a key part of staying safe is employing good habits. drag the step number to the proper sequence triple a


Answer 1


where are the step number. I can't find any

Related Questions

Richard needs to copy information from another slide presentation that uses a different design template. To ensure that the information he is copying looks right, which option should he choose?



Yes, you can copy the slides over into a presentation with master slide. Then, right-click each slide, and choose to apply an appropriate template from the master slide

(from vik7336: Hi, I'm not sure about my answer for your question. So I hope this might help)

pasagot po please need lang po


me I can not see it oooo re write it

When you evaluate the use of digital media, how has it affected the newspaper business? The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to decline significantly because people are finding their news online. The rise of digital media has had no measurable effect on newspaper subscriptions. The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to increase because it has inspired people to care more about news. The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to fluctuate depending on the time of year.



The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to decline significantly because people are finding their news online.

It is A


The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to decline significantly because people are finding their news online.

Cuál es la dirección de la última fila y columna de excel



XFD 1,048,576.


Excel es un programa de Microsoft por el cual se generan bases de datos y planillas de cálculo, que permiten al usuario desarrollar registros contables referidos a sus distintas actividades comerciales, laborales o de otra índole, así como también realizar cálculos matemáticos y operaciones lógicas a través de distintas fórmulas. En la actualidad, el programa tiene un máximo de 16.384 columnas y 1.049.576 filas, con lo cual la ultima fila y columna de una hoja de cálculo será XFD 1.048.576.

Which are characteristics of a video with a higher
bit rate? Choose all that apply.
fewer frames per second
more frames per second
lower quality
higher quality
larger file size
smaller file size



D and E.


You purchase a new microphone for your computer to use on S.kype calls. You plug it into the microphone jack, but it doesn’t pick up your voice when you speak into it. What might you need to add to your computer to make it work?

a device driver

open source software

a software license





Your computer may not have a pre-installed audio input driver or driver corrsponding to said device

Once the CPU has fetched the data requested, what are the next steps in the process?

execute, articulate

perform, execute

decode, analyze

decode, execute




D. decode execute


someone help me my browser is updated I don't know what to do someone help me please I'm trying to watch Crunchyroll.​


Answer: use chrome or firefox the browser app your using is one that they dont support



get chrome and safari they help a lot


Is it possible that a computer, can run on marbles? Atleast, can marbles do all that a calculator can do?


Answer: Yes, it is a possibility, and yes again, marbles can do what a calculator can do already

how can robots help us with online learning? 3 reasons please thank u :)​



The use of robots increases the practicality of online education, such that the difference between in person attendance and online learning is minimized

In elementary school, robots can help deliver teaching materials in a class like setting, to students  who are unable to attend classes due to their current situation

In high school, simulators can give driving (and flying) lessons to would be drivers, without the exposure of the students to risk

Robots in higher education, such as medicine, can be used to carry out operational procedures with students where, there are no subjects to perform the surgical procedure on

The use of simulators makes possible training in disaster and crisis management


In needs analysis: Group of answer choices the costs of different physical network design alternatives are assessed the rate of growth of network traffic is not an issue a baseline of current operations is not important the geographic scope is not an important consideration the goal is to understand what users and applications the network will support



the goal is to understand what users and applications the network will support.


A traditional network design approach is said to follow the structured systems of analysis as well design process that is similar to that which is used in building such applications. The main goal of the application developers is understand and study the needs of the users and also the application which the network will support.

Your company is a small start-up that has leased office space in a building shared by other businesses. All businesses share a common network infrastructure. A single switch connects all devices in the building to the router that provides internet access. You would like to make sure that your computers are isolated from computers used by other companies. Which feature should you request to have implemented





In this specific scenario, you should request that a VLAN is implemented at the location. This is a feature that allows you to connect a group of computers to the same network but at the same time make sure that your computers are separate from other groups of computers in the network. This acts as an entire LAN network with specific protection for each group of connected devices. This allows you to pick and choose which groups get allowed access and which ones are isolated from your network.

Which feature allows you to copy attributes of
selected text and apply them to another


I’m not sure if this is a more in depth question but this sounds like the feature “copy and paste”?

The feature allows you to copy attributes of selected text and apply them to another selection is format painter.

Which strategies can you operate to transport textual content from one a part of the record to any other?

Select the texts you need to transport to any other place, after which press the shortcut key “Ctrl + X” to do a cut. Move your cursor in which you need the texts to go, after which paste it in via way of means of urgent shortcut key “Ctrl + V”.

The layout painter helps you to reproduce all the formatting from one item and use it on any other one – consider it as copying and pasting for formatting. Select the textual content or photograph that has the formatting which you need to produce.

Read more about the formatting :



a program in matchine language is called​





machine code is a computer program written in a machine code

1.Explain what service is offered over an ISDN BRI circuit to the residential telephone subscriber.2.How many voice channels are available on one ISDN BRI circuit?3.Can an ISDN line carry data information along with voice information simultaneously? If yes at what bit per second rate is available for the data transmission?4.When commercial power is lost at the resident’s home the ISDN line continues to function.​ A. True B. False



Following are the solution to the given points:


For point 1:

Integrated Communications Networks is a technology used to transmit digital signals using telephone lines cables over a local loop.

Due to its larger capacity, it's far faster than just a 's got. ISDN Basic Rate Service (BRI) offers a total bandwidth of 144 kpbs, which would be based on two B channels and a 16 Kbps D channel. As private and small company customers, however, it is adequate.

The BRI is split into two categories: a) in-house cable from the ISDN end to the NT (S/T reference or S-bus) and b) broadcast from the NT to a headquarter (U reference point).

It enables a full-duplex operating point.

This BRI section's maximum length is between 4 to 8 km.

You pay for the speed you utilize using an ask service. In all other words, the price cost of how long you remain connected was evaluated. One can also buy flat-rate usage plans because you can with the phone service.

Given the fact ISDN uses an existing Cat 3 cable, re-connection to a service is not necessary.

In regions in which no additional high-speed access to the internet is available, ISDN can be available.

For point 2:

In the BRI configuration, 2 Data (bearer) lines with 64 kbit/s are available. With voice and user information the B-channels have been used.

For point 3:

Yes, It offers concurrent voice & data communications with improved signaling capacity at 64 kb/s.

For point 4:

It is true.

write full information about first computer virus ?​



A computer virus is a man made program just like other program.it is a harmful program developed intentionally to distrub the normal functioning of a computer.It can destroy data,information and other useful programs of the computer.As the result you will not get data,information and other useful progarams to use.when it destroy operating system software of a computer.


The "Creeper system," the first computer virus, was an experimental self-replicating virus released in 1971. It was filling up the hard disk to the point that a computer could no longer function. BBN technology in the United States produced this virus. When the Creeper virus infects a computer, it causes it to output a file. It will then cease to function while it searches for another TENEX system. It creates a connection with the machine in question, and so on. Its last payload or impact when it's finished with a system is to display its message.


When you evaluate the use of digital media, how has it affected the newspaper business? The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to decline significantly because people are finding their news online. The rise of digital media has had no measurable effect on newspaper subscriptions. The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to increase because it has inspired people to care more about news. The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to fluctuate depending on the time of year.



The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to decline significantly because people are finding their news online.

It is A

My serious question that needs answering pronto!!!
How do I turn my computer??? I keep on telling it very clearly to turn on and it doesn't budge. I'm pretty sure I pressed all the buttons and none of them worked. There is a button that is litten up in the corner but I'm afraid that if I press it, my computer will go in self-destruct mode. PLEASE HELP!!!



It depends on what the button looks like but sometimes you need to press it. If it is an actual computer press the power on button attached to the box that should be hooked up to the computer.


Next, Sue decides to embed a chart from Microsoft Word. She copies and pastes data from a table that she has already created in a Word document. The table includes the results of her paper towel experiment. After reviewing her work, she realizes she needs to update one of the values.
How can she change that value so it is reflected in the chart in her presentation?
She can change the value in the original table in Word.
She can change the value directly on the chart in PowerPoint.
She can change the value using the Current Selection command group.
She can change the value in the mini- spreadsheet for the chart in PowerPoint.



She can change the value in the mini- spreadsheet for the chart in PowerPoint.


Answer is D


A government agency is getting rid of older workstations. The agency will donate these workstations, along with other excess computer systems, to nearby schools. Management reminds the systems administrators about the data sanitization and disposal policy. What policy items are applicable for these IT systems, prior to donating to the schools


The "DoD Standard" is a term used during the data sanitizing industry and refers to DoD 5220.22-M, and the further discussion can be defined as follows:

The simplest ways are being used to help eliminate the previously stored data, by deleting hard disc storage facilities with the same data wherever that used a sequence of all zeros.The sparging eliminates statistics to entirely delete the gravitational flux from electronic media. Hard drives as well as other data storage devices, for example, computer tapes, retain magnetic data. It could no longer be seen as storage after a disk is degaussed.

Therefore, the final answer is "Using the DoD 5220.22-M method and  Degauss media with a magnet".

Learn more:


what means the data is still saved even if you turn the computer off or unplug it?​




The hard drive is long-term storage, which means the data is still saved even if you turn the computer off or unplug it. When you run a program or open a file, the computer copies some of the data from the hard drive onto the RAM. When you save a file, the data is copied back to the hard drive.

Which of the following is an example of sharing personal information in a risky manner?
posting about your favorite clothing brand
sending an e-mail to a recipient you know
using Microsoft Excel to create a spreadsheet
searching for a restaurant on


The example of sharing personal information in a risky manner would be

searching for a restaurant online.

How is this an example of sharing personal information in a risky manner

While the other options mentioned do not  inherently involve sharing personal information  in a risky manner searching for a restaurant online may involve providing personal information such as your location or contact details if you're making a reservation or placing an order.

It's important to be cautious while sharing personal information online and ensure that you're using secure and trusted platforms when providing sensitive details.

Learn more about personal information at



1000+1010 in binary addition





[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]



Number 1 in the decimal system

[tex]1010_{2}= 10_{10}[/tex]

Number 2 in the decimal system

[tex]1000_{2} = 8_{10}[/tex]

Their sum

10 + 8 = 18

Result in binary form

[tex]\sf{18_{10} = 10010_{2}}[/tex]

Seneca needs to combine multiple cells into a single column heading. Which option should she use?

Wrap Text
Align Center
Merge and Center
Align Right


Answer: Merge and Center


Merge and Center is an option in the Home Tab that falls under the Alignment ribbon. It's function is to combine multiple cells so that the information written into this new combined cell can be used to input information that the user would like to be on multiple cells such as a column heading.

To use it, Seneca should highlight all the cells she would like to combine and go to the Alignment ribbon and click on Merge and Center.


Merge and Center


Assume the existence of a Building class. Define a derived class, ApartmentBuilding that contains four (4) data members: an integer named numFloors, an integer named unitsPerFloor, a boolean named hasElevator, and a boolean named hasCentralAir. There is a constructor containing parameters for the initialization of the above variables (in the same order as they appear above). There are also two function: the first, getTotalUnits, accepts no parameters and returns the total number of units in the building; the second, isLuxuryBuilding accepts no parameters and returns true if the building has central air, an elevator and 2 or less units per floor.




The following code is written in Java. The class ApartmentBuilding extends the assumed class of Building but does not call any of its methods since we do not have access to it. The ApartmentBuilding class contains all of the variables listed, as well as constructor and methods, including getter and setter methods for each variable. A test case for the class is provided in the image below with it's output.

class ApartmentBuilding extends Building {

   int numFloors, unitsPerFloor;

   boolean hasElevator, hasCentralAir;

   public ApartmentBuilding(int numFloors, int unitsPerFloor, boolean hasElevator, boolean hasCentralAir) {

       this.numFloors = numFloors;

       this.unitsPerFloor = unitsPerFloor;

       this.hasElevator = hasElevator;

       this.hasCentralAir = hasCentralAir;


   public int getTotalUnits() {

       int total = this.numFloors * this.unitsPerFloor;

       return total;


   public boolean isLuxuryBuilding() {

       if ((this.hasCentralAir == true) && (this.hasElevator == true) && (this.unitsPerFloor <= 2)) {

           return true;

       } else {

           return false;



   public int getNumFloors() {

       return numFloors;


   public void setNumFloors(int numFloors) {

       this.numFloors = numFloors;


   public int getUnitsPerFloor() {

       return unitsPerFloor;


   public void setUnitsPerFloor(int unitsPerFloor) {

       this.unitsPerFloor = unitsPerFloor;


   public boolean isHasElevator() {

       return hasElevator;


   public void setHasElevator(boolean hasElevator) {

       this.hasElevator = hasElevator;


   public boolean isHasCentralAir() {

       return hasCentralAir;


   public void setHasCentralAir(boolean hasCentralAir) {

       this.hasCentralAir = hasCentralAir;



Draw a circuit with a 12-volt battery, a 100 ohms resistor in series, and two resistors (each of value 200 ohms) in parallel. What is the total resistance of the circuit?



200 Ω


Hi there!

Please see below for the circuit diagram.

1) Find the total resistance of the resistors in parallel

Total resistance in parallel equation: [tex]\frac{1}{R_T} = \frac{1}{R_1} +\frac{1}{R_2}[/tex]

Both the resistors measure 200 Ω. Plug these into the equation as R₁ and R₂:

[tex]\frac{1}{R_T} = \frac{1}{200} +\frac{1}{200}\\\frac{1}{R_T} = \frac{1}{100}\\R_T=100[/tex]

Therefore, the total resistance of the resistors in parallel is 100 Ω.

2) Find the total resistance of the circuit

Now, to find the total resistance of the circuit, we must add the 100 Ω we just solved for and the 100 Ω for the other resistor placed in series:

100 Ω + 100 Ω = 200 Ω

Therefore, the total resistance of the circuit is 200 Ω.

I hope this helps!

Consider the following scenario. As you troubleshoot the problem, what motherboard device would be the first to check? A user reports that his computer fails the POST upon startup. ROM CMOS RAM Power supply Processor



The correct answer Power Supply


Sources are sets of instructions that may take parameters in order to answer a specific question within an API.





API is application programming interface. APIs allow communication between applications/programs: they are basically "outside" data that can be accessed by an application by using it's code(example, how I may access go*gle fonts using it's API attached to my html stylesheet link).

The source is the code itself. Source code is the set of instructions that makes any program or application do whatever they do. An API is defined and works based on its source code.




Methods, also called functions, are snippets of code that are meant to answer a specific question or perform a specific task. They will sometimes take parameters as input to provide more context for the question being asked, or task being performed.

Write an application that allows a user to input the height and width of a rectangle. It should output the area and perimeter of the rectangle. Use methods for entering the values, performing the computations, and displaying the results. Results should be formatted with one position to the right of the decimal and printed number aligned in a tabular display.




This code is written in Java. It creates a Rectangle class that contains variables for the height and width. It also contains constructor, methods for calculating perimeter and area, and a printInfo method to print out all the results. A test case has been created in the main method which creates a Rectangle object and prints out the printInfo which calls the area and perimeter methods as well. The output can be seen in the attached image below. Due to technical difficulties I have added the code as a txt file below.

List the difference between GIGO and bug ​



A bug happens when a tool does not do what it should do. For example, the famous Y2K bug had the potential of showing the wrong time. GIGO, which stands for Garbage In Garbage Out, is a different situation in which the tool performs what it should do but it is applied in a place that does not make sense.


When test engineer find any error in the application they called it as bug. Bug is informal name to Defect which is flaws or misatkes in the Code or Design. Error is any mistake done by the user while using the Apllication or Software. Failure due to any error or defect if the software will not work properly .

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