A block of amber is placed in water and a laser beam travels from the water through the amber. The angle of incidence is 35 degrees while the angle of refraction is 24 degrees. What is the index of refraction of amber?

(index of refraction of water is 1.33)


Answer 1
Answer: 1.88


Applying Snell’s Law, sin(1)/sin(2) = n(2)/n(1), where n is the index of refraction and sin 1 and 2 being of incidence and refracted respectively.

1) sin35/sin24 = n(2)/1.33
2) 1.41 = n(2)/1.33
3) n(2) = 1.41 x 1.33
4) n(2) = 1.88

Hope this helps :)

Related Questions

A bullet with a mass mb=13.5 g is fired into a block of wood at velocity vb=245 m/s. The block is attached to a spring that has a spring constant k of 205 N/m. The block and bullet continue to move, compressing the spring by 35.0 cm before the whole system momentarily comes to a stop. Assuming that the surface on which the block is resting is frictionless, determine the mass mw of the wooden block.


Momentum is conserved, so the sum of the momenta of the bullet and block before collision is equal to the momentum of the combined bullet-block system,

[tex]m_bv_b+m_wv_w = (m_b+m_w)v[/tex]

where v is the speed of the bullet-block system. The block starts at rest so it has no initial momentum, and solving for v gives

[tex]v = \dfrac{m_b}{m_b+m_w} v_b[/tex]

The total work W performed by the spring on the bullet-block system as it is compressed a distance x is

[tex]W = -\dfrac12kx^2[/tex]

where k is the spring constant, and the work done is negative because the restoring force of the spring opposes the bullet-block as it compresses the spring.

By the work-energy theorem, the total work done is equal to the change in the bullet-block's kinetic energy ∆K, so we have

[tex]W_{\rm total} = W = \Delta K[/tex]

The bullet-block starts moving with velocity v found earlier and comes to a stop as the spring slows it down, so we have

[tex]-\dfrac12kx^2 = -\dfrac12(m_b+m_w)v^2 \implies kx^2 = \dfrac{{m_b}^2}{m_b+m_w}{v_b}^2[/tex]

Solve for [tex]m_w[/tex]:


[tex]m_w=\dfrac1{205\frac{\rm N}{\rm m}}\left(\dfrac{(0.0135\,\mathrm{kg})\left(245\frac{\rm m}{\rm s}\right)}{0.350\,\rm m}\right)^2-0.0135\,\mathrm{kg}\approx \boxed{0.422\,\mathrm{kg}}[/tex]

How many atoms are in the compound NaNO3?



3 atoms are in the compound

Un muelle se alarga 20 cm cuando ejercemos sobre él una fuerza de 24 N. Calcula:El valor de la constante elástica del muelle



120 Nm-1


Según la ley de Hooke;

F = Ke

F = fuerza sobre el resorte

K = constante de fuerza

e = extensión

Por eso;

K = F / e

K = 24N / 20 × 10 ^ -2m

K = 120 Nm-1

What do you mean by unit?​


Unit is the quantity of a constant magnitude which is used to measure the magnitudes of other quantities of the same nature.


The standard known quantity which is used to measure a physical quantities is known as unit.

Kgms-1-= Ns ...solution



units of impact or impulse or momnetum are same

These are

Kg m s-1 or N s

A rabbit runs a distance of 60 meters in 20s. What is the average speed?



3 m/s



Total distance = 60 m

Total time = 20 s

We know that,

Average speed = Total distance/Total time

=> Average speed = 60 m/20 s

=> Average speed = 3 m/1 s

=> Average speed = 3 m/s


Average speed=Total distance/Total time

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Average\:Speed=\dfrac{60}{20}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Average\:Speed=3m/s[/tex]

How do longshore currents shape the land?


Longshore drift has a very powerful influence on the shape and composition of the coastline. It changes the slopes of beaches and creates long, narrow shoals of land called spits, that extend out from shore. Longshore drift may also create or destroy entire “barrier islands” along a shoreline.


Longshore drift has a very powerful influence on the shape and composition of the coastline. It changes the slopes of beaches and creates long, narrow shoals of land called spits, that extend out from shore. Longshore drift may also create or destroy entire “barrier islands” along a shoreline.

a car moves at a speed of 40km/h. it is stopped by applying brake which produce a uniform acceleration of-0.5m/s^2. how much distance will it move before coming to stop ? plz its urgent




I answered this in question #24313516

Mass of the sun is 2x10³⁰ kg and that of the earth is 6/10²⁴ kg and the distance between them is 1.5 x 10¹¹m. What is the gravitational force produced between them? ​



The gravitational force is 3.56 × 10^22 N


[tex]{ \bf{force = \frac{GM_{s} m _{e}}{ {r}^{2} } }}[/tex]

[tex]{ \sf{force = \frac{6.67 \times {10}^{ - 11} \times (2 \times {10}^{30} ) \times (6\times {10}^{24}) }{(1.5 \times {10}^{11}) {}^{2} } }} \\ \\ { \sf{force = 3.56 \times {10}^{22} \: newtons}}[/tex]

28 Why is soft iron used for the core of an electromagnet?

А Soft iron easily becomes a permanent magnet.
B Soft iron is a good electrical conductor.
с Soft iron is a poor thermal conductor.
D Soft iron loses its magnetism when the current in the coil is switched off.​



An electromagnet is a form of magnet that is made by the passage of electric current through a coil of wire. The core of an electromagnet increases the strength of the produced magnetic field

Soft iron is used as the core of an electromagnet because soft iron is a magnetic material and therefore it is permeable to and becomes magnetized by the magnetic field coming from the flowing current, thereby allowing more flux to pass through the core of the electromagnet, producing a magnetic field strength that is several times that of an air core electromagnet as the relative permeability (to magnetic flux, compared to vacuum) of soft iron is about 64 × 10³

However, once the current is switched, the soft iron does not remain its magnetic, and therefore, the electromagnet becomes demagnetized, thereby being able to maintain its electromagnetic characteristics (being made magnetic by the flow of electric current)


The hair dryer has a plastic case so there is no need for an earth wire connection in the plug ,explain why the hair dryer is still safe to use.



plastics are unable to conduct electricity and heat due to there being no free flowing electrons, meaning they are safe to use.


How does the temperature of a planet determine the states of matter you would observe on that planet?



the temperature will determine the kinetic energy or degree of freedom of the molecules of matter.

if the temperature is high, the kinetic energy of the molecules increase which may cause a change of state into a gas which has molecules of high kinetic energy. this shows that temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of the molecules.

An observer measures a 100 Hz Doppler shift as an ambulance goes by. At rest, the frequency of the ambulance's siren is 2,000 Hz. What is the speed of the ambulance?


The change in the frequency of the sound, due to the relative motion of the source of sound and the observer, is determined by the Doppler's Effect.

The speed of the ambulance (source) is "6517 m/s"

The equation of Doppler's Effect is given as follows:

[tex]f_o = \frac{v+v_o}{v+v_s}f_s[/tex]


[tex]f_o\\[/tex] = frequency of sound measure by observer  = 100 Hz

v = speed of sound = 343 m/s

[tex]v_o[/tex] = speed of observer = 0 m/s

[tex]v_s[/tex] = speed of ambulance (source) = ?

[tex]f_s[/tex] = actual frequency = 2000 Hz

Therefore, using the values, we get:

[tex]100\ Hz = \frac{343\ m/s + 0\ m/s}{343\ m/s + v_s}(2000\ Hz)\\\\(100\ Hz)(343\ m/s + v_s) = (343\ m/s)(2000\ Hz)\\\\v_s = \frac{686000\ Hz.m/s - 34300\ Hz.m/s}{100\ Hz}[/tex]

v_s = 6517 m/s

Learn more about Doppler's Effect here:


What is the purpose of the lab the importance of the topic and the question you are trying to answer?


perpose of lab is to store apparatus and do some experiment

Helps someone to know the exert lengh of something

Describe the laws of liquid pressure and explain the term fluid. (Please try to give the correct answer 'coz it's urgent!)​



The laws of liquid pressure are: ... The liquid pressure at a point inside the liquid is same in all directions. The liquid pressure at a point inside the liquid is directly proportional to the depth of that point from the free surface of liquid. The pressure of liquid at same depth is different for different liquids


The laws of liquid pressure:

The pressure that is inside the liquid rises with the intensity from the surface of a liquid.

The term fluid:

Fluid is basically liquid and a substance that is known to have no certain shape. The opposite of the term fluid would be solid.

the hydrometer with the density of liquid to be 800 kg metre per square is the volume of the submerged part of the hydrometer is 5 into 10 to the power minus 5 calculate the mass of the hydrometer​



Mass = 0.04 Kg


Given the following data;

Density = 800 kg/m³

Volume = 5 * 10^{-5} m³

To find the mass of the object;

Density can be defined as mass all over the volume of an object.

Simply stated, density is mass per unit volume of an object.

Mathematically, density is given by the formula;

[tex] Density = \frac {mass}{volume} [/tex]

Making mass the subject of formula, we have;

[tex] Mass = density * volume [/tex]

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

[tex] Mass = 800 * 5 * 10^{-5} [/tex]

Mass = 0.04 Kg

If we aim a radio telescope at a distant spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, we will probably observe a 21-cm line. If we point a large optical telescope at this same region, we will probably not be able to detect the neutral hydrogen that gives rise to the 21-cm radio signal. Why not



Because of the interstellar dust and interior location of the solar system.


We will probably not be able to detect the neutral hydrogen that gives rise to the 21-cm radio signal if we point a large optical telescope to the region because, the interstellar dust obscures the location of the spiral arm of the Milky way galaxy and this makes neutral hydrogen that gives rise to the 21-cm radio signal difficult to detect.

Also, the interior location of the solar system also makes the neutral hydrogen that gives rise to the 21-cm radio signal difficult to detect.

So, the interstellar dust and the interior location of the solar system makes it difficult to detect the neutral hydrogen that gives rise to the 21-cm radio signal with a large optical telescope.

A converging lens of focal length 20cm, forms a real image twice the size of the object. Calculate:
i) the power of the lens;
ii) the position of the image.



Solition given:

focal length(f)=20cm

size of image(v)=2x

size of object(u)=x

we have

power of lens= reciprocal to focal length=1/20=0.05/cm


the position of the image is beyond C.


See the attachment !!!!!!!

State newton's universal law of gravitation


Every particle of mass is attracted to every other particle of mass.  The magnitude of the force between two objects is proportional to the product of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.  The direction of the force is along the line between their centers.

(NOTE:  Newton's 3rd law of motion tells us that gravitational forces always come in pairs.  Between two objects, there are two forces ... one in each direction.  Their strengths are equal ... Your weight on Earth is exactly equal to the Earth's weight on YOU.)

define Neutons 3rd law .​



that when two object interact, they apply forces to one another that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.


Newton's third law: the law of action and reaction

Using deductive reasoning, write the converse, inverse, and contra positive of an if-then statement. Part I: Write an if-then statement below. (1 point)



if q , then p


If not p , the not q.

Contra Positive:

If not q, then not p.

If then statement is a conditional statement. In this statement there is some condition at the first part of the sentence and then in the second part there is a conclusion.

The example of if then sentence is as follows,

If this camel is thirsty, then it will drink water from the well.

In this example there is a condition in first part that if camel is thirsty, in the second part there is conclusion which states that then it will drink water from well.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24294393

A student project is required to be portable and hand held. It requires 6 V DC power at a current of 150 mA. The batteries for the power supply must last for a minimum of 7 hours of continuous operation. NiMH rechargeable batteries in AA size are to be used. A) How many batteries are needed



a. 5 batteries b. 1050 mAh


Here is the complete question

A student project is required to be portable and hand held. It requires 6 V DC power at a current of 150 mA. The batteries for the power supply must last for a minimum of 7 hours of continuous operation. NiMH rechargeable batteries in AA size are to be used. A) How many batteries are needed? B) What mAh capacity should the batteries have?


A) How many batteries are needed?

Since the nominal voltage for a single NiMH battery is 1.2 V per battery and we require 6V DC power, we combine the batteries in series to obtain a total voltage of 6 V. The number of batteries required, n = total voltage/voltage per cell = 6V/1.2V per battery = 5 batteries

So, the number of batteries needed is 5.

B) What mAh capacity should the batteries have?

Since the batteries are in series, they would each deliver a current of 150 mA. Since we require a current of 150 mA for 7 hours, the number of milliampere-hours capacity mAh of batteries required is Q = It where I = current = 150 mA and t = time = 7 hours.

So, Q = It = 150 mA × 7 h = 1050 mAh.

So, the batteries should have a mAh of 1050 mAh

A position of a particle moving on an x axis is given by x=7•4 + 9•2t - 2•1 t^3, with x in meters and t in seconds. what is its velocity at t=3•5s? is the velocity,or is it Continuously changing?​



The velocity at that time would be [tex](-67.975\; \rm s)[/tex]. The velocity of this particle is continuously changing.


Differentiate the expression for position [tex]x[/tex] with respect to time [tex]t[/tex] to find an expression for velocity.

[tex]\begin{aligned}v(t) &= \frac{d}{dt}[x(t)] \\ &= \frac{d}{dt} \left[ 7.4 + 9.2\, t - 2.1\, t^{3}\right]\\ &= 9.2 - 6.3\, t^{2}\end{aligned}[/tex].

Hence, at [tex]t = 3.5\; \rm s[/tex], velocity would be [tex]v(3.5) = 9.2 - 6.3 \times (3.5)^{2} = -67.975\; \rm m[/tex].

Since velocity [tex]v(t)[/tex] changes with time [tex]t[/tex], the velocity of this particle is continuously changing.

In a simple machine the energy input is 120J if the efficiency of the machine is 80% calculate the energy output



E_O = 96J


E_O = E_I*(%e/100%)

E_O = 120J*(80%/100%)

E_O = 96J

A rocket blasts off. In 10.0 seconds it is at 10,000 ft, traveling at 3600 mph. Assuming the direction is up, calculate the acceleration.





t = 10 seconds

vi = 0

vf = 3600 mph

a = ?

d = 10000 feet


a = (vf - vi)/t


vf = 3600 mph * 1 hr / 3600 seconds * 5280 feet / 1 mile = 5280 ft / sec

a = (5280 - 0)/10

a = 528 ft/sec^2

An astronaut on Pluto attaches a small brass ball to a 1.00-m length of string and makes a simple pendulum. She times 10 complete swings in a time of 257 seconds. From this measurement she calculates the acceleration due to gravity on Pluto. What is her result



The acceleration due to gravity at Pluto is 0.0597 m/s^2.


Length, L = 1 m

10 oscillations in 257 seconds

Time period, T = 257/10 = 25.7 s

Let the acceleration due to gravity is g.

Use the formula of time period of simple pendulum

[tex]T = 2\pi\sqrt{\frac{L}{g}}\\\\25.7 = 2 \times 31.4\sqrt{\frac{1}{g}}\\\\g = 0.0597 m/s^2[/tex]

At the end of an investigation, you must__________ ____________. Your results may or may not support your hypothesis.​



could and largejsjisj and we look like they can get to

How many meters are in 10 miles?





16093.44 meters…….. ….

I need help asap please​



I dont know answer Sorry For that thank u

b. The role of the moon is greater than that of the sun in the occurrence of tides. ???​


Our sun is 27 million times larger than our moon. Based on its mass, the sun's gravitational attraction to the Earth is more than 177 times greater than that of the moon to the Earth. If tidal forces were based solely on comparative masses, the sun should have a tide-generating force that is 27 million times greater than that of the moon. However, the sun is 390 times further from the Earth than is the moon. Thus, its tide-generating force is reduced by 3903, or about 59 million times less than the moon. Because of these conditions, the sun’s tide-generating force is about half that of the moon.

Other Questions
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