A fisherman fishing from a pier observes that the float on his line bobs up and down, taking 2.4 s to move from its highest point to its lowest point. He also estimates that the distance between adjacent wave crests is 48 m. What is the speed of the waves going past the pier?Immersive Reader


Answer 1


  v = 10 m / s


For this exercise we will use the relationship between the speed of a wave and its frequency and wavelength

         v = λ f

the wavelength is the distance at which the wave repeats, in this case the distance between the two ridges λ = 48 m.

the frequency is the number of oscillations per unit of time, it is also the inverse of the period which is the time in a complete oscillation, in this case they give us the time of half a period, ½ T = 2.4 s

   T = 4.8 s

the frequency is

        f = 1 / T

        f = 1 / 4.8

        f = 0.2083 Hz

let's calculate

        v = 0.2083 48

        v = 10 m / s

Related Questions

A cube, 1 m on each edge, is held 0.75 m below the surface of a pool of water by a rope. The mass of the cube is 700 kg, and the weight distribution is such that one face remains parallel to the surface of the water. a. Find the tension in the rope. b. Assuming the rope is cut, how far will the cube protrude from the water




The mass of cube = 700 kg

volume = 1 m³

density = 700 kg / m²

Its density is less than that of water so it will try to float on the surface .

Tension in rope will be equal to net upward force

upthrust = volume x density of water x g

= 1 x 10³ x 9.8

= 9800 N

weight of cube = mass x g

= 700 x 9.8

= 6860 N .

Net upward force = 9800 - 6860

= 2940 N.

Tension in the rope = 2940 N.

Rope will hold the cube inside and not allow it to go outside water .

b )

If rope is cut , cube being lighter , will float on surface of water .

Part of cube inside water while floating

= 6860 / 9800

= .7

.7 m will remain inside water

part floating outside

= 1 - 0.7

= 0.3 m .

Word ProNems:
1. A car goes from 4.47 m/s to 17.9 m/s in 3 seconds.
a. Did this car speed up or slow down?
b. Should your answer be positive or negative? Explain your reasoning.
c. Calculate the acceleration of the car.



a:it speed up

b:it should be positive since final

velocity is larger than initial velocity

c:acceleration is approximately 4.5



initial velocity=u=4.47m/s

Final velocity=v=17.9m/s

Time=t=3 seconds

a:the car speed up since the velocity


b:change in velocity is positive

because final velocity is larger than

initial velocity

17.9-4.47=13.43 m/s

c: acceleration=(v-u)/t



acceleration=4.5 m/s^2

The change in velocity is a positive value, this shows that the car speeds up.The answer should be positive since the final velocity is greater than the initial velocity. The acceleration of the car is 4.48m/s²

If a car goes from a velocity u to a velocity v, the change in velocity is expressed as;

[tex]\triangle v =v-u[/tex]


final velocity v = 17.9m/s

initial velocity u = 4.47m/s

[tex]\triangle v = 17.9-4.47\\\triangle v =13.43m/s[/tex]

a) Since the change in velocity is a positive value, this shows that the car speeds up.

b) The answer should be positive since the final velocity is greater than the initial velocity.

c) Acceleration is the change in velocity with respect to time

[tex]a=\frac{v-u}{t}\\a=\frac{17.9-4.47}{3} \\a=\frac{13.43}{3}\\a= 4.48m/s^2[/tex]

Hence the acceleration of the car is 4.48m/s²

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/24175401

Electric motors convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. When the current-carrying coil is placed between the magnetic poles, a force acts on it that causes it to rotate. The image below shows a simple electric motor. The motor is used to lift metal boxes. How can the motor be changed to be able to lift a heavier box? A. rotate the coil in a counter-clockwise direction B. add more loops of wire between the magnets C. change the polarity of the magnet D. decrease the size of the magnets



B. add more loops of wire between the magnets


this would increase the magnetic force acting on the rod therefore increasing

By adding more loops of wire between the magnets the motor is changed to be able to lift a heavier box.

What is an electric motor?

An electric motor is a mechanism that turns electricity into mechanical energy.

The interaction between the motor's magnetic field and electric current in a wire winding generates force in the form of torque imparted to the motor's shaft in most electric motors.

An electric generator is physically equivalent to an electric motor, but it converts mechanical energy into electrical energy using a reversed flow of power.

The load capacity in the motor can be increased by increasing the no of loops. So by adding more loops of wire between the magnets the motor is changed to be able to lift a heavier box.

Hence option B is correct.

To learn more about the electric motor refer to the link;


A 0.025-kg block on a horizontal frictionless surface is attached to an ideal massless spring whose spring constant is The block is pulled from its equilibrium position at x = 0.00 m to a displacement x = +0.080 m and is released from rest. The block then executes simple harmonic motion along the horizontal x-axis. When the displacement is what is the kinetic energy of the block?


Complete Question

A 0.025-kg block on a horizontal frictionless surface is attached to an ideal massless spring whose spring constant is 150 N/m. The block is pulled from its equilibrium position at x = 0.00 m to a displacement x = +0.080 m and is released from rest. The block then executes simple harmonic motion along the horizontal x-axis. When the displacement is x = 0.024 m, what is the kinetic energy of the block?


The kinetic energy is  [tex]KE = 0.4368\ J[/tex]


From the question we are told that

   The mass of the block is [tex]m= 0.025\ kg[/tex]

   The spring constant is [tex]k = 150 N/m[/tex]

   The length of first  displacement  is [tex]x_1 = 0.80 \ m[/tex]

     The length of first  displacement  is [tex]x_2 = 0.024 \ m[/tex]

At the [tex]x_2[/tex] the kinetic energy is mathematically evaluated as

     [tex]KE = \Delta E[/tex]

Where [tex]\Delta E[/tex] is the change in energy stored on the spring which is mathematically represented as

            [tex]\Delta E = \frac{1}{2} k (x_1 ^2 - x_2^2)[/tex]

=>        [tex]KE = \frac{1}{2} k (x_1 ^2 - x_2^2)[/tex]

Substituting value

          [tex]KE = \frac{1}{2} * 150 * (0.08^2 - 0.024^2)[/tex]

          [tex]KE = 0.4368\ J[/tex]


(10 points) A spring with a 7-kg mass and a damping constant 12 can be held stretched 1 meters beyond its natural length by a force of 4 newtons. Suppose the spring is stretched 2 meters beyond its natural length and then released with zero velocity. In the notation of the text, what is the value c2−4mk? m2kg2/sec2 Find the position of the mass, in meters, after t seconds. Your answer should be a function of the variable t of the form c1eαt+c2eβt where α= (the larger of the two) β=




I need help plz help me out 10 points!!!!!!!



The answer is diffraction



The answer is diffraction


I did the test! HOPE THIS HELPS!

Which of the following is not true about of the use of MRI in medicine?
1) It produces no negative side-effects on the human body
2) It produces high resolution images of soft tissues
3) It is very cheap
4) It requires very strong magnetic fields



3) False. It is expensive since it requires sophisticated equipment and very low temperatures


Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging measurements consist of magnetic resonance imaging to analyze tissues by the transition of the unpaired electron at carbon 13, giving information on the structure and composition of tissues. This information is processed in computers and transformed into images.

So the physical measurement is the MRN

Now we can analyze the statements in the problem

1) True by itself a magnetic measurement is non-invasive

2) True. Measuring carbon transitions has information about the soft tissue of the body

3) False. It is expensive since it requires sophisticated equipment and very low temperatures

4) Right. The applied magnetic field is high to be able to induce carbon transaction

Geophysicists have estimated that the temperature at the center of the Earth's

core is at least 5000°C. Express this temperature in Fahrenheit degrees.

CA 8703 °F

B 9032°F

C 10,087°F

D 5609°F


Answer: B. 9032°F


First we take down the data made available to us.

Estimated temperature of the Earth's core = 5000° Celsius

Now to express this temperature in Fahrenheit, we make use of the formula;

[°F] = [°C] × 9/5 + 32


[°F] is temperature in Fahrenheit and

[°C] is temperature in Celsius

So we just input our figure into the formula

[°F] = [5000°] × 9/5 + 32

°F = 5000 × 1.8 + 32

°F = 9000 + 32

°F = 9032°

So 5000° Celsius is expressed as 9032° Fahrenheit

You go grab a car door handle in the summer (energy transfer to heat up the handle conduction) and it burns you through _____ energy transfer.

A. Radiation-transfer of energy (heat) through space by electromagnetic rays.

B. Conduction-the transfer of energy (heat) through the matter by molecules energy (touch).

C. Convection-the transfer of heat movement of mass or substance (motion).


I think the answer is A

Dogs keep themselves cool by panting, rapidly breathing air in and out. Panting results in evaporation from moist tissues of the airway and lungs, which cools the animal. Measurements show that, on a 35∘C day with a relative humidity of 50%, a 12 kg dog loses 1.0 g of water per minute if it is panting vigorously. What rate of heat loss, in watts, does this achieve?


The rate of heat loss, in watts, does this achieve is 37.66 W


It leads in cooling since water absorbs heat equivalent to mass times latent heat of evaporation to get converted into vapor .


latent heat of evaporation of water = 2260 x 10³ J / kg or 2260 J / g


in the evaporation of 1 g of water , heat lost = 2260 J


heat lost per minute = 2260 J


heat lost per second = 2260 / 60

= 37.66 J /s

= 37.66 W

Learn more about heat here: https://brainly.com/question/9636950

A small object begins a free-fall from a height of =81.5 m at 0=0 s . After τ=2.20 s , a second small object is launched vertically up from the ground with an initial velocity of 0=40.0 m/s . At what height from the ground will the two objects first meet?



33.2 m


For the first object:

y₀ = 81.5 m

v₀ = 0 m/s

a = -9.8 m/s²

t₀ = 0 s

y = y₀ + v₀ t + ½ at²

y = 81.5 − 4.9t²

For the second object:

y₀ = 0 m

v₀ = 40.0 m/s

a = -9.8 m/s²

t₀ = 2.20 s

y = y₀ + v₀ t + ½ at²

y = 40(t−2.2) − 4.9(t−2.2)²

When they meet:

81.5 − 4.9t² = 40(t−2.2) − 4.9(t−2.2)²

81.5 − 4.9t² = 40t − 88 − 4.9 (t² − 4.4t + 4.84)

81.5 − 4.9t² = 40t − 88 − 4.9t² + 21.56t − 23.716

81.5 = 61.56t − 111.716

193.216 = 61.56t

t = 3.139

The position at that time is:

y = 81.5 − 4.9(3.139)²

y = 33.2

A person jumps out a fourth-story window 14 m above a firefighter safety net. The survivor stretches the net 1.8 m before coming to rest. what was the deceleration experienced by the survivor? Use g = 9.8 m/s2 Calculate to one decimal.



The deceleration is  [tex]a = - 76.27 m/s^2[/tex]


From the question we are told that

   The height above  firefighter safety net is [tex]H = 14 \ m[/tex]

   The length by which the net is stretched is [tex]s = 1.8 \ m[/tex]


From the law of energy conservation

    [tex]KE_T + PE_T = KE_B + PE_B[/tex]

 Where [tex]KE_T[/tex] is the kinetic energy of the person before jumping which equal to zero(because to kinetic energy at maximum height )

   and  [tex]PE_T[/tex] is the potential energy of the before jumping  which is mathematically represented at

          [tex]PE_T = mg H[/tex]

and  [tex]KE_B[/tex] is the kinetic energy of the person just before landing on the safety net  which is mathematically represented at

        [tex]KE_B = \frac{1}{2} m v^2[/tex]

and  [tex]PE_B[/tex] is the potential energy of the person as he lands on the safety net which has a value of zero (because it is converted to kinetic energy )

   So the above equation becomes

          [tex]mgH = \frac{1}{2} m v^2[/tex]

=>           [tex]v = \sqrt{2 gH }[/tex]

    substituting values

                [tex]v = 16.57 m/s[/tex]

Applying the equation o motion

             [tex]v_f = v + 2 a s[/tex]

Now the final velocity is zero because the person comes to rest


         [tex]0 = 16.57 + 2 * a * 1.8[/tex]

            [tex]a = - \frac{16.57^2 }{2 * 1.8}[/tex]

            [tex]a = - 76.27 m/s^2[/tex]



In the figure calculates the acceleration of the block friction not today



A fan pushes hot air out of a vent and into a room. The hot air displaces cold air in the room, causing the cold air to move closer to the floor.

The hot air displacing the cold air is an example of  transfer by


The figure shows a crane whose weight is 12.5 kN and center of gravity in G. (a) If the crane needs to suspend the 2.5kN drum, determine the reactions on the wheel in A and B when the boom is in the position shown.(b) Considering the same situation illustrated, what is the value of the maximum weight that the crane can suspend without tipping over?



(a) Ra = 9.25 kN; Rb = 5.75 kN

(b) 26.7 kN


(a) Draw a free-body diagram of the crane.  There are four forces:

Reaction Ra pushing up at A,

Reaction Rb pushing up at B,

Weight force 12.5 kN pulling down at G,

and weight force 2.5 kN pulling down at F.

Sum of moments about B in the counterclockwise direction:

∑τ = Iα

-Ra (0.66 m + 0.42 m + 2.52 m) + 12.5 kN (2.52 m + 0.42 m) − 2.5 kN ((3.6 m + 0.9 m) cos 30° − 2.52 m) = 0

-Ra (3.6 m) + 12.5 kN (2.94 m) − 2.5 kN (1.38 m) = 0

Ra = 9.25 kN

Sum of moments about A in the counterclockwise direction:

∑τ = Iα

Rb (0.66 m + 0.42 m + 2.52 m) − 12.5 kN (0.66 m) − 2.5 kN ((3.6 m + 0.9 m) cos 30° + 0.66 m + 0.42 m) = 0

Rb (3.6 m) − 12.5 kN (0.66 m) − 2.5 kN (4.98 m) = 0

Rb = 5.75 kN

Alternatively, you can use sum of the forces in the y direction as your second equation.

∑F = ma

Ra + Rb − 12.5 kN − 2.5 kN = 0

Ra + Rb = 15 kN

9.25 kN + Rb = 15 kN

Rb = 5.75 kN

However, you must be careful.  If you make a mistake in the first equation, it will carry over to this equation.

(b) At the maximum weight, Ra = 0.

Sum of the moments about B in the counterclockwise direction:

∑τ = Iα

12.5 kN (2.52 m + 0.42 m) − F ((3.6 m + 0.9 m) cos 30° − 2.52 m) = 0

12.5 kN (2.94 m) − F (1.38 m) = 0

F = 26.7 kN

Minority group

A shared identity based on

cultural elements such as

heritage, language, and



A socially constructed

group of people who share

physical characteristics

that are considered

significant by a society

and that are used to

distinguish them from

other groups

Majority group

People who are singled

out for unequal treatment

and who regard

themselves as objects of

collective discrimination


A group's subset that

consists of more than half

of the entire group's




Minority group - People who are singled  out for unequal treatment  and who regard  themselves as objects of  collective discrimination.

Ethnicity - A shared identity based on  cultural elements such as  heritage, language, and  religion.

Majority group - A group's subset that  consists of more than half  of the entire group's  members.

Race - A socially constructed  group of people who share  physical characteristics  that are considered  significant by a society  and that are used to  distinguish them from  other groups.


To better understand the above-mentioned definitions we would use some examples:

Elder people can be considered as a minority group in the United States because of their reduced status as a consequence of popular discrimination and prejudice against them. In contrast to them, young men consisting of more than half the population in the age category is an example of the majority group.

Groups of people like Hispanic Americans, Jews, Italian America, Irish are some examples of people belonging to different ethnic backgrounds residing in the U.S.

African Americans who are distinguished based on their skin color is an example of race.

7. A light source has two spectral components, one with unknown wavelength and the other with wavelength 620 nm. When light from the source is incident to a thin rectangular slit, a screen behind the slit shows the second diffraction minimum from the 620 nm component at the exact same location as the third diffraction minimum from the unknown wavelength component. What is the unknown wavelength?




Problem relates to diffraction of light . Location for 2 nd diffraction minima is

[tex]x=2\times\frac{\lambda D}{d}[/tex]  where λ is wavelength of light , D is distance of screen , d is slit width .

Puting the values


for unknown wavelength , position of third diffraction is

[tex]x=3\times\frac{\lambda D}{d}[/tex]

from these two equations

[tex]x=2\times\frac{620D}{d}[/tex][tex]=3\times\frac{\lambda D}{d}[/tex]

λ = 413.33 nm .

Q1. What is the frequency of rotation of 1000 loop coil of area 20cm2 in a magnetic field of 5T to

generate an emf that has a maximum value of 15.7V?​




Emf e generated in a coil with no of turn n and area A rotating in a magnetic field B  with angular speed of ω is given by the expression

e = e₀ sinωt

where e₀ = nωAB which is the maximum emf generated

Putting the given values

15.7 = 1000xω x 20 x 10⁻² x 5

ω = .0157

frequency of rotation

= ω / 2π

= .0157 / 2 x 3.14

= .0025 /s

9 rotation / hour .

A physics student standing on the edge of a cliff throws a stone vertically downward with an initial speed of 10 m/s. The instant before the stone hits the ground below, it is traveling at a speed of 30 m/s. if the physics student were to throw the rock horizontally outward from the cliff instead, with the same initial speed of 10 m/s, how fast would the stone be traveling just before it hits the ground



The velocity just before hitting the ground is [tex]v_f = 30 m/s[/tex]


From the question we are told that

    The initial speed is  [tex]u = 10 m/s[/tex]

    The final speed is  [tex]v = 30 \ m/s[/tex]

From the equations of motion we have that

      [tex]v^2 =u^2 + 2as[/tex]

Where s is the distance travelled which is the height of the cliff

  So making it the subject of the the formula  we have that

        [tex]s = \frac{v^2 - u^2 }{2a}[/tex]

Where a is the acceleration due to gravity with a value  [tex]a = 9.8m/s^2[/tex]


                  [tex]s = \frac{30^2 - 10^2 }{2 * 9.8 }[/tex]

                  [tex]s = 40.8 \ m[/tex]

Now we are told that was through horizontally with a speed of

      [tex]v_x =10 m/s[/tex]

Which implies that this would be its velocity horizontally through out the motion

    Now it final  velocity vertically can be mathematically evaluated as

            [tex]v_y = \sqrt{2as}[/tex]

Substituting values

             [tex]v_y = \sqrt{(2 * 9.8 * 40.8)}[/tex]

             [tex]v_y = 28.3 \ m/s[/tex]

The resultant final velocity is mathematically evaluated as

       [tex]v_f = \sqrt{v_x^2 + v_y^2}[/tex]

Substituting values

       [tex]v_f = \sqrt{10^2 + 28.3^2}[/tex]

       [tex]v_f = 30 m/s[/tex]


As SCUBA divers go deeper underwater, the pressure from the weight of all the water above them increases tremendously which compresses the gases in their blood. What happens to the volume of gas in their blood as the diver rises quickly to the surface?



The volume of gas in an early diving bell full of air at sea level is halved at 10 m according to Boyle’s law


;at 20 m pressure is 300 kPa absolute and the gas is compressed into one third the volume.

HOPE THIS HELPS         i did this before

Which of the following is the healthiest type of carbohydrate?

A Bread made with white flour
B Rice made with whole grains

C Cereal made with refined grains

D White rice





Cereal made with refined grains is the healthiest type of carbohydrate.

What are carbohydrates?

A carbohydrate is defined as a bio-molecule which consists of carbon,hydrogen and oxygen atoms which are usually in the ratio of 2:1 with the empirical formula C[tex]_n[/tex](H₂O)[tex]_n[/tex].

This term is most commonly used in  field of biochemistry as a synonym of saccharide which is a group of sugars, starch and cellulose.

They perform various functions in living organisms. They serve as an energy source and as well as structural components . They are a key component in providing nutrition and are found in wide variety of natural as well as processed foods.

Carbohydrates occur as cellulose in the cell walls of plants and is one of the components of insoluble dietary fibers.

Learn more about carbohydrates,here:



Which gas is the most abundant greenhouse gas?
carbon dioxide
water vapor


Carbon dioxide is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.



Carbon dioxide is the most abundance greenhouse gas in The atmosphere.

An object has a mass of 5 kg. What force is needed to accelerate it at 6 m/s?






Force=mass x acceleration

Force=5 x 6







Force=mass x acceleration

Force=5 x 6


Which of the following statements are true? a. Kinematics is the science that studies forces and motion of particles and bodies. b. Speed is a vector quantity. c. The units of velocity are length divided by time. d. The term deceleration is commonly used to describe a negative acceleration.



true. b, c and d


Let's review each statement separately  

a) False. The kinematics studies the position, speed and acceleration of the bodies, but not what causes these changes

b) True. Velocity is the displacement between time, displacement is a vector, and time is a scalar, so the division between them gives a vector

c) True. speed is the displacement that is a length between time, so its unit is length / time

d) true  desaceleration = - aceleration

in the figure calculates the acceleration of the block friction not today



A fan pushes hot air out of a vent and into a room. The hot air displaces cold air in the room, causing the cold air to move closer to the floor.

The hot air displacing the cold air is an example of  transfer by


also the answer is hit my dm on ig

What parts are found in an electric generator


Here are a list of items I found.

some brushes

a armature

a permanent magnet

some slip rings


A fan pushes hot air out of a vent and into a room. The hot air displaces cold air in the room, causing the cold air to move closer to the floor.

The hot air displacing the cold air is an example of  transfer by


What is (9x10^9)(2.6x10^-6)(1.4x10^-6) / 36





(9x10^9) (2.6x10^-6) (1.4x10^-6) / 36

(9,000,000,000) (0.0000026) (0.0000014) /36


23,400(0.0000014) /36


0.03276 /36



In later years, motors improved and could be run directly from a 60 Hz power supply. As a result, 25 Hz power systems shrank and disappeared. However, there were many perfectly-good working 25 Hz motors in factories around the country that owners were not ready to discard. To keep them running, some users created their own 25 Hz power in the plant using motor-generator sets. A motor generator set consists of two machines connected on a common shaft, one acting as a motor and the other acting as a generator. If the two machines have different numbers of poles but exactly the same shaft speed, then the electrical frequency of the two machines will be different due to Equation (3-34). What combination of poles on the two machines could convert 60 Hz power to 25 Hz power?



as in motor generaror are connected to same shaft then both machines are working with same speed

but number of poles are different with same speed means both machines are working with different frequencies

we know

frequency F = N*P/120

speed N = 82120F/P


motor speed = generator speed

120F1/P1 = 120F2/P2

F1/P1 = F2/P2

output frequency is 25 which is obtained from generator so F2=25

input frequency is 60 which is given to motor soF1=60

60/P1 = 25/P2

60/25 = P!/P2

P1/P2 = 12/5

multiply and divided by 2 becuase poles are even

P1/P2 = 12*2/5*2


P1= 24 poles a

P2 =10 poles we get 25 hz frequency from 60 hz frequency

Which of the following statements are characteristics of magnetic fields? Select all that apply.
Magnetic fields point from the north pole to the south pole of a magnet.
The earth's magnetic field has no effect on the electron rays coming from the sun.
An example of the Biot-Savart law is the effect of the earth's maghytic field on the electron rays coming from the sun.
The north pole of a magnet will be attracted to the south pole of the earth.
If a bar magnet is cut in half two magnets with like poles will be created.



Magnetic fields point from the north pole to the south pole of a magnet.

An example of the Biot-Savart law is the effect of the earth's maghytic field on the electron rays coming from the sun.

The north pole of a magnet will be attracted to the south pole of the earth.

If a bar magnet is cut in half two magnets with like poles will be created


The magnetic field of Earth is due to the presence of iron in the core of the Earth.  

The metal emits the magnetic waves from it and the North and South pole of the planet.

Both the poles emit the magnetic rays which create magnetic sheet around it. The Earth acts like a magnet bar if which is cut into two half, the planet will act like two magnets. Also, Biot Savarts's law states that the magnetic field does not affect the electron rays coming from the Sun.

Thus, the selected options are correct.




A tennis player serves a tennis ball such that it is moving horizontally when it leaves the racquet. When the ball travels a horizontal distance of 13 m, it has dropped 56 cm from its original height when it left the racquet. What was the initial speed, in m/s, of the tennis ball



The initial velocity is 38.46 m/s.


The horizontal distance travel by the tennis ball = 13 m  

The height at which the tennis ball dropped = 56 cm

Now calculate the initial speed of tennis ball.

The vertical velocity is zero.

Below is the calculation. Here, first convert centimetre into kilometre. So, height at which ball dropped is 0.56 km.

[tex]v = \sqrt{2 \times 9.8 \times 0.56} = 3.32 m/s \\[/tex]

[tex]t = \frac{3.32}{9.8} = 0.338s \\[/tex]

[tex]Ux \times t = 13 \\[/tex]

[tex]Ux = \frac{13}{0.338} = 38.46 m/s = Initial velocity.[/tex]

Alan leaves Los Angeles at 8:00 A.M. to drive to San Francisco 400 mi away. He manages to travel at a steady 50 mph in spite of traffic. Beth leaves Los Angeles at 9:00 A.M. and surprisingly manages to also drive at a constant speed, in this case 60 mph. (Knight 2.1) a. Who gets to San Francisco first? (Beth) b. How long does the first to arrive have to wait for the second? (20 minutes)



a) Beth will reach before Alan

b)Beth has to wait 20 min for Alan to arrive


let 'd' be distance b/w Los Angeles and San  Francisco i.e 400 mi

considering ,

Alan's speed [tex]v_A[/tex]=50mph

Beth's speed [tex]v_B[/tex]=60mph

->For Alan:

The time required [tex]t_A[/tex]= d/[tex]v_A[/tex]= 400/50 => 8h

-> For beth:

The time required [tex]t_B=\frac{d}{v_B} =\frac{400}{60} =>6\frac{2}{3} h[/tex] => 6h 40m

Alan will reach at 8:00 a.m +8h = 4:00p.m.

Beth will reach at 9:00 a.m +6h 40m= 3:40p.m.

a) Beth will reach before Alan

b)Beth has to wait 20 min for Alan to arrive

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