7) A ball is thrown upward at an initial velocity of 8.2 m/s, from a height of 1.8 meters above the ground. The height of the ball h, in metres can be represented, after t seconds, is modelled by the equation h = –4.8t² + 8.2t + 1.8. (a) Determine the height of the ball after 1.7 seconds.


Answer 1

[tex] \\ \tt \longmapsto \: h = - 4.8 {t}^{2} + 8.2t + 1.8 \\ \\ \tt \longmapsto \: h = - 4.8(1.7) {}^{2} + 8.2 \times 1.7 + 1.8 \\ \\ \tt \longmapsto \: - 4.8 \times 2.89 + 1.39 + 1.8 \\ \\ \tt \longmapsto \: 13.8 + 1.39 + 1.8 \\ \\ \tt \longmapsto \: 17.06[/tex]

Related Questions

Plz Help me thank uuu...
Which of these is a likely impact of the stronger than normal trade winds on the eastern Pacific ocean?

Warm surface water builds up, causing lower than average temperature.
Warm surface water builds up, causing higher than average temperature.
Warm surface water is reduced, causing colder conditions than normal.
Warm surface water is reduced, causing hotter conditions than normal.



Jet stream would be displaced southwards causing heavy rain and flooding.


The other options of the question were A) Jet stream would be displaced northwards causing drought. B) Jet stream would be displaced southwards causing drought. D) Jet stream would be displaced northwards causing heavy rain and flooding,

The statement that is a likely impact of stronger than normal trade winds in the Pacific Northwest to the United States is "Jet stream would be displaced southwards causing heavy rain and flooding."

We are talking about climate or weather terminology. In this case, we are referring to the "El Niño" (the Children) effect. Its presence affects the weather in North America. This phenomenon combines with the "La Niña) effect and it presents itself every two to seven years, ad they last from 8 to 12 months, affecting the weather conditions of the region.


jet stream should be displaced southwards which causes heavy rainfall and flood.

A 6.0 kg mass is placed on a 20º incline which has a coefficient of friction of 0.15. What is the acceleration of the mass down the incline? show all work please​




The form of Newton's 2nd Law that we use for this is:

F - f = ma where F is the Force pulling the mass down the ramp forward, f is the friction trying to keep it from moving forward, m is the mass and a is the acceleration (and our unknown).

We know mass and we can find f, but we don't have F. But we can solve for that by rewriting our main equation to reflect F:

[tex]wsin\theta-\mu F_n=ma[/tex] That's everything we need.

w is weight: 6.0(9.8). Filling in:

6.0(9.8)sin20 - .15(6.0)(9.8) = 6.0a and

2.0 × 10¹ - 8.8 = 6.0a and

11 = 6.0a so

a = 1.8 m/s/s

From the description of the question, the acceleration is 1.95 ms-2.

What is friction?

The term friction is defined a the force that seeks to prevent the movement of a surface on another.

Now we know that;

ma =mgsinθ -  ukmgcosθ

ma =( 6 * 9.8 * sin 20) - ( 0.15 * 6 * 9.8 * cos 20)

a =  ( 6 * 9.8 * sin 20) - ( 0.15 * 6 * 9.8 * cos 20) /6

a = 20 - 8.29/6

a = 1.95 ms-2

Learn more about acceleration: https://brainly.com/question/14356798

A red car has a head-on collision with an approaching blue car with the same magnitude of momentum. A green car driving with the same momentum as the other cars collides with an enormously massive wall. Which of the three cars will experience the greatest impulse


All three cars experience the same impulse.

Impulse is equal to change in momentum.

Each car starts with the same amount of momentum and ends up with zero, so the magnitudes of all three changes are equal.

Logam P dan Q sejenis. Logam P yang memiliki panjang 1 meter dipanaskan hingga mengalami kenaikan suhu 12ºC, akibatnya logam bertambah panjang 0,2 cm. Logam Q juga dipanaskan hingga mengalami kenaikan suhu 10°C dan panjangnya bertambah 0,1 cm. Tentukanlah panjang mula-mula logam Q!​



I don't know ???


Electricity flows from
positive to positive
negative to positive
negative to negative
positive to negative



is it from positive to negative am I right tell me if I am wrong


positive to negative

The flow of electric current is similar to the flow of water which is from higher level to lower level.

The electric current flow from higher potential region(positive* low concentration of electron) to lower potential region(negative*high concentration of electron)

Which statement best describes the arrangement of electrons in an atom of fluorine (F)?

(1 point) giving brainliest for sure

There are two electrons in the first energy level and seven electrons in the second energy level.

There are two electrons in the first energy level and five electrons in the second energy level.

There are five electrons in the first energy level and two electrons in the second energy level.

There are seven electrons in the first energy level and two electrons in the second energy level.


Flourine is an element which has 9 electrons. The first energy level can only hold upto 2 electrons so therefore two electrons of the fluorine element will be in the first orbital.

In the second orbital there will be seven electrons. The configuration will be as 1s2, 2s2 , 2p5 .

The first orbital has capacity of two electrons and then the remaining two electrons will be in higher second energy level.

The further 5 electrons will be in lower second energy level which is denoted by p.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24373325


#1. 5

#2.They have valence electrons in the same energy level.

#3. Helium atoms have 2 valence electrons, while atoms of the other elements in the group all have 8 valence electrons.

#4. cesium (Cs)

#5.  There are two electrons in the first energy level and seven electrons in the second energy level.


Q- Wheel of a running vehicle has which energy?
(a) Vibrational Kinetic energy
(b) Translational Kinetic energy
(c) Rotational Kinetic energy
(d) All of the above​



Rotational kinetic energy


It is caused by circular motion.

How can a simulation study be used to learn about a planet we have never visited?
In a simulation study you imitate some conditions and characteristics of the real planet. The simulation can be used as a substitute for real data collected on the planet.
Simulation studies can be used for planets we have already visited.
In a simulation study you imitate as many conditions and characteristics as possible of the real thing, in this case the planet you have not visited. By simulating as many conditions as possible you can visualize what the planet might be like and learn things about it without actually visiting it.
Simulation studies cannot be used to learn about a planet we have never visited because we do not know anything about the planet.


Hi! I think the answer is C. as we have never visited the planet we can’t be 100% sure but we can have an idea of what the planet might me like. With experimenting with the simulation it can help you get an understanding or an idea of what the planet might be like exactly like option C. I hope this helped Goodluck :)

A simulation study that is used to learn about a planet by simulating as many conditions as possible, you can visualize what the planet might be like and learn things about it without actually visiting it. The correct option is c.

What is simulation?

A simulation is a method of simulating a process or change in the actual world to forecast future events or to explain past events and their causes. These days, simulations are frequently carried out using computers. Scientists use simulations to find answers and to test complicated systems.

A fire drill is used in this instance to get everyone ready for an impending event. In fire drills, the fire alarm is sounded even when there isn't actually a fire.

Therefore, the correct option is c.

To learn more about simulation, refer to the link:



Ag,Au and Cu are called coinage metals why plzzzz hurry its urgent plzzz​



This is because these metals are used for minting (making) coins.


It is bcz it is used for making coins

Those of you who have recently finished high school physics-did you struggle? If you did, where did you most struggle in? Was it the tests? Or a specific topic?
Thank you!



I'm over halfway through it so don't have a complete answer but i think you just need to keep ontop of everything and write down all the key equations on flashcards or something and aim to learn them at the beginning of each topic. i found the longer questions hard so recommend practising those


write two ways to be protected from the energy crisis?​


Possible Solutions to the Problem of Global Energy Crisis:

1. Move Towards Renewable Resources.
2. Buy Energy-Efficient Products.

How long will it take a 6000W motor to lift a 5000kg load through a height of 2.5m?



20.4375 seconds.


Wattage = Work / time

Work = f * d

F = mass * acceleration

mass = 5000 kg

acceleration = force of gravity

acceleration = 9.81

Force = 5000 * 9.81

Force = 49050 N

Work = F * d

d = 2.5

Work = 49050 * 2.5

Work = 122625 Joules

Wattage = Work / time

time = work / wattage

wattage = 6000 watts

time = 122625 / 6000

time = 20.4375 seconds.

The electrical resistance of an element in a platinum resistance thermometer at 100°c, 0°c and room temperature are 75.00Ω, 63.00Ω and 64.992Ω respectively. Use the data to calculate room temperature



16.6 °C


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Temperature at upper fixed point (Tᵤ) = 100 °C

Resistance at upper fixed point (Rᵤ) = 75 Ω

Temperature at lower fixed point (Tₗ) = 0 °C

Resistance at lower fixed point (Rₗ) = 63.00Ω

Resistance at room temperature (R) = 64.992 Ω

Room temperature (T) =?

T – Tₗ / Tᵤ – Tₗ = R – Rₗ / Rᵤ – Rₗ

T – 0 / 100 – 0 = 64.992 – 63  / 75 – 63

T / 100 = 1.992 / 12

Cross multiply

T × 12 = 100 × 1.992

T × 12 = 199.2

Divide both side by 12

T = 199.2 / 12

T = 16.6 °C

Thus, the room temperature is 16.6 °C

3. Calculate the wavelength of wave that has a frequency of 4.75 x 1012Hz.
a. 1.43 x 1021 m
b. 6.31 x 105 m
1.58 x 104 m
d. 6.31 x 105 m
please help



We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf \lambda=\dfrac{C}{V}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \lambda=\dfrac{3\times 10^8ms^{-1}}{4.75\times 10^{12}s^{-1}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \lambda=0.631\times 10^{-4}m[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \lambda=6.31\times 10^{-5}m[/tex]

What unit is used to measure the period of a wave?
A. Seconds
B. Meters
C. Hertz
D. Meters/second



D. Meters/Seconds


The time period of a wave is measured in seconds.

A typical wave involves both time and distance.  Consider a sound wave, which is basically a periodic modulation of the local air pressure.  We "hear" the sound because our ears respond to the variations of pressure.

The most common metric of a sound wave is frequency.  This is the rate at which the change in pressure occurs, and is measured in cycles per second, formally known as "hertz".  The period is the inverse of frequency andl has the units of seconds per cycle, commonly stated simply as seconds.

Describe manipulated Variable


A manipulated variable is the independent variable in an experiment. It’s called “manipulated” because it’s the one you can change. In other words, you can decide ahead of time to increase it or decrease it. In an experiment you should only have one manipulated variable at a time. The manipulated variable is the independent variable in an experiment.

Rearrange this equation so it equals d





To solve for d rearrange the formula v = (d)(t) to:

  d = v / t

I'm not to sure if you are using different variables but usually in physics the formula for velocity is v = d / t not v = dt

If you wanted to solve for displacement you would do:

  d = (v)(t)

Hope this helps!

what is field selection process



It is a process of offering jobs to desired candidates and offering jobs to the desired applicant.

Write a formula by showing the relation among density mass and volume.​


Lets do

[tex]\boxed{\sf P=\dfrac{m}{v}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Density=\dfrac{Mass}{Volume}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Mass=Density\times volume[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Volume=\dfrac{Mass}{Density}[/tex]

SI unit of density is kg/m^3SI unit of mass is kgSI unit of Volume is m^3

If the velocity of a motorcycle increases from 30 mis too 50m/s in 10 seconds what will be the acceleration of motorcycle?​



2 m/s^2


a = ∆v / ∆t

a = (50 - 30) / 10

a = 20 / 10

a = 2 m/s^2

acceleration = u-v/t



Which of the following would cause the force of kinetic friction to increase?
A. A decrease in the normal force
B. An increase in us
C. A decrease in lk
D. An increase in the normal force


The correct answer is D


Increase in μk


different ans set

A 9V battery produces a 1.5A current in a piece of wire. What is the resistance of the wire?
8 Ω
9 Ω
6 Ω
7 Ω



Using Ohm's Law and a bit of substitution, we can use voltage divided by current to solve for resistance. Doing that, we'll get 6 Ohm.

its important please answer ​


Answer: Well we see that v= u- ft/m

lets say that ft= feet and m= mass

so you divide those and subtract u

leaving you with the value of v which is 13

Which of the following sentences is incorrect about pressure?
i) Pressure depends upon the amount of force applied.
ii) Pressure depends on the area upon which is the force is applied.
iii) Pressure is a vector quantity.
iv) The force acting per unit area is called pressure ​



iii) pressure is a vector quantity.

Joule is equal to:
Awatt x metre
B.watt x second
C. Newton x Metre
D. Both b and c



The answer is ( D) i. e both b and c.

can anyone please help me​


Answer:its most likely c


which substance is an acid ?



According to Arrhenius definition, an acid is a substance that releases hydrogen ion or hydronium ion.

there are also other definition like bronsted and lewis.


A motorcycle is moving at a constant velocity of 15 meters/second. Then it starts to accelerate and reaches a velocity of 24 meters/second in 3 seconds. What’s the acceleration of the motorcycle over this time? Use .
9 m/s2
8 m/s2
6 m/s2
5 m/s2
3 m/s2


option E

3m/s square

hope it helped u

The plane of a5cm*8cm rectangular loop of wire is parallel to a 0.19T magnetic field the loop carries a current of 6.2 A. What torque acts on aloop? What is the magnetic moment of the loop?



Torque; τ = 4.712 × 10^(-3) J

Magnetic moment; M = 0.0248 J/T


Torque is gotten from the formula;

τ = BIA


B is magnetic field

I is current

A is area

We are given;

B = 0.19T

I = 6.2A

Rectangle dimensions = 5cm by 8cm = 0.05m by 0.08m


Area; A = 0.05m × 0.08m = 0.004 m²


τ = 0.19 × 6.2 × 0.004

τ = 4.712 × 10^(-3) J

Formula for the magnetic moment is given by;

M = IA

M = 6.2 × 0.004

M = 0.0248 J/T

What is the symbol SI unit of time?



second is the SI unit of time

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