A historian is examining religions role in history which question might the historian ask if she were organizing her study by period


Answer 1

Answer: When did the religion become popularized in that area.

Explanation: This can explain time of certain events taking place.

Related Questions

Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their dead?
A. They had not yet devised a true system of burial grounds.
B. They considered it a way to bring the community together.
C. It helped to preserve and protect the deceased in the afterlife.
D. It provided a way for families to stay connected with their relatives.


Answer: C


They belived in the afterlife so they protect their bodies by getting mummified.

¿En la sociedad actual existen sublevaciones similares a las acontecidas en 1781?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿En la sociedad actual existen sublevaciones similares a las acontecidas en 1781?

No de ese grado o de esa magnitud. Sin embargo, al día de hoy todavía existen muchas protestas de personas, no sólo en Bolivia o Argentina, sino en varios países de Latinoamérica y el mundo. Y la razón es que sigue existiendo pobreza, injusticas, y una gran desigualdad entre diferentes sectores sociales.

La llamada Rebelión de Oruro comenzó en la localidad de Oruro, Bolivia, el 10 de febrero de 1781. Esta zona era considerada como una región del Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Los campesinos y la gente humilde se levantó en contra de la opresión española. La gente -mestizos y criollos- ya estaba cansada del control que ejercía la monarquía de España.

Algunos historiadores y académicos consideran que esta rebelión fue una de los primeros movimientos semi organizados en contra de la corona española.

The epic Sumerian poem, survived on 12 stone tablets, is about which hero King?


I think the answer is Gilgamesh
The literary history of Gilgamesh begins with five Sumerian poems about Bilgamesh (Sumerian for "Gilgamesh"), king of Uruk, dating from the Third Dynasty of Ur ( c. 2100 BCE).

What does the existence of large mounds, like the ones shown in
the image, indicate about the Midwest Native Americans?




In the Midwest region, there were many tribes that lived there. The Blackfeet, Sioux, and Chippewa were the three largest tribes in this region. These tribes never settled in one place because the tribes were well know for their religious ceremonies, hunting skills, and war customs.

Which is a corrupt political machine of the late 1800s?

A: The Rough Riders

B: Tammany Hall

C: The Jungle

D: Tweed's Boys





When the Depression began, the federal government had a system of direct relief for giving food or money to those in need.





The Statement is False.

What is Economic Depression?

An Economics depression is known to be as the period of long term downturn in overall economic activity in the economies or known to be as the slowdown in economy.

There is no system of direct relief for giving money or the food to those who need actually at the period of depression there is no availability there as economic is in downface.

Therefore Option False is correct.

Learn more about Economic Depression here:



Eli Whitney's cotton gin was important to industrialization in the United States because it demonstrated that?



Americans did not have to rely on the British for industrial innovations

Eli whitney's cotton gin was important to industrialization in the United States because it demonstrated that Americans did not have to rely on British for industrial innovations.

Question 1
1 pts
What did Johnson do to move the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress?
O He made Senator Barry Goldwater look like a radical for not supporting the Act.
O He urged Congress to pass the Act in honor of President Kennedy.
O He threatened to go around the House Rules Committee with a special petition.
O He went to men with power and worked with them to approve the Act.


Answer: He urged congress to pass the act in honor of president kennedy

What event motivated China to launch its self-strengthening movement in the 19th century?



Taiping Rebellion

The Self-Strengthening Movement, also known as the Westernization or Western Affairs Movement ( c. 1861–1895), was a period of institutional reforms initiated in China during the late Qing dynasty following the military disasters of the Opium Wars.

Which two cases would the Supreme Court be most likely to review?
a case concerning presidential actions
a case in which a federal law is challenged
a case concerning a motor vehicle accident
a case involving two members of Congress



A case concerning presidential actions.

The two cases which would be most likely be reviewed by the Supreme Court are a case concerning presidential actions and a case in which a federal law is challenged.

What is a Supreme Court?

The United States Supreme Court is the highest court in the federal judiciary of the United States. It has final appellate authority over all federal court matters as well as state court cases involving a point of U.S. Constitutional or federal law.

In the United States, judicial review refers to a court's legal jurisdiction to determine whether a statute, agreement, or administrative regulation conflicts with or violates the provisions of existing law, a state constitution, and, ultimately, the US Constitution. Although the authority of judicial review is not expressly stated in the United States Constitution, it has been inferred from the structure, contents, and history of the document.

Therefore, the first and the second options are the correct answer.

Learn more about Supreme Court here:



Anyone help please please



don't know ...............,

Why did Washington try to keep the Initor



Italy vere joli ille manashune menekeduthan ayiitt vannolum

What text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose to persuade readers that a conquering prince must destroy a former republic if he hopes to hold it? Select three options. the list of cities Rome and Sparta conquered the portrayal of Greece as being held by Sparta the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics



the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia

the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics

the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa


"The Prince" is a political treatise written by Niccolo Machiavelli during the sixteenth century. It is considered more of political philosophy. Machiavelli criticized the moralistic view of authority. He escalated the thought that judgment of legitimate and illegitimate power should not be practiced on the basis of morality. Machiavelli proposed the thought that acquisition and maintenance of power is the real and only concern of the political ruler. The primary purpose of the text is to persuade the readers and the secondary purpose is to inform the readers.

The text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose are: the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia; the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics; and the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa. The correct options are C, D and E..

Machiavelli discusses historical examples of Rome's conquests and explains how they maintained control over these conquered territories. : He emphasizes the danger of leaving any remnants of liberty or republican sentiment intact in conquered territories.

Machiavelli references the historical event of the Florentines losing control over the city of Pisa. He attributes this loss to the Florentines' failure to destroy the former republic and its institutions completely.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C, D and E.

Learn more about Machiavelli here:



The complete question might be:

What text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose to persuade readers that a conquering prince must destroy a former republic if he hopes to hold it? Select three options.

A. the list of cities Rome and Sparta conquered

B. the portrayal of Greece as being held by Sparta

C. the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia

D. the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics

E. the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa

Explain how Muhammad Ali Jinnah's and Jawaharal Nehru's perspective on the proposed portion are different



Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a renowned politician in his day, he was strongly in support of partitioning India at the time. He believed in the creation of a separate British Indian nation.

However, his contemporary, Jawaharlal Nehru held a different view, he felt that it was not advantageous to have a separate state. Hence, he felt been united is best.

Which statement best describes the role of women at the front lines of World War I?


Women had to pick up where men left of, meaning many women had to step up and do the work of men as many of them were fighting the war, women worked in many places like post offices and local shops, but the most important work they did was in factories like building munition for the war and putting themselves at risk .

Which scenario is the best example of a property crime?
A. A person throws a rock and hits a bicyclist in the head.
B. A person breaks a contract with her business partner.
C. A person steals a cart full of groceries from a store.
D. A person punches somebody in the jaw during a fight.


It’s obviously C because there is someone stealing t the store property

A person steals a cart full of groceries from a store scenario is the best example of a property crime. Thus, the option (c) is correct.

What is crime?

The term crime refers to the illegal activity. The crime is not allow to the country, if any person are commit the crime are go the jail. The legal punishable by the state in case of crime. The punishment is set according to the different crime. For example a person is harm another person property.

Violation, damage, harm, immoral, unlawful activity are also known as crime. The crime the best example is a groceries store near van are theft to another person. The crime are no range is decided crime is crime. A person theft a van is high charges of crime because groceries full cart are theft. It is under the category of property crime.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on crime, here:



Which identifies Matteo Ricci?

the founder of the Society of Jesus
the Chinese emperor who persecuted Christians
a successful Italian Jesuit missionary in China
a Japanese warlord who accepted Christianity


The answer to this fantastic question is C

Which is true of Pan-Africanism?

A. It fought for important issues concerning the African diaspora
B. It helped civil rights throughout the African diaspora
C. It caused Europeans to oppose African civil rights
D. It only opposed imperialism in Africa



it fought for independence

it opposede imperialism

it fought for the rights of african

la iguana ricord vive el cuádruple del tiempo que vive las aves​


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, olvidaste incluir una pregunta. Sólo escribiste una oración o afirmación.

Si se trata de una pregunta de verdadero o falso, la respuesta sería "verdadero."

Es cierto que la iguana Ricord vive el cuádruple del tiempo que vive las aves​.

Estamos hablando de la una de las especies más interesantes de iguánidos, cuto hábitat se localiza en la Isla de la Española, República Dominicana. Es un animal peculiar, que ha tenido que desarrollar procesos fisiológicos especiales para poder adaptarse a las condiciones ambientales adversas. Desafortunadamente, esta iguana ha sufrido por la presencia de sus depredadores y actualmente se encuentra en peligro de extinción.

which part of this map is the subregion central america?


Subregion 1 is Europe because it s located North of Africa, on the West of Asia. Subregion 2 is Asia because it is located on the North-West of Australia

How does an individual enter into the devil’s family?



by offering to thy devil will please thee xp

Sacrifice is usually the way to do it from what I’ve heard

14. What was a purpose of the devshirme system?
A. To convert Shi'a Muslims to Sunni
B. To provide soldiers and bureaucrats
C. To enable efficient tax collection
D. To establish fair land distribution



B. To provide soldiers and bureaucrats. Sorry if this is wrong!


Christian boys were drafted to be slaves for the sultan; they were trained and educated as soldiers and bureaucrats, happened under the Devshirme system. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

1. What were the goals of the civil rights movement? List at least three goals of the civil rights movement.


The main goals of the civil rights movements are to end the racial segregation, Social control against African Americans, and to secure legal recognition.

What is civil rights movement?

From year 1954 to year 1968, the American Civil Rights Movement was a political movement and campaign in the United States aimed at ending institutionalized racial segregation, discrimination, and disenfranchisement Civil Rights Movement.

The main goals of the civil rights movements are:

Social control against African Americans, Extremity of the racial segregation, andSecure legal recognition and federal protection of the citizenship rights.

Therefore, the civil rights movement is beneficial to the Americans.

Learn more about the civil rights movements, refer to:


Which statement best describes the impact of total war during World War I?



the war affected not only the military but also all aspects of a country


who is elon musk?


Elon Musk is an entrepreneur and business magnate. He is the founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer at SpaceX; early stage investor, CEO, and Product Architect of Tesla, Inc. and founder of The Boring Company also the co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI. A centibillionaire, Musk is one of the richest people in the world.
CEO of Tesla Motors.

The diagram is an example of



Dont know if you still need an answer 3 days later but there is no diagram. If you still need help with this just comment on my post and edit your question and I would be more than happy to help you out.


Who was the first president?


George Washington was the first president of the United States of America
George Washington was the first US president

What led President John F. Kennedy to blame Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev for causing a threat to world peace?

the Soviet role in the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista

the building of Soviet nuclear missile sites in Cuba

the Soviet enforcement of a naval blockade of Cuba

the Soviet role in the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion



the building of Soviet nuclear mise sites in Cuba


B. the building of Soviet nuclear missile sites in Cuba


The initial development of textile mills was made possible, in part, by the ability
to move coal and raw materials by
a) railroad
b) truck
c) horse and wagon
d) canals


I’m think the answer is A, railroad
I believe horse and wagon

The end of the Soviet Union
Place each event in the correct order
-Headliners tried to gain control in a coup d'etat
-Gorbachev became leader of the USSR
-The Soviet Union was dissolved
-Perestroika and Glasnost led the reform



1) Soviet Union start war with Afghanistan 1979 to 1989.

2) Reform such as glasnost and perestroika instituted in Soviet Union 1985

3) Mikhail Gorbachev becomes President of the Soviet Union in 1990.

4) Soviet government attempts to overthrow Gorbachev in 1991. Coup lasted for 3 days.

5) Soviet Union dissolves & Gorbachev resigned in Dec of 1991

6) Boris Yeltsin becomes President and establishment the Russian Federation.

1) Soviet Union start a war with Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989.

2) Reforms such as glasnost and perestroika were instituted in the Soviet Union in 1985.

Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is a politician from the Soviet Union and Russia, who held the eighth and last leadership position.

3) Mikhail Gorbachev becomes President of the Soviet Union in 1990.

4) Soviet government attempts to overthrow Gorbachev in 1991.

5)The coup lasted for 3 days.

6) the Soviet Union dissolves & Gorbachev resigned in Dec of 1991.

7) Boris Yeltsin becomes President and established the Russian Federation.

The process of internal disintegration within the Soviet Union (USSR) that led to the end of the nation's and its federal government's existence as a sovereign state, resulting in its constituent republics achieving full independence on December 26, 1991, is known as the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Therefore, The correct order is above.

Learn more about Mikhail Gorbachev, here;



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