A gateway drug is a substance that is accessible or seems safer, which ...
A. is combined with more dangerous drugs.
B. keeps a person from using more dangerous drugs.
C. leads a person to use more dangerous drugs.


Answer 1
C. leads a person to use more dangerous drugs.
Answer 2

A gateway drug is a substance that is accessible or seems safer, which leads a person to use more dangerous drugs. The correct option is C.

What does Gateway mean in drugs?

Gateway drugs are less harmful substances that can lead to exposure to or experimentation with more harmful ones. For instance, many individuals might believe that alcohol and nicotine are relatively risk-free. The ease with which one can acquire and use these drugs only serves to reinforce this notion.

The main offenders that are regarded as gateway drugs are marijuana, alcohol, and nicotine. A teen who uses even one of these drugs runs the risk of developing a tolerance and wanting to use stronger drugs over time. Compared to harder street drugs or prescription medications, these three drugs are typically much simpler to obtain.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about Gateway drugs here:



Related Questions

Which federal agency enforces regulations for product advertising and labeling?

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Securities and Exchange Commission
Bureau of Consumer Protection


The federal agency that enforces regulations for product advertising and labeling is known as Bureau of Consumer Protection

What is a Federal Agency?

This refers to the organization which is set up by the federal government to carry out a set of specific tasks.

Hence, we can note that the federal agency which enforces regulations for product advertising and labeling in America is the Bureau of Consumer Protection and they work very closely with quality control agencies.

'Read more about the Bureau of Consumer Protection here:

Answer:Bureau of Consumer Protection



Mr krabs went to the store



yes he did




and got money


can my sister enroll me in school without custody in Florida?


No not directly but you can use the 1302 form to still enroll if not .

mention a short description of make an observation , ask a question , do a background resaerch related to scientific learning .​




Israeli lawyer Moshe Strugano (Attorney - Moshe Strugano and Co Law firm),  an expert in the “formation of offshore companies" says,   observation refers to something, which we have learned by watching or checking out something and continuously thinking about it. When a person is making an observation, he is simply making a comment about something or someone, generally depends on someone's behaviour.

A safe following distance for a car is?
Group of answer choices

1 car length for every 10 m.p.h

1 car length at any speed

1 second for every 10 m.p.h

two seconds under good conditions


1 car length every 10 mph.

A safe following distance for a car is 1 car length for every 10 m.p.h. Distance is the sum of an object's movements, regardless of direction. Thus, option A is correct.

Distance may be defined as the amount of space an item has covered, regardless of its beginning or finishing position. Distance is the separation of two objects. It also serves as a gauge for the distance between two objects. Any path may be used to measure it.

Therefore, even if his location has not changed, a person who circles about has moved a certain distance. While distance and displacement appear to have the same meaning, they really have quite different definitions and implications. While displacement refers to the measurement of "how far out of place an object is," distance is the term for "how much ground an object has covered during its motion."

Therefore, option A is the ideal selection.

Learn more about distance here:



How are criminal cases different from civil cases?
A. Criminal cases use reasonable doubt as the burden of proof.
B. Criminal cases always give a judge the power to make the ruling.
C. Criminal cases include both opening and closing statements.
D. Criminal cases deal with both torts and breach of contract laws. ​



d or b is answer but i am confuse

While in a department store, a man picked up a sweater and slipped it under his shirt. The man then started for the door. A woman, who also was shopping in the store, saw the man take the sweater. The woman grabbed a baseball bat from the sporting goods aisle and chased the man into the parking lot. The woman began swinging the bat at the man's head, hoping to knock him out and thus prevent the theft. The man pulled a knife from his pocket and stabbed the woman, killing her. The man was arrested and charged with murder. At trial, will the man most likely be found guilty



D). No, because the man was acting in self-defense.


In the given situation, the man would not be considered guilty of murdering the woman and this is because the action took place when was defending himself from the attacks made by that woman on him. However, the man was attempting to steal the sweater at the store yet the deadly attack made by the woman on his head with the baseball bat cannot be justified in any case. Her act would be categorized under 'dangerous felony' and therefore, the use of a knife by the man was enforced on him to save himself. Hence, the action was in 'self-defense' and he will not be punished for it as it was the woman who initiated the physical violence and harm and he just reacted. Thus, option D is the correct answer.

A three-car accident occurred in a city in the Northern District of State A. The cars were driven by a citizen of State B who resides in the Southern District of State B, a citizen of State A who resides in the Southern District of State A, and a citizen of State C who resides in the Northern District of State C. The State B citizen filed a negligence action against the other two drivers in the United States District Court for the Southern District of State A. Although the two defendants believed that venue was improper, neither filed a pre-answer motion objecting to venue. They instead proceeded to file their answers, responding to the merits of the claim. The State C defendant, however, included in her answer a motion to dismiss the action for improper venue. How should the court rule on the State C defendant's motion to dismiss for imprope



The motion should be granted, given that a defendant can raise objections to venue in their answer, where the Rule 12(b) pre-answer motion is not asserted by the defendant and that the venue is improper, given that the Southern District of State A is not the location of any of the events for which the claim is being made, and that one of the defendant is not a resident of State A


Which type of laws are passed by Congress and affect all states?
federal laws
state laws



Federal laws are bills that have passed both houses of Congress, been signed by the president, passed over the president's veto, or allowed to become law without the president's signature. Individual laws, also called acts, are arranged by subject in the United States Code. Regulations are rules made by executive departments and agencies, and are arranged by subject in the Code of Federal Regulations.


hope it will help you Mark Me as brilliant

Federal laws. They are arranged by subject in the United States Code.

Can someone help me with this word search?


Where is the list of all words

A 15-year-old sophomore high school student became pregnant, and the school board required her to attend a special program for pregnant students instead of her regular classes. The girl did not want to attend a special program; rather, she wanted to attend her regular classes. She sued the school district in federal district court, demanding that she be allowed to attend her regular classes. Before her case came to trial, the girl gave birth to the child. Subsequently, the district reinstated her in her regular classes. When her suit comes before the federal district court, what should the court do



No case; she gave birth and made the case moot.

How a bill becomes Law in Canada?



they go through the canadian government


To become law, a bill must first be introduced in either the Senate or the House of Commons. It must then pass through various stages in each House: first, second and third reading. Then it must receive Royal Assent.

Four common types of distractions are
A. food, drink, interesting topics, and loud noises
B. teenagers, vehicles, construction, and stop lights
C. tech, personal, passenger, and emotional
D. food, tech, passenger, and emotional



A. All these are sources of distractions. A delicious food, a tasty drink, an engrossing topics and noise pollution

the answer is a, all of them are distractions

tatiana tarasoff was killed by prosenjit poddar, a graduate student at the university of california. tatiant's parents sued; the case was heard by the supreme court of california. the tarasoff case is important because





A patient properly filed a medical malpractice claim against a doctor in federal district court. The complaint simply asserted negligence as the grounds for relief without any facts supporting the claim. The doctor filed a pretrial motion for a more definite statement, which the court denied. Immediately thereafter, and without submitting an answer, the doctor filed a motion to dismiss, asserting that the court lacked personal jurisdiction. Will the court grant this motion to dismiss



No. The Plaintiff should re-file with more substantiating evidence.

3. V o F. Justificar.
a) El ser humano existe.
b) La verdadera libertad es hacer lo que quiero sin importar las consecuencias, soy libre!
c) Las áreas de la persona son cuerpo, mente y lo biológico. v
d) Las tres dimensiones de la persona están en constante interrelación


Answer: C

Explanation: Las áreas de la persona sin cuerpo mente y lo biológico

Offender: Johnny Theft
Crime: Burglary by breaking into 3 homes and stealing numerous items such as gaming systems, flat-screen TVs, and gold jewelry.

Create a scenario that applies 1 of the crime theories discussed in the session.

Include reasons for explaining why the crime was committed based on your theory. Provide details in 3-4 sentences.


I am no lawyer my guy my fault g

Can someone answer this pls
Select the correct answer.
Anya believes that a strong federal government is important to protect the environment and the rights of minorities. She also supports some government regulation of the economy. Which political party is the most closely aligned with Anya's beliefs?
the Democratic Party
The Libertarian Party
the Constitution Party
the Republican Party


A. The Democratic Party

The Democratic Party:

- believes that the government should protect the environment

- supports increased domestic renewable energy development

- strives for equality of opportunity for all Americans

- more willing to intervene in the economy (i.e., regulate businesses)

observe a farming system in your neighbourhood and write short notes on it.​



Observing farming activities around this neighborhood are poor and traditional type of farming because it is rural based.


Farming system around this neighborhood is traditional where there's a use of cow and donkeys. People tend to practice mono culture which decrease soil fertility

1. If your vehicle breaks down while moving, pull off the road as far as
ten feet
the shoulder
the ditch


I would say possible. That is the best answer.
i think as far as possible is the best answer

hope this helps ! :)

It's impossible to pick out a drunk driver until it is too late.
A. True
B. False


I think it’s false. I may be wrong though.

How can people ensure that governments do not restrict their rights and freedoms?



Some ways people can ensure that their rights are not restricted by the government include;

1. Active participation in political activities such as voting.

2. Preventing the formation of a one-party system.

3. Defending institutions like the courts against governmental intimidation.

4. Peaceful protests when their rights are breached.

5. Holding lawmakers, and representatives accountable when important decisions are to be made.

6. Patriotism and incorruptibleness in their individual positions.


Some governments that were instituted for the people turn against their citizens and restrict their rights. There are several ways in which citizens can prevent the government from restricting their rights. Some of them include;

1. Active participation in political activities: This will make the will of the people to be reflected in the daily activities of the government.

2. Preventing the formation of a one-party system: Most tyrannical governments begin by silencing the voice of their opposition thus making them the only existing and controlling party.

3. Defending institutions like the courts: Tyrannical governments sometimes intimidate or bribe judges to execute their will. The judges and citizens must resist all such efforts.

4. Peaceful protests: When their rights are breached, citizens should use legal measures or peaceful protests to register their displeasure.

5. Holding representatives accountable: When lawmakers pass bills that are not suitable for the people, their ward members should resist such moves.

6. Patriotism and incorruptibleness: Tyrannical governments thrive in corrupt societies. Citizens must be patriotic and incorruptible at every level that they find themselves.

Tori files a suit against the state of Utah, claiming that a Utah state law violates the commerce clause. The court will agree if the statute impinges on citizens' private activities. imposes a substantial burden on interstate commerce. imposes a substantial burden on the state. promotes the public order, health, safety, morals, or general welfare.


Answer: imposes a substantial burden on interstate commerce.


The Commerce Clause simply gives power to the Congress to regulate both interstate and foreign commerce.

Since Tori files a suit against the state of Utah, claiming that a Utah state law violates the commerce clause, then the court will agree in a situation whereby the statute imposes a substantial burden on interstate commerce.

how did john get the alcohol



Get first aid advice about alcohol poisoning. Learn about what alcohol positioning is,

Is modern family a funny show, i fink i like it duh no though. I like the luke. He hits thoughs. BUT IS IT funny friends not so. Thanks



Modern family komik bir şov mu, sanırım hoşuma gidiyor ama hayır. luke'u severim. Yine de vuruyor. AMA komik arkadaşlar öyle değil. Teşekkürler


it was ok


i rate it 8/10

*and ya i also agree it was not funny*

Effective and thorough traffic safety education involves
family, community, industry, government, and personal
factors such as motivation, and perceptive abilities.





Traffic safety education can be defined as a form of road safety education that comprises both an informal and formal education that is typically focused on teaching, enhancing and improving the attitude, skills, knowledge, understanding, values, and insight of a road user such as pedestrians, drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists, etc.

Basically, traffic safety education are necessary and essential for safe traffic procedures, participation and commitments by road users and commuters.

Hence, an effective and thorough traffic safety education involves an active participation by family, community, industry, government, and personal factors such as motivation, maturity, and perceptive abilities.

What are the Bill of Rights made up of?



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The Us Bill of Rights, influenced by Jefferson and authored by James Madison, was accepted, and the first 10 constitutional amendments entered law in 1791.

The first ten amendments of the United States Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. It outlines the rights of Americans in regard to their government. Individual ’s dignity rights and freedoms, such as freedom of expression, press, and religion, are guaranteed.

¿Qué importancia tiene la elaboración de las leyes mediante mecanismos democráticos?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Aunque no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La importancia que tiene la elaboración de las leyes mediante mecanismos democráticos es la siguiente.

En una democracia, son los ciudadanos los que eligen libremente a sus gobernantes. Los gobernantes elegidos, juntos con los miembros del Congreso, deben comprometerse honestamente a luchas por los intereses del pueblo, y para ello, deben debatir en el Congreso las leyes que más convengan para crear paz social y desarrollo económico en el país.

Esas leyes deben ser debatidas y votadas, siempre pensando en los intereses de la gente, del ciudadano común, y no para favorecer a los intereses de las grandes empresas privadas o multinacionales, que nada más están interesadas en ganar más dinero a expensas de la gente pobre.

Si no se elaboran las leyes mediante mecanismos democráticos, entonces los intereses particulares y la corrupción serán los que dicten la forma de gobernar a un país.

1 - Una persona comete un delito a 100 millas de la costa de Punta del Este, cuando estaba en viaje hacia ese balneario. ¿Dónde debe ser juzgado? Explica.



Si una persona comete un delito a 100 millas de la costa de Punta del Este, cuando estaba en viaje hacia ese balneario, deberá ser juzgado por el juez con competencia territorial en el territorio donde se cometió el delito, sin importar hacia dónde se dirigía la persona. Esto es así pues en derecho penal, será siempre competente el juez del lugar del delito, en tanto es quien conoce las vicisitudes y particularidades de la zona, teniendo estadísticas precisas de los crímenes que allí se cometen.

There are three friends: Joaquin, Adam and Jennifer. The three of them witness an accident. When the police questions them, each makes a statement about the accident. Later on, Tim asks the three friends about this discussion with the police. Here’s what they say: Joaquin says: Both Adam and Jennifer lied. Adam says: One of the other two lied. Jennifer says: One of the other two told the truth. Who told the truth?


If I’m correct I believe that Adam was telling the truth (I think)
Adam is your answer, hope this helps
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