a body of radius R and mass m is rolling horizontally without slipping with speed v. it then rolls us a hill to a maximum height h=3v2/4g


Answer 1




Here is the complete question

An object of radius′

R′  and mass ′

M′  is rolling horizontally without slipping with speed ′


. It then rolls up the hill to a maximum height h = 3v²/4g. The moment of inertia of the object is (g= acceleration due to gravity)


Since it rolls without slipping, there is no friction. So, its initial mechanical energy at the horizontal surface equals its final mechanical energy at the top of the hill.

Since the object is rolling initially, and on horizontal ground, it initial energy is kinetic and made up of rotational and translational kinetic energy.

So, E = K + K'

E = 1/2mv² + 1/2Iω² where m = mass of object, v = speed of object, I = moment of inertia of object and ω = angular speed of object = v/r where v = speed of object and R = radius of object.

Also, the final mechanical energy of the object, E' is its potential energy at the top of the hill. So, E' = mgh.

Since E = E',

1/2mv² + 1/2Iω² = mgh

substituting the values of ω and h into the equation, we have

1/2mv² + 1/2Iω² = mgh

1/2mv² + 1/2I(v/R)²= mg(3v²/4g)

Expanding the brackets, we have

1/2mv² + 1/2Iv²/R²= 3mv²/4

Dividing through by v², we have

1/2m + I/2R²= 3m/4

Subtracting m/2 from both sides, we have

I/2R² = 3m/4 - m/2

Simplifying, we have

I/2R² = m/4

Multiplying through by 2R², we have

I = m/4 × 2R²

I = mR²/2

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To what height, h, would the pendulum bob rise after a single swing if it was being released from the height of 0.80 m



0.80 m


Neglecting friction, the total mechanical energy of the pendulum is constant.

E = K + U where K = kinetic energy and U = potential energy.

At its release point of 0.80 m, the pendulum bob has a mechanical energy which is equal to its potential energy, since, its initial kinetic energy is zero. By the time the bob swings to the other end, it has a mechanical energy equal to it initial potential energy since total energy is conserved.

Neglecting friction, the pendulum bob would swing back to its original height of 0.80 m since the total mechanical energy is conserved and at its highest point, it is purely potential energy.

So, the height the pendulum bob swings to after release from a height of 0.80 m neglecting fiction is 0.80 m.

Current is the movement of positive charges called electrons.
A. True
B. False
help pls <33



False -> negative charge



Explanation: electrons are negative charges

protons are positive charges

good morning how ya'll doing today








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A scientist studies how air blowing on plants affects their growth. He uses fans to create different amounts of wind and measures the growth of the plants. What would make this experiment more repeatable?


Answer:D.Keeping track of the exact amount of wind on each plant

Which of the following is required for photosynthesis to take place?









Please select the best answer from the choices provided





please answer as quickly as possible



D. water


sugar ( glucose ) and oxygen are bi-products


(d) water


water is required for photosynthesis to take place .

sugar , oxygen , ATP are not required to take place in photosynthesis.

during a journey, a car travels at 40 km in 2.5 hours, next 62 km in 3 hours, then took a break for 30 minutes, again travelled the last 120 km in 3.2 hours. calculate the average speed of the car during the journey.


45mph is the answer if you do the math right

Why does a ship float on water when it weighs about 100tones and why a stone of less than a kg sinks


Answer with Explanation:

Let me answer this in a simple way, since the density of stone is greater than that of water, the stone sinks as the weight of the stone is greater than the weight of water displaced by it. But the ship is designed in such a way that the relative density of the ship always becomes less than that of water. Therefore, the weight of the water displaced becomes equal to the total weight of the ship and thus it floats.

There are many other ways to explain this but this should give you the general idea.

what is the direction of magnetic lines of force outside the magnet​


please mark me as brainiest p


Magnetic lines of force are closed curves. C) Outside the magnet their direction is from north pole to south pole and inside the magnet these are from south to north pole.

what is equal to 1 hector area



Don't Forget To Follow, Brainliest, And Give Me Heart :)

An object is thrown with velocity 7.1 m s-1 vertically upwards on the Moon. The
acceleration due to gravity on the Moon is 1.62 ms? What is the time taken for the object to return to its starting point?
A 3.5 s
B 4.4 s
C 6.5 s
D 8.8 s




If a fan draws 220 watts on a 120- volt circuit what is the current being drawn?
22. amperes
O 5.2 amperes
O 1.8 ampmes
15. amperes



here's the answer to your question

A rocket travels vertically at a speed of 1200 km/h. The rocket is tracked through a telescope by an observer located 16km from the launching pad. Find the rate at which the angle between the telescope and the ground is increasing 3 min after lift-off. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth rad/hr



w = 0.01 t⁻²   rad/h


Let's use trigonometry to find the elevation angle of the telescope, we assume that the rocket remains fixed in the telescope.

        tan θ = CO / CA

the adjacent leg is CA = 16 km = 16 10³ m

Let's use kinematics to find the height of the rocket

          v = y / t

          y = v t

this height is equal to the opposite leg

          CO = v t


we substitute

         tan θ = vt / 16

         tan θ = 1200/16 t

         tan θ = 75 t

         θ = tan⁻¹ ( 75 t )

speed is defined by

          w = dθ/dt

          w = [tex]\frac{1}{1 + (75 t)^2} \ 75[/tex]  


as time increases we can neglect the 1 of the denominator

          w = 1/75 t²

          w = 0.0133 t⁻²

Using three significant figures

           w = 0.01 t⁻²   rad/h

for this answer the time must be given in hours

why do black holes have a large gravitational pull that even light cannot escape from



Because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space.


According to NASA, this can happen when a star is dying.

A black hole has no more gravity than the same amount of matter in any other form.

But remember that the gravitational forces are stronger as you get closer to the center of the body. The mass of a black hole is packed into such a small size (theoretically zero !) that you can get very close to its center. THAT'S where its gravity is hugely strong.

define average velocity​



The average velocity of an object is its total displacement divided by the total time taken. In other words, it is the rate at which an object changes its position from one place to another.


Average velocity is a vector quantity. The SI unit is meters per second. However, any distance unit per any time unit can be used when necessary, such as miles per hour (mph) or kilometer per hour (kmph)


the ratio of total displacement by total time taken

A person carries a box of 100 kg. What is the weight of the box? (g= 9.8 m/s2)​



980 newton


100×9.8 = 980

Look at the graph below.

A graph is shown with Absolute magnitude shown on the y-axis and Surface temperature in degree Celsius shown on the x-axis. The Dwarf stars are shown along a slanting line from coordinates 30,000 and minus 3 to 10,000 and minus 4. The Main Sequence stars are shown along a slanting line from coordinates 20,000 and minus 2 to 2,000 and minus 6. The giants are shown along a line parallel to the x-axis from coordinates 5,000 and 2 to 2,000 and 3. The supergiants are shown along a line parallel to the x-axis from coordinates 7,500 and 4 to 2,500 and 4. Point A has coordinates 20,000 and minus 4. Point B has coordinates 2,500 and minus 4. Point C has coordinates 5,000 and 2. Point D has coordinates 7,000 and 4.

Which of the following stars is most likely to be red?
a. Star A
b. Star B
c. Star C
d. Star D


i believe it would be Star A since Point A is a dwarf star and dwarf stars are usually most likely to have red coloring


Star A


Literally the question has provided the answer itself

Calculation not required.

See the wordings

First star is dwarf star .

Dwarf star is mostly reddish brown or red colored .

Hence star A is the answer

what was the Cenozoic era


It is relating to the lastest era

The refractive index of glass is 1.52
and that of air is 1.00. Draw a labelled diagram to show how a light ray bends when it travels from glass to air.



..upper side is glass ..

personal and unbiased errors belong to​


personal to systematic errors

unbiased to random errors

Use the equation d=st where d= distance, s= speed, and t= time. If you ride a skateboard at a speed of 8m/s for 12 seconds, how far do you travel



96 meters


d = st

d = (8 m/s)(12 s)

d = 96 m

Hydropower stations are almost always attached to dams, holding a large amount of water. But we can't dam air in a similar way to hold a store
of air for wind turbines.

Discuss the advantage that dams give to hydropower compared to wind power.




Advantages of Hydroelectric Energy

1 Renewable

Hydroelectric energy is renewable. This means that we cannot use up. However, there’s only a limited number of suitable reservoirs where hydroelectric power plants can be built and even less places where such projects are profitable.

2 Green

Generating electricity with hydro energy is not polluting itself. The only pollution occurs during the construction of these massive power plants.

3 Reliable

Hydroelectricity is very reliable energy. There are very little fluctuations in terms of the electric power that is being by the plants, unless a different output is desired. Countries that have large resources of hydropower use hydroelectricity as a base load energy source. As long as there is water in the magazines electricity can be generated.

4 Flexible

As previously mentioned, adjusting water flow and output of electricity is easy. At times where power consumption is low, water flow is reduced and the magazine levels are being conserved for times when the power consumption is high.

5 Safe

Compared to among others fossil fuels and nuclear energy, hydroelectricity is much safer. There is no fuel involved (other than water that is).

5. Mass of the earth is 6x10-kg and its radius is 6400km. What is the
mass of a man weighting 977N?



what do u need help with


Pа: 5. Mass of the earth is 6x10-kg and its radius is 6400km. What is the mass of a man weighting 977N? (99.99kg) ma. Orth be​.

The fluid inside the hydraulic jack has a pressure of 30,000 Pa. If the surface of
the piston that is used to lift an object is 0.1 m’in area, how much weight can
the jack lift?​



p = F /A

F = P×A

F = 30,000 Pa / 0.1 m²

F = 300,000 N

3. True or False: A warm-up can include minimal stretching at the end.





A warm up is stretching in the beginning.

A force of 15N acts on an area of 60m².What is the pressure? *





force=15N area=60m²

so pressure =force/area =15N/60m²=0.25p.a

What does physics means to you. (own words)



the physical properties and phenomena of some thing.

In explannation

Physics is a branch of science. It is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines. The main goal of physics is to explain how things move in space and time and understand how the universe behaves. It studies matter, forces and their effects. The word physics comes from the Greek .

Please mark me as brainlist

A 0.0780 kg lemming runs off a
5.36 m high cliff at 4.84 m/s. What
is its potential energy (PE) when it



4.097 Joules



P.E = mgh............... Equation 1

Where P.E = Potential energy, m = lemming mass, h = height, g = acceleration due to gravity

From the question,

Given: m = 0.0780 kg, h = 5.36 m

Constant: g = 9.8 m/s²

Substitute these values into equation 1

P.E = 0.0780(9.8)(5.36)

P.E = 4.097 Joules.

Hence the potential energy is 4.097 Joules


4.097 J


thin wires have high resistance whereas thick wires have low resistance why???
can anyone say answer of this ^_^​



The resistance of a thin wire is greater than the resistance of a thick wire because a thin wire has fewer electrons to carry the current. The relationship between resistance and the area of the cross section of a wire is inversely proportional .

The best way to think about this is:

A thick/wide road, with many lanes, can carry more cars than a thin/narrow road, with only one or two lanes.

If the ring rolls (without slipping) all the way to point 2, what is the ring's energy at point 2 in terms of h2 and v2?



Following are the response to the given question:


[tex]F_2=mgh_2+\frac{1}{2}mv_2^2+\frac{1}{2}mR^2(W)^2\\\\\therefore \\\\ \to WR=v_2\\\\E_2=Mgh_2+MV_2^2[/tex]

Define measurement with 10 points



the process of comparing unknown quantities with known standards quantities are known as measurement

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