding the Ferris wheel, and watching the performers.


Write a sentence in present tense with correct subject-verb agreement using the collective noun "flock" as in flock of tourists or flock of swans as the subject



'True fearers of God a little flock gathered together in private exercises of religion' is a sentence in present tense with correct subject-verb agreement using the collective noun "flock" as in flock of tourists or flock of swans as the subject

MAMA. You making something inside me cry, son. Some awful pain inside me.

WALTER. Don't cry, Mama. Understand. That white man is going to walk in that door able to write checks for more money than we ever had. It's important to him and I'm going to help him . . . I'm going to put on the show, Mama.

Q: Which themes does the excerpt most clearly convey?

A. Sometimes children never learn their lesson; life can often be painful and hard to bear.
B. Money is not the key to the American Dream; never do demeaning things to get what you want.
C. To conform to society, you must keep your individuality; the family must be kept together, no matter what.
D. One should never sacrifice one's dignity; to meet society's expectations, one must give up one's individuality.


I think that the Answer is D because mama was cry and Walter was trying to convince mama not to cry

One should never sacrifice one's dignity; to meet society's expectations, one must give up one's individuality. this themes does the excerpt most clearly convey.

What is theme ?

A theme in modern literary studies is the main subject, idea, or message that runs through a story. Themes may be broken down into two categories: a work's thematic notion and thematic statement. A work's thematic concept is what viewers "think the work is about." The distinction between premises and themes is common.

The most prevalent modern definition of a theme is a concept or point that is essential to a narrative and is frequently encapsulated in a single word (for instance, love, death, or treachery). These themes typically include conflicts between the individual and society, adolescence, people and technology, nostalgia, and the perils of unbridled ambition.

There may be multiple themes in a tale. Themes frequently examine historically widespread or universally recognisable concepts, such ethical issues, and are typically suggested rather than expressed outright.[5] A theme in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is whether one should live a life that appears better at the cost of sacrificing some of one's humanity. Theme is regarded as one of the elements of fiction, along with story, character, location, and style.

To know more about Theme :



he saw a terrible accident while______along ben luc bridao


while driving along Ben luc bridao


He saw a terrible accident while was walking along Ben Luc Bridge.

need ko po pahelp naman po ako



sou do Brasil nn tem vc nn vai me entende sei falar na sua língua mais nn escrever

Which type of phrase is the underlined portion of the sentence



It is adverbial phrase.

Which two pieces of textual evidence from Selection 2 illustrate Laurence's persistence

A."After ten more minutes he cautiously raised his head and looked about. It seemed endless, row upon row of crates, boxes, barrels."

B."At the stern of the boat he found a room with a door partially ajar. Laurence came upon a narrow ladder leading up into darkness near the stern of the the ship."

C."He felt what seemed to be stacks of small, light and very hard squares of wood. Laurence put the square into his mouth and tried to bite into it."

D."After a full hour he found one whose lid was open a crack --- hardly wide enough for the his fingers. Bit by bit, the bread softened, until at last he was able to break off a piece."


Hi. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours that showed the text "Laurence in the hold." If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.


C."He felt what seemed to be stacks of small, light and very hard squares of wood. Laurence put the square into his mouth and tried to bite into it."  

D."After a full hour he found one whose lid was open a crack --- hardly wide enough for the his fingers. Bit by bit, the bread softened, until at last he was able to break off a piece."


"Laurence in the Hold" features a boy named Lawrence, who was, for some reason, hiding on a ship that was already on the high seas, meaning Lawrence couldn't get off the ship until that ship stopped somewhere. Lawrence was in hiding, no one could know he was there, but he was very hungry and needed to eat to survive. He knew that he would not receive food as a passenger or a crew member and for that reason, he persisted in looking around the ship for something he could eat. The two excerpts presented above show this persistence of Lawrence in satisfying his hunger.

The Texas railroad things






"Certain the sounds I make are enough to call someone home.” The line connotes:


The voice are very noise

Which of the following is true about writing meeting minutes?
A. Meeting minutes are a word-for-word account of everything said during a meeting.

B. Meeting minutes are a record of which meetings will occur during the week.

C. Meeting minutes are a written record of items discussed and votes taken during a meeting.

D. Meeting minutes are a record of exactly how many minutes a meeting lasted.



A. Meeting minutes are a word-for-word account of everything said during a meeting.


Meeting minutes are a word-for-word account of everything said during a meeting. This meeting minutes have all the key points which was said in the meeting by the chairman and other members that attend the meeting. This meeting minutes always issue after the meeting was held. These minutes able us to know what was the agenda of the meeting and what is discussed in the meeting by the members.

ans:A :)


To compare characters effectively, a reader should notice their
internal influences.
outside influences.
attitudes toward things.
similarities and differences,



similarities and differences

To compare characters effectively, a reader should notice their:

D. similarities and differences

What is Comparison?

This refers to the situation where a person is looking for similarities or differences between two distinct things.

With this in mind, for effective character comparison, it is important that the reader notices their similarities and differences which would help show how unique they are.

Read more about comparison here:


Other Questions
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