A composite figure is made up of one simple figure.
True or


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

A composite figure would be any irregular shapes and can be made up of multiple shapes

Related Questions

Solve this inequality: x+ 4< 16



x < 12

Step-by-step explanation:

subtract 4 from both sides:

x + 4 < 16

   - 4     -4

x < 12



Step-by-step explanation:

x+4 <16

x < 16



I hope this will help you

Will give brainliest

mplete the equation describing how
x and y are related.
0 1
Y -1 3 7
11 15
y = 4x + [? ]
Enter the answer that belongs in [?]



y = 4x + -1

Step-by-step explanation:

clearly seen.

what is the volume of the container



600 cubic inches

Step-by-step explanation:

V = l • w • h

V = 12 • 5 • 10

V = 600 cubic inches

Please help me to find this answer




Step-by-step explanation:

Tan(B) = 6/8

B= arctan(3/4)=37

(-2x) (x-3) answer please





You just have to distribute meaning you have to multiply -2x to the equation.

Hello I'm new can anyone help me with this question?
Thank you so much! <3 xoxo


Option 4 is going to be the answer

Does the function ƒ(x) = (1∕2) + 25 represent exponential growth, decay, or neither?
A) Exponential growth
B) Impossible to determine with the information given.
C) Neither
D) Exponential decay



A) Exponential growth

Step-by-step explanation:

The profit earned by a hot dog stand is a linear function of the number of hot dogs sold. It costs the owner $48 dollars each morning for the day’s supply of hot dogs, buns and mustard, but he earns $2 profit for each hot dog sold. Which equation represents y, the profit earned by the hot dog stand for x hot dogs sold? y=48x−2 y=48x+2 y=2x−48 y=2x+48



c. y=2x−48


It is telling us that it costs $48 each morning to buy the day's supply of hot dogs, so we must subtract that from our pay, and it will be our y intercept

It also says he earns $2 per hot dog, so that will be our slope (rate of change)

Hope it helps! :]

y = 2x - 48 equation represents the profit earned by the x hot dog sold.

What is linear equation?

A linear equation is an algebraic expression in which highest power of the given variable is equals to one.

Given that, the profit earned by a hot dog stand is a linear function of the number of hot dogs sold.

It costs the owner $48 dollars each morning for the day’s supply of hot dogs, buns and mustard, but he earns $2 profit for each hot dog sold.

We need to establish an equation that represents the total profit,

According to the question,

x represents the number of hot dogs sold

y represents the total profit earned

Cost required for supply = $48

Profit on each hot dog sold = $2

As per the condition given, the required linear equation is =

y = 2x - 48

Hence, y = 2x - 48 equation represents the profit earned by the x hot dog sold.

Learn more about linear equation here :



The sum of the interior angles of a regular nonagon (9-gon) is equal to


The sum of the interior angles is 1260°

Question 3 plz show ALL STEPS



7,0, -1 and -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Just substitute the values,

a. f(g(7))=f(-1) [g(7)=-1 given]

            =7 [f(-1)=7 given]

b.f(g(-1))=f(3)=0 [g(-1)=3 Given]

c.g(f(-1))=g(7)=-1 [f(-1)=7 given]

d.g(f(7))=g(5)=-2 [f(7)=g(5) given]

Which expression is equivalent to (b^n)m?


Step-by-step explanation:

By the law of exponent :


Option C

b^n×m is the correct answer...

hope it helps

Which of the following show the factored equivalent of
f(x) = (2x^2 +7x + 3)(x - 3) and its zeros?



the answer is "D"

(2x+1)(x+3)(x-3)  //// -3,-.5,3

Step-by-step explanation:

Factored Form:  y= (2x+1)(x+3)(x-3)    



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]f(x) = (2x^2 +7x + 3)(x - 3)[/tex]  is factored into: [tex]f(x)= (2x+1)(x+3)(x-3)[/tex]

That takes out the choices B and C.

The roots are -0.5, 3, and -3.

Therefore, the answer is D.

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!

If f(x) = x2 + 9x – 14 and g(x) = x2 – x + 3, find (f – g)(x).




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = x^2 + 9x – 14

g(x) = x^2 – x + 3

(f – g)(x)=x^2 + 9x – 14  - (x^2 – x + 3)

Distribute the minus sign

(f – g)(x)=x^2 + 9x – 14  - x^2 + x - 3

Combine like terms


Solve this inequality:
-12a +7<31



a > -2

Step-by-step explanation:

-12a +7<31

Subtract 7 from each side

-12a +7-7<31-7

-12a <24

Divide by -12, remembering to flip the inequality

-12a/-12 >24/-12

a > -2



Step-by-step explanation:


=> -12a +7 <31

=> -12a+7-7<31-7

=> -12a<24

=> a>-2

If you double then triple a number, this is the same as cutting the number in half. What is the number?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

3(2x) = x/2

5.5x = 0 . . . . subtract x/2

x = 0 . . . . . . . divide by 5.5

The number is zero.

I need help please
Don’t skip the questions if you know the answer please I need the answers as soon as possible!!



a>0 so we will be looking for minimum



Answer: (5;32)


а<0 so we will be looking for maximum



Maximum point (-1;13)

For the following function, solve both f'(x) = 0 and f''(x) = 0 for x.
f(x) = x(x - 3)^4


f(x) = x(x - 3)^4
f’(x) = 0(x - 3)^4
f’(x) = x^4
f”(x) = x(0 - 3)^4
f”(x) = x(-3)^4
f”(x) = x(81)
f”(x) = 81x

I need help plz!!
8.57396817...•5/8 is rational or irrational?




Step-by-step explanation:

Any non-zero rational number multiplied by an irrational number will be irrational. We can rewrite this as (8.57... * 5) / 8, but we have no idea how to make 8.57... * 5 rational, or expressed as the quotient of two integers.

point slope of the line equation, slope=4, passing through(7,2)



Step-by-step explanation:

Point-slope equation for line of slope m that passes through (x₀, y₀):

y-y₀ = m(x-x₀)

apply your data

y-2 = 4(x-6)


y−2= −2(x−7)

Step-by-step explanation:

khan academy says its right

consider a study conducted to determine the average protein intake among an adult population. Suppose that a confidence level of 85% is required with an interval about 10 units wide. if a preliminary data indicates a standard deviation of 20g, what sample of adults should be selected for the study?​



made up of about 20 common amino acids. The proportion of these amino acids varies as a characteristic of a given protein, but all food proteins—with the exception of gelatin—contain some of each. Amino nitrogen accounts for approximately 16% of the weight of proteins. Amino acids are required for the synthesis of body protein and other important nitrogen-containing compounds, such as creatine, peptide hormones, and some neurotransmitters. Although allowances are expressed as protein, a the biological requirement is for amino acids.

Proteins and other nitrogenous compounds are being degraded and resynthesized continuously. Several times more protein is turned over daily within the body than is ordinarily consumed, indicating that reutilization of amino acids is a major feature of the economy of protein metabolism. This process of recapture is not completely efficient, and some amino acids are lost by oxidative catabolism. Metabolic products of amino acids (urea, creatinine, uric acid, and other nitrogenous products) are excreted in the urine; nitrogen is also lost in feces, sweat, and other body secretions and in sloughed skin, hair, and nails. A continuous supply of dietary amino acids is required to replace these losses, even after growth has ceased.

Amino acids consumed in excess of the amounts needed for the synthesis of nitrogenous tissue constituents are not stored but are degraded; the nitrogen is excreted as urea, and the keto acids left after removal of the amino groups are either utilized directly as sources of energy or are converted to carbohydrate or fat.

7x2 - 5x+3
(2x² + 7x-4)









if add this all will get the answer as 72

if we will subtraction answer will be as -44

Step-by-step explanation:

so we will get the answer as

addition = 72

subtraction= -44

so this is the answer

please give me points

Find the equation of the tangent line at the point (0,1) of the graph of the function f(x) = x^3 - 2x + 1 ?​


9514 1404 393


  y = -2x +1

Step-by-step explanation:

The derivative of the function is ...

  f'(x) = 3x^2 -2

so the slope at x=0 is f'(0) = -2. In slope-intercept form, the equation of the tangent line is ...

  y = -2x +1

prove that tan² theta + cot² theta = sec² theta cosec² theta- 2​


Step-by-step explanation:

Tan² theta = sec² theta - 1

Cot² theta = cosec² theta - 1

Tan²+Cot² = sec²-1+cosec²-1

= sec²+cosec²-2

Please find attached herewith the solution of your question.

If you have any doubt, please comment.

According to the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, there is a 98% probability that a
20-year-old male will survive to age 30.
(a) Using statistical software, simulate taking 100 random samples of size 30 from this
(b) Using the results of the simulation, compute the probability that exactly 29 of the 30 males
survive to age 30.
(c) Compute the probability that exactly 29 of the 30 males survive to age 30, using the
binomial probability distribution.
(d) Using the results of the simulation, compute the probability that at most 27 of the 30 males
survive to age 30.
(e) Compute the probability that at most 27 of the 30 males survive to age 30 using the
binomial probability distribution.
(f) Compute the mean number of male survivors in the 100 simulations of the probability
experiment. Is it close to the expected value?
(g) Compute the standard deviation of the number of
male survivors in the 100 simulations of the probability experiment. Compare the result to the
theoretical standard deviation of the probability distribution



0.03398 or 3.398%

Step-by-step explanation:

-This is a binomial probability problem.

-Given p=0.24, n=100, the probability that exactly 30 people is calculated as:

Hence, the probability that exactly 30 people have hypertension is 0.03398

Plz help me find side x and y thanks​




Step-by-step explanation:

Since this seems to be a 45, 45, 90 triangle, x and y are the same.

The hypoteneuse is always the side lengths *sqrt2

We divide the hypoteneuse by sqrt 2 and get sqrt12

sqrt12 simplified is 2sqrt3

find the greatest number than divides 45 60 75 without leaving remainder​




Step-by-step explanation:

15 is the greatest number that divides 45 60 75 without leaving remainder



Step-by-step explanation:

Let write the factors of each number:

45: (1,3,5,9,15,45)



The greatest common factor is 15. So the answer is 15.

Find the bases for Col A and Nul​ A, and then state the dimension of these subspaces for the matrix A and an echelon form of A below.
A= 1 3 8 2 7 1 3 8 2 7
2 7 20 6 20 --- 0 1 4 2 6
-3 -12 -36 -7 -19 0 0 0 1 4
3 13 40 9 25 0 0 0 0 0
Start 4 By 5 Table 1st Row 1st Column 1 2nd Column 3 3rd Column 8 4st Column 2 5st Column 7 2nd Row 1st Column 2 2nd Column 7 3rd Column 20 4st Column 6 5st Column 20 3rd Row 1st Column negative 3 2nd Column negative 12 3rd Column negative 36 4st Column negative 7 5st Column negative 19 4st Row 1st Column 3 2nd Column 13 3rd Column 40 4st Column 9 5st Column 25 EndTable
Start 4 By 5 Table 1st Row 1st Column 1 2nd Column 3 3rd Column 8 4st Column 2 5st Column 7 2nd Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 1 3rd Column 4 4st Column 2 5st Column 6 3rd Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 4st Column 1 5st Column 4 4st Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 4st Column 0 5st Column 0 EndTable
A basis for Col A is given by
StartSet nothing EndSet
​(Use a comma to separate vectors as​ needed.)
The dimension of Col A is
A basis for Nul A is given by
StartSet nothing EndSet
​(Use a comma to separate vectors as​ needed.)
The dimension of Nul A .



skip counting by 0

Step-by-step explanation:

skipcount by 0 to get to 100 for the third column.


its the first graph

Step-by-step explanation:

I got it right bc im cool like that ig

sin²A-cos²B=sin²B-cos²A ​


Step-by-step explanation:

thwashm m GB DC GM 3hka it g feeds ygzdkzyzuzjz indin, mi, hn zbe


Solution given:



we have

sin²A=1-cos²A and Cos²B=1-sin²B


replacing value


open bracket


keep together like terms





Which of the following fractions is closest to 0? 5/12 , 2/3, 5/6,3/4




Step-by-step explanation:

5/12 , 2/3, 5/6,3/4

Get a common denominator of 12

5/12, 2/3 *4/4, 5/6*2/2, 3/4 *3/3

5/12, 8/12, 10/12, 9/12

The numerator closest to 0 is the fraction closest to 0


For a standard normal distribution, find:

P(z > c) = 0.058

Find c.




Step-by-step explanation:

For a standard normal distribution,

P(z > c) = 0.058

To obtain C ; we find the Zscore corresponding to the proportion given, which is to the right of the distribution ;

Using technology or table,

Zscore equivalent to P(Z > c) = 0.058 is 1.572

Hence, c = 1.572

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