A load of 25 kg is applied to the lower end and of a steal wire of length 25 m and thickness 3.0mm .The other end of wire is suspeded from a rigid support calculate strain and stress produced in the wire​


Answer 1


the weight of the wire + 25kg


Related Questions

A uniform magnetic field passes through a horizontal circular wire loop at an angle 15.1° from the normal to the plane of the loop. The magnitude of the magnetic field is 3.35 T , and the radius of the wire loop is 0.240 m . Find the magnetic flux Φ through the loop.





The formula for calculating the magnetic flus is expressed as:

[tex]\phi = BAcos \theta[/tex]


The magnitude of the magnetic field B = 3.35T

Area of the loop = πr² = 3.14(0.24)² = 0.180864m²

angle of the wire loop θ = 15.1°

Substitute the given values into the formula:

[tex]\phi = 3.35(0.180864)cos15.1^0\\\phi =0.6058944cos15.1^0\\\phi =0.6058944(0.9655)\\\phi = 0.5849Wb[/tex]

Hence the magnetic flux Φ through the loop is 0.5849Weber

if C is The vector sum of A and B C = A + B What must be true about The directions and magnitudes of A and B if C=A+B? What must be tre about the directions and magnitudes of A and B if C=0? ​


Check attached photo

Check attached photo



1. If C = A + B then the lines A and B may have the same magnitude or they may not. The direction of A for example may be northwest ↖️ and the direction of B must be south ⬇️ because the arrow of A and the point of B must connect. Then C’s direction is west ⬅️ because it shouldn’t be as equilibrium.

2. If C = 0 t means the force is at equilibrium. That means all forces add up to zero. A’s direction for example may be northeast ↗️ and the direction of B may be south ⬇️ and the direction of C must be west if it has to be at equilibrium.

The magnitude of A and B must be equal

two bodies A and B with some asses 20 kg and 30 kg respectively above the ground which have greater potential​



B has greater potential


We know;

Potential Energy (PE) = mgh

where, m=mass of body

g=acceleration due to gravity

h=height of body

From the formula,

PE is directly proportional to the mass of the body

so the body with greater mass has greater potential.

The time delay between transmission and the arrival of the reflected wave of a signal using ultrasound traveling through a piece of fat tissue was 0.13 ms. At what depth did this reflection occur? (The average propagation speed for sound in body tissue is 1540 m/s)



10.01 cm


Given that,

The time delay between transmission and the arrival of the reflected wave of a signal using ultrasound traveling through a piece of fat tissue was 0.13 ms.

The average propagation speed for sound in body tissue is 1540 m/s.

We need to find the depth when the reflection occur. We know that, the distance is double when transmitting and arriving. So,

[tex]v=\dfrac{2d}{t}\\\\d=\dfrac{vt}{2}\\\\d=\dfrac{1540\times 0.13\times 10^{-3}}{2}\\\\d= $$0.1001\ m[/tex]


d = 10.01 cm

So, the reflection will occur at 10.01 cm.

The paper dielectric in a paper-and-foil capacitor is 0.0785 mm thick. Its dielectric constant is 2.35, and its dielectric strength is 49.5 MV/m. Assume that the geometry is that of a parallel-plate capacitor, with the metal foil serving as the plates.

a. What area of each plate is required for for a 0.300 uF capacitor?
b. If the electric field in the paper is not to exceed one-half the dielectric strength, what is the maximum potential difference that can be applied across the compactor?



a) required area is 1.1318 m²

b) the maximum potential difference that can be applied across the compactor is 1931.1 V


Given the data in the question;

dielectric constant εr = 2.35

distance between plates ( thickness ) d = 0.0785 mm = 7.85 × 10⁻⁵ m

dielectric strength = 49.5 MV/m


given that capacity capacitor C = 0.3 uF = 0.3 × 10⁻⁶ F

To find the Area, we use the following the expression.

C = ε₀εrA / d

we know that The permittivity of free space, ε₀ = 8.854 x 10⁻¹²  (F/m)

we substitute

0.3 × 10⁻⁶ = [ (8.854 x 10⁻¹²) × 2.35 × A  ] /  7.85 × 10⁻⁵

A = [ (0.3 × 10⁻⁶) × (7.85 × 10⁻⁵) ] / [ 2.35 × (8.854 x 10⁻¹²) ]

A = 2.355 × 10⁻¹¹ / 2.08069 × 10⁻¹¹

A = 1.1318 m²

Therefore, required area is 1.1318 m²


the maximum potential difference that can be applied across the compactor.

We use the following expression;

⇒ 1/2 × dielectric strength × thickness d

we substitute

⇒ 1/2 × ( 49.5 × 10⁶ V/m ) × ( 7.85 × 10⁻⁵ m )

1931.1 V

Therefore, the maximum potential difference that can be applied across the compactor is 1931.1 V

A 34-m length of wire is stretched horizontally between two vertical posts. The wire carries a current of 68 A and experiences a magnetic force of 0.16 N. Find the magnitude of the earth's magnetic field at the location of the wire, assuming the field makes an angle of 72.0° with respect to the wire.



7.28×10⁻⁵ T



F = BILsin∅............. Equation 1

Where F = magnetic force, B = earth's magnetic field, I = current flowing through the wire, L = Length of the wire, ∅ = angle between the field and the wire.

make B the subject of the equation

B = F/ILsin∅.................. Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F = 0.16 N, I = 68 A, L = 34 m, ∅ = 72°

Substitute these values into equation 2

B = 0.16/(68×34×sin72°)

B = 0.16/(68×34×0.95)

B = 0.16/2196.4

B = 7.28×10⁻⁵ T

distance of distinct vision.
is placed at a distance less than the distance of near point, its image o
will be blurred. Hence human eye can not see such object clearly.
distance of distinct vision for a normal eye of different age groups
Babies = 7 cm
Adults = 25 cm
erson of age 55 years and above = 100 cm
ever, in our discussion we are concerned with a normal eye of an adult so least
The foulart position of an ahiect from a human eve so that the sh​


The least distance up to which we can see the objects clearly without any strain is called least distance of distinct vision. Least distance of distinct vision for a normal human being is 25cm. For young people, the least distance of distant vision will be within 25cm which however it varies with age.


25 you said ? thats incorecct


What is the meant of by renewable energy and non-renewrable with example of each.​



Renewable energy is a type of energy that can be renewed easily, such as sunlight. By using Solar panels to collect the suns energy, we are not depleting it, so this source is renewable.

Non-renewable  energy is something that cannot easily be replenished. An example would be oil because oil takes millions of years to form and cannot be renewed easily.

Wind instruments like trumpets and saxophones work on the same principle as the "tube closed on one end" that we examined in our last experiment. What effect would it have on the pitch of a saxophone if you take it from inside your house (at 76 degrees F) to the outside on a cold day when the outside temperature is 45 degrees F ?



The correct answer would be - Low pitch.


As it is known that if frequency increases then pitch will be increase as well as pitch depends on frequency, Now for the question it is mentioned that the tube closed on one end frequency is:

f = v/2l


l = length of the tube

v = velocity of longitudinal wave of gas filled in the tube

Now increase with the temperature the density of the gas decreases and velocity v is inversely proportional to density of gas so velocity increases. So if there is an increase in frequency so pitch also increases. As the temperature inside the house is at 750 F more than outsideat 450 Fso pitch is more inside and the pitch is low outside.

derive expression for pressure exerted by gas ​


From kinetic theory of gases, the pressure exerted by a gas is given by velocity of gas molecules. m = Mass of each molecule of a gas. But by assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases the average kinetic energy of a molecule is constant at a constant temperature.

1) Consider an electric power transmission line that carries a constant electric current of i = 500 A. The cylindrical copper cable used to transmit this current has a diameter o = 2.00 cm and a length L = 150 km. If there are 8.43x10^28 free electrons per cubic meter (m^3 ) in the cable, calculate how long it would take for an electron to cross the entire length of the transmitter line.



t = 1.27 x 10⁹ s  


First, we will find the volume of the wire:

Volume = V = AL  


A = Cross-sectional area of wire = πr² = π(1 cm)² = π(0.01 m)² = 3.14 x 10⁻⁴ m²  

L = Length of wire = 150 km = 150000 m  


V = 47.12 m³


Now, we will find the number of electrons in the wire:  

No. of electrons = n = (Electrons per unit Volume)(V)  

n = (8.43 x 10²⁸ electrons/m³)(47.12 m³)  

n = 3.97 x 10³⁰ electrons  

Now, we will use the formula of current to find out the time taken by each electron to cross the wire:

[tex]I =\frac{q}{t}[/tex]  


t = time = ?  

I = current = 500 A  

q = total charge = (n)(chareg on one electron)  

q = (3.97 x 10³⁰ electrons)(1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ C/electron)  

q = 6.36 x 10¹¹ C  

[tex]500\ A = \frac{6.36\ x\ 10^{11}\ C}{t}\\\\t = \frac{6.36\ x\ 10^{11}\ C}{500\ A}[/tex]


t = 1.27 x 10⁹ s

A bird has a kinetic energy of 3 J and a potential energy of 25 J. What is the mechanical energy of the bird?



28 j


because when you add you get 28

An ideal parallel plate capacitor with a cross-sectional area of 0.4 cm2 contains a dielectric with a dielectric constant of 4 and a dielectric strength of 2 x 108 V/m. The separation between the plates of the capacitor is 5 mm. What is the maximum electric charge (in nC) that can be stored in the capacitor before dielectric breakdown


Answer: [tex]283.2\times 10^{-9}\ nC[/tex]



Cross-sectional area [tex]A=0.4\ cm^2[/tex]

Dielectric constant [tex]k=4[/tex]

Dielectric strength [tex]E=2\times 10^8\ V/m[/tex]

Distance between capacitors [tex]d=5\ mm[/tex]

Maximum charge that can be stored before dielectric breakdown is given by

[tex]\Rightarrow Q=CV\\\\\Rightarrow Q=\dfrac{k\epsilon_oA}{d}\cdot (Ed)\quad\quad [V=E\cdot d]\\\\\Rightarrow Q=k\epsilon_oAE\\\\\Rightarrow Q=4\times 8.85\times 10^{-12}\times 0.4\times 10^{-4}\times 2\times 10^8\\\\\Rightarrow Q=28.32\times 10^{-8}\\\\\Rightarrow Q=283.2\times 10^{-9}\ nC[/tex]


The maximum charge is 7.08 x 10^-8 C.


Area, A = 0.4 cm^2

K = 4

Electric field, E = 2 x 10^8 V/m

separation, d = 5 mm = 0.005 m

Let the capacitance is C and the charge is q.

[tex]q = CV\\\\q=\frac{\varepsilon o A}{d}\times E d\\\\q = \varepsilon o A E\\\\q = 8.85\times 10^{-12}\times0.4\times 10^{-4}\times 2\times 10^8\\\\q = 7.08\times 10^{-8}C[/tex]

1. A turtle and a rabbit are to have a race. The turtle’s average speed is 0.9 m/s. The rabbit’s average speed is 9 m/s. The distance from the starting line to the finish line is 1500 m. The rabbit decides to let the turtle run before he starts running to give the turtle a head start. If the rabbit started to run 30 minutes after the turtle started, can he win the race? Explain.



Explanation:because 0.9*(30*60)=0.9*1800=1620

The turtle has already won the race

Yes rabbit will win the race will distance in 3.2 hours and turtle will cover in 27 hours

What will be the speed of the rabbit and the turtle?

It is given

[tex]V_{t} = 0.9 \frac{m}{s}[/tex]

[tex]V_{r} = 9 \frac{m}{s}[/tex]

[tex]D=1500 m[/tex]

Time taken by turtle  

 [tex]T= \dfrac{D}{V_{t} }=\dfrac{1500}{0.9_{} }[/tex]

[tex]T=1666 minutes= 27 hours[/tex]

Time taken by  rabbit

[tex]T= \dfrac{D}{V_{r} }=\dfrac{1500}{9_{} }[/tex]

[tex]T=166 minutes[/tex]

since rabbit started 30 minutes after turtle then

[tex]T= 136+30=196 minutes[/tex]

[tex]T= 3.2 hours[/tex]

Hence Yes rabbit will win the race will distance in 3.2 hours and turtle will cover in 27 hours

To know more about average velocity follow


A 1030 kg car has four 12.0 kg wheels. When the car is moving, what fraction of the total kinetic energy of the car is due to rotation of the wheels about their axles



The required fraction is 0.023.


Given that

Mass of a car, m = 1030 kg

Mass of 4 wheels = 12 kg

We need to find the fraction of the total kinetic energy of the car is due to rotation of the wheels about their axles.

The rotational kinetic energy due to four wheel is

[tex]=4\times \dfrac{1}{2}I\omega^2\\\\=4\times \dfrac{1}{2}\times \dfrac{1}{2}mR^2(\dfrac{v}{R})^2\\\\=mv^2[/tex]

Linear kinetic Energy of the car is:

[tex]=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\=\dfrac{1}{2}\times Mv^2[/tex]


[tex]f=\dfrac{mv^2}{\dfrac{1}{2}Mv^2}\\\\f=\dfrac{m}{\dfrac{1}{2}M}\\\\f=\dfrac{12}{\dfrac{1}{2}\times 1030}\\\\=0.023[/tex]

So, the required fraction is 0.023.

Two identical cars, each traveling at 16 m>s, slam into a concrete wall and come to rest. In car A the air bag does not deploy and the driver hits the steering wheel; in car B the driver contacts the deployed air bag. (a) Is the impulse delivered by the steering wheel to driver A greater than, less than, or equal to the impulse delivered by the air bag to driver B



 I = - m 16  the two impulses are the same,


The impulse is given by the relationship

         I = Δp

         I = p_f - p₀

in this case the final velocity is zero therefore p_f = 0

        I = -p₀

For driver A the steering wheel impulse is

        I = - m v₀

        I = - m 16

For driver B, the airbag gives an impulse

        I = - m 16

We can see that the two impulses are the same, the difference is that in the air bag more time is used to give this impulse therefore the force on the driver is less

Nhiệt dung riêng của một chất là ?



enchantment table language


enchantment Language table

An infinite plane lies in the yz-plane and it has a uniform surface charge density.
The electric field at a distance x from the plane
a.) decreases as 1/x^2
b.) increases linearly with x
c.) is undertermined
d.) decreases linearly with x
e.) is constant and does not depend on x



So the correct answer is letter e)


The electric field of an infinite yz-plane with a uniform surface charge density  (σ) is given by:

[tex]E=\frac{\sigma }{2\epsilon_{0}}[/tex]

Where ε₀ is the electric permitivity.

As we see, this electric field does not depend on distance, so the correct answer is letter e)

I hope it helps you!

The mass is released from the top of the incline and slides down the incline. The maximum velocity (taken the instant before the mass reaches the bottom of the incline) is 1.06 m/s. What is the kinetic energy at that time



0.28 J


Let the mass of the object is 0.5 kg

The maximum velocity of the object is 1.06 m/s.

We need to find the kinetic energy at that time. It is given by :

[tex]K=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\=\dfrac{1}{2}\times 0.5\times (1.06)^2\\\\K=0.28\ J[/tex]

So, the required kinetic energy is equal to 0.28 J.

Place each description under the correct theory
Gravity is an attractive force.
Universal Law of Gravitation
General Theory of Relativity
Mass and distance affect force.
Time and space are absolute,
Time and space are relative.
Gravity is due to space-time curving.
Mass affects space-time curving.



1) Law of Universal Gravitation     Gravity is an attractive force

5) General relativity               Gravity is due to the curvature of spacetime


In this exercise you are asked to relate the correct theory and its explanation

Theory Explanation

1) Law of Universal Gravitation              Gravity is an attractive force

2) Law of universal gravitation              Mass and distance affect force

3) Classical mechanics                           time and space are absolute

4) Special relativity                                 Time and space are relative

5) General relativity                                Gravity is due to the curvature of


6) General relativity                                 Mass affects the curvature of space - time




During a particular thunderstorm, the electric potential difference between a cloud and the ground is Vcloud - Vground = 4.20 108 V, with the cloud being at the higher potential. What is the change in an electron's electric potential energy when the electron moves from the ground to the cloud?



The electric potential energy is 6.72 x 10^-11 J.


Potential difference, V = 4.2 x 10^8 V

charge of electron, q = - 1.6 x 10^-19 C

Let the potential energy is U.

U = q V

U = 1.6 x 10^-19 x 4.2 x 10^8

U = 6.72 x 10^-11 J

In a large chemical factory, a feed pipe carries a liquid at a speed of 5.5 m/s. A pump pushes the liquid along at a gauge pressure of 140,000 Pa. The liquid travels upward 6.0 m and enters a tank at a gauge pressure of 2,000 Pa. The diameter of the pipe remains constant. At what speed does the liquid enter the tank



v₂ = 15.24 m / s


This is an exercise in fluid mechanics

Let's write Bernoulli's equation, where the subscript 1 is for the factory pipe and the subscript 2 is for the tank.

          P₁ + ½ ρ v₁² + ρ g y₁ = P₂ + ½ ρ v₂² + ρ g y₂

They indicate the pressure in the factory P₁ = 140000 Pa, the velocity

v₁ = 5.5 m / s and the initial height is zero y₁ = 0

the tank is at a pressure of P2 = 2000 Pa and a height of y₂ = 6.0 m

          P₁ -P₂ + ρ g (y₁ -y₂) + ½ ρ v₁² = ½ ρ v₂²


let's calculate

         140,000 - 2000 + ρ 9.8 (0- 6) + ½ ρ 5.5² = ½ ρ v₂²

         138000 - ρ 58.8 + ρ 15.125 = ½ ρ v2²

         v₂² = 2 (138000 /ρ - 58.8 + 15.125)

         v₂ = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{276000}{\rho } - 43.675 }[/tex]

In the exercise they do not indicate what type of liquid is being used, suppose it is water with

           ρ = 1000 kg / m³

           v₂ = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{276000}{1000} - 43.675}[/tex]

           v₂ = 15.24 m / s

A 12.0 g sample of gas occupies 19.2 L at STP. what is the of moles and molecular weight of this gas?​


At STP, 1 mole of an ideal gas occupies a volume of about 22.4 L. So if n is the number of moles of this gas, then

n / (19.2 L) = (1 mole) / (22.4 L)   ==>   n = (19.2 L•mole) / (22.4 L) ≈ 0.857 mol

If the sample has a mass of 12.0 g, then its molecular weight is

(12.0 g) / n14.0 g/mol

Do all substances conduct heat ?Why/ Why not ?​



no, all substances doesnot conduct heat


No, all substances do not conduct heat easily because it depends on the nature of the substance. Some are good conductors of heat and some are bad. Therefore, it depends on their characteristics and their ability to conduct heat.

The bad conductors of heat are water, air, plastic, wood, etc.

Gold, Silver, Copper, Aluminium, Iron, etc. are good heat conductors as well as electrical conductors.

The elastic extensibility of a piece of string is .08. If the string is 100 cm long, how long will the string be when it is stretched to the point where it becomes plastic?



The elastic extensibility of a piece of string is .08. If the string is 100 cm long, how long will the string be when it is stretched to the point where it becomes plastic? is your ansewer dont take tension

The string will be 108 cm long when it is stretched to the point where it becomes plastic.

What is elasticity?

Elasticity in physics and materials science refers to a body's capacity to withstand a force that causes distortion and to recover its original dimensions once the force has been withdrawn.

When sufficient loads are applied, solid objects will deform; if the material is elastic, the object will return to its original size and shape after the weights have been removed. Unlike plasticity, which prevents this from happening and causes the item to stay deformed,

Given parameters:

The elastic extensibility of a piece of string is 0.08.

The string is 100 cm long.

Hence,  it becomes plastic, after  it is stretched up to = 100 × 0.08 cm = 8 cm.  The string will be 108 cm long.

Learn more about elasticity here:



Question 1 of 10
Which nucleus completes the following equation?
A. 228 Th
B. 2220
c. 23. Pu
D. 78Th



Option D. ²²²₉₀Th


Let the unknown be ⁿₘZ. Thus, the equation becomes:

²²⁶₉₂U —> ⁴₂He + ⁿₘZ

Next, we shall determine n, m and Z. This can be obtained as follow:

For n:

226 = 4 + n

Collect like terms

226 – 4 = n

222 = n

n = 222

For m:

92 = 2 + m

Collect like terms

92 – 2 = m

90 = m

m = 90

For Z:

ⁿₘZ => ²²²₉₀Z => ²²²₉₀Th

Therefore, the complete equation becomes:

²²⁶₉₂U —> ⁴₂He + ⁿₘZ

²²⁶₉₂U —> ⁴₂He + ²²²₉₀Th

Thus, the unknown is ²²²₉₀Th

A baseball pitcher brings his arm forward during a pitch, rotating the forearm about the elbow. If the velocity of the ball in the pitcher's hand is 34.0 m/s and the ball is 0.310 m from the elbow joint, what is the angular velocity (in rad/s) of the forearm



[tex]\omega=109.67\ rad/s[/tex]


Given that,

The speed of the ball, u = 34 m/s

The ball is 0.310 m from the elbow joint.

We need to find the angular velocity (in rad/s) of the forearm.

We know that,

[tex]v=r\omega\\\\\omega=\dfrac{v}{r}\\\\\omega=\dfrac{34}{0.31}\\\\\omega=109.67\ rad/s[/tex]

So, the required angular velocity of the forearm is 109.67 rad/s.

An object moves in a direction parallel to its length with a velocity that approaches the velocity of light. The length of this object, as measured by a stationary observer:________

a. approaches infinity.
b. approaches zero.
c. increases slightly.
d. does not change.



b. approaches zero.


The phenomenon is known as length contraction.

Length contraction is a result of Einstein's special theory of relativity. This theory states that an observer in an inertial frame of reference will observe a decrease in the length of any moving object placed at another inertial frame of reference.

let the length of the train = L

Let the length observed when the train is in motion = L₀

Apply Einstein's special theory of relativity;

[tex]L_0 = L \times \sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2}{c^2} } \\\\where;\\\\v \ is \ the \ velocity \ of \ the \ train\\\\c \ is \ the \ speed \ of \ light\\\\[/tex]

from the equation above, when v = 0, the length observed is equal to the initial length of the train. (L₀ = L)

As the velocity of the train (v) approaches the speed of light (c), the length of the train observed (L₀) becomes smaller than the initial length of the train (L).  (L₀ < L)

Eventually, when v equals c, we will have a square root of zero (0), and the length observed will become zero.  (L₀ = 0)

Thus, the length of this object, as measured by a stationary observer approaches zero

What is the approximate radius of an equipotential spherical surface of 30 V about a point charge of +15 nC if the potential at an infinite distance from the surface is zero?



V = k Q / R       potential at distance R for a charge Q

R = k Q / V

R = 9 * 10E9 * 15 * 10E-9 / 30 = 9 * 15 / 30 = 4.5 m

Note: Our equation says that if R if infinite then V must be zero.

A spinning wheel having a mass of 20 kg and a diameter of 0.5 m is positioned to rotate about its vertical axis with a constant angular acceleration, a of 6 rad/s If the initial angular velocity is 1.5 rad/s, determine The maximum angular velocity and linear velocity of the wheel after 1 complete revolution.



ωf = 8.8 rad/s

v = 2.2 m/s


We will use the third equation of motion to find the maximum angular velocity of the wheel:

[tex]2\alpha \theta = \omega_f^2 -\omega_I^2[/tex]


α = angular acceleration = 6 rad/s²

θ = angular displacemnt = 1 rev = 2π rad

ωf = max. final angular velocity = ?

ωi = initial angular velocity = 1.5 rad/s


[tex]2(6\ rad/s^2)(2\pi\ rad)=\omega_f^2-(1.5\ rad/s)^2\\\omega_f^2=75.4\ rad/s^2+2.25\ rad/s^2\\\omega_f = \sqrt{77.65\ rad/s^2}[/tex]

ωf = 8.8 rad/s

Now, for linear velocity:

v = rω = (0.25 m)(8.8 rad/s)

v = 2.2 m/s

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1) 18,27 9,756 =2) 6 2,407 =3) 18 5,432 =4) 10 7,602 =5) 13,013 12,5 =6) 972,5 247,451 =7) 83,12 90,2 + 12,3 =8) 46,75 60,13 + 32,50 =9) 254,0187 29,34682 =10)1.015,568 123,712 =no entiendo me ayudan A sample taken from a layer of mica In a canyon has 2.10 grams of potassium-40. A test reveals it to be 2.6 billion years old. How much potassium-40 was in the sample originally if the half-life of potassium-40 is 1.3 billion years? A. 4.20 g B. 8.40 g C. 12.6 g D. 16.8 g the E. 25.2 g la cajera de un banco ha recibido 25460 en monedas de 20 centmetros,cuntas monedas ha recibido la cajera? why did economic reform lead to social unrest in china A boardwalk game of chance costs 2 dollars to play. You have a 20% chance of winning 1 dollar, a 25% chance of winning back your entire 2 dollars, and a 35% chance to win 5 dollars. What is the expected value of playing the game if you lose your bet 20% of the time? if -2 is a zero the polynomial 3x^2+2x+k, find the value of k Find the circumference and area of a circle with a diameter of 12 cm. (Use the approximation of 3.14 for ) how nucleic acids and proteins work together to provide instructions for the structures and functions of an organism. Q: How was the Union ableto achieve victory in theCivil War? Find the size of the angles marked by letters in the following diagram. Plan production for the next year. The demand forecast is: spring, 20,600; summer, 9,400; fall, 15,400; winter, 18,400. At the beginning of spring, you have 69 workers and 1,030 units in inventory. The union contract specifies that you may lay off workers only once a year, at the beginning of summer. Also, you may hire new workers only at the end of summer to begin regular work in the fall. The number of workers laid off at the beginning of summer and the number hired at the end of summer should result in planned production levels for summer and fall that equal the demand forecasts for summer and fall, respectively. If demand exceeds supply, use overtime in spring only, which means that backorders could occur in winter. You are given these costs: hiring, $130 per new worker; layoff, $260 per worker laid off; holding, $21 per unit-quarter; backorder cost, $9 per unit; regular time labor, $11 per hour; overtime, $17 per hour. Productivity is 0.5 unit per worker hour, eight hours per day, 50 days per quarter.Find the total cost of this plan. Note: Hiring expense occurs at beginning of Fall. (Leave no cells blank - be certain to enter "O" wherever required.) Fall 15,400 Winter 18,400 15,400 30,800 77 18,400 36,800 77 Spring Summer Forecast 20,600 9,400 Beginning inventory I 1,030 Production required 9,400 Production hours required 39,140 18,800 Regular workforce 69 47 Regular production Overtime hours Overtime production Total production Ending inventory Ending backorders Workers hired Workers laid off Spring Summer Fall Winter Straight time Overtime Inventory Backorder Hiring Layoff Total Total cost Anyone good at Ks3 math? A motorist travels 90 miles at a rate of 20 miles per hour. If he returns the same distance at a rate of 40 miles per hour, what is the average speed for the entire trip, in miles per hour? during times of personal crisis we may feel the need to engage the services of a therapist to help us with out problemsfact or opinion and why With crews working shifts that span 24 hours a day, what is the most important thing for Satya to keep in mind as she prepares her live talk that will be replayed to employees on other shifts Which quote from the passage best illustrates the theme of trusting oneself?"Is it what I should do?I don't want to know. I want to watch it all unfold. "Let me think about this, she said. Can I be by myself for a while?""Speak aloud to me when you want to talk. I'll come to you. Choose the word which best completes the sentence. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the _____ painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. A. kiva B. MotifC. MuralD. None of the above Anyone have the answers to the full test I'd really appreciate it 2. Write the numeral for four thousand and twelve Ribosomes offer strong support for the common ancestry of all living things. In particular, our textbook shows information that supports common ancestry for Bacteria and Eukaryotes. Which statement most accurately characterizes this support Let t4 and u = 6 + 2i. Find t * u