A group of 120 students were surveyed about their interest in a new International Studies program. Interest was measured in terms of high, medium, or low. 30 students responded high interest; 50 students responded medium interest; 40 students responded low interest. What is the relative frequency of students with high interest? A. 30% B. 36.4% C. 25% D. Cannot be determined. Group of answer choices


Answer 1


Option C (25%) is the correct answer.

Step-by-step explanation:


Number of students,

= 120

Students responded high interest,

= 30

Students responded medium interest,

= 50

Students responded low interest,

= 40


The relative frequency will be:

= [tex]\frac{30}{120}[/tex]

= [tex]0.25[/tex]


= [tex]25[/tex]%

Related Questions

AM and CM
BM and BM
AB and CB


These are variables on your graph

Which equation describes this graph?


Step-by-step explanation:

The graph clearly has a positive slope. So Answer D couldn't be correct. Next: the y-intercept of this line is (0, -2), so b in the formula y = mx÷ b must be -2.

Therefore the correct equation of this line is

y = x - 2 (choice a)

what is factorization of the trinomial below? -x2+2x+48



-(x+6) (x-8)

Step-by-step explanation:


two values the multiply to get 48 and the difference of those two numbers gives you -2.


6 x -8 =-48


In this case we factored out the negative so leave it outside

-(x+6) (x-8)


-1(x-8)(x+6) is the answer just took the test

Step-by-step explanation:

Select the statement that best justifies the conclusion based on the given information.

a. Definition of bisector.
b. Definition of midpoint.
c. If two lines intersect, then their intersection is exactly one point.
d. Through any two different points, exactly one line exists.


9514 1404 393


  a. Definition of bisector.

Step-by-step explanation:

Line l is a line through the midpoint M. We can conclude it is a bisector, because, by definition, a bisector is a line through the midpoint.

The conclusion is justified by the definition of a bisector.

i need help ON THIS PLS



No, because the ratio of pay to hours is not the same for each pair of value.

If the nominal rate of interest is 10% per annum and there is quarterly compounding, the effective rate of interest will be: a) 10% per annum b) 10.10 per annum c) 10.25%per annum d) 10.38% per annum​


9514 1404 393


  d) 10.38%

Step-by-step explanation:

The multiplier for four quarters of quarterly compounding is ...

  (1 +10%/4)^4 = 1.025^4 = 1.103812890625

This is about 1 + 10.38%.

The effective rate of interest is about 10.38% per annum.

. Using the identity (a + b)² = (a² + 2ab + b²), evaluate 112²


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 112^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (100+12)^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 100^2+2(100)(12)+12^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10000+2400+144[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12400+144[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12544[/tex]


Using Identity

(a + b)² = (a² + 2ab + b²)



⇛(100 + 12)²

⇛(100)² + 2 × 100 × 12 + (12)²

⇛10000 + 2400 + 144

⇛12400 + 144


What is the mean of the following list of extra credit points earned on a statistics test?




Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data :

X : 10,8,18,17,7

The mean value of scores obtained can be obtained thus :

Mean = ΣX / n

n = sample size = 5

Mean = ΣX / n = (10+8+18+17+7) / 5

Mean = 60 / 5 = 12

Researchers studied symptom distress and palliative care designation among a sample of 710 hospitalized patients. Controlling for age, they used a t-test to compare average distress from nausea scores in men and women. Lower scores indicated less distress from nausea. They report men had an average score of 1.02 and woman had an average score of 1.79. Which statement is correct?
Select Men had significantly less distress from nausea. as your answer
Men had significantly less distress from nausea.
Select Men had half as much distress from nausea as woman but we can not determine if this is a significant difference. as your answer
Men had half as much distress from nausea as woman but we can not determine if this is a significant difference.
Select Men had less distress from nausea on average than women but we can not determine if this is a significant difference. as your answer
Men had less distress from nausea on average than women but we can not determine if this is a significant difference.
Select There is a positive correlation between distress from nausea and gender. as your answer
There is a positive correlation between distress from nausea and gender.



A. Men had less distress from nausea on average than women but we can not determine if this is a significant difference.

Step-by-step explanation:

Working based on the information given, the mean values of each group with with men having an average score of 1.02 and women have an average of 1.79 this reveals that distressing nausea on average is higher in women than in men . However, to test if there is a significant difference would be challenging as the information given isn't enough to make proceed with the test as the standard deviations of the two groups aren't given and no accompanying sample data is given.

Express as index form
log 2 64 = 6



hsv s deutsche ki bhar ke dekhte hai mera gham na

What is the slope of a roof on a house that has a vertical height of 2.4 feet from the ceiling of the top floor to the top of the pitch and a length of 8.2 feet from the center of the edge of the house?



Step-by-step explanation:

It is unclear from the phrasing what dimension 8.2 ft represents.

If 8.2 ft is the direct distance from the edge of the roof to the top of the pitch, then the horizontal distance from the edge to the top is √(8.2²-2.4²) ≅ 7.84 ft, and the slope is 2.4/7.84 ≅ 0.31

If 8.2 ft is the horizontal distance from the edge of the root to the top of the pitch, then the slope is 2.4/8.2 ≅ 0.29

The slope of a roof on a house is 0.2926 and the angle of elevation is 16.31°.

What is slope of a line?

The slope or gradient of a line is a number that describes both the direction X and Y and the steepness of the line. It is the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change between any two distinct points on a line.

For the given situation,

The diagram below shows the house with the roof.

The vertical height of roof on a house, rise = 2.4 feet

The horizontal length of a roof on a house, run = 8.2 feet

The slope of a roof can be found as

[tex]Slope = \frac{rise}{run}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]slope = (\frac{2.4}{8.2} )[/tex]

⇒ [tex]slope = 0.2926[/tex]

The angle of the slope of a roof can be found as

[tex]tan \alpha =\frac{vertical height}{horizontal length}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\alpha =tan^{-1} (\frac{2.4}{8.2} )[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\alpha =tan^{-1} (0.2926)[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\alpha =16.31[/tex]

Hence we can conclude that the slope of a roof on a house is 0.2926 and the angle of elevation is 16.31°.

Learn more about slope of a line here



An oil company is going to issue new ID codes to its employees. Each code will have one letter, followed by one digit, followed by three letters. The letters w, x, y, and z will not be used. So, there are 22 letters and 10 digits that will be used. Assume that the letters can be repeated. How many employee ID codes can be generated?



2342560 combos

Step-by-step explanation:

so its 1 letter*1number*1 letter*1 letter*1 letter, or 22x10x22x22x22 which should equate to 2342560 possible ID codes, hope this helps :)

How much more area does a large pizza with a 12 in. diameter have than a small pizza with an 8 in. diameter? Round your answer to the nearest square inch.


Answer: About 63 in²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of circle = π · r²

r = radius lengthπ ≈ 3.14

Area of large pizza:

[tex]\pi *r^{2} =3.14*6^{2} =3.14*36=113.04[/tex]

Area of small pizza:

[tex]\pi *r^{2} =3.14*4^{2} =3.14*16=50.24[/tex]

Difference in area:


For the function G defined by G(x) = 5x + 3, find G(2)



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto G(2)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 5(2)+3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10+3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 13[/tex]

Option c is correct

13, replace x as 2 and then solve, 5(2)+3 which is 10+3 which equals 13.

A.Yes, since the slopes are the same and the y-intercepts are the same.
B.No, since the y-intercepts are different.
C.Yes, since the slopes are the same and the y-intercepts are different.
D.No, since the slopes are different.




Step-by-step explanation:

one line is

y = 3x/7 + 11

its slope is 3/7

the y-intercept is, of course, when x=0. there y=11

the other is

-3x + 7y = 13

7y = 3x + 13

y = 3x/7 + 13/7

its slope is 3/7 (the same as the other line)

the y-intercept (x=0) is y = 13/7 (different to the other line)


C. Yes, since the slopes are the same and the y-intercepts are different.

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]y=\frac{3}{7} x+11[/tex]  and [tex]-3x+7y=13[/tex]

→ Rearrange the second equation to make y the subject

7y = 3x + 13

→ Divide everything by 7

[tex]y=\frac{3}{7} x+\frac{13}{7}[/tex]

find x on this special right triangle, 45 is not an option!!!!


let the line between 2 tria be y

sin 60/8√2 = sin 90/y


sin 45/13.06 = sin 90/x



First, find the hypotenuse of the right triangle with the 60° & 30°.

Hypotenuse = hsin(x) = opposite side/hypotenuse

[tex]sin(60) = \frac{8\sqrt{2}}{h} \\\\sin(60)h=8\sqrt{2}\\\\\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} h=8\sqrt{2}\\\\h=\frac{8\sqrt{2}}{\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}}=8\sqrt{2}*\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} =\frac{16\sqrt{2} }{\sqrt{3}} =\frac{16\sqrt{2}(\sqrt{3}) }{\sqrt{3}(\sqrt{3})} =\frac{16\sqrt{6} }{3}[/tex]

Use that side length to find x.

sin(x) = opposite side/hypotenuse

[tex]sin(45)=\frac{\frac{16\sqrt{6}}{3}}{x}\\\\sin(45)x=\frac{16\sqrt{6}}{3} \\\\\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}x=\frac{16\sqrt{6}}{3} \\\\x=\frac{\frac{16\sqrt{6}}{3}}{\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}}=\frac{16\sqrt{6}}{3}*\frac{2}{\sqrt{2}}=\frac{16\sqrt{2}\sqrt{3}(2)}{3\sqrt{2} }=\frac{32\sqrt{3} }{3}[/tex]

6) Frazer cycles the first 20 miles at an average speed of 21mph. The second
part is more uphill, and he only manages 13mph. By what percentage did his
speed decrease?
How to solve


9514 1404 393


  38.1% decrease

Step-by-step explanation:

A percentage change is found from ...

  % change = (change)/(original amount) × 100%

  = (new value - original amount)/(original amount) × 100%

  = (13 -21)/21 × 100% = -8/21 × 100% ≈ -38.1%

Frazer's speed decreased by 38.1% during the second part.


Additional comment

A negative % change represents a decrease; a positive % change represents an increase.

Write each percent as a fraction in simple form 15 3/5%




Step-by-step explanation:

15 3/5 = 78/5 and percent means per 100, so

(78/5)/100 = (78/5)(1/100)

=78/500 = 39/250

Help me asap!!



z -2 = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

11z-9-10z+7 = 10

Combine like terms on the left side

11z -10z     -9+7  =10

z -2 = 10

Answer: z=12

Step-by-step explanation:


which function is positive for the entire interval (-3,-2)



There can be several such functions; however, the basic condition that needs to be met for a function to be positive for the interval [–3, –2] is that it should be multiplied by (-1) Hence, one such function that is positive for the entire interval is f(x) = -x

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the total cost of a $28 pair of jeans if the sales tax is 7.5%?




Step-by-step explanation:

First find the amount of tax

28 * 7.5%

28 * .075


Add this to the price of the pants

28+2.10 =30.10

f(x) = x - 1. Find the inverse of f(x).



f^-1 (x) = x+1

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = x-1

y = x-1

Exchange x and y

x = y-1

Solve for y

Add 1 to each side

x+1 = y-1+1

x+1 = y

The inverse is x+1

f^-1 (x) = x+1

Copy center charges $0.08 a page for machine fed copies and $0.20 for hand fed copies.If Logan's bill for 80 copies of his movie script is $13, how many copies of each type were made?



machine fed copies = 25, hand fed copies = 55

Step-by-step explanation:

let machine fed = x, hand fed = y

0.08x+0.2y = 13 (1)

x+y = 80

x= 80-y (2)

sub (2) into (1)




y = 55

sub y=55 into eqn 2

x = 80-55 = 25

FX) is defined by the equation f(x) = 4x2 - 2x +17. What effect will multiplying
f(x) by 0.5 have on the graph?
A. The graph will be stretched horizontally.
B. The graph will be compressed horizontally.
C. The graph will be stretched vertically.
D. The graph will be compressed vertically.


Step-by-step explanation:

the graph will be compressed vertically

Assume that two marbles are drawn without replacement from a box with 1 blue, 3 white, 2 green, and 2 red marbles. Find the probability that the first marble is white and the second marble is blue.




Step-by-step explanation:

Probability is the ratio of the number of possible outcome to the number of total outcome.

Given that two marbles are drawn without replacement from a box with 1 blue, 3 white, 2 green, and 2 red marbles.

The total number of marbles in the box

= 1 + 3 + 2 + 2

= 8 marbles

The probability that the first marble is white and the second marble is blue

= 3/8 * 1/7

= 3/56

can someone help me, please?






Step-by-step explanation:

from f(0) we find that

y = mx - 1

from f(-1) we find that the equation is

y = -3x - 1


inverse f(x) :

x = -3y - 1

y = -(x + 1) / 3           x = -1

y = -(-1 + 1) / 3

y = 0


y also equal to 0 since x = -1


f^-1(2) = -(2+1) / 3

          = -3/3

          = -1

f(-1) =  2

In the arithmetic sequence -7, -6, -5 what term is 2?

The term 2 is the ___th term of the sequence



10th term

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of the arithmetic sequence is an=-7+(n-1)*1=-8+n, plugging in 2 and solving for n we have

2=-8+n, n=10

8x=3x²-1 plz help me show your work



Step-by-step explanation:

3 times 8= 24 • 24 = 576 - 1 =575



not sure


The answer is [tex]x=\frac{4(+-)\sqrt{19} }{3}[/tex] in exact form or [tex]x=2.7863[/tex], [tex]x=-0.1196[/tex] in decimal form.

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this equation, start by moving all expression to the left side of the equation, which will include subtracting [tex]3x^2[/tex] and adding 1 to both sides of the equation. The equation will look like [tex]8x-3x^2+1=0[/tex].

Then, use the quadratic formula to find the solutions to the equation. The quadratic formula looks like [tex]\frac{-b(+-)\sqrt{b^2-4ac} }{2a}[/tex].

For this problem, the quadratic variables are as follows:


The next step is to substitute the values [tex]a=-3[/tex], [tex]b=8[/tex], and [tex]c=1[/tex] into the quadratic formula and solve for x. The quadratic formula will look like [tex]\frac{-8(+-)\sqrt{8^2-4(-3)(1)} }{2*-3}[/tex]. To simplify the equation, start by simplifying the numerator, which will look like [tex]x=\frac{-8(+-)2\sqrt{19} }{2*-3}[/tex]. Then, multiply 2 by -3 and simplify the equation, which will look like [tex]x=\frac{4(+-)\sqrt{19} }{3}[/tex]. The final answer is [tex]x=\frac{4(+-)\sqrt{19} }{3}[/tex] in exact form. In decimal form, the final answer is [tex]x=2.7863[/tex], [tex]x=-0.1196[/tex].

Evaluate the expression: y – y ÷ 1 + x Use x = 7 and y = 3


Hi ;-)

[tex]x=7 \ and \ y=3\\\\y-y:1+x=3-3:1+7=3-3+7=0+7=\boxed7[/tex]

If the terminal side of an angle (θ) goes through the point (4 , -3) what is (θ)?



The family of directions of the given vector is represented by [tex]\theta = 323.130^{\circ} \pm 360\cdot i[/tex], [tex]\forall \,i\in \mathbb{N}_{O}[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

According to the given information, vector stands in the 4th Quadrant ([tex]x > 0[/tex], [tex]y < 0[/tex]) and direction of the vector ([tex]\theta[/tex]) in sexagesimal degrees, is determined by following definition:

[tex]\theta = 360^{\circ} - \tan^{-1} \left(\frac{|y|}{|x|} \right)\pm 360\cdot i[/tex], [tex]\forall \,i\in \mathbb{N}_{O}[/tex]

Please notice that angle represents a function with a periodicity of 360°.

If we know that [tex]x = 4[/tex] and [tex]y = -3[/tex], then the direction of the vector is:

[tex]\theta = 360^{\circ}-\tan^{-1}\left(\frac{|-3|}{|4|} \right)\pm 360\cdot i[/tex]

[tex]\theta = 323.130^{\circ} \pm 360\cdot i[/tex]

The family of directions of the given vector is represented by [tex]\theta = 323.130^{\circ} \pm 360\cdot i[/tex], [tex]\forall \,i\in \mathbb{N}_{O}[/tex].

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