a firm employs 360 people of whom 1/9are killed workers and the rest are unskilled workers. Of the unskilled workers, six are foremen who earn sh 13500 per month each while the rest earn sh9000 per month .of the skilled workers. a half earn sh19500 each pm while the rest earn sh 24500 each per month .prepare one months wages bill for the firm​


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

360*1/9=40 - skilled workers

360-40=320- the quantity of unskilled

6*13500=81000- wage for six unskilled

(320-6)*9000= 314*9000= 2826000- wage for the rest of unskilled

2826000+81000= 2907000- wage for unskilled

40/2=20 - the half on skilled

20*19500= 390000- Payment for a half

20*24500= 490000- Payment for ANOTHER HALF OF SKILLED WORKERS

2907000+390000+490000= 3787000

Related Questions

The scatterplot shows the selling prices of homes and the square feet of living space.

A graph titled home value has square feet (thousands) on the x-axis, and price (hundred thousand dollars) on the y-axis. Points are at (1.2, 1), (1.5, 1.1), (2, 1.5), (2.5, 2). An orange point is at (3.8, 3.9).

Complete the statements based on the information provided.

The scatterplot including only the blue data points shows
✔ a strong positive
correlation. Including the orange data point at (3.8, 3.9) in the correlation would
✔ strengthen
✔ increase
the value of



✔ a strong positive  

✔ strengthen  

✔ increase



- a strong positive

- strengthen

- increase

If f(x) = x2 -1, what is the equation for f–1(x)?


We have a function,


and we are asked to find its inverse function.

An inverse function essentially gets you the original value that was dropped into a function.

For example,

If I put 5 into [tex]f(x)[/tex] I will get 24. Now If I take 24 and put it into the inverse function I have to get number 5 back.

The way to determine the inverse function swap the x and the [tex]f(x)[/tex], then solve for [tex]f(x)[/tex],




Of course the notation demands that the obtained function be called,


Hope this helps :)

1. 3m into cmcube fi. 15m into liter please urgent ​





Step-by-step explanation:



Bearings And Vectors • The bearing of X from Y is 045 and the bearing of Z from Yis 145, where X, Y and Z are three points in the plane. If Y is equidistant from X and Z, find the bearing of Z from X. ​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The triangle internal angle at Y is 145° -45° = 100°. Since the triangle is isosceles, the internal angles at X and Z are both (180° -100°)/2 = 40°. Then the bearing of Z from X is the bearing of Y from X less the internal angle at X:

  (45° +180°) -40° = 185°.

Z from X is 185°.

3) Consider the sequence -11 ; 2sin3x ; 15; ...

3.1.1) Determine the values of x in the interval [0 ; 90] for whichthe sequence will be arithmetic.​


9514 1404 393


  x = 30

Step-by-step explanation:

In an arithmetic sequence, any given term is the average of the two terms that come before and after. The middle term of this sequence must be ...

  2sin(3x) = (-11 +15)/2

  sin(3x) = 1 . . . . . . . . . . simplify and divide by 2

Then the value of 3x must be 90°, so ...

  x = 90/3 = 30

There is one value of x in the interval [0, 90] that makes this sequence arithmetic: x = 30.

Armando planted a 9-inch tall magical beanstalk. The height of the beanstalk increases by 13% each day. Write a function f that determines the height of the beanstalk in inches in terms of the number of days t since Armando planted the beanstalk.



F(t) = 9(1 + 0.13)^t

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Height of beanstalk = initial height = 9 inches

Percentage increase in height per day = 13%

This plant exhibits an exponential increase in growth per day, hence, the function will be modeled using an exponential function.

Using an exponential function :

F(t) = initial height(1 + percentage increase)^t

Where, t = number of days since tree was planted.

The function is :

F(t) = 9(1 + 0.13)^t

Solve the following system of equations and show all your work y=2x^2 y=3x-1



( 1/2 ; 1/2 ) and ( 1 ; 2 )

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 2x².............1

y = 3x-1............2


2x²-3x+1 = 0

(2x-1)(x-1) = 0

x = 1/2 or x = 1

y = 1/2 or y = 2

Determine a scalar c so that the angle between a = i + cj and b = i + j is 45°.​




Step-by-step explanation:

ATQ a.b=|a||b|sin(45)




2c=0, c=0

The required simplified value of c is zero for which the angle between a and b is 45°.

What is a vector?

Vector is defined as the quantities that have both magnitude and direction are called a vector quantity and the nature of the quantity is called a vector.  

scaler product is given as,
a . b = |a|.|b|cos45
(i + cj). (i + j) = √[1² + c²] . √[1²+1²] × 1/√2
1 + c = √1 + c²

Squaring both sides
(1 + c)² = 1 + c²
1 + c² + 2c =1 + c²
2c = 0
c = 0

Thus, the required simplified value of c is zero for which the angle between a and b is 45°.

Learn more about vectors here,


Solve the system.
x-y =-1



x= -2

y= -1

z= -3

Step-by-step explanation:

x-y= -1 (1)

x+z= -5 (2)

y-z= 2 (3)

(1)+(3)==> x-z= 1 (4)

(4)+(2)==> 2x= -4 ==> x= -2

we replace x by its value in equation (2):

-2+z= -5 ==> z= -3

we replace z by its value in equation (3):

y-(-3)= 2 ==> y+3=2 ==> y= -1

Rabi Sahu fixed the marked price of his radio to make a profit of 30 %. Allowing 15 % discount on the marked price, the radio was sold. What percent profit did he make?​


The percent profit that Rabi made will be 10.5%

Let's assume that the price of the house is $100.

Since he fixed the marked price of the good to make a profit of 30%, then the price will be:

= $100 + (30% × $100)

= $100 + $30

= $130

Now, there is a discount of 15%, then the selling price of the good will be:

= $130 - (15% × $130)

= $130 - (0.15 × $130)

= $130 - $19.50

= $110.50

Then, the percentage of profit made will be:

= [($110.50 - $100) / $100] × 100%

= $10.50/$100 × 100%

= 10.5%

In conclusion, the percent profit that he makes is 10.5%.

Read related link on:


56 x 10^-4)
Group of answer choices

2.37 x 10^-16

4.21 x 10^15

2.4 x 10^-16

4.2 x 10^15


9514 1404 393


  (d)  4.2×10^15

Step-by-step explanation:

Your calculator will tell you the quotient is about ...


The least precise number in the division is 1.5, which has 2 significant digits. Therefore, the result should be rounded to 2 significant digits:


Lament has a jar containing 6 red chips, 10 blue chips, and 4 yellow chips. If he removes one chip at random, what is the probability that it will not be red?


Answer: 7/10

All chips together are 20/20 subtract 6 from the numerator and make 14/20 then divide to simplify giving you 7/10

The probability of not getting red is 7/10

What is probability?

The area of mathematics known as probability deals with numerical representations of the likelihood that an event will occur or that a statement is true. An event's probability is a number between 0 and 1, where, roughly speaking, 0 denotes the event's impossibility and 1 denotes certainty.


Your bowl has 20 chips. (4+10+6).

6 of them are red. 6/20 = 3/10

so the odds of getting a red chip are 3/10 ,

meaning the odds against getting red are 1-(3/10) = 7/10

To learn more about probability refer to:



Among various ethnic groups, the standard deviation of heights is known to be approximately three inches. We wish to construct a 95% confidence interval for the mean height of male Swedes. Forty-eight mile Swedes are surveyed. The sample mean is 71 inches. The sample standard deviation is 2.8 inches.

a. Calculate the error bound.
b. What will happen to the level of confidence obtained if 1,000 male Swedes are surveyed instead of 48? Why?



a) The error bound of the confidence interval is of 0.66.

b) The confidence interval will be narrower.

Step-by-step explanation:

Question a:

We have to find the margin of error. Considering that we have the standard deviation for the sample, the t-distribution is used.

The first step to solve this problem is finding how many degrees of freedom,which is the sample size subtracted by 1. So

df = 71 - 1 = 70

95% confidence interval

Now, we have to find a value of T, which is found looking at the t table, with 70 degrees of freedom(y-axis) and a confidence level of [tex]1 - \frac{1 - 0.95}{2} = 0.975[/tex]. So we have T = 1.9944

The margin of error is:

[tex]M = T\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which s is the standard deviation of the sample and n is the size of the sample.

For this problem, [tex]s = 2.8, n = 71[/tex]. So

[tex]M = T\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}} = 1.9944\frac{2.8}{\sqrt{71}} = 0.66[/tex]

The error bound of the confidence interval is of 0.66.

b. What will happen to the level of confidence obtained if 1,000 male Swedes are surveyed instead of 48? Why?

The margin of error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size, so increasing the sample size leads to a smaller margin  of error and a narrower confidence interval.

Which is a graph of g(c) = (0.5)x+3^ -4



I've attached a graph with this, that's your answer

Choose the correct elements in the set for the following:

{y | y is an integer and y >/= -3}

{3, 4, 5, 6, . . .}

{−2, −1, 0, 2, . . .}

{−1, 0, 1, 2, . . }

{−3, −2, −1, 0, . . .}

****PLEASE explain your answer****




Step-by-step explanation:

Y => - 3 that is {−3, −2, −1, 0, . . .}

The whole number 23 is an example of a ____ number.

prime or composite?


The answer is prime! I hope this helps you out!


23 is a prime number. Reason: Prime number are those numbers which are divisible by 1 and itself. Example: 5 is divisible by 1 and 5 only.

Ivan drove 335 miles in 5 hours.
At the same rate, how long would it take him to drive 737 miles?


Answer: x= 11

Step-by-step explanation:

To answer the question, we first need to know how many miles he/she/it can drive in one hour (to make it simpler. Doing a bunch of calculations involving decimals and other stuff can be very confusing)

335 divided by 5 is 67

Therefore in one hour Ivan can drive 67 miles. We want to know the TIME it takes for Ivan to drive 737 miles and the formula for time is Distance / Speed.

The distance is 737 miles

The speed is 67 miles/hour

737 divided by 67 is 11

Therefore Ivan takes 11 hours to drive 737 hours

Write expression for the sum x and 6




Step-by-step explanation:

Sum means Addition.


Because the sum means the answer of an addition equation

A cricket bat is bought for $330. Later, it is sold with a loss of 15%.
How much is the oricket bat sold for?
After selling the cricket bat, how much money has been last?
Give your answer to two decimal places because it is a currency.



Discount price = 280.50 dollarsAmount lost =  49.50 dollars



If it's sold at a loss of 15%, then the store owner loses 0.15*330 = 49.50 dollars

So it was sold for 330- 49.50 =  280.50 dollars


An alternative method:

If the store owner loses 15%, then they keep the remaining 85% since 15%+85% = 100%.

85% of 330 = 280.50 dollars is the discount price

This means 330-280.50 = 49.50 dollars is the amount lost.

A 90% confidence interval is (35 45). What is the margin of error?



option a 5......


I hope it's correct

Can someone help please


Answer: it should be A

Step-by-step explanation:

i believe it’s A. not 100% sure


i need an equation for a vertical line going through f(x) = 2x^2 + 6x + 2



dont understand clearly

Step-by-step explanation:

dont understand clearly

helpppp asap pleaseee



29/3 is your answer

Step-by-step explanation:

pls mark as brainliest

A population is equally divided into three class of drivers. The number of accidents per individual driver is Poisson for all drivers. For a driver of Class I, the expected number of accidents is uniformly distributed over [0.2, 1.0]. For a driver of Class II, the expected number of accidents is uniformly distributed over [0.4, 2.0]. For a driver of Class III, the expected number of accidents is uniformly distributed over [0.6, 3.0]. For driver randomly selected from this population, determine the probability of zero accidents.



Following are the solution to the given points:

Step-by-step explanation:

As a result, Poisson for each driver seems to be the number of accidents.

Let X be the random vector indicating accident frequency.

Let, [tex]\lambda=[/tex]Expected accident frequency

[tex]P(X=0) = e^{-\lambda}[/tex]

For class 1:

[tex]P(X=0) = \frac{1}{(1-0.2)} \int_{0.2}^{1} e^{-\lambda} d\lambda \\\\P(X=0) = \frac{1}{0.8} \times [-e^{-1}-(-e^{-0.2})] = 0.56356[/tex]

For class 2:

[tex]P(X=0) = \frac{1}{(2-0.4)} \int_{0.4}^{2} e^{-\lambda} d\lambda\\\\P(X=0) = \frac{1}{1.6} \times [-e^{-2}-(-e^{-0.4})] = 0.33437[/tex]

For class 3:

[tex]P(X=0) = \frac{1}{(3-0.6)} \int_{0.6}^{3} e^{-\lambda} d\lambda\\\\P(X=0) = \frac{1}{2.4} \times [-e^{-3}-(-e^{-0.6})] = 0.20793[/tex]

The population is equally divided into three classes of drivers.

Hence, the Probability

[tex]\to P(X=0) = \frac{1}{3} \times 0.56356+\frac{1}{3} \times 0.33437+\frac{1}{3} \times 0.20793=0.36862[/tex]

Find the measure of angle FGE
35 degrees
40 degrees
100 degrees
30 degrees
60 degrees


The answer is 35 degrees.

The measure of angle FGE is 52.5°.

What is the Angles of Intersecting Secants Theorem?

Angles of Intersecting Secants Theorem states that, If two lines intersect outside a circle, then the measure of an angle formed by the two lines is one half the positive difference of the measures of the intercepted arcs.

Thus, applying the angles of intersecting secants theorem

m∠FGE = 1/2[(100 + 35) - 30]

m∠FGE = 1/2[(105]

m∠FGE = 52.5°

Learn more about angles of intersecting secants theorem here :



8 rational numbers between 3 and 4​





Step-by-step explanation:

a rational number is formed when any two integers p and q are expressed in the form of p/q

to find two two sets of rational numbers BETWEEN any two numbers

a and b we need to express a and b and rational numbers....let us express 3and4 as rational numbers 3=30/10 4=40/10

the list of rational numbers between 3and4,that is, 30/10,31/10,32/10,33/10,34/10,35/10,36/10,37/10,38/10,39/10,40/10.

therefore the five rational numbers between 3 and 4 are (31/10,32/10,33/10,34/10,35/10...

I hope that helps

Which of the following is a solution to 6x - 5y=4?
(-1, -2)
(-2, -1)
(2, -7)




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

(6 x -1) -(-2 x 5) = 4

-6 + 10 = 4

Use the discriminant to describe the roots of each equation. Then select the best description.
7x² + 1 = 5x



Imaginary roots

Step-by-step explanation:

The discriminant of a quadratic in standard form [tex]ax^2+bx+c[/tex] is given by [tex]b^2-4ac[/tex].

Given [tex]7x^2+1=5x[/tex], subtract 5x from both sides so that the quadratic is in standard form:


Now assign variables:

[tex]a\implies 7[/tex] [tex]b\implies -5[/tex] [tex]c\implies 1[/tex]

The discriminant is therefore [tex](-5)^2-4(7)(1)=25-28=\textbf{-3}[/tex].

What does this tell us about the roots?

Recall that the discriminant is what is under the radical in the quadratic formula. The quadratic formula is used to find the solutions of a quadratic. Therefore, the solutions of this quadratic would be equal to [tex]\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{-3}}{2a}[/tex] for some [tex]b[/tex] and [tex]a[/tex]. Since the number under the radical is negative, there are no real roots to the quadratic (whenever the discriminant is negative, the are zero real solutions to the quadratic). Therefore, the quadratic has imaginary roots.

A product is introduced into the market. Suppose a product's sales quantity per month q ( t ) is a function of time t in months is given by q ( t ) = 1000 t − 150 t 2 And suppose the price in dollars of that product, p ( t ) , is also a function of time t in months and is given by p ( t ) = 150 − t 2 A. Find, R ' ( t ) , the rate of change of revenue as a function of time t



[tex]r'(t) = 298t -850[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]q(t) = 1000t - 150t^2[/tex]

[tex]p(t) = 150t - t^2[/tex]



First, we calculate the revenue

[tex]r(t) = p(t) - q(t)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]r(t) = 150t - t^2 - (1000t - 150t^2)[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]r(t) = 150t - t^2 - 1000t + 150t^2[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]r(t) = 150t^2 - t^2 + 150t - 1000t[/tex]

[tex]r(t) = 149t^2 -850t[/tex]

Differentiate to get the revenue change with time

[tex]r'(t) = 2 * 149t -850[/tex]

[tex]r'(t) = 298t -850[/tex]

Find the measure of x. X=8, x=7, x=9, x=11



[tex]\frac{135}{15} =\frac{15(x+2)}{15}[/tex]




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