A man invested ksh. 36000 in two companies P and Q . Company P pays a dividend of 11.25% while Q pays a dividend of 10.5%. Is from his total investment, he obtained a return of 10.75%,how much did he invest in each company?​


Answer 1


Investment in company P = 12,000

Investment in company Q = 24,000

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,

Total investment = 36,000

Dividend paid by company P = 11.25%

Dividend paid by company Q = 10.5%

Total return = 10.75%

Now, let investment made in company P be 'a' and company 'Q' be 'b.' So,


a + b = 36,000  ...(i)

11.25% of a + 10.5% of b = 10.75% of 36000  ...(ii)

On simplification,

a + b = 36,000

11.25% of a + 10.5% of b = 3870


11.25% of a + 10.5% of (36000 - a) = 3870

⇒ 0.1125 * a + 0.105 * (36000 - a) = 3870

⇒ 0.1125 a + 3780 - 0.105a = 3870

⇒ 0.1125a - 0.105 a - 3870 - 3780

⇒ 0.0075 a = 90

⇒ a = 90/0.0075

∵ a = 12000

Since, a = P = 12,000

Q = b = (36000 - a)

= 36000 - 12000

= 24,000


Investment in company P = 12,000

Investment in company Q = 24,000

Answer 2


Amount invested in P = 12,000

Amount invested in Q = 24,000

Step-by-step explanation:


Amount invested = 36,000 in two companies P and Q

P pays dividend = 11.25%

Q pays dividend = 10.5%

Total return = 10.75%


Amount invested in each company


Total return = 36,000 x 10.75

Total return = 3870


Amount invested in P = a


Return in P = a x 11.25%

Return in P = 0.1125a

Return in Q = [36000 - a]10.5%

Return in Q = 3,780 - 0.105a

Total return = Return in P + Return in Q

3,870 = 0.1125a + 3,780 - 0.105a

90 = 0.0075a

a = 12,000

Amount invested in P = 12,000

Amount invested in Q = 36,000 - 12,000

Amount invested in Q = 24,000

Related Questions

Line CD passes through points C(3, 5) and D(6, 0). What is the equation of the line CD in standard form?



the answer is 5x - 3y = 30!!

Derek had a bill of $29 last month on he Call-a-Lot Plan. How many minutes did he use?


it depends on how much it costed per minute if it was a dollar a minute then it would be 29 minutes

Matt is making cookies. He adds 3 over 4 cup of sugar to a bowl. He then removes two 1 over 8 cups of sugar. Which of the following best explains the amount of sugar left in the bowl?



3/4 is equal to 6/8 2 1/8s is equal to 2/8


Step-by-step explanation:

Hi Arianna!

3 over 4 cups of sugar = 3/4

Two one over eight cups of sugar = 2 1/8

Basically we’re trying to find out the amount of sugar left in the bowl.

Matt adds 3/4 cup of sugar

Then removes 2 1/8 cups of sugar

Work out the area of the shape:



24 cm

Step-by-step explanation:



24 cm

Find the value x ……….


Answer: 6 because it more than thd base and less than the other triangles leg

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]x^2 = y^2 + 25[/tex]

[tex]\frac{y}{11} = \frac{5}{y}[/tex]  

[tex]y^2 = 55[/tex]

[tex]x^2 = 80\\x = \sqrt{80} \\x= 4\sqrt{5}[/tex]

Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points) (01.01 MC) Which number line best show how to solve -4 - (-8)?​


The answer to your question is A



Step-by-step explanation:

-4 - (-8) Note: a negative negative equals a positive. There for it is just the same as saying -4 + 8

1) Se o 5o e o 9-o termos de uma PA são, respectivamente, 40 e 68, então a razão r da progressão é: a) r = 6 b) r = 7 c) r = 9 d) r = 11 e) r = 12 2) Inserindo-se 6 números entre 72 e 107, de modo que a sequência (72, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 ,107) seja uma progressão aritmética, tem-se a3 igual a: a) 78 b) 79 c) 80 d) 81 e) 82



1) b) r = 7

2) e) 82

Step-by-step explanation:

Progressão aritmética:

Em uma progressão aritmética, a diferença entre termos consecutivos é sempre a mesma, chamada de razão.

O n-ésimo termo de uma PA é dado por, tomando o primeiro termo como referência:

[tex]a_n = a_1 + (n-1)r[/tex]

Tomando o m-ésimo termo como referência, tem-se que:

[tex]a_n = a_m + (n-m)r[/tex]

1) Se o 5o e o 9-o termos de uma PA são, respectivamente, 40 e 68, então a razão r da progressão é:

[tex]a_5 = 40, a_9 = 68[/tex]. Então:

[tex]a_n = a_m + (n-m)r[/tex]

[tex]68 = 40 + 4r[/tex]

[tex]4r = 28[/tex]

[tex]r = \frac{28}{4} = 7[/tex]

Então a resposta correta é dada pela alternativa b.

2) Inserindo-se 6 números entre 72 e 107, de modo que a sequência (72, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 ,107) seja uma progressão aritmética, tem-se a3 igual a:

O primeiro termo é [tex]a_1 = 72[/tex] e o oitavo termo é [tex]a_8 = 107[/tex]. Com isso, é possível encontrar a razão.

[tex]a_n = a_1 + (n-1)r[/tex]

[tex]107 = 72 + 7r[/tex]

[tex]7r = 35[/tex]

[tex]r = \frac{35}{7} = 5[/tex]

Então, o terceiro termo é:

[tex]a_3 = a_1 + 2r = 72 + 2(5) = 82[/tex]

Logo, a resposta correta é dada pela alternativa e.

Please help
I am giving all my points for this (15 points)
Select all input values for which g(x)=8.
Choose all answers that apply:
(Choice A)
(Choice B)
(Choice C)
(Choice D)
None of the above



D. none of the above

Step-by-step explanation:

If g(x)=8 is the only equation, then none of the answers are correct. The correct answer would have been 8 because 8=8.

A stationer buys a gel pen Rs 20 and sells it at 20% profit.For what price should he buy it so that he can make 25% profit by selling for the same selling price.



Current selling price = Rs 20 × 120 %

= Rs 24

Cost price should be [100 ÷ 125 ] × 24

= Rs 19.20

If a zero is
, then the graph of its function only touches the x–axis at that zero.



Step-by-step explanation:

Yes. The zeroes of a graph are the values of x where the graph touches (or crosses) the x-axis.

A student buys 5-cent, 10-cent, and 15-cent stamps, with a total value of $6.70. If the
number of 5-cent stamps is 2 more than the number of 10-cent stamps, while the
number of 15-cent stamps is 5 more than one half the number of 10-cent stamps, how
many 15-cent stamps did the student obtain?


The value of the 10 cent stamps is, as you said, , the value of the 5 cent stamps is and the value of the 15 cent stamps is 15(0.5n + 5). These three values add up to the total value of the stamps, namely $6.70.

10n + 5(n+2) + 15 (1/2n + 5) = 6.70

10n +5n + 10 + 15/2n + 75 =670

10n + 5n + 15/2n =585

20n + 10n + 15n = 1170

45n = 1170


What is the rate of change of the function shown on the graph? Round to the nearest tenth.


The answer is (B) which is 2.5

3(5-4)+2(5)-5 squared


the answer should be -12 if I did the math right.

Step-by-step explanation:

3*1+10-5^2(we subtract 5 from 4 first because it was inside bracket)

3+10-25(Square of 5 is 25)

-12(subtracting the above equation 12 comes)

Can someone help me with this math homework please!




Step-by-step explanation:


x1 = 0

x2 = 1

y1 = 50

y2 = 44

Formula : -

Slope = ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 )


= ( 44 - 50 ) / ( 1 - 0 )

= - 6 / 1

= - 6

- 6 is a negative number.

So, the slope is negative.

Help pls appreciate it pls


Answer: D.

Step-by-step explanation:

If we know that 1 side equal along with 1 angle is equal to the other triangles angle and side. Than only one answer really stands out (at least to me) if that makes any sense

Hope this helps


ASAP please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee







Find the measure of one exterior angle for the following regular polygon


72, all exterior angles of a regular polygon add up to 360, there are five exterior angles so you would do 360÷5 which is 72

Can you answer this math homework? Please!




Step-by-step explanation:


They are both correct

Step-by-step explanation:

They started isolating different variables but essentially they have found the same answers just with different isolated variables, thus their answers look different, but in reality, are the exact same.

We can test by plugging 5 in for x, and 15 in for y.





Equations are equal.

The midpoint of AB is M(1,1). If the coordinates of A are (3, 3), what are the coordinates of B?​



The answer in (-1,-1) because it goes down by x-2 and y-2

9. Choose the equation that represents the graph below:



y= -4/3 x + 4

Step-by-step explanation:

i guess

Write an equation of the line that passes through the point (6, -9) with the given slope m = 3.



y = 3x - 27

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

Here m = 3 , then

y = 3x + c ← is the partial equation

To find c substitute (6, - 9) into the partial equation

- 9 = 18 + c ⇒ c = - 9 - 18 = - 27

y = 3x - 27 ← equation of line

Answer Y=3x - 27 step by step

which expression is equivalent to (4 square root 5 to the power of 3) to the power of 1/2?


the answer is on the photo




A=35 degrees, B=55 degrees, C=110 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

The 35 degree given angle is vertical angles with A, so they are congruent

The sum of angles in a triangle is 180, and we already have 2 angles (35 and 90) so subtract those and you get 55

angle c and the other given angle (70 degrees) are supplementary so subract 70 from 180

How much less is 17km than 24.6km?​


24.6-17= 7.6 (km) i think so



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]24.6km - 17km \\ = 7.4km[/tex]

hope this helps you.

Patricia has $34,000 to invest. She invests some at 17% and the balance at 20%. Her total annual interest income is $6245. Find the amount invested at each rate



she invest $18,500 at the 17% rate and $15,500 at the 20% rate.

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose that you invest some quantity A to an invest rate of x%

At the end, the amount you will have is given by:

Amount = A + A*(x%/100%)


A*(x%/100%)  is the interest income

So, here she initially has $34,000

And she invest some quantity X to a 17% and a quantity Y to 20%

Then we have:

X + Y = $34,000

And we know that her total anual income is $6245

X*(17%/100%) + Y*(20%/100%) =  $6245

Then we have a system of two equations:

X + Y = $34,000

X*(17%/100%) + Y*(20%/100%) =  $6245

First we can rewrite the second one to a more simpler form:

X*(0.17) + Y*(0.20) =  $6245

Now we can isolate one of the variables in the first equation to get:

X = $34,000 - Y

Now we can replace that in the other equation to get:

( $34,000 - Y)*0.17 + Y*0.20 = $6245

Now we can solve this for Y:

$34,000*0.17 + Y*(0.20 - 0.17) = $6245

$5,780+ Y*0.03 =  $6245

Y*0.03 = $6245 - $5,780 = $465

Y = $465/0.03 = $15,500

And X = $34,000 - Y = $34,000 - $15,500 = $18,500

So she invest $18,500 at the 17% rate and $15,500 at the 20% rate.

Mr. Serpe started with $200. He has a hole in his pocket and he lost $2 every day for a week. He then found $150. How much money does he have?




Step-by-step explanation:

2x7=14, so 200-14=186, then 186+150=336

please help. i need this done today



herlojffhgdxvjdxhyeb olis the tim view on the euros 2020 final

Solve for the triangle: ABC
A: 90 degrees
B: 6 feet
C: 10 feet


I would say A degrees, bc it’s an angle, but I would need more information

What is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to the line: -4x + 6y = -1 ?

A. -3/2
B. -2/3
C. 1/4
D. 3/2


Your answer should be 2/3

Complete the equations below. 1.86 \div 2 =1.86÷2=1, point, 86, divided by, 2, equals \text{ hundredths}\div 2 hundredths÷2start text, space, h, u, n, d, r, e, d, t, h, s, end text, divided by, 2 1.86 \div 2 =1.86÷2=1, point, 86, divided by, 2, equals \text{ hundredths} hundredths start text, space, h, u, n, d, r, e, d, t, h, s, end text 1.86 \div 2 =1.86÷2=1, point, 86, divided by, 2, equals



[tex]1.86 \div 2 = 0.93[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The correct form of the question is:

Complete the equations below.

[tex]1.86 \div 2 =[/tex]



Start from left to right

[tex]1 \div 2 = ??[/tex] --- this will give a fraction.

So, we append the next digit

[tex]1.8 \div 2 = 0.9[/tex]


[tex]0.06 \div 2 = 0.03[/tex]

Bring the results together:

[tex]1.86 \div 2 = 0.9+ 0.03[/tex]

[tex]1.86 \div 2 = 0.93[/tex]

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