A mother brings her 15-month-old daughter to your office for evaluation of a rash and fever. She says the rash started one day and the fever developed the next day. Her daughter has had all of her vaccinations up to 10 months. The mother sheepishly admits that she hasn't had time to bring her daughter in since her 10-month check-up. On examination you see a mildly sick- appearing toddler with a 102-degree temperature. Looking at her skin you see at least 100 of a variety of papules, vesicles, and ulcers in different stages of development.
What illness prevented by proper vaccination does this toddler have?
A) Varicella (chickenpox)
B) Measles
C) Smallpox


Answer 1

Answer: Varicella (chickenpox)


The illness prevented by proper vaccination that the toddler has is Varicella (chickenpox).

Varicella is a very contagious viral infection which causes itchy, rashes on the skin. Other symptoms include headache, fever, tiredness, loss of appetite etc.

It can be spread when the person coughs or sneezes, through kissing, skin-to-skin contact, during pregnancy etc.

Related Questions



Wake up early and run, cook a nutritious meal, meditate and journal, study, read a book before bed

Alcohol can impair a peron's judgement increasing risk of injury , STD unplanned pregnancy , violence and or illegal activity. True or false?


Answer:I would say this is VERY TRUE

for example, i grew up with an alcoholic family member. she has a lot of self harm and was homocidle


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Evidence demonstrates that as a person consumes more alcohol on a single occasion, their abilities and inhibitions deteriorate while hazardous behavior rises, increasing the likelihood of harm during or shortly after the event.

Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlinieast.

What are some ways teenagers could have made better decisions around substance use?


Avoiding parties. Making friends with the right people. Not using substance around friends.


Teenagers are easily influenced socially. Avoiding parties where there tends an illegal substance is a good tip. Not making friends with people who do substance as eventually they will influence to join. Not using substance around is a good tip as people tend to make worse decision as a group than alone.

Where should charts with food code 3-401 be displayed


The charts with the food code 3-401 should be placed where customers can see them to create awareness and make them to understand the level of what is expected from a food outlet. This would convince them that the food is prepared under healthy conditions.

3 disadvantages a of engaging in sexual activities outside of marriage answer​


Answer: 1 there is men out there who are not ready and will leave the women if she gets pregnet

2 some people only have s

ex for fun and leave the other person witch can cause deppresion for other people

3 the child could be aborted even if it was not there fault

1. an unwanted pregnancy

2. the person should have the baby and the father would not be in its life

3. the relationship will be more likely to be unstable

What role does the health inspector play in preventing food borne illness


Answer and Explanation:

Health Inspectors help keep the public safe by inspecting a variety of locations for health and safety hazards. They may also be called environmental health specialists or occupation health specialists. Health Inspectors investigate and monitor potential health hazards to keep the public safe.

Which of the following is a true statement about the effects of STI‘s Is true


What are these statements?

15. What is the chemical name of common salt?
i. sodium chloride ii sodium carbonate
iii. sodium hydroxide iv, sodium bicarbonate​


Salt is sodium chloride (I think)


The correct answer is sodium chloride.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlineast.

2. What is one example of a medicine that helps manage a chronic condition?
a. the antitoxin for preventing tetanus
b. the antibiotic penicillin
c. a flu vaccine
d. an asthma inhaler





I dunno just my guess

Think for a moment about driving down the street alone in your car when all of sudden you see a car flipped over in the middle of the street, the car is leaking some sort of fluid, you can’t tell what it is yet but it doesn’t look good and the driver is alone and not moving. What would you do?


I would first call 911 pull over I would not park near the car in case it explodes and try to yell out and talk to the person to see if they are awake/alive

Question 5 (1 point) If a fire occurs, what is the first step a person should take? O Activate the fire alarms. Rescue anyone in immediate danger. Confine the fire. Extinguish the fire.​


Answer: Im assuming activate the fire alarms


Rescue anyone in immediate danger.


i just did the quiz !!

Can a baby come out the whom in more than 9 months? Explain how you know.





mah Opinion says Yes because it Is natural and it happens to many people

yes, a baby has to take it’s time on coming out of the belly in that case, sometimes babies aren’t really secure or ready to come out. Many Women go through this and the baby can sometimes come out in a couple weeks early than doctors plan.

"Person with health education also becomes conscious towards
the problem of population growth and environmental degradation."justify ​



so someone with health education may learn about some positive and harmful effects about certain foods, habits, practices and way of life that affects us.

for example there are some things in fast food that are not healthy to eat, and with population growth the next generation may also eat fast food which is not healthy which may affect a great number of people for the next generations to come.

environmental degradation

something that negatively affects the environment,

such as over harvesting/consumption of something and it doesnt have enough time to grow back or replenish;

example, salmon that is only found in the south river of china is over fished and now has gone extinct, the local people and animals are now affected, because the animals in the area relied on the fish to survive.

pollution; affecting the air, water, food and can also cause health problems for the inhabitants(species living there) of the habitat(environment/area)

deforestation; cutting down forest area to build homes may cause animals losing their habitat, forcing migration(moving to find a new home) and may cause extinction (population dies, none left)

so a person with health education becomes conscious towards the problems of population grown and environmental degradation because

with challenges of the GROWTH OF THE POPULATION is there enough food supply for everyone to be HEALTHY. if there is not enough food supply for everyone, especially if it is being consumed faster than it is being produced

( eating more than it grows, 10 carrots grow a year, 10 carrots are eaten on the first day and there are no more carrots to eat)

that means the ENVIRONMENT is being negatively affected which include everything in the environment, water, plants, sea-animals, humans and land-animals.

if the population keeps growing there has to be enough food for everyone to be healthy

that is why they would be concious

i hope that helps tell me if you need more help

what are some reasons on why you can be addicted to adrenaline ?


all of the reasons someone does drive. so like bad emotional state and stuff

True or False

- True or False: Athletes often need more calories than their peers—possibly 2,000 to 5,000 calories per day.





I the took test good luck
Look through the answer sheet question 9 has your answer which is T! Mark me the brainiest!

-Cito 7 Protocolo en deportes Individuales: Cito 5 Protocolo en el entrenamiento de Futbol : 5 Protocolo dúrate los encuentros deportivo en el Futbol


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó especificar el país o el lugar al que te refieres. Si no lo específicas, ¿cómo sabemos a que lugar en concreto te refieres?

Sin embargo, tratando de ayudarte con algo, podemos comentarte lo siguiente, basándonos en las consideraciones generales recomendadas por los sistemas públicos de salud.

Protocolo en deportes Individuales.

Las recomendaciones generales en este momento de pandemia para la realización de ejercicios individuales, digamos, en un gimnasio, son los siguientes. Primero, debes usar un cubrebocas como medida de prevención. Luego, al entrar, tomarte la temperatura. Después, colocarte gel antibacterial. Una vez dentro del gimnasio, debes ser cuidadoso de respetar la sana distancia indicada por cada lugar, y finalmente, debes limpiar los aparatos después de usarlos.

Protocolo en el entrenamiento de Futbol.

Además de las medidas generales anteriormente señaladas, durante el entrenamiento de futbol debes ser cuidadoso de no arrojar saliva que le pueda caer a otro compañero. No debes escupir. Debes tener cuidado de evitar en lo posible el contacto directo con otro jugador. Si tienes una herida como un raspón o te sale sangre, debes salir del campo de inmediato e ir a la enfermería para que te atienda el médico. No se pueden usar los vestidores ni las regaderas, para evitar aglomeraciones en espacios cerrados.

Protocolo dúrate los encuentros deportivo en el Futbol.

Además de las medidas generales mencionadas en el punto número uno, se recomienda no sentarse juntos, como tradicionalmente se hace. En tiempos de pandemia, se recomienda dejar un espacio o asiento entre persona y persona.

Recuerda que aunque sean tiempos de pandemia, es muy importante que sigas haciendo ejercicio. Ya sea al aire libre o en interiores. Sólo ten cuidado y aliméntate bien.

health problems in the ny manhattan community





Hypertension New Indicator.

New HIV Diagnoses.

New Hepatitis C Reports New Indicator.

Binge Drinking New Indicator.

Psychiatric Hospitalizations.

Infant Mortality.

que opinas sobre la preveccion de infecciones de trensmisiòn sexual en los jovenes ?



Una enfermedad venérea o de transmisión se.xual es una enfermedad infecciosa que generalmente solo se puede contraer si uno entra en contacto con alguien que ya tiene la enfermedad venérea. A diferencia de otras enfermedades infecciosas, que pueden transmitirse, por ejemplo, a través de los estornudos, las ETS generalmente se transmiten a través del contacto se.xual.

Las enfermedades venéreas pueden ser causadas por organismos muy diferentes: espiroquetas, cocos, bacilos o virus. Por ejemplo, el patógeno de una ITS puede ubicarse en el moco de la vagina, o en el semen o detrás del prepucio. Cuando se hace contacto con una pareja, el patógeno se puede transmitir. Esto a veces requiere una herida en el lado del receptor, pero no siempre es así. Muchas enfermedades venéreas también pueden transmitirse de otras formas, por ejemplo, mediante el uso de drogas por vía intravenosa, el contacto íntimo pero no se.xual o mediante transfusiones de sangre.  

La fidelidad mutua entre parejas que no están infectadas con una ETS es una forma de evitar la transmisión y propagación de enfermedades de transmisión se.xual. Los métodos para reducir en gran medida la posibilidad de transmitir ETS son usar un condón en cada contacto en el que el pene juega un papel. Sin embargo, estos métodos no garantizan que no se transmitirá una ITS. La única forma realmente segura es no tener relaciones se.xuales con un portador de una ETS y, por lo tanto, no tener contacto se.xual si uno es portador de una ETS.

Can someone help with this essay please



first aid is promptly helping people who are suddenly sick (illnesses) or hurt (injuries or body damage). For example, first aid is used at accidents to help an injured person until they receive medical treatment (help by doctors, nurses or ambulances). First aid is also used to help people who suddenly become sick, until help arrives or they can be taken to medical care.  

A person does not need much equipment to give first aid. A package of things useful to give first aid is called a first aid kit. Lives can be saved even without a first aid kit. What is required is basic knowledge. First aid can be done just about anywhere that an emergency requires. In places far from hospitals, first aid may be the only help possible until the person can be taken to a hospital or clinic.  

Emergency medical dispatchers are trained in first aid, so that if there is an emergency, they can give the caller some information on what to do until the ambulance arrives. This can include the "C-A-B" listed below.


is chewing on ice really bad for you ??



Yes, chewing ice is bad for you.


Chewing ice can hurt your enamel, your enamel is something that prevents you from having cavities, and damaging your enamel can make having cavities easier.

In 4-5 sentences reflect on what P.A.P.A. is and why it is important for you to learn this information



The correct answer is - Parenting and Paternity Awareness or P.A.P.A.


P.A.P.A is called Parenting and Paternity Awareness. It is an educational curriculum that is based on evidence. It is the curriculum designed for young adults.

It helps them to understand what are the benefits of waiting to become a parent until having a stable life and able to support child and families. This curriculum gives pros and cons in detail if one becomes a parent without completing education or without a stable carrer.

Before dating a young person should consider their morals,____, beliefs, what is health, what is safe and right for them personally





Health is the physical fitness, safe is the protection from harmful disease and rights are those things which is good for them. Every person want a person who are physically fit, safe from harmful diseases such as heart disease, cancer etc. If the person having these qualities then the people will choose to marry that person otherwise not. These qualities are necessary for the healthy relationship between couples.

How does a person's body help you determine emotions?
A. Posture
B. Gestures
C. Both



Both posture and gesture help determine emotions

C. Both. Posture and Gestures in a person can help one determine emotions.

if I have 5 bananas and 2 bananas got spoiled.how many bananas do I have now?​






you have 5 bananas, but 2 are spoiled...


I need help with answering



Squats, Toe touches, and Circling arms while they are pointed out.

Health benefits could be better moral, and they are better ready to work out.

Which action is NOT part of a team’s use of strategy?
a. All players understand and commit to the team’s strategy.
b. The team’s strategy may change as a game or match progresses.
c. Each of the team’s players develops a strategy, based on individual strengths and weaknesses.


i think it’s A because it’s not just about individual players it’s about the team


Which of the following statements best summarises the process of cultural sharing?

A. Cultures have changed over time as different groups have passed their values to other groups while at the same time adopting practices of other groups

B. Culture is best defined as the values of a group of people that do not change over time and are not shared with others

C. Cultures only change by force when one group imposes its values and ideas on others

D. By the beginning of the 21st century, cultures had become indistinguishable due to cultural sharing.​



lmk if this helped :)


A is the right answer I get correct answer





Graduated cylinder and the equipment is unknown.


The Graduated cylinder and the other instrument is used to measure the volume of urine as well as to find out the ingredients or materials that is present in the composition of urine. Turbidity, pH and density are the physical characteristics that can also be find out with these two instruments so we can conclude that there are many physical properties were find out with these two instruments.

Please help me with this.



Explanation: The repeating subunits of nucleic acids are known as Nucleotides

Why is it bad for young kids to drink Alcohol?



Their brains are not fully devolped yet so they cant handle the alcohol yet thats why we wait till we're 21



the Brian is not fully developed to kids drink alcohol

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