8. I got my little brother _____ my bedroom for me!
A. tidied B. having tidied C. to tidy D. tidy


Answer 1




D is right answer of this question

Answer 2
What do we mean by tidy ?

"clearly organized and systematic"

I got my little brother tidy my bedroom for me!

Hence, D is the correct option.

To know more about tidy here



Related Questions

He cried loudly standing in the corridor. The given verb is ----------





trun in negative
a..She reads a book.



She doesn't read a book.





She does't read a book



The answer is the first one


It also looks like there is more to read where it says Show More

"I want to be a doctor." - which tense is it?
explain it.



Present tense


because "want" is a verb 1 (or known as present forms), and this verb usually used in present tense.

also, the subject "I" is plural so we use "want" instead of " wants", "verb with consonant S in the end (wants)" usually used for singular subject

What is the emotion that comes through a non-fiction work called?
A. Rhetoric
B. Evidence
c. Purpose
D. Tone


Rhetoric is one form of non-fiction work that means persuasive non-fiction. Hence, Option A is correct.

What do you mean by non-fiction?

Any document or media content material or work that attempts, in good faith, to offer correct data concerning a real-global topic is referred to as Non-fiction. The task under non-fiction can be done both objectively or subjectively.

Hence, Rhetoric is one form of non-fiction work that means persuasive non-fiction. Option A is correct.

Learn more about non-fiction



8. I wouldn’t _____ going to the beach on the weekend.
A. mind B. matter C. care D. want




I am not sure but i hope it will help you

I wouldn’t mind going to the beach on the weekend. Thus the correct option is A.

What is tense?

The English language's use of tenses makes it easier to determine when events occurred. The past, present, and future tenses are just three of the several tenses. Readers are informed of an event's timing through the tenses. When an activity is performed is specified by the tenses.

A verb is any sentence that explains an event or an activity that took place and aids the reader in understanding the background or context by stating what the subject is doing.

In the given sentences only the verb "mind" sounds logical based on the rules of english sentence formation which makes it clear to the reader while reading the message. Therefore, option  A is appropriate.

Learn more about Tense, here:



A) Your best friend developed a misunderstanding and helsbe is not allowing you to clear up the matter. It upsets you a lot. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings, thoughts and plans to resolve the matter in about 50 words.



hope fully its helping

write a letter to reply to a brother or sister who need money to buy book​



39, eighth avenue,

7th crossroad,

Mumbai, India.

26th July 2018.

Dear brother,

How are you doing over there? How about your friends and coursemates? I hope this letter meets you all well? I am doing great here as well.

I got your message about the money you need to buy the required book. Firstly, I will like to show my sincere joy concerning the progress you have made so far and regarding your previous results. I know you must have put in a lot of work to get to that grade of yours and I hope you finish on a good note.

Concerning the money you need, I will be sending the required amount needed by the end of this month so that you can quickly get them because I understand how germane they are for you to succeed. Along with the cash, I will also be attaching the gift that our mother asked me to give you.

Our prayer is that you finish excellently well. Looking forward to seeing you on your graduation day.

With Love,


•Our guests can go to the pool during the day

•They can also go to the gym during the day

•Finally, they can go to the hotel restaurant at night

Which sentence best restates this information?

A) The pool and gym are for daytime hotel guests, and the restaurant is for night time hotel guests.

B) The gym, pool, and restaurant are options for our hotel guests.

C) Guests can go to the gym or the pool during the day and the restaurant at night.

D) Guests can go to the pool or gym before going to the restaurant at night.

E) Guests can go to the gym or the pool before they go to the restaurant at night


D) Guests can go to the pool or gym before going to the restaurant at night

Grammar Exercises ). Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord: * My daughter.....her teacher had given her a reward that day. a) agreed b) told c) said d) complained​


C. said

none of the other options make sense since his daughter had told him that she received an award from her teacher.

The movement of the progress bar may be uneven because questions can be worth more or less (including
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
Watch out for the falling branches overhead?
Watch out for the falling branches overhead,
Watch out for the falling branches overhead.
Watch out for the falling branches overhead!



watch out for the falling branches overhead!

I think this is the answer because this question is more like an exclamation from someone.

I hope this helps

The last option is most likely the correct answer.

Please solve all questions.​



1. some

2. any

3. travelled

4. lot of

5. ignoring

6. have

7. were born

8. has he been any better after injury

9. will. hited

10. Sami has spent .... until now

11. was

My friend had concluded that if he took his language and culture out of his poetry, he stood a better chance of receiving a fellowship. He took out his native language, the poetic patois of our reality, the rich mixture of Spanish, English, pachuco and street talk which we know so well. In other words, he took the tortillas out of his poetry, which is to say he took the soul out of his poetry.

At a neighborhood fair in Texas, somewhere between the German Oom-pah Sausage Stand and the Mexican Gorditas booth, I overheard a young man say to his friend, “I wish I had a heritage. Sometimes I feel—so lonely for one.” And the tall American trees were dangling their thick branches right down over his head.

Which best states how the structures of both excerpts support ideas about cultural diversity?



A). Each incorporates non-English words.


The structure of a text plays a key role in conveying the meaning to the readers. In both the given excerpts, the 'usage of non-English vocabulary' shows the way in which the structure/formation backs the idea of cultural and ethnic diversity.

In the first excerpt from 'Take the Tortillas out of your poetry,' the words like 'patois' and 'pachuco' adds a native and ethnic touch that promotes the idea of acceptance and admiration towards cultural diversity. While in the second excerpt from 'Speaking Arabic,' the regional words like 'Oompah' and 'Gorditas' also back the idea of cultural manifoldness. Thus, option A is the correct answer.


The Answer is: Each relates an anecdote to appeal to the readers emotions.


I took the test.

p.s.- I hope this helps

PLZ HELP ITS TIMED A group member suggests a bake sale to raise money for a club. Which of the following builds off of this idea?
A. We could also sell cartons of milk with the baked goods to raise profits.
B. My brother did a bake sale for his club and raised three hundred dollars in a week.
C. Bake sales don't work; we should do a car wash instead.
D. I like the idea of a bake sale.





I think because that way we can raise more money and if bake sales doesn't work milk selling would at least solve the problem

Which sentence is correct?
A. Ming and Tia practice shooting hoops every day.
B. Ming and Tia practices shooting hoops every day.
C. Ming and Tia shooting hoops every day.
D. Ming and Tia shoots hoops every day.


Answer: Ming and Tia practice shooting hoops every day .

A. Ming and Tia practice shooting hoops every day.

Read the following group discussion about utopias (perfect societies) and dystopias (hellish societies).

VICTOR: If you all read Sanchez's article, you know that she argues that Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is a utopian novel, not a dystopian novel. It's a negative society for the main character only because he's a weirdo, an outsider. Everybody else is happy.
RIKU: Yeah, but keep in mind how Sanchez defines a utopia. Her idea of a perfect society is one where everybody is ranked by ability and there isn't any conflict - not even disagreements. EDGAR: What's your point?
RIKU: My point is that Sanchez's idea of a perfect society is all about rules and order. I know that my idea of a utopia is totally different from that, and it's probably different from a lot of other people's, including Huxley's.
MARIA: In that case, what are some other examples of utopias? Ones that aren't orderly like the society in Brave New World?
Edgar: Why don't we each find a different example of a utopian society in literature and see how they're different?
VICTOR: O.K., I pick Thomas More's Utopia. I haven't read it yet so we'll see what he thinks.

Which student is MOST clearly evaluating an author's point of view?



I think RIKU is sure


They (know) the result in a couple of day( future indefinite form)​


Upon putting the verb in bracket into future indefinite tense. The given sentence “They (know) the result in a couple of days” will be written in the following way:

They will get to know the result in a couple of days.

Please help me ASAP?!!!!!



false false the creative




The Assembly line Process

The nurse who admitted Long asked what.......to him


Answer: what are you doing


Are there any kind of movies you dislike?





Which sentence shows an adverb modifying a verb?
A. Betty cheerfully hugged me for good luck.
B. Mark is extremely poetic.
C. Making lunch for the week ahead of time was really smart.
D. I am very happy to see you.





cheerfully is describing hugged

one reason we are losing listening is because of—



attention problems


7. What is a theory? Please name a theory of your interest



A theory is an idea to explain something, or a set of guiding principles

A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts.

Einstein's ideas about relativity are an example of the theory of relativity.

A theory not only explains known facts; it also allows scientists to make predictions of what they should observe if a theory is true.

Why I Like Chocolate
(1) There are many reasons why I like chocolate. (2) The first reason is that it tastes amazing. (3) Many people all over the world love chocolate and say that it is delicious. (4) Another reason why I like chocolate is that I can make other treats with it. (5) Chocolate pie, truffles, chocolate covered strawberries, and toffee are just a few of the treats that can be made with chocolate. (6) Finally, I like chocolate because it is good for your body. (7) I read many articles that say that dark chocolate is good for your heart. (8) The above reasons are just a few of the many reasons why I like chocolate.

Identify the support detail for the third main point.



third main point:  Love Equals Chocolate

Mixed together, they represent love and chocolate. The brain's connection to the heart may not be entirely physical when it comes to love. In women, chocolate is craved more frequently than in men. For both birthday and Valentine's Day, chocolate is often given to women. In our culture, chocolate is viewed as a gift of romance. You will only find this kind of food outside of the day-to-day, it is for special occasions, and especially appealing to women. In addition, women enjoy chocolate because it conveys love, care, and pampering in a unique way.


This study has shown that those who eat chocolate tend to produce their own natural opiates in their brains, which soothe nerves and make them feel good. After muting the receptors that detect opioids, the chocolate cravings diminished.

What is the verbs and adverbs in this passage please help



Verbs (in order): believe, yawn, feel, knows, stretches, breathe, rushes, wakes, try, stop, feels, stretching, feels

Adverbs (in order): widely, deeply, thoroughly.


Verbs are action words, meaning a word that someone can be doing like "playing" or "slept."

Adverbs are words used to describe action words, like "slowly" or "loudly."

Some adverbs are repeated throughout the passage so make sure to highlight all of them.

Be careful when choosing which words are adverbs. Some may look like adverbs, but they are actually adjectives, which describe a noun and not a verb. As a hint, most adverbs end with "-ly" as you can see by "widely," "deeply," and "thoroughly."

You can add your own adverbs by finding any of the verbs we found and describing them in anyway you feel suits it best. For example, the sentence:

"When you try to stop a yawn, it feels unsatisfying."

You can add several adverbs to describe the verbs "try" or "stop." Since the verb "feels" already has an adverb, I'd recommend not adding another one.

"When you try to completely stop a yawn, it feels unsatisfying."

"Completely" is the adverb I chose to describe the verb "stop" in this sentence. Another example:

"When you physically try to stop a yawn, it feels unsatisfying."

Now the adverb "physically" is used to describe the verb "try." There are many different options so feel free to be as creative as possible! Just make sure it makes sense with the verb you are describing. A bad example is "slowly sleeping" because there is no such thing as sleeping in a slow manner. A good example is "waking up slowly" because this is actually possible and can be imagined.

31. The/they/get/had/off/before/of/the/turn/light/office/out



They had to get out before the lights in the office turned out.

How does the extended metaphor in Paragraph 3 of the passage affect its meaning?

It suggests that the kite, like a bird of prey, has great power and demands respect.

It shows that Min, like a bird of prey, can make the rest of the world bend to his will.

It conveys the idea that the kite moves with impressive grace and majesty, like a bird of prey.

It demonstrates that Kwan is delighted with her little brother's excitement at flying the kite.



B. It shows that Min, like a bird of prey, can make the rest of the world bend to his will.

The extended metaphor in Paragraph 3 of the passage affect its meaning, It shows that Min, like a bird of prey, can make the rest of the world bend to his will.

What are Metaphor?

A metaphor is described in the dictionary as "a figure of speech that uses a non-literal representation of an object or activity to illustrate a point or create an analogy.

Using a metaphor, you can show how two things are related.

Since these two things aren't the same, they aren't being figuratively or symbolically compared.

What is Prey?

Prey is an animal that a predator consumes as food.

One who is defenseless or unable to fend off an attack is prey.

A creature that is killed or hunted by another creature for sustenance.

A victim who is defenseless and unable to flee an attack

Hence, option B is correct.

To learn more about Metaphor here



The verbs of possession can be changed into present continuous tense. * true or false​





though the place is.... now it is become very touristy.
a. a lot much expensive
b. a lot expensive
c.a lot more expensive
d. a lot much many expensive​​



C. A lot more expensive


if caroline and sue___the salad, phil___the house
a. prepares/ will decorate
b. will prepare/ decorates
c. prepare/ decorate
d. prepare/ will decorate



d. prepare/ will decorate


To answer this question it is helpful to break it into two separate parts. First, figure out which form of to prepare should be used. Remember that verbs must match the number of subjects. In this case, the subjects are plural because it is both Caroline and Sue. This means that "prepare" must be used because it is the verb that fits a plural subject.

Then, you need to understand what conjugation of to decorate that is needed. The second part of the sentence is conditional because it is dependant on what happens in the first part. It is also future tense because it hasn't happened yet. Therefore, "will decorate" is correct because it is the future conditional conjugation of the infinitive.

This means that d is the final answer.

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