

Answer 1


100998 is the answer.

I hope this help u.

Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

₁ ₁ ₁ ₁ ₁


+   999


you can also think of it as

99999(+1) + 999(-1)



Related Questions

the tens digit of a two digit number is 5 greater the units digit. If you subtract double the reversed number from it, the result is a fourth of the original number. Find the original number.



The tens digit of a two digit number is 5 greater the units digit.

If you subtract double the reversed number from it, the result is a fourth of the original number.

To find:

The original number.


Let n be the two digit number and x be the unit digit. Then tens digit is (x+5) and the original number is:

[tex]n=(x+5)\times 10+x\times 1[/tex]



Reversed number is:

[tex]x\times 10+(x+5)\times 1=10x+x+5[/tex]

[tex]x\times 10+(x+5)\times 1=11x+5[/tex]

If you subtract double the reversed number from it, the result is a fourth of the original number.




Multiply both sides by 4.




Divide both sides by 55.



The unit digit is 2. So, the tens digit is [tex]2+5=7[/tex].

Therefore, the original number is 72.

When AG = 16 ft, find the area of the region that is NOT shaded. Round to the nearest tenth.​




Step-by-step explanation:

Area of the entire circle = pi * r^2

r = 16

Area = 3.14 * 16^2

Area = 803.84

1/4 of the circle contains the shaded area. It's area = 1/4 * 803.84

Area of 1/4 circle =


the area of the triangle

Area = 1/2 AG * G?

AG and G? are equal

Area = 1/2 * 16^2

Area = 128

Area of 1/4 circle - area of the triangle = area of the shaded portion

shaded portion = 200.95 - 128

Shaded Portion = 72.96

So the area of the unshaded part

unshaded = 803.84 - 72.96

Unshaded = 730.88

need some help with this​


Answer: The answer to that problem is the last equation (y = 4x - 7).

Reasoning: Since the slope is 4, it goes with “x”. The y-intercept is -7 and it goes to the end of the equation.



Step-by-step explanation:


the equation of straight line in slope intercept form is;


( m= slope

c= y-intercept )


the question has asked for slope 4 i.e. m=4

and y- intercept -7 i.e. c= -7


the required equation is

y= 4x-7

mark me brainliest and follow me ... please

Given that PQ/ST = QR/TU= RS/US, select the postulate or theorem that you can use to conclude that the triangles are similar.


Answer: SSS Similarity Theorem (Choice A)

This is because we have three pairs of corresponding sides that form the same ratio, as shown by the given equation PQ/ST = QR/TU = RS/US.

That equation is basically the shorthand version of PQ/ST = QR/TU and QR/TU = RS/US combined together as one.

At a coffee shop, the first 100 customers'
orders were as follows.
What is the probability that a customer ordered
a large given that he or she ordered a cold
Rounded to the nearest percent, [? ]%



people who ordered a cold drink=


people who ordered a large cold drink= 5

[tex]probability= \frac{5}{25}[/tex] [tex]=\frac{1}{5}[/tex]

[tex]=\frac{1}{5} \times100=20~\%[/tex]

[tex]Answer: 20\%[/tex]


Hope it helps...

Have a great day!!

The probability that the customer ordered a large given that he or she ordered a cold drink is 5%.

What is Probability?

Probability is simply the possibility of getting an event. Or in other words, we are predicting the chance of getting an event.

The value of probability will be always in the range from 0 to 1.

Given the order of the first 100 customers in a coffee shop.

Number of customers who ordered a large which is also a cold drink = 5

Total number of customers = 100

Probability = Number of desired outcomes / Total number of outcomes


Probability = 5 / 100 = 0.05 = 5%

Hence the required percent is 5%.

Learn more about Probability here :



y = -4(x + 6)(x - 8)
How do you write this in standard form?



[tex]y = -4x^2 + 8x + 192[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

Standard form: [tex]y=ax^2+bx+c[/tex]

[tex]y = -4(x + 6)(x - 8)[/tex]

Use the distributive property to multiply (x+6) and (x-8)

[tex]y = -4(x(x - 8) + 6(x - 8))\\y = -4(x^2 - 8x + 6x - 48)\\y = -4(x^2 - 2x - 48)[/tex]

Multiply the parentheses by -4

[tex]y = -4x^2 + 8x + 192[/tex]

I hope this helps!

To the nearest tenth of a second, the ball is in the air for s.




Step-by-step explanation:

Took the assignment


2.4 seconds is the correct answer.

Step-by-step explanation:

Just completed it.

Independent Practice


Which kind of function best models the data in the table? Write an equation to model the data.

linear; y= 1 2 x+2

quadratic; y=− x 2

quadratic; y=− 1 2 x 2

linear; y=− 1 2 x+2



D. linear; y = - 1/2x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

As the values of x increase by 1, the values of y decrease by 0.5. This means that we have a negative linear relationship of 1/2. In other words, the slope is -1/2. Our y-intercept is 2 since when x = 0, y = 2. So, D is the correct choice.

Type the correct answer in each box. Use numerals instead of words.

The domain of this function is {-12, -6, 3, 15}.

y = -2/3x + 7

Complete the table based on the given domain.



hope it helps plz mark me brainliest!

Step-by-step explanation:

4x² - 3, x less than/equal to 0

Step-by-step explanation:

y = (-1/2)[(x+3)^½]

(x+3)^½ = -2y

Square both sides,

(x+3) = (-2y)²

x+3 = 4y²

x = 4y²-3

Interswitch x and y

Inverse is 4x²-3

Domain of inverse is the range of f.

The range of f is less than/equal to 0

Because at x = -3, f(x) = 0

For x > -3, f(x) is negative

Domain of inverse is x less than/equal to 0

Use the ordered pairs to give a function rule. Give the rule in slope intercept form {(-12,1.5)(-1,-1.25),(5,-2.75),(8,-3.5)}



[tex]y = -0.25x -1.5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex](x,y) = \{(-12,1.5)(-1,-1.25),(5,-2.75),(8,-3.5)\}[/tex]


The function rule (in slope intercept)

First, we calculate the slope (m) using:

[tex]m = \frac{y_2 -y_1}{x_2 - x_1}[/tex]

This gives:

[tex]m = \frac{-1.25 -1.5}{-1 - -12}[/tex]

[tex]m = \frac{-2.75}{11}[/tex]

[tex]m = -\frac{2.75}{11}[/tex]

[tex]m = -0.25[/tex]

The equation is then calculated using:

[tex]y = m(x - x_1) + y_1[/tex]

This gives:

[tex]y = -0.25(x - -12) + 1.5[/tex]

[tex]y = -0.25(x +12) + 1.5[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]y = -0.25x -3 + 1.5[/tex]

[tex]y = -0.25x -1.5[/tex]

3 4 8
4 2 1
find b12, b21, b22 and b23​



since b is 348421 and we are looking for b21 it is 348421(12)

find the cost of four score of plate at 50k each and three dozens of spoon at 20k each​


The Answer is if you add 50k 4 times 3 dozen 20k

= 260K

Help this is due in 10 mins



Only A is true

for sure



Identify the term whose coefficient is -12 in the expression:
98x – 12xy2 - 15xy2



[tex] - 12xy {}^{2} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

A coefficient is a rational number in front of multiple consecutive terms.

If 4 over 7 ton of concrete covers 7 over 8 of a bridge, how many tons of concrete are required to cover the entire bridge?



Your answer would be 32/49.

Step-by-step explanation:

4/7 tons = 7/8 x

4/7 / 7/8


The tons of concrete are required to cover the entire bridge is 32/49 tons.

What are fractions?

A fraction is a non-integer that is made up of a numerator and a denominator. An example of a fraction is 4/7.

How many tons is needed to cover the whole bridge?

To determine this value, divide 4/7 by 7/8

4/7 ÷ 7/8

4/7 x 8/7 = 32/49 tons

To learn more about the division of fractions, please check: https://brainly.com/question/25779356

The sum of two numbers is 90. The larger number is 14 more than 3 times the smaller number. Find the numbers.

[ x + y = 90 ; x = 14 + 3y ]



fourteen times six equals eighty-four, eighty-four plus six equals 90

[tex]100 {5}^{2} - 500 {5}^{6} [/tex]
Please help before 9:00 pm​


1005 to the power of 2 is 1010025 sorry if i'm wrong, and 5005 to the power of 6 is 1.5718985e+22. so 1.5718985e+22-1010025=-1.5718985e+22. wow my answer is so random ofc it's not correct lollllll i'm sorry i'm horrible at math and i barely understood this equation so i am super super super sry :(

Urgent i need help!!…….



Step-by-step explanation:

These are similar triangles. We know that because we know that all right triangles are similar. The height of the red one is 8 and the height of the blue one is 4; that means that the red one is twice the size of the blue one; likewise, the blue one is half the size of the red one. That means that ALL the measurements of these triangles exist in that ratio...even the base of the blue one. If the base of the red one is 3, and the red one is twice the size of the blue one, then the base of the blue one is 3/2 or 1.5. I can't see your choices because they are too small.

it should be 1.5……………. if it’s wrong sorry

Keith used the following steps to find the inverse of f, but he thinks he made a error
f(x) = 7x + 5



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\Large \boldsymbol{} f(x) \ \ inverse \ \ function \ \ (f(x))^{-1} \\\\ y=7x+5 \\\\x=7y+5 \\\\ y=\dfrac{x-5}{7} \ \ or \ \ f(x)^{-1}= \dfrac{x-5}{7}[/tex]

*Please Help!*

What is the volume of water, to the nearest tenth of a cubic metre, that would fill this spa tub?

First cylinder= 0.75m diameter, 0.80m height

Cylinder Underneath= 1.25m diameter, 0.70m height

Semi Sphere that holds both cylinders= 3m long



The volume of water that will fill the spa tub is 5.9 cubic meters.

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of water that would fill the spa tub = volume of semi sphere - (volume of the first cylinder + volume of the second cylinder)

i. volume of first cylinder = [tex]\pi[/tex][tex]r^{2}[/tex]h

where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder.

r = [tex]\frac{0.75}{2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{3}{8}[/tex]

 = 0.375 m

h = 0.80 m

volume of the first cylinder = [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x [tex](\frac{3}{8} )^{2}[/tex] x 0.8

                                        = 0.3536 cubic meters

ii. volume of the cylinder underneath = [tex]\pi[/tex][tex]r^{2}[/tex]h

r = [tex]\frac{1.25}{2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex]

 = 0.625

h = 0.70 m

volume of the cylinder underneath = [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x [tex](\frac{5}{8}) ^{2}[/tex] x 0.7

                                                      = 0.8594 cubic meters

iii. volume of the semi sphere = [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] [tex]\pi[/tex][tex]r^{3}[/tex]

where r is the radius = 1.5 m

volume of the semi sphere = [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x [tex](1.5)^{3}[/tex]

                                             = 7.0714 cubic meters


volume of the water to fill the spa tub = 7.0714 - (0.3536 + 0.8594)

                                                     = 5.8584

The volume of water that will fill the spa tub is 5.9 cubic meters.

Explain how to solve 5^(x-2)= 8 using the change of base formula



x = 3.3

Step-by-step explanation:

A equation is given to us and we need to solve out for x. The given equation is ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow 5^{x -2}= 8 [/tex]

Take log on both sides with base as " 10" . We have ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow log_{10} 5^{x-2}= log_{10}\ 8[/tex]

Simplify using the property of log , [tex]\sf log a^m = m log a [/tex] , we have ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow ( x -2) log_{10} 5 = log_{10} 8 [/tex]

Simplify ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow ( x -2 ) log_{10}5 = log_{10} 2^3[/tex]

Again simplify using the property of log ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow (x-2) log 5 = 3 log 2[/tex]

We know that log 5 = 0.69 and log 2 = 0.301 , on substituting this , we have ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow ( x - 2 ) = \dfrac{ 3\times 0.301}{0.69}[/tex]

Simplify the RHS ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow x - 2 = 1.30 [/tex]

Add 2 both sides ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \boxed{\blue{\sf x = 3.30}}[/tex]

Hence the Value of x is 3.30 .


its actually 3.292 because we round to the nearest thousandth and thats not even the equation you use above

Step-by-step explanation:

For this equation we use the formula log a^m=m (log a) so the equation will be written as log 5 (5^x-2) = log 5 (8). You use the base, which is 5, and use log to base 5 on both sides of the equation. Then you take the exponent " x-2" and write( x-2) log 5 (5) = log 5(8). Since log a =1, you multiply that 1 by x-2, which keeps it x-2. Making the equation x-2 = log 5 (8). Next, we use the change of the base properties with the formula log b^y= log y/ log b. The equation will be written as x-2 = log 8/ log 5, since 5 is the base it stays in the bottom or basement. We then add +2 to both sides of x-2 and log 8/ log 5. To solve this equation, you can find out what log 8 and log 5 are and divide those and add +2 to solve. So log 8 = 0.903 and log 5 = 0.698970 and divide those to get 1.29190 +2 and you get the answer rounded as 3.292. 

v=u + 2at
Where v is the final velocity (in m/s), u is the initial velocity (in m/s), a is the
acceleration (in m/s?) and t is the time in seconds).
Find v when u is 35 m/s, a is 28 m/s2, and t is 58 seconds.




Step-by-step explanation:





expand this question (x+5)(x-3)


X•x + x•-3 + 5•x +5•-3

Evaluate the following expression using the values given: (1 point)

Find 3x − y − 3z if x = −2, y = 1, and z = −2.


3(-2) - 1 - 3(-2) = -1

Which number belongs to the solution set of the equation?
x + 3 = 45
A. 15
B. 48
C. 43
D. 42




Step-by-step explana

[tex] \sf \: The \: value \: of \: x \: is \: the \: number \: that \: belongs \: to \: the \: solution \: \\ \sf \: set \: of \: the \: equation. \: So \: we \: need \: to \: find \: x.[/tex]

[tex] \sf \: x + 3 = 45 \\ \sf \: x = 45 - 3 \\ \sf \: x = \underline{42}[/tex]

Answer ⟶ [tex]\boxed{\bf{D.42}}[/tex]

Grade improvement and study motivation



yes because we are leraning new things

Karma was given some birthday money. She puts money in an account. Every month after that, she deposits the same amount of money. The equation that models this situation is y=75x+60, where y is the amount of money in the account and x is the number of deposits. What does the y-intercept mean in this situation



y represents the amount in the bank account after 7 months.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let karma gets x money on his birthday.

He has 60 in his account initially

He deposits teh same money for the seven months

So, the money he has after the seven months is 7 x + 60  

According to the question,

y =7 x + 60

It shows that the amount after seven months is y.  

The longer base of a trapezoid has endpoints of (-2,- 4) and (4,0). The shorter base contains the point (3, 1).
We an equation of the line that contains the shorter base of the trapezoid. Provide valid mathematical reasoning and calculations to
you derived your equaiton.
of a trapezoid are parallel
Suation and explanation in the space provided.
Math symbols



y = 2·x/3 - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

The endpoints of the longer base of the trapezoid = (-2, -4), and (4, 0)

The point contained on the shorter base = (3, 1)

The slope of the line representing the longer base, m, is given as follows;

m = (0 - (-4))/(4 - (-2)) = 2/3

The slope of the shorter base = The slope of the longer base = m = 2/3

The equation of the line representing the shorter base in point and slope form is therefore;

y - 1 = (2/3)·(x - 3)

∴ y = 2·x/3 - 2 + 1 = 2·x/3 - 1

The equation of the shorter side of the trapezoid is y = 2·x/3 - 1

Anyone? Ive tried and its not clicking



Hello Bro How Are You....?

here you go. is this correct?

The number 55 is attached to a two-digit number on its left, and the formed 4-digit number is divisible by 24. What could be the two-digit number? List all options.



the answer will be 44 I think I hoped I helped if not sorry.

Step-by-step explanation:

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